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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting, thanks Tony - I can't recall it being used over here; though it doesn't tell us where the word came from (it's an interesting word is all......)


Best, Pete.


I suspect it is just a definition made up by a meterologist and all the other meterologists thought what a good idea, okta sounds like something to do with eights/eighths.




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Guest Max Stafford

An educated guess suggests to me that it's derived from Greek for the number eight.


Full Okta coverage here today with a westerly air-flow. Little sign of the temperature rising above freezing yet though.

Right now, what am I going to do since I'm off now for a little while...? :)



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  • RMweb Premium

She's badly broken her femur and completely smashed her knee cap. It's going to take some months to recover and most of that will be spent on crutches, so watch yourselves, it's a big dangerous world out there...;)

Indeed, Gordon I know, I know. By the time I get back to work, I'll have been off for just about six months, and I am now told that this is good for the type of fracture that I had, per my GP. I've been put back for a return to work, as I am not building up the muscles as well as I should be, and have been told to exercise more - but as the pavements are still very treacherous, I am still wary of trying to put crutch to ice.


Still cold, though we are expecting a bit of respite over the next couple of days, but it looks like a "double dip" freeze, as the forecast is for more of the same next week. Down in Cheshire, they got rain, falling onto frozen roads, and it appears to have closed a lot of major routes. Seems to indicate that the air temperature is up, even if the ground temperature isn't


Got to turn out this afternoon anyway, as I have to visit the dentist, and could do with a haircut, so hopefully we won't get what Cheshire got this morning. Also took stock of the log situation, as the woodburner is going good guns, and see that I've used over half of the load that we had delivered, and now need to get some moe, and my supplier can't help as he's got none left that are seasoned. I had to find another, and guess what - much dearer and only kiln dried (even dearer) available, and even he can't deliver until Wednesday next!


Mick glad to hear that you're toasty warm again - nothing worse than sitting round an electric heater and worrying about the cost. Mrs 45156 has a colleague whose dad won't instal that newfangled central heating, and she was saying that they rely on electric heating when it's cold - well it takes all sorts.


Oh yes, and Oktas, according to my flying instructor in a previous life this was from the Greek for eight - eight oktas is full cover, (as was octal in the nomenclature of thermionic valves - octals were vlaves with eight pins).


Regards to All


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Oktas, confirmed - as a range controller I used to do weather obs, and it refers to sky divided into eighths and an estimate of the cloud coverage in each eigth. - it is surprising how accurate you can get to be. It is normally given for 3 heights eg 1 okta at 1200 ft, 5 oktas at 2000 ft and 8 oktas at 2800 feet - the last taken from a hill or mountain that you know the height of is 3026 feet and you can't quite see the top. - the word does, indeed come from the Greek You can also get quite good at estimating the wind speed at various levels depending how fast the clouds are moving - there can be quite a difference between the windspeed and direction at ground level and at 2000 feet for example

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Welcome back Graham!

Hope you enjoyed Brockenhurst. We have only one small pile of snow left on our garden but it is still quite cold here. It's meant to be warming up tomorrow but we'll see what happens!



Hello Jam!


Brockenhurst was very enjoyable! You've nice a fantastic job on Calshot too, at Fareham John made mention of Calshot 2 too??? I hope it warms up a little! It's positively horrendous when I get outside the front door at 6:15 am!


I trust that everyone else is well? Chin up folks, tomorrow's Friday!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Jam!


Brockenhurst was very enjoyable! You've nice a fantastic job on Calshot too, at Fareham John made mention of Calshot 2 too??? I hope it warms up a little! It's positively horrendous when I get outside the front door at 6:15 am!


I trust that everyone else is well? Chin up folks, tomorrow's Friday!


Hello Graham

Calshot 2 is the Calshot you saw at Brockenhurst - confusing stuff I know!

Basically the layout has been completely rebuilt and thus the current one is version 2. John did pretty much all of the wiring for me, teaching me the tricks of the trade as he went along.

This morning it was -5 degrees which is probably tropical compared to Scotland! I am still cycling back from college which was surprisingly 'warm' as the sun was out. I have not cycled in to college for ages - I'm not yet that mad laugh.gif


Driving test is only a week away - I just hope the weather holds up!

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  • RMweb Gold

I've only seen a few cyclists about, and they are having to use the road as the pavements are far too dangerous. I went to have my haircut on Tuesday and only had to walk a few hundred yards and it was the nearest I'm getting to an extreme sport. As it was the cemetery I had to walk past I couldn't really expect the residents to clear the ice and snow.


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  • RMweb Gold

A bit of a thaw today but it's frozen over now. It is lierally a sheet of ice out there. Shame I don't have a set of curling stones.


Good luck with the driving test Jam.

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  • RMweb Gold

I haven't got any curling stones and I broke my big broom so there goes my chance in the next winter Olympics! It did get warm enough for the ice warning symbol to go out on my car for a few minutes today. There was a slight thaw on the other side of the road but I think the big pile of ice and snow on the front lawn will be there for a long time.



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  • RMweb Gold

Just heard a great crash from outside but it turned out to be a fox that was making a lot of noise getting over the fence. This looked like a very healthy animal. The foxes that live over the road in the school grounds look very mangy.



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Guest Max Stafford

I remember the Clyde being frozen over like that in 1979. I've seen a photo taken not far downstream from that spot in 1945 with the river frozen solid!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I must have been more tired than I thought, seeing how long I slept for a change! I think one of the things to be done today will be baking a couple of cookies.


Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, perishing cold here.


A story of modern day H&S Britain. Some time ago a company I am forcibly involved with bought some equipment at quite considerable cost. After purchase they found out that under current legislation employees weren't allowed to use said equipment without very expensive training courses and certification, which it was decided couldn't be justified given the perceived light use equipment would get. Said equipment, still shrinkwrapped, was then consigned to the (metaphorical) skip (it has to be disposed of properly)after a few years of store. Madness.



It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good......

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Good Morning All!


Good luck in your driving test and you've done a brill job with Calshot Jam!


Mike - that's an amazing sight! I *never* ever thought I'd see the Clyde Frozen!


Morning everyone else! Things down here seem to be a little warmer today, potentially only becasue the wind appears to have dropped! Pavements in the locality here are still lethal to walk on though, so I had an entertaining time getting in to work this morning!


Still, only half a day to go....

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Morning all. If you look closely enough at that photo of the Clyde, you might just spot a Class 57 Thunderbird departing Glasgow Central light engine. Unfortunately I couldn't tell which of the 57s it was from that distance, but it's the first time I've seen one.


Drove back from Glasgow on the (thankfully mostly thawed) M8 last night. Had one idiot in a 4x4 nearly pushing me on at 50+ mph he was that close to my rear bumper.


The member of staff I manage is leaving today for a new post so I've had to cancel my day's leave and trip to Durham today. I ought to be approaching Morpeth around now but I'm still chez moi.


I got advance tickets from the East Coast website. They're non-refundable but can be changed for a fee. Great, I thought. I'll need to go back down in January so I'll change the date. You can't make changes to bookings with more than one departure point at the same time, so each journey has to be changed separately. Unfortunately, the tickets in total cost me £16.90, and to change them would have involved an admin fee of £10 per ticket. I've just decided not to use the tickets.

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