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Just watched the Real Full Monty from Thursday night tv. Excellent programme, I have not laughed so much for ages. Respect to all those tv personalities for their stripping for testicular and prostate cancer.

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Morning - still/barely...



Ready for a test run, probably NOT before Fathers Day, since time again is pre-allocated much of this weekend it seems. :O .







That crank handle looks suspiciously like the inertia starter on an Me 109 or an FW 190.


Believe it or not Hawker Hurricanes were initially fitted with a similar inertia starter but it was soon replaced by the ubiquitous 'trolley acc'.

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I though it was Santa Claus.


Evening Awl,


Well at 08:00 I ventured outside and dug the first Barrow load of soil, trundled it down the garden, and unloaded it into the raised patio...At that point I thought it as warm, but I went and got another one..

At that point I decided it was too warm, so I went into the mobile home and turned the AC on cool. It not often on that setting, it lives on heat normally.


I need to build a shelf for the mobile home, so started on that although the cutting of the wood took place outside. Being a 40 + year old mobile home things have sagged a bit. Nothing is straight, lots of adjustment required.


Then I went and moved another barrow load of soil, followed by a can of liquid anaesthetic.


Then I fitted the new rainwater down pipe and it's horizontal pipe to the future soakaway.


It's now getting very hot and my heart is pounding, time to sample the ACs efforts. 15 minutes later, I start moving another barrow load of soil when I am summoned to extract movable doggy fencing, we don't have a gate between the drive way and the road at the moment, so this will be the temporary solution to keep Ben in till he learns his limits or I get round to fitting a gate.


After completing the next barrow load more liquid anaesthetic was required. The shelf was then sanded down and undercoated.


Another barrow load moved then serious heart pounding required more anaesthetic and some eyelid inspection.


One more barrow load moved followed by walking up and down on the leveled pile of soil in the patio, an 18 stone human Wacker plate.


15:00 this is too ******** hot, pack up and head for the house where it's only 24C inside



Now I'm lying with a headache in the heat, evening pills taken,


The only definates tomorrow are to top coat the shelf and install some wall brackets for it. Then refit a light in the mobile home bed room. Whether or not the concrete mixer gets some action depends on how I feel.


Time to... Read a book until sleep occurs.

I prefer the yachting reports

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We (in parts of the UK) are currently being subjected to high temperatures, so please keep hydrated.


As an example, I weighed myself prior to my cycle ride this evening and then again after the ride.


In 7 .3 miles I lost 8 lb in weight!  The majority of that being fluid.


Fortunately this evening I have been able to replace this fluid by an extended cider drinking session at the local hostelry.

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The Seagull has been closed for years, Baz, but Crimdon beach was always good for a swim. . Although the undercurrents could be a bit vicious.

I did a lot of my early swimming of Easington beach. . .always needed a bath when I got home because of the colliery waste!


Was it not PIRONI at the Rocks?



Goodnight all . . Sleep well.




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Was it Pieronis? I will ask a school colleague as her father still lives on the coast road.if so , where was Moscardini ice cream?


The big problem at Horden beach was a lake of coal slurry...if you got into that you would get very clarty!



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A real piece of nostalgia on Railscot today, from more than 53 years ago. When this photo was taken - https://www.railscot.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete.php?id=59673 , I had just got off that train, having travelled down from Glasgow behind a Corkerhill Standard 5. It was my first trip to Carlisle, and we visited Workington, Upperby and Kingmoor sheds - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/380-on-this-day-in-history/?p=210353

Edited by pH
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Morning Awl, a night spent on the bed and not in it. The thermometer was showing 23C at about 05:55. It was however a good 7.5 hours of sleep.


Yachting reports will have to wait till the first week in August when I'm providing rescue boat cover for the week ( not on my own, each of the four boats are manned by 2 people). For myself sailing will not occur until the 22nd of October.


Being an old fashioned mobile home, the walls inside are tacked hardboard onto wooden battens. Therefore finding the battens to mount brackets is not a problem. This shelf is however in the loo area. Which I rebuilt totally, when I converted the old tiny bath, sink and loo into a walk in shower, sink and loo. The hard board was replaced by ply reinforcing the walls.


The good? News according to the TV, is that they have finally accounted for those in Grenfell tower. " Only" 58 dead or known to be missing, I must admit that I was expecting a much higher death toll. The firemen must have worked like mad in the initial period to get people out.


Time to... Have breakfast...

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Good morning one and all


The temperature displayed in my car yesterday rose three degrees in the less than an hour it took to drive from Bedford to Watford.  When I set off homeward again the reading was 34.5 degrees.  I found this rather uncomfortable.  Fortunately the in-car aircon coped well, at the cost of not sharing the sound of the Bellowhead CD with all that it passed.  I left The Stables after the concert by Blackbeard's Tea Party at around 10.50 pm with the temperature still at 24 degrees.  Ouch.  Today will be spent quietly and not at all energetically.  Some catching up after the week's excursions remains.  A treat lies in store, in the form of some natural yogurt blobbed over a heap of home grown strawberries.  What finer breakfast could be desired?  Well, a Little Chef Olympic of course but even I have a little willpower.


