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All the bits and pieces that needed dealing with tonight have been accomplished by some miracle.


Rick - Terrible news about the foot/feet.


NHN - IT certainly sounds that you got value for your money.


Night all

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Having seen some of the effects of gout in my NHS days and from your description, which seems to be much worse than those, you must have a high pain threshold to be able to be so active.  As you say, there are currently no drugs that are really effective and the solubility of uric acid crystals is not great even with lots of water. Hope it subsides very soon.  



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Evening all. An update with due apologies for having missed a couple of days' worth of posts.


The dreaded gout has, for the first time, spread to affect both feet simultaneously. That has basically rendered me immobile and in excruciating pain for which the NHS and the internet both suggest water and prescribed NSAIDS are the go.

It seems so simple but some sort of medication to prevent or alleviate the formation of uric acid crystals on the joints should surely not be beyond science. Many suffer yet there is ni cure.

Rick, have you been prescribed Uloric? I find it very helpful. (Of course it doesn't help once an outbreak has happened and NSAIDS like Indomethacin are all you have and that doesn't dissolve the crystals - just produce uncomfortable digestive side-effects.)

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Rick, gout is a form of arthritis as you are probably aware. When I was first diagnosed with arthritis I was told to avoid red meat and red wine as these encourage the formation or uric acid crystals.

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Evening all and supportive wishers Rickm(Gwiwer), I hope things improve soon. I hope, whatever the weather, everyone has had a good day. Here, the temperature has been much cooler today with dark clouds threatening, but not delivering, any rain.

This morning I trawled through the long final assessment document for the student who finished tomorrow. The afternoon became frustrating. I had asked the agency if I could scan the birth certificate and email it over. They said no and needed to take a copy of it, This meant I needed to drive to the city centre office. I telephoned the office at 12.10 as I was about to leave school for official non-contact time. Simple question - would the rep I am dealing with be available if I popped over straight away because I had another appointment at 1.30. The answer was to come over and the job would only take five minutes. I arrived at the office just before 1pm and was then made to wait until 1.25 to be seen. This meant I had to cancel the other appointment. Once I was shown into the office, the rep simply took a photo of the birth certificate on his mobile device! How is that different to an email of a scan? Very annoyed.

The rest of the afternoon was spent planning for next week and clearing more off the to do list.


Night all.

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Once I was shown into the office, the rep simply took a photo of the birth certificate on his mobile device! How is that different to an email of a scan? Very annoyed.

Andy I understand the frustration, but I expect the point was to see an original to validate its authenticity, something which is less reliable in electronic form. Once the authenticity is validated recording the information could be done in any manner - photocopy, photograph or manual recording.


I hope the agency works for you in the long run, even if they are ill-disciplined related to punctuality and respect for timeliness of appointments.

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Morning all. A better nights sleep thanks to lower temperatures and humidity but still feel carp.


Handover today so it should be a relatively short day. The boss is coming down for the handover so I'll mug him for a full English for a change.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Morning All,


First of all, commiserations to Rick.  I have a colleague who suffers from Gout and when he has flare ups, I can see on his face how much pain it causes him.


We have a slightly cooler morning in this part of the world.  Several heavy thunderstorms swept through yesterday evening (avoiding us, fortunately) and have done quite a lot to lower the temperature from the very uncomfortable 37°C we had yesterday afternoon.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning awl,

A bad night's sleep, SWMBOs brothers flats is downstairs in the middle of a block, they never have the heating on, but it's always like a sauna. The surrounding flats must be like furnaces for that amount of heat to get through. Also this is in a big town we get all sorts of noise we don't have at home.


We are about to have breakfast, and then it will be time to join the no doubt heavy traffic on the motorways round Manchester.


Next words of unwisdom from another from 243 miles further north.

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Morning all from the boring borough.


Rick, commiserations on the gout. I suffer similar arthritic flare ups in my ankle. 500mg of Naproxen, loads of water, and an icepack seems to work for me. 


Another night of no sleep. The pinched nerve in my neck is driving me crazy. The pain shoots down my left arm right to the wrist. No position in bed seems to help so I'm constantly shifting and trying to find comfort. The quack is still 3 days away. My usual co-codimal cosh isn't working either. Now trying a deep cold pain patch. Perhaps a pint of absinthe. 


