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Sadly if you view the pictures of the March there are many carrying pre-printed political posters and in particular political posters of a certain not often read newspaper. It is my suspicion that political renta mobs have infiltrated the genuine residents.

Without seeing the photos, my money's on Socialist Worker or Morning Star. They are only doing the Shadow Chancellor's bidding.

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  • RMweb Premium

Back in my NHS HR days I used to have to deal with an Socialist Worker's Party activist who was a union rep. Keeping outside of the political viewpoint, I have never dealt with a more obnoxious person in my life.  He twisted facts so badly it was hard to know which way he was facing.  He eventually won a big tribunal against the CEO, who had finally lost his rag and done something rash to try to get rid of said activist.  Bad move that was always going to end in tears.  A very damaging time for anyone in that NHS Trust though - no winners.  He went on to do the same against the union.  My union back then.  Grrrrr....

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  • RMweb Gold

Didn't hear the alarm this morning, so am late for stewarding duty at Scalefour Society AGM.....



I have had similar dosages many times. I felt so well on the higher dose but obviously couldn't stay on it. Fortunately steroid replacements worked for my condition. Do follow the with food instructions!
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Didn't hear the alarm this morning, so am late for stewarding duty at Scalefour Society AGM.....






That dose doesn't make sense!

6 for 1 month

4 for 1 month

2 for 1 month

then 4 until next review! (It says 2 x 10mg and they're 5mg tablets!!)

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The mob are able to gain ascendancy because today's society is impatient. You can put that down partly to the instant gratification of the Internet. The mob complains that it doesn't know who's dead; well, neither do the emergency services because the block has to be made safe before they can satisfy themselves that it's safe for recovery of bodies (if there's anything left of them), and it has already been said that this may take days or weeks.

It would appear that the first introduction to the floors above the 14th will be rescue/cadaver dogs - as they are much lighter than firemen, and there is less chance of floors collapsing under them - I sometimes think they deserve medals too!  I also do NOT understand the total lunacy of the elderly and infirm being put in buildings that are too tall for escape ladders to reach, and that the water jets cannot pump water high enough to extinguish the fire - (or the sense in building them that high in the first place without sprinkler systems) -  all the council housing departments should be reviewing very urgently their housing /accommodation policies.

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. When I checked my Facebook messages this morning one of my friends was reminiscing about the works 'Beano', that pretty soon became a 'Bring back the beano' thread. The only misgiving I have about bringing back the beano is that with the same people today would require more P stops. You will always see a few of the extreme 'looney left' at most political/strike situations but far fewer than appears on TV and in the newspapers as much of the media goes out of their way to film and/or photograph them. At the other extreme some of the comments from the 'raving right' are sickening. IMHO the response of the authorities in the aftermath of this disaster was totally inadequate and there can be many reasons for that not all of them political. It looks like another scorcher today so I'm going to stay in the shade and do as little as possible.

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Regarding the Grenfell Tower tragedy and subsequent protest march, rather than speculating as to the potential "infiltration" of genuine protesters by those from "the left", why not donate to one of the charities who are supporting at the scene? We chose The Salvation Army. Making a contribution produces a feeling of satisfaction from doing something positive which would not be generated by cynically speculating about the political leanings of the participants.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold

 I might have to suppress an urge to lob a grenade at the offices of Little Chef.  Oh, go on, you know you want to ...  Yes, and I also want to stay out of clink.


Although that could be one way of ensuring a regular supply of cooked breakfasts.

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A bright sunny day but it is forecast to be far too hot later on.

Thank you for that tip off my good man, I made sure to get some archery in as early as possible. It's certainly warming up out there now. I bet all the BBQ stuff will have been sold already.  :sungum:

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Getting very summery here. It's very pleasant I must say. Been out and got some burgers, our butcher keeps them as frozen, which is just as well, so we're up for the first BBQ of the year so far. Bought some of that Guinness Hop House Lager to try as well, so looking forward to that.



Also, this was our archery range at about 9.00am this morning.




Only me there, so very relaxing. That target is 80 yards away, and was pleased with how I did overall. Might have to do the same again tomorrow, because I don't fancy the thought of shooting tomorrow afternoon in this heat.

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Our two vehicles were registered nine years apart but both on 5th July. The Yaris passed its MOT yesterday with no problems. This morning the motorhome passed also without problems, so quite pleased. Some effort put into cleaning the vehicle prior to testing seems to have paid off. I know it shouldn't make any difference but I firmly believe that if a vehicle looks like it is cared for it has a better chance than one that is a tip when presented for testing. Take care if you are out in the sun, slap on the sun cream, it isn't cissy it is common sense. Stay safe all.

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Morning - still/barely...


Yesterday another flurry or report changes - once again they're closing the month and have decided to re-arrange things!

I though accountants were boring/traditionalists, not this lot apparently, though in fairness it's the CFO who keeps calling for the changes and I'm not sure his exact credentials!! :jester:


POE sufficiently to take the time to assembly the new grill;

Exhibit A - this thing has 800+ sq. inches of cooking area

Ready for a test run, probably NOT before Fathers Day, since time again is pre-allocated much of this weekend it seems. :O .




Off out in an hour or so, Jemma is signing the lease on the townhouse she saw, doesn't want to miss-out on it, so will take it from July 1st even though she'll likely not move in till mid month. Wants me to review the lease before signing.

Probably didnt' mention we've been chicken-sitting. Next door have four chickens and we're watching them for two weeks (ends Wednesday) whilst the enjoy an Alaskan Cruise.

Family decided "I" need to do something with the extra eggs, originally voting for a soufflé - I do a pretty passable Grand Marnier or Lemon&Orange one.

However, that was cancelled over breakfast in favour of my signature coffee ice-cream - so I'm scheduled to make that later today (WHAT HAPPENED TO MODELLING!!!)

I'll try for some point motor installs as well, but not sure that'll work.


Hopefully tomorrow sees more free time, but I'll not count on it.


22 and party sunny first thing, high of 27. Tomorrow only expected to reach 21 for a high (13-15 overnight) with showers and storms.


Make the best of Saturday everyone...

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Didn't hear the alarm this morning, so am late for stewarding duty at Scalefour Society AGM.....



Somebody screwed up.Go back to the pharmacist and ask them to check the dosage against the doctor's script and get them to rewrite the instructions so they make sense.


My dad was a pharmacist. He had to call doctors quite often to ask them if they really meant what they had scrawled on their scripts. On several occasions the outcome could have been fatal if he had not caught their mistake.

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POE sufficiently to take the time to assembly the new grill;

Exhibit A - this thing has 800+ sq. inches of cooking area

Ready for a test run, probably NOT before Fathers Day, since time again is pre-allocated much of this weekend it seems. :O .



Can you not get propane in Minnesota?  :)


Burglar! Woke up feeling as if I'd just stepped off a boat. Must be some sort of inner ear problem. Horizontal movement is fine, but vertical movement, e.g. on stairs or standing up, is really strange. Torri and Shona might have to exercise themselves in the front garden weeds.

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I managed to get the second base board finished apart from the top. The heat and humidity eventually got the better of me. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it off in the morning.


A bit of research carried out in the cool of the house for the rest of the day.


Time to decide what I'm going to have for an evening meal.


Back later

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