The ironing can wait.


Today the felicitation to those in distress is better expressed as 'best wishes' than 'warm thoughts'.



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Morning all from a very sunny Charente.    Much to do this morning, first job is to start topping up the pool. One problem the grass is now so high that you can hardly see the pool so I've got to look for a strimmer to cut it down to size where a ride on can tackle it.   Many other jobs this morning and then it has been decreed that all work will cease at lunchtime.   Dare I try and get some modelling done.


It's currently 27 degrees and forecast to get o 32 or higher,


Regards to all and Rick and Neil, hope that the feet continue to improve.


Regards to all.



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Morning all. Another hot day but I'm planning on taking it fairly easy as well as taking on plenty of fluid.


Not a great deal planned except sorting out for being away for two days.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Seton Carew today manged 28 c . . . or. to put it another way . . Too ####ing Hot! ! !. . . 


Still . . the sitty down fish shop had air-con, .although the car's system struggled to cope.


A good day with bother daughters and granddaughter..


Even Horden managed 27.





I presume they left the lid off a reactor at Hartlepool!


Currently 24c here at 0917hrs , no idea what it got to yesterday, but hot.  Hayfever gone mad, one-a-day 'allegedly' medication ran out of effectiveness at 3pm.  Miserable night full of sn....well you can guess.  Trying to cope until I can get to a pharmacy this morning that opens at 10.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. 25.5C here this morning and rising, so I won't be doing much today. I do need to pop down to Canvey this morning so I'm going shortly to avoid all the traffic. According to the news reports on the Grenfell disaster they now are giving the number of people missing as 58 which with the number of known casualties puts the death toll at almost 90.

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Morning all and generic greetings, congrats and commiserations as appropriate. Not had much chance to catch up I am afraid. Things have been very busy for a few days. At work the younger children have been undertaking the statutory phonics test. This needs to be done on a one to one basis and does take time. This was added to by needing to train other staff members on how to do it so that they are prepared for next year when I will not be there.

The school reports were finished on Thursday night. On Friday I was on taxi duty taking Sarah and Amber for an overnight stop over at the inlaws. I then headed back for a impromptu night in the pub with the same friend as last week. The tiredness from the week caught up with me though and i left early.

Yesterday I visited the GC for the model show. An excellent day out. I arrived at 9.45 and did not leave until almost 5pm. There were lots of great layouts. I had been looking forward to seeing Bath Green Park for the first time. It was a superb model and lived up to expectations although it was let down by a lack of movement at times. The Hornby Magazine layout managed to pack more action into their smaller terminus station. My personal favourite was Old Elms Road which combined lots of movement, with a working roadway and great scenics. Sadly the heat was overpowering at times and meant that it was difficult to concentrate on the layouts for any lengthy period of time. I really felt for the traders and exhibitors who were in there all day.

The GC show had plenty of trade bargains and a Hornby Adams Radial for £69 shouted "buy me" very loudly and was purchased within five minutes of entering the show, I think that was a personal record. I also picked up a G Scale carriage for the garden railway which can be seen in action in the picture below.


One of the best parts of the show was a chance to catch up with a few friends. A nice chat with members of the Ikeston group, a catch up with RMWeb member Jeff (binny) and an enjoyable pint with Andy (leopard) and crew.

Today the weather is set to be hotter and a busy day beckons. I need to help Amber complete her homework, mark the children's books from last week's activity, cut both lawns and decide whether to complete an application for the dream job. Sadly I did not receive an email reply to the questions I asked so I am still not really sure what to do.


Have a good day all. Stay safe in the heat.

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Its nice and warm here. The only place I didn't like the heat was Kuala Lumpur - the heat was fine it was the very high humidity which affected me.  


Could do some modelling.. or watch cricket...or go for a pint..or.... do the square root of badger all and just enjoy the sun!



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Good morning from the tropical Hundred of Mansbridge.


I haven't been posting for a while as it would likely be a moan and/or a rant. However one of the causes of stress, Mrs mole's PIP appeal, was finally resolved in her favour at Tribunal on Friday. She will now get the enhanced rate of mobility, so she can get a Motability car again. She won't get it for a while as she can't drive at present due to a recent cataract operation.  


Other sources of stress remain. Although we are separated she/we can no longer afford the rent of her flat down the road so she will be moving back here, to live in a ground floor bedroom adapted from the existing conservatory, with a new studio/therapy space replacing our two storage sheds. All this costs, plus the boiler has gone t#ts up, the bathroom urgently needs refitting and I have to pay for a storage unit for the shed contents (which includes books and a load of vinyl, which then won't be accessible) and a load of Mrs mole's stuff. My stock of military kits is going up for sale along with various "collectables".


In a few years she wants to sell the house to realise her share, by which time I won't have enough capital left to buy her out and will have to move to somewhere smaller. Which means that it hardly seems worth continuing with the barely-begun loft layout project. I'll have build something simpler that Martyn and I can run trains on. He just wants a simple large circuit with very basic scenery as he prefers watching trains to shunting etc.


