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  • RMweb Gold

Results are very interesting, with a first lady Sikh MP and the first Palestinian MP, also female. But what is encouraging is that even some safe seats with huge majorities have seen turnouts up to 76%. A good turnout, irrespective of result, is best for democracy.

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Morning All,


Your baseboard must be strong and stable!


Modelling means modelling!


Anyway, that's quite enough of that.


It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world.  Hopefully it will stay bright and sunny over the weekend (and not too hot!)


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Good morning one and all


This is not the best day for my appointment with Professor Oncologist.  Despite my best efforts I was awake half the night listening to the election results programme.  What kind of torture is that, one might ask.  To keep the appointment I must either leg it or fork out for two bus tickets as my bus pass is not valid until 9.30 am and the appointment is at 9.45.  When I will be seen is of course a lottery.  I shall occupy myself with two magazines, one of which has already displayed a glaring error on the cover.  Inside is an article of prototype information by someone with not the best reputation for accuracy.  Oh dear.  The other day the idea came up of an Encyclopaedia of Errors.  Hmmmm …


Warm thoughts to those in distress



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Morning All,


Your baseboard must be strong and stable!


Modelling means modelling!




Steady on, Robert - you’re beginning to sound like Chance Gardener in “Being There”...............


Cheers, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, a shorter nights sleep, but not to bad,


SWMBO is still sick this Morning, at least she's got another day to recover before Woolly Worstead.


Both the Blue and Red parties increased their % vote, It just got distributed differently . Too many people made too many assumptions in this election, particularly the pollsters..


The Boss reviewed the Programing I'd done,he was quite happy with it so far, He only picked up one point, you can't use comma's in the user prompts as it means something to the programme. This was something I knew, but somehow I had reverted to typing English in the Prompts...I still don't actually have a unit to test the programme against, the unit I was supposed to get this week is still on loan to a customer till the 19th and the person who looks after the loans wasn't that confident of getting it back then. We have a section, which have units to loan to customers, if they are looking to buy or if theirs comes back for repair and it may take some time.


The problem with this programming is I'm learning two languages at the same time. the one the programme uses and the one the Unit  to be tested uses. Getting them both to agree will be the difficult bit and you can guarantee they won't work exactly as they say in the manuals.


Time too... wander down the lab and see how the AC is feeling this morning

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Morning all and best wishes, especially to Chrisf ahead of the appointment. I also wake bleary eyed this morning but it is not from the election programme. My darling daughter was up half the night with a dreadful cough. The poor girl has been struggling with it for the last three nights and, whilst it does not affect her in the daytime, it has resulted in her having a number of disturbed nights. I managed to avoid such disturbance the previous night by decamping into her room but last night I was up with her and with Sarah. A few extra bags to carry to work this morning then!

Election results have been interesting and I am sure the aftermath will be more so. If the experts are to be believed we may have it all to go through again before the year is out.

Yesterday saw a few emails flying back and forth between myself and the location of the dream job. It is a flexi contract, which could mean I could back up the work with another part time post or supply teaching. Whether it is flexi enough on my part or totally on their terms could be the deciding factor on whether or not I decide to apply. Today could see that clarified.


Have a good one.

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We live in interesting times ..... shock results with Pakistan beating South Africa and Sri Lanka beating India.


A question to Ian Abel.  If Comey is to be prosecuted for leaking government information, where does this leave Trump?  Or does he have a "get out of jail" card?



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Results are very interesting, with a first lady Sikh MP and the first Palestinian MP, also female. But what is encouraging is that even some safe seats with huge majorities have seen turnouts up to 76%. A good turnout, irrespective of result, is best for democracy.

....he said, from the relative safety of France :mosking:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a sunny village that still has a blue MP.   No comment.  An interesting night as we had had a very good meal with some friends then I watched the results till 01.30.   I had a collection of great aunts who had been prominent suffragists and always insisted that I had to vote but also had to make my own mind up.


