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Morning All,


I have become rather a Night Owl (no, someone who goes to bed late - not a GWR 47XX) due to the nightly attacks of Herr Arthrosis, so I watched a bit of the election coverage and then switched to a programme about the refurbishment of a Japanese made, Dutch operated ferry (The Pride of Bruges) by the skilled engineers of the Newcastle Dockyards. I then dozed off and awoke to find myself in the middle of a most interesting programme on Oil ("Planet Oil"). I then staggered to bed to awake to the news of a hung UK parliament.


The only observation I wish to make is that - this election - it was very much a case, regardless of what side of the despatch box you rest your feet, of voting for what one thinks is the "least worst evil". None of the key political players - of whatever party - inspire trust or confidence and some I would consider as downright dangerous to a parliamentary democracy. Only the most rabid partisan of supporters or innocent and naive optimists would (I think) regard any of the current slate of politicos as really being worthy of elected. If nothing else, the recent elections and votes in various countries, with various political parties of various political hues, have shown that "politics as usual" is pretty much a relic of the past. But who knows what the political landscape of the future holds? A true Athenian democracy (i.e. only adult, property holding, freemen could vote)? Perhaps a Heinlein-esque society (where only those who have served their country in the military on any government service, can vote). Unfortunately, the way the human race is going we are looking at either an Oligarchy or a Theocracy (but, to don my "Captain Cynical" super hero outfit for a moment, I think that is most likely that we are nearly all heading towards a kakistocracy).


I celebrated my birthday yesterday by acquiring a new Bass guitar pack (guitar, amp, stand, case. etc. etc.) and now I have to smuggle the equipment into the house (once in I can hide it and - when Mrs iD finally notices it - say that "I've had it for a bit" - which will be quite true, unless I get pressed as to what is meant by "a bit"?). I have long concluded it is much easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.


Well, off to do some filing and then one or two job application :sarcastic:


Have a great TGIF, fellow democracy loving citizens



The idea of ostracism as practised by the Athenians might be beneficial. Exiling for 10 years an overpowerful or unpopular politician.

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the Samaritans were out in force in the foyer of London Bridge station this morning.


Was this a reflection of the election result?


Due to lack of sleep I read that as Witnesses.  

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Late on parade this morning as I didn't bother to set the alarm. I managed an excellent nights sleep which makes a pleasant change.


chrisf - I hope the Oncologist visit has a positive result


iD - A belated happy birthday


A day of research and modelling and generally taking it easy for a change.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Looks like we may have election part 2 shortly...



Not sure .....


As someone who has never, and will never, vote for the Conservative Party, this is in some weird way a not unacceptable result.   All of Corbyn's instincts are to oppose so we would have has a McConnell government in all but name.


There have been some strange results.  Whilst many English voters went from Labour, to UKIP and back to Labour; in Scotland they went from Labour, to SNP and then to Conservative in a mini-independence referendum.  Northern Ireland has hardened to DUP and Sinn Fein (not sure I like this); whilst Wales has returned to its socialist roots, whereas Maria Therese thought the Brexit vote meant it was ripe for plucking. And my MP barely scraped in, with only 69% of the vote.


But an election can only be called by the Commons passing a vote of no confidence or by invoking the Parliament Act, requiring a 2/3rd majority.  I think Labour would prefer the possibility of the Conservative party ripping itself apart.



Edited by bbishop
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I'm wondering if around 11:00 today we should let these hallowed pages fall silent from comment on things political and talk about a weighty matter.....


"Grilled tomatoes - the devil's work, or a valuable sauce of off-red on the plate." 

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Where do the elected MP's in Scotland sit? Holyrood and Westminster?

Confused of Devon.


MPs in Westminster; MSPs in Holyrood.


On another subject, I was planning to buy Euros for my holiday.  I think that I shall be waiting until the last possible moment.


At least there is cricket today.



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Last time I checked I wasn't rabid or naive but I'll be walking into town shortly with more of a spring in my step this morning.


I'll have grandson's birthday present to post, then I'll call in at Wharf for a cup of tea and a browse of the shop, returning via the seafront. This afternoon diy beckons, however despite nibbling into model making time it does mean progress is being made turning the sh*thole into a des res.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I've no idea what colour my MP is this morning, probably the same one as before (blue). Many people that I know said they would vote tactically and this seemed to be the case in London in particular. I saw the writing on the wall, literally and metaphorically when I passed a bookies yesterday and they were giving odds of TM remaining at number 10 of only 20 to 1. Remember the bookies got it right last time whereas the polsters were so very wrong. I expect there will be another general election sooner rather than later but that is up to the opposition parties more than the PM and despite the bullish comments coming from the Labour party I think another general election is a couple of years down the line.

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It’s getting worse, now, there are reds on my bed and  blues in my shoes.


Obviously I need coffee...we should never, ever leave politics to politicians - I question all their motives.


Edit: I should add that I detest anyone who says “I have served my country” - unless they are members/ex-members of the Armed Forces (or similar).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

I'm wondering if around 11:00 today we should let these hallowed pages fall silent from comment on things political and talk about a weighty matter.....