So that's the moan. I'll leave the ranting as it would be at least partly political and bound to offend somebody.


I must hang out the washing and sort out some stuff for sale or storage. Unless it gets too hot of course.


Good wishes to all.



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A much overlooked stretch of coastline I would say. Not South Shields (my late FiiL was a "Sand Dancer") but a little further south but definitely not California. It's Roker and when I asked these brave souls if it was cold the reply was "No, the heaters been on all night!"


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It's Hot! . . Damned Hot!. . . and I've got to take youngest to Hartlepool for her train back to the wilds of Yorkshire. . . Still. . .It was good to see her for a few days.


Baz,  Moscardinis is now a convenience store near the old Horden Legion, it's been there for at least 40 years. . .He used to have an Ice-cream parlour at the bottom end of Seaside Lane in Easington when I was a lad.





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Re. good beaches, went for a paddle yesterday evening at Fairbourne, a lovely setting and quiet considering it was a hot and sunny Saturday.




To be honest it's hard to beat any of the Cambrian Coast beaches for setting, particularly the view north to Snowdonia and the Lleyn Peninsula. Today it's back to diy as I carefully craft an built in cupboard in what will shortly be our bedroom.


Thoughts are with the people of Portugal who have their own horrible fire related disaster to contend with.



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Today the weather is set to be hotter and a busy day beckons. I need to help Amber complete her homework, mark the children's books from last week's activity, cut both lawns and decide whether to complete an application for the dream job. Sadly I did not receive an email reply to the questions I asked so I am still not really sure what to do.



No harm in applying and then asking the questions at the interview.


Warm day here at work. Trying to avoid the upstairs tin box/sauna by working downstairs on the showroom test track/layout.


Bike to work this morning. 25 km in 1.04 moving time, but add 7 minutes or so for a puncture...........  Must pump up rear tyre fully before going back home.

Got a few personal best times on my Strava feed, so reasonably happy.

It will be a bit warm returning home later. Not planning on going for any record time on that trip.


Junior NB is home for a few days and as it's Father's Day, has promised to cook my tea! (Not dinner, as we're Northern....)


Have the rest of a good Sunday folks.






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This was the scene in our garden last night, though today is just the same, if not warmer. BBQ lit:




Bottle of Durham Bombay 106 poured out:




Perfect weather for BBQs. Normally a storm breaks just as you strike the match.Not last night it was lovely. That Bombay 106 is amazing stuff. If you want to imagine what the ruling elite were probably drinking in Victorian India, this is probably as close as it comes. I don't know whether they ate curries back then, and can't imagine why they wouldn't have eaten whatever was popular, but it certainly would have been spicy and an enlightening change to the usual British fare they were brought up on, in which case this beer would have been a match made in heaven. If you are a beer enthusiast, I would recommend picking up a bottle if you have chance, Cheers!

Edited by Dick Turpin
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Afternoon all, and it's a warm one.

Just popped into the greenhouse and it was 45oC with the vents open; I didn't linger.


Friday was spent chasing up some financial matters.

The in-branch conversation went something along the lines of:

Me: Hello, some time ago I acted as the executor for an estate and various accounts were rolled up into a new account for which we've never had a statement. Could the account holder have a statement please.

Branch staff: No. You'd need Power of Attorney to ask for a statement on behalf of someone. You can get that arranged through your solicitor and taking the beneficiary there to get a notarised document.

Me: I only want to ask for a statement, I don't want you to give it to me, I want you to send it to the account holder.

Branch staff x 2: You'll need to get a solicitor for that. Or you can phone customer services and they'll send you one.




Me: Hello, I have rolled up a number of accounts into a single account whilst acting as the executor for an estate.

Customer Services: Ah, you want the Bereavement Team.




Me: Hello, I'm the executor of an estate and would like a statement for an account which various accounts were rolled into.

BT: We'd need a Bereavement Number to help you.

Me: I wasn't given one of those. I can supply you with the account numbers (reads out account numbers...), the deceased name, address etc.

BT: Those numbers are meaningless now. 

Me: What about the name. Surely you keep a record of your customers' names and addresses.

BT: We do. Within the bereavement file.

Me; Ok, his name was Mr X.X. B. at xx, xxxxx Road, postcode etc. 

BT: Nope. No record of him. We'd need a customer account name beginning with "The Executor for....."


BT: Ok, we have that account name. And here is the account number and sort code. 

Me: ffs. Can I have a statement please?

BT: No. We don't have access to that. You need Customer Services. Or you can write to Head Office and ask for a statement.  

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Afternoon all.  Back from a couple of days at Southwark Bridge (including treating one of the operators for sunstroke) and now listening to the cricket.


Still not feeing brilliant with this virus: lots of coughing, with subsequent gunk.


Playing catch up.  The answer to Chris is Rita Flynn, who worked for Doughy Hood.  I also note we are in receipt of a yellow card from Andy Y. 


Keep well all.....Bill

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