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.....Going on cruises with no weight limit ......

To be honest, as long as the ship still floats, and doesn't list alarmingly, I don't see a problem if passengers want to bring the kitchen sink......and did I say "sink"? I meant "dishwasher".

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To be honest, as long as the ship still floats, and doesn't list alarmingly, I don't see a problem if passengers want to bring the kitchen sink......and did I say "sink"? I meant "dishwasher".

Actually the 500kg payload for the car on the trip to Southampton is the crucial limit when we go on a cruise. Though stuff shouldn't be as heavy for our trip to Switzerland, no need for three types of dress code for dinner, just "smart casual".

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all and an early dull start is transforming into a sunnier mid-day.


Voting done; based on the exit poll I conducted on myself there will be a thumping majority for one party.  :senile:


Not much else to report. 

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...Somehow I will have to secrete a crate of modelling items without leaving any of the many 'absolutely essential' items behind...

Jamie, surely that is THE most essential item?!?!?! :jester:


Morning from this part of the world.


Yesterday uneventful at "work", save for the latest problem in the building. With the ladies lavs not working by mid-morning (no water in ANY of the facilities) the building decided they would need to shut of ALL water to the building at 4PM to attempt a fix - mass exodus via the Mens lavs (with suitable respectful monitoring for the ladies to use them before they left) at 3:55PM by the 95% female contingent of the offices.


One very bright spot in the day - LUNCH, something I usually don't take.

Yesterday was an exception however, as a friend/member of my other hobby Flight Simulation was in the area. Known him about 10 years via electronic means only (somewhat like RMWeb/ER but we also all communicate on voice when flying online), missed meeting him in person at the November gathering,

He is in the "real world" an ex-pat A380 pilot for Emirates, and happened to be doing a trip to JFK this week. We had an excellent lunch at a local French restaurant. Yay, a definite highlight of the day.


I'll be on the POE list today as I head for JFK and back home. POE from here anyway, will be 7PM or later before I'm actually home.


14 and partly sunny here, expected to be 21 and clear with no weather issues (we HOPE) time I leave.


Make the best of the day everyone, hope voting in the UK goes.... not really sure what else to add/qualify that with <sigh>

Edited by Ian Abel
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Chap from the Council "tree team" turned up this morning in a large 4x4 and parked under the offending arboreal growth. He got out of the vehicle and donned an orange Hi-Vis and some gloves and pulled out a little 12" saw. Started cutting off some branches until a small one fell on his head so he then went and got his hard hat. (wonder if his name is Bob?)

After a bit more trimming he got hold of the tree and rocked it a couple of times and it fell over. A bit more sawing and all the pieces were stuffed into the back of his vehicle. I must say he was tidy because not a leaf or twig were left behind.

Apparently it won't be replaced because they haven't got the funds but I'm welcome to fund it myself. Er - no thanks.

Edited by grandadbob
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the raving loony party?


Unfortunately the OMRLP don't have anything like the kind of funding that they enjoyed when Screaming Lord Sutch was alive, so they are only able to contest 12 constituencies this time round. General Elections are much the poorer now that they are not around.

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On TheQ's point, it the days when I was a lad, you behaved yourself (more or less) because you always feared a policeman  would come around the corner at any moment and quite often did! 


Talk of a policeman coming round the corner at any moment reminds me of my early teens. Mum sent me to church on Sundays but together with one of my friends we bunked church and always went off for a walk instead.


One Sunday we were walking between Eltham and Mottingham (in southeast London) when I happened to turn round and saw a police car approaching. As it got closer I read the number plate and realised it was Dad's car..... he was on what was then called a "traffic accident car". The car slowed down and stopped and Dad got out, had words with us, got back in the car and drove off.


Never heard anything else about the event from either Mum or Dad and can only assume that Dad never told Mum about what had happened. It was Mum's idea that I should go to church and maybe he chuckled to himself that I'd done something different......


My one regret is that I never asked Mum if Dad had spoken to her about the event. I know, for one thing, we were careful where we want walking on Sundays after that!!



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Elections generally are not so characterful as they once were. The raising of both the deposit and the proportion of votes cast to retain it has seen off almost all of the more colourful individuals and minority parties. If one took the trouble to read the Official Monster Raving Loony Party manfesto much of it made good down to earth common sense. They even managed to get (at least) one local councillor elected at some point. The charisma and personal wealth of David "Lord" Sutch basically under-wrote the whole operation and since his passing they have struggled. Full marks for pressing on however. They had my vote more than once.


