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Apparently the BA fiasco was caused by Mrs Ethel Bloggs when she unplugged the comms gear so she could plug in her Hoover.


(Slightly embellished version)

We (at work) had builders in who unplugged six industrial-size freezers, full of food. In the first week of the summer holidays, it wasn't amusing come September...


Like a lot of 'accidents' in schools you often suspect the work of that kid who was always being given detention.

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In other news, I (just) got an email inviting me for an interview this Thursday (YIKES!! :O ) at the European school here. This is for an IT assistant. Going there with little expectations, but we live in hope :rolleyes:

Good luck D_M.

Be positive. Sock IT to em.

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And there isn't an 'Up Slow' at Longfield Lane or anywhere else on the GWML.  (Bet you're glad you posted it in the first place - the pedants round here can make dealing with complicated wills look like the legal equivalent of the vicarage tea party   :jester:  :jester: )

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I'm intrigued to know how that satellite dish receives/transmits anything to anywhere spinning around like that? - I was under the impression they needed to be aimed at a fixed point!  and if it is a radar - lawd only knows what it is scanning for


Radar for LGM or Debris, maybe? Why is it pointed at the Earth, though? Do they swing the whole thing around to aid in exterior work perhaps?


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

In other news, I (just) got an email inviting me for an interview this Thursday (YIKES!! :O ) at the European school here. This is for an IT assistant. Going there with little expectations, but we live in hope :rolleyes:


Now, if my failing memory serves me right a few weeks ago you were ever so helpful to a young lady with an IT problem at the job centre? 

Make sure you bring this up in the interview! I'm sure they'll be looking for someone who is as much a people person as a techie person.

Veel geluk!  

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I think the suitably informed and considered response to that article/statement/blame placing is..... WHAT COMPLETE AND UTTER BOLLOCKS :jester:


Attempting to fool himself AND the public by suggesting a major airline (or ANY significant business system/network) can be taken out by some prat disconnecting/reconnecting the power, as if it's just plugged into a wall outlet,  should be taken with the same dose of glue sniffing that believing the world is FLAT...

I sometimes wonder just how much the "responsible parties" that deliver such missives really believe that the general public is that completely stupid!

Then again, there's Brexit and Drumpf, I suppose..... :O 

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I think the suitably informed and considered response to that article/statement/blame placing is..... WHAT COMPLETE AND UTTER BOLLOCKS :jester:


Attempting to fool himself AND the public by suggesting a major airline (or ANY significant business system/network) can be taken out by some prat disconnecting/reconnecting the power, as if it's just plugged into a wall outlet,  should be taken with the same dose of glue sniffing that believing the world is FLAT...

I sometimes wonder just how much the "responsible parties" that deliver such missives really believe that the general public is that completely stupid!

Then again, there's Brexit and Drumpf, I suppose..... :O 


I would go further and suggest that BA is attempting to peddle a complete crock of sh!t that is only excelled by some of the utter carp emanating from the current US administration.


Pray tell us, oh great BA, if the system could not recover gracefully when someone pulled the plug, how in the name of all deities was it supposed to recover in the event of an actual power outage? The story about a "power surge" is just nonsense being trotted out by someone who obviously has no idea what they are talking about. Heads should be rolling, but they probably won't.

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Dear Auntie.


The older boys have started showing me glossy pictures with ever so shiny trains on them. :read: 

I'm sure these pictures have been air-brushed.

Deep down I know that this sets an unreasonable expectation of what trains look like in real life and that I'll now compare all the trains I see with these fantasy trains.

I know that this is unfair and the only trains I'm likely to climb on board are dirty and smelly, but I can't help liking the shiny ones, especially when the older boys show me pictures of them coupled together in strange combinations. 

Some of the boys just refer to the trains by a number. don't they have names?  


What should I do?  


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Apparently the BA fiasco was caused by Mrs Ethel Bloggs when she unplugged the comms gear so she could plug in her Hoover.


(Slightly embellished version)


When local radio was very young, the Birmingham BBC station was off air one morning while engineers tried to find why the transmitter wouldn't power up. Another Mrs Boggs moment.

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A very interesting day with a lot to think about over the next couple of days. After several meetings with the MD, a new offer has been put on the table which to be honest is far more than I'd hoped for. Not all of it financial and definitely less hours.


OD - I think that the MD was a bit hasty and thought about it last night which might explain the first part of the post.


DM - Good luck.


Time for some food before trawling the rest on RM land.


Back later

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The BEED, in typical restrained language said;


"Richard Westcott has spoken to IT experts who are sceptical that a power surge could wreak such havoc on the data centres."