"Grilled tomatoes - the devil's work, or a valuable sauce of off-red on the plate." 


Ugh... loathsome things.


Much as I enjoy my table sauce red (like my politics) and enjoy toms in my curries, spagbols and on pizzas, they have absolutely no place grilled and on my breakfast plate. Devils work, definitely.




At the Asylum (the UK/Worlds biggest Steampunk festival) last year we had a very heated public debate and referendum on the matter of the whether milk should be first or last in the teacup.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well that's how to snatch defeat (almost) from the jaws of victory - roughly as I predicted might happen a couple of weeks ago.  On a slightly brighter note I see our own self-server's majority has been slightly dented but my best hope now is that he might be 'persuaded' to 'find other important things to do outside Parliament' and resign his seat to allow one of the Ministers etc booted out elsewhere to be given somewhere safer to rest their backside.   And will we be doing a 1974 with another election later in the year?  - I wouldn't put money on that happening.  In the meanwhile personal consideration of a potential move off this island to another one is being nudged towards the back burner but Fraggle Rock still has its potential attractions and they might increase in coming months - you never know.


On a more serious turn I see that young ChrisF appears to be taking a copy of a not quite so shiny BRILL with him today - I trust the medical part of his day will be far more satisfactory than certain things in the mag.


Meanwhile enjoy your day assuming the pressures of living and work so allow and fingers remain crossed for those undergoing various forms of medical care.


PS I forgot the most important item of all - tomatoes added to a cooked breakfast should definitely be cooked.  Maybe grilled (the best way?) or even fried.  But serving them cold with a hot meal is the work of the devil and is a strange habit adopted by some commercial places of eating  presumably in order to save time & money.  And of course cooked tomatoes do have certain health benefits.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

The idea of ostracism as practised by the Athenians might be beneficial. Exiling for 10 years an overpowerful or unpopular politician.

What would we then  be doing, with a totally empty building in Westminster?

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On another subject, I was planning to buy Euros for my holiday.  I think that I shall be waiting until the last possible moment.




The leftover euros in my pocket are appreciating as I write.

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Morning All


Sorry it's been AWOL for over a week, but my mojo has been pretty bad of late for various reasons that I won't discuss here. 


I've tried to lurk, with only some success, so I have to offer the general greetings which have now become common.


I do hope that I haven't missed too much, and I did note that Andyram has taken what might well turn out to be the right decision.


I'll try not to be so remiss in my visits.


Regards to All


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Morning all,


PS I forgot the most important item of all - tomatoes added to a cooked breakfast should definitely be cooked.  Maybe grilled (the best way?) or even fried.  But serving them cold with a hot meal is the work of the devil and is a strange habit adopted by some commercial places of eating  presumably in order to save time & money.  And of course cooked tomatoes do have certain health benefits.


My Wife (being Italian) bakes tomatoes, sprinkled whilst they cook with herbs (the names of which escape me but simple stuff like oregano). It’s a good alternative to grilling because they cook evenly.


Best, Pete.

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I attempted to get my electorate to allow me to pass my programme for the future. The electorate has revolted saying there are too many choices. When I conducted the poll however it said that this number of choices would be no problem. Further progress is unlikely, negotiations between both sides are Difficult with nothing in Common.




or to put it in English, the writer of the Programming language I'm using,  updated it recently, and now it has no chance of talking between the programme and the instrument under test. Where as the manual says it should work. The writer of the program is busy scratching his head what to do  next...

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The electorate is always revolting - unless you win, of course.


I have to admire the ability to “spin” results. The SNP are masters at this. How Ms Sturgeon does this without blushing is simply amazing...


The same as Mr Corbyn can suggest he should form a Government with even less seats than Ms. May’s lot. All she needs is the support (if forthcoming) of the 10 DUP MP’s.


I’m an equal opportunity critic :senile:


Best, Pete.


Edited for spelling

Edited by trisonic
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MPs in Westminster; MSPs in Holyrood.


On another subject, I was planning to buy Euros for my holiday.  I think that I shall be waiting until the last possible moment.


At least there is cricket today.




I bought a batch 3 days ago wondering if I'd done the right thing.   I also forward bought some 2 years ago and am still getting them paid into my French Bank Account at the rate of 1.34 to the pound every month until November.   Both times I wondered if I'd done the right thing.


Anyway I'm back from the Dr's and chemists with the correct set of tablets for both of us.  I did say to the pharmacist that the farce of what's happened makes the general election result look sane.  Washing out on the line, soldering done and evidence tidied away and now two bikes to fettle.


And yes, I vote for Grilled tomatoes, anything other than the horrible tinned ones which are the invention of Satan, and always put the milk in first when making tea.



Edited by jamie92208
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"Grilled tomatoes - the devil's work, or a valuable sauce of off-red on the plate."



Culinary tip #1: If you want an off-red sauce simply by a bottle of ketchup.


Culinary tip #2: if you want a tomato sandwich don't use tinned tomatoes. The bread goes all claggy and they drip down your shirt.

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