Vote being an anagram of veto I shall have to don suitable footwear and venture forth shortly in order to veto the local member whose political idealogy I do not concur with. A task made slightly harder by the onset of gout last night. The starboard foot is rather larger than standard and mobility is painful. It typically takes a week or so to ease again whether or not I bother with the medication.


In other news the student neighbours are departing today and won't be back until late August. They're a good bunch though I won't miss knowing when one in particular is studying baby-making ;)


Best wishes one and all. Doesn't matter who you vote for because the government always wins.

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Morning all from sunny Essex MT. No vote for us as the sh1t gibbons in Bexley council only got half the postal votes out on time. The rest including ours, only arrived last Friday. Too late for us to use. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks voter suppression.


Breakfast in the Izaak Walton. The O scale Empire Builder is running around above our heads. The real one is due in an hour or so. I'm planning on being over the footbridge in a good position by then. Maria's pass and the snow sheds are on today's agenda.


Oops gotta run traaaaaaaain. Enjoy your day.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Avoiding the TV and radio today for obvious reasons. Talking to many people it seems that there is a lot of tactical voting going on so the result might be a surprise. Perhaps that might explain the bookies ad I saw this morning giving odds of 20 to 1 of TM staying at number 10, and remember that last couple of elections the bookies got it more right than the opinion polls. Thats enough of politics thats why I'm here on RMweb.

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Talk of a policeman coming round the corner at any moment reminds me of my early teens. Mum sent me to church on Sundays but together with one of my friends we bunked church and always went off for a walk instead.


One Sunday we were walking between Eltham and Mottingham (in southeast London) when I happened to turn round and saw a police car approaching. As it got closer I read the number plate and realised it was Dad's car..... he was on what was then called a "traffic accident car". The car slowed down and stopped and Dad got out, had words with us, got back in the car and drove off.


Never heard anything else about the event from either Mum or Dad and can only assume that Dad never told Mum about what had happened. It was Mum's idea that I should go to church and maybe he chuckled to himself that I'd done something different......


My one regret is that I never asked Mum if Dad had spoken to her about the event. I know, for one thing, we were careful where we want walking on Sundays after that!!



Not exactly the same thing for me but as a lad of 15 or so I had been train spotting in Peterborough and the train back was late into Hull. In those days the last buses were at 11 pm from the main bus station. At that time, an inspector would blow his whistle, and all buses departed.

The train was only a matter of minutes late but the buses had gone! I set off to walk the 5 miles or so home. As I passed the Guildhall, a police car stopped along side of me and an officer asked where I was going. I told him where and the reply was "Lucky you, that's where we are bound, get in".  As we approached my home I asked if I could dropped off at our avenue's junction with the main road. "Nosey neighbours  have you? We understand."

Up to date that's the only time I have ridden in a police car except for Ripper's Morris Minor Traveller.

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and... the latest from "camp crazy",


THEM (9AM): I know it always happens on the day you're going to leave, BUT can you create an AP aging report (the system doesn't exactly have what they want/need/demand!!) "like this"...


ME: Sure, just a few more details please, what priority does this take over the other stuff and when do you need it by...

THEM: OK - (details supplied based on a very rough report from a legacy system) - well, everything else is SECONDARY and tomorrow morning would be nice, for a meeting at 9AM :O  :jester:  :banghead: 

ME: <pause while I laugh/choke> Here's my resignation <wry smile>, I can possibly get it done by late Monday or Tuesday barring any unforeseen oddities with the data, I'm not an AP expert so it'll take some digging in the database...

THEM: OK, if you can manage it sooner that'd be nice :scared: 


Life in the fast lane, eh... :triniti: :butcher:  :rtfm:  

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I always have a problem with this dress code. How can one be both smart and casual?

Suit, tie and trainers?

I just ask my wife.

Here of course the analogous term is a complete oxymoron - "business casual", but I suppose, so long as people know what it means, it works.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Afternoon Awl,

It's still windy here which is why I had to stop off on the way home and put up the woolly Worstead sign again.

I also stopped off at Tesco and at the school to vote. We only had the three candidates, red, blue, orange and the red team don't stand a chance here.

Being a little country school I was in and out in a minute, and saw no one except the two people manning the place.

I got find an unhappy SWMBO, she's been sick, the doc put her on different pills yesterday, it seems they don't agree with her. She's gone back on the old pills for now she want to be ok for woolly Worstead.

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