Little else to say. Need to engage a bricky to do the front walls now that the crap has been removed. Hopefully the chap that did the wall down the road will be available.

That's it. Enjoy your day. 

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Morning all!

Rick my commiserations as my old dad used to suffer from gout. As he said "I don't drink and very rarely eat red meat but I still get troubled by gout"...


Today is our 38th wedding anniversary. Lummy where did the time go? We are off out for a meal tonight otherwise it's a normal Friday.


Stay calm and I hope everyone can enjoy today.



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Why is it that model railway track threads on RMWeb end up as a slanging match..just look at the Peco bullhead rail thread...glad to see Andid trying to get them to see the funny side of modelling...


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Morning all from the Haute Vienne again. I had a good day yesterday, met some friends and was given a second breakfast of scrambled eggs from freshly laid eggs, they have their own hens. It would have been rude to refuse. Then on to La Souterraine and spent a pleasant 3 hours on the station, read my book and though I only saw three trains (Typical French timetabling) enjoyed the time. Then back to La Menereix where another convivial evening of drinking and birdwatching was undertaken. This morning comes the payback. Margaret, our hostess, is a widow and she always ahs a few jobs lined up for me so my first task is to trim the Wisteria on one of her barns, the other jobs should be simpler. I will enjoy myself. We head back home to the Charente in the morning.


Rick, I do hope your gout settles down. To me it was always one of this e things that you joked about till a young neighbour was hospitalised in his early 30's with a knee the size of a football, diagnosed as gout. I share your concerns about the lack of basic research into such conditions. Beth suffers from a connective tissue disorder that's a;; to do with the way that the body processes collagen and because it's not a 'sexy' life threatening condition there is virtually no proper basic research going on. I just ends up making life a misery.


Regards to all.



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Rick, hope the swelling eases soon. There is a colleague at work that has been suffering with gout in his foot on and off for some years. His partner also has a foot issue where the bone appears to be disintegrating so both of them are suffering. My boss isn't too complimentary over his condition though.


I occasionally now get a bit of playing an in both knees so can see that becoming an issue as I get older. Probably caused by spending a lot of time crawling underneath layouts.


Last working day of the week and hopefully POETs as I need to go look at a property that mum is considering of moving to. She has a buyer for the larger home that we grew up in. She doesn't want to move but she's being pragmatic as she knows that she won't always be able to clean the place.


Tomorrow Swanage.

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Good morning everyone


Well it's a bit of a dull start to the day, but it's dry. Today is definitely going to be a POETS day, as I'm off to Bolton where I only have 2 customers to visit. Once all that is done, I'm then off to Hatton's to pick up the brace of Warwells which I ordered a few weeks ago.


On my way home I shall pick up a couple of pizzas for tonight's tea and then pop to the butchers for the weeks meat ration and hopefully a couple of pasties for dinner.


Back later.

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Rick, gout is a form of arthritis as you are probably aware. When I was first diagnosed with arthritis I was told to avoid red meat and red wine as these encourage the formation or uric acid crystals.


Fascinating, as the NHS advice nearly always is !!  I have never eaten red meat and not touched alcohol for years..........


Back to 'free' private hospital referral today to persuade them to give me further injections for my arthritic fingers...then I can start on my arthritic left knee, neck and so on !


Keep smiling; it annoys the hell out of grumpy folks !

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Morning all


Congratulations to Baz and Mrs O.


I hope that Rick and AndrewC's respective conditions clear up swiftly. My foot seemed to respond well to evening of red wine and then curry but standing on the train on the way in has done it little good. However it is only minor compared to what others are suffering so I shall put up and shut up.


Next week sees Elder Lurker's work experience here. Although he won't be working alongside me, he will expect to see me looking busy!


I remember the summer of 76; the tar bubbling up through the road surface and us popping the little bubbles, the school did us ice cream every day, and swimming became daily event (except for me - I had a verucca!!), and we seemed to play rounders every day. I became quite proficient. The school holidays involved going over the rec and playing cricket a lot. And then we went on holiday to Broadhaven in Wales. It rained, at least at the end of second week. It was so windy one day that the wind blew the postcards out f my sister's hand as she was about to post them; my Mum ended up chasing them down the road, retrieving them from a garage just before they fell in the inspection pit!


Have a good day all

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