Anyway the boss has departed for a variety of activities that will keep her out till early afternoon.  I have one or two minor tasks including going back to the Dr's and the chemists for the 3rd time this week to finally try and sort out our holiday medication.  Beth needed an extra 5 weeks worth of tablets but ended up with 9 weeks supply of everything except her most important painkiller. I ended up with 2 months supply of 2 out of 3 tablets.  Hopefully this will all be sorted this morning.  


Chrisf I hope that you have  a positive result from the oncologist.


In the meantime with the cat away I think that the soldering iron is going to be brought out shortly to make a final 2 registration arms.  I will also use the time to pack my essential box of modelling items.


Regards to all.



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Any how here was I I thinking that modelling might occur, well it still could... it's only 5pm... old car was vacuumed but refused to start even when jump starting from its rear mounted battery.... I bet you can't start it from there either. Will have to ring our equivalent of AA. Any how the rest of the day was consumed by going to "Chadstone" the largest shopping centre in the galaxy.... but it still doesn't have a model railway shop! Disappointed but not surprised as the last time I went there was over 10years ago. The family enjoyed the visit only the 13yo wanted but didn't say he wanted to go to the Lego discovery centre... any how home before the traffic seriously went nuts.


Why is Friday night always tiring?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. While I didn't watch the results her indoors did so kept waking me up. She has gone to make me a cup of tea as a peace offering.


Looks like we may have election part 2 shortly...


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Yesterday I machine cut all the wood for new platforms A realignment due to start today.........


Having been up most of the night I'll see how it goes after this mornings camel toe club!


Sometimes it takes a hefty kick in the balls for politicos to wake up and smell the coffee.


Meanwhile the Nation will have a nice cup of tea (strong!).

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Results are very interesting, with a first lady Sikh MP and the first Palestinian MP, also female. But what is encouraging is that even some safe seats with huge majorities have seen turnouts up to 76%. A good turnout, irrespective of result, is best for democracy.

A family member often said that he'd had a 'good turnout.' Maybe he was referring to something else

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Morning All,


I have become rather a Night Owl (no, someone who goes to bed late - not a GWR 47XX) due to the nightly attacks of Herr Arthrosis, so I watched a bit of the election coverage and then switched to a programme about the refurbishment of a Japanese made, Dutch operated ferry (The Pride of Bruges) by the skilled engineers of the Newcastle Dockyards, which was much more interesting than the inane ramblings of "the usual suspects" in the election coverage programmes.. I then dozed off and awoke to find myself in the middle of a most interesting programme on Oil ("Planet Oil"). I then staggered to bed to awake to the news of a hung UK parliament.


The only observation I wish to make is that - this election - it was very much a case, regardless of what side of the despatch box you rest your feet, of voting for what one thinks is the "least worst evil". None of the key political players - of whatever party - inspire trust or confidence and some I would consider as downright dangerous to a parliamentary democracy. Only the most rabidly partisan of supporters or innocent and naive optimists would (I think) regard any of the current slate of politicos as really being worthy of elected. If nothing else, the recent elections and votes in various countries, with various political parties of various political hues, have shown that "politics as usual" is pretty much a relic of the past. But who knows what the political landscape of the future holds? A true Athenian democracy (i.e. only adult, property holding, freemen could vote)? Perhaps a Heinlein-esque society (where only those who have served their country in the military on any government service, can vote). Unfortunately, the way the human race is going we are looking at either an Oligarchy or a Theocracy (but, to don my "Captain Cynical" super hero outfit for a moment, I think that is most likely that we are nearly all heading towards a kakistocracy).


I celebrated my birthday yesterday by acquiring a new Bass guitar pack (guitar, amp, stand, case. etc. etc.) and now I have to smuggle the equipment into the house (once in I can hide it and - when Mrs iD finally notices it - say that "I've had it for a bit" - which will be quite true, unless I get pressed as to what is meant by "a bit"?). I have long concluded it is much easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.


Well, off to do some filing and then one or two job application :sarcastic:


Have a great TGIF, fellow democracy loving citizens



Edited by iL Dottore
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