What the BEEB didn't say is when the IT experts heard this explanation their tea exploded from their nostrils.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dear Auntie.


The older boys have started showing me glossy pictures with ever so shiny trains on them. :read: 

I'm sure these pictures have been air-brushed.

Deep down I know that this sets an unreasonable expectation of what trains look like in real life and that I'll now compare all the trains I see with these fantasy trains.

I know that this is unfair and the only trains I'm likely to climb on board are dirty and smelly, but I can't help liking the shiny ones, especially when the older boys show me pictures of them coupled together in strange combinations. 

Some of the boys just refer to the trains by a number. don't they have names?  


What should I do?  



Dear Andy

You sound like a very sensible chap to realise that the images shown to you are not realistic. The older boys have probably never even been on a real train. However if they try showing you pictures of buses you must report them to an appropriate authority.

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A very interesting day with a lot to think about over the next couple of days. After several meetings with the MD, a new offer has been put on the table which to be honest is far more than I'd hoped for. Not all of it financial and definitely less hours.



Ah, but what you have to ask yourself is why they didn't give you that without you having to hold their feet to the fire, and moving forward are they going to resent the fact that you did?

Just something to consider.

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Andy, if the older boys start showing you videos of pistons sliding in and out and things getting steamed up, avert your eyes immediately.


And if they suggest that wagons have numbers as well, run run run.



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I think that BA are being totally up front with us and it was a problem with a surge after the power had been accidentally switched off and reconnected.

Surely the person to blame must be the one who bought a multi socket without surge protection and fitted the wrong fuse to the plug.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Met up with Tony in Tesco's this afternoon and had a little chat. Tony mentioned the monitering device that I mentioned that arrived a couple of days ago. Still got to get it charged up, it charges from the USB socket on the lap top, I'd plugged it in last night, then switched the lap top off at the mains. Reading the instructions nowhere does it say what a healthy BP or heart rate should be, my GP looks at the reading and just says "Thats OK" and then removes the arm band. I did receive a letter this morning saying I had an appointment for a medical check up. It turned out to be from a private medical firm and they were going to charge me £129 for the priviledge so I saved myself £129 by throwing it in the bin.

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Evening good people.


Scorer course rebuilt, parcels made up and posted, more stuff put on Ebay..


There used to be a retired BA Jumbo jet Captain who did after dinner talks. One of his stories was about the cleaner in the Air Traffic Control Centre unplugging the power to the main radar display to plug her hover in.. on checking up it did actually happen!


Big problem is if the power was switched off and then switched  back on before everything ground to a halt.. things go bad very quickly. If you saw the back up gen sets we used to put in hospitals and the Terminals at Heathrow and Gatwick...they were huge!


Ian A.. fill the page up and then ask them if there is anything else they need on the page...


I remember a spreadsheet for Company KPIs for an unnamed Hospital trust - an A3 sheet full of "information".... which I can guarantee was set up look impressive but mean the square root of bu$$er all!


Sleep well all!



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Can the prefix $ go as column headings?After all the client is unlikely to be using zloty or pesos.

RESULT - let's have a party...

After what used to be referred to as a "come to Jesus meeting", but I'm sure that is now is NOT PC  :O  where I took great pains, WITH VISUALS, to explain how there was NO chance of getting the extra info on the report without losing "something", the Finance VP (the bright person who always respects my recommendations) basically decided "!@$!@$!$ the idiot that made the request", ESPECIALLY since it's the same person who had implied the EXISTING font size might be too small in the first place, thereby nixing ANY smaller font option <groan>, we're actually DROPPING the $ signs.


This and an agreement to clip/abbreviate the description (LOTS of wailing and gnashing of teeth ensued during THAT part of the discussion), means I can now fit the column in.

Of course this probably cost $1,000+ of my time JUST in time discussing the BLOODY OBVIOUS, let alone the work (not too long but still needs to be done) and the final statement that "he'll probably not like it when we're done anyway" :jester:


The same genius has also decided we NOW need a rolling month-over-month FOUR YEAR comparison report - yet another of those items NOT ever documented or specified...

KACHING, KACHING. My boss will be happy, as all I do is sit here to try to complete things and they generate more carp faster than I can finish what I'm on  :sungum:

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A very interesting day with a lot to think about over the next couple of days. After several meetings with the MD, a new offer has been put on the table which to be honest is far more than I'd hoped for. Not all of it financial and definitely less hours.


Duncan, obviously the MD has realised that losing you may just screw up the operation...As it happens I had a breakfast meeting with my then MD.. a promotion, more cash, more holidays... but I had to move to Newcastle...I left 6 weeks later...  liked the idea of more money and promotion but no way did I want to go back to the North East at the time...



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