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Someone living a few miles away from us took this video -




I am amazed. I know eagles can catch fish, but they don't land in the water to do it - they snatch them on the surface. This bird appears to be in the water by choice - having seen this one, I went looking for others on Youtube, and some do show birds deliberately landing in the water. The method of propulsion isn't like anything I've seen water birds use before, either!  

Edited by pH
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

It wasn't raining when I took The Boss to work at 4.30 but it is now and plenty more is forecast throughout the day.

That gets me out of cutting the grass and cleaning the BBQ .

In that case I may (attempt to) muddle.

Have a good one,


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Good morning one and all


We have had some interesting thoughts on breakfast.  For what it is worth, I was brought up to believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  I still regard it as such and often work on the basis that I do not know whence the next meal will come.  This is not as bad as it may sound, for I know that there will be a next meal.  Whatever we may think of Little Chef, it is my view that their Olympic is a jolly good way to start the day and is of such a size that there is no need to even think of food for several hours.  My road journey down to Southampton on a Sunday in January was marked by a distinct absence of places serving a decent breakfast, or any other sort for that matter.  I was too early for Toddington services, which is not to the taste of all, but little did I know then that I would have to settle for a bacon roll nearly two hours later, falling way short of the full English that I desired.  I do not know whether Marston Moretaine is destined for either the C chain or the S chain but know this: I seldom drink coffee and do not think that sticky cakes or glutinous cowpats – sorry, burgers - are at all suitable to comprise the most important meal of the day.  I am happy to dine in supermarkets but try finding one that is open on a Sunday morning!


Enjoy your day …



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


The dry spell broke very effectively overnight, and I had to close the window in the small hours due to the noisy rush of water cascading off the roof into the overflowing water-butt. I had managed to mow lawns yesterday, so they now have a chance to regrow. Today will be wet at times.


Alison has been in meltdown this weekend, because Tom was away in Angers, then Pornic, over the weekend, with the family he claims to be discarding. She has not slept well, partly because of the weather, too. Today she will be at a hospital where friend Gill's son, 16, is having major surgery. Two ribs will be removed, and two steel rods inserted to halt the curvature of his spine, which has been noticed rather too late, and is proceeding at an unexpectedly fast rate. The boy is tiny for his age, but bright, and Gill said when he was admitted last evening that he was 'cool' about the op. Such courage!


France is waking up after another holiday. Some shopping will take place later.


I hope your week is going to plan.

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Morning all. A very wet night and it looks likely to remain so for the rest of the day.


Hopefully an easy day and one with few problems.


Time for another coffee.


Have  good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. A very wet night and it looks likely to remain so for the rest of the day.


Hopefully an easy day and one with few problems.


Time for another coffee.


Have  good day everyone.

I failed to acknowledge your sudden release from your employer. Over recent weeks and months I had been aware that you were working ridiculous hours over long weeks and being expected to drive stupid distances to jobs. I hope a few weeks respite enables you to find something more sensible but adequately remunerative.
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

 After a reasonable nights sleep of about 6.5 hours, I was expecting to find big puddles and further rain induced problems. However other than one of SWMBOs plant pots sitting in the driveway and things being a bit damp. there were no big puddles, there were dry spots on the roads and occasional light drizzle.


I too Prefer threads, I've tried following blogs but haven't enjoyed the experience.


 Having lived in Saudi, the view that they get of the outside world is weird. not counting the Government controlled(or influenced) Press  / TV / Radio. which almost always only shows what is good about their country.


What do they see of the world?


The news CBS /BBC/RT/ Aljazeera, all show all that is bad in the world.

Films, Violence, car chases, the leading lady jumping into bed with the leading man. boozing in bars leading to fights. and where do al lot of the films show people? in big mansions with vast amounts of money.


It's no wonder the world as they see it is perverted...


When I went on a course in the UK we had a Saudi with us, he was absolutely amazed when seeing children (particularly female) walking down the streets to primary or secondary school. He didn't believe it was possible without them being attacked and raped...



Todays work,  two current shunts to measure, 20A and 100A, then the paperwork for the full set of seven. After that I fear it may be back to programming, although  need to organise the Calibration of another set of seven which will require the taking out of use of one test station for a day..


Time to.... Check the company  Emails

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  • RMweb Premium

Well work could be delayed, went into the lab to find it at 32C, with the incoming air from the AC at 55C. Seemingly when the outer lab came in this morning to borrow some equipment it was 10C. So they reset the AC and it's gone silly the other way. I've turned it off and am sitting here sweating waiting for it to come down to within it's target values, when I'll reset it again.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning to all from a rather wet village.   Andy and Don I hope that your job situations work out well.


Here life goes on as usual.   Yesterday quite a bit of tidying got done then a good evening at the clubroom listening to a talk on 1st generation DMU's, I learned a lot.   Today I have various errands and shopping things to do this morning.   This evening the FiL and Step MiL are coming for a meal so there will be various tasks to be completed.   In between I might even get some more modelling done.  


Regards to all.



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Morning All,


It is a reasonably sunny morning in this part of the world.  I am slightly later on parade this morning having taken the car in for service.


It is interesting what Q said about Saudi.  However, I feel it is becoming similar pretty much everywhere.  It is increasingly worrying how news organisations spin stories to suit their audience.


What a strange world we live in.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's somewhat damp outside due to the steady torrential rain over the last 12 hours. 


Not much to report today. I took some time out yesterday evening to run in the pannier tank; quiet in forward direction, a bit squeaky in reverse.


Had a call from the hearing aid company yesterday afternoon to make a follow up appointment for mum to see how she was getting on with the new hearing aids.

I asked if they had spoken to her about the proposed date. 

"Er, yes. We tried to but she said she couldn't hear us."  Doh.


New tyres are going on the car today. I don't think "slicks" are likely to get through the MoT.  

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 Having lived in Saudi, the view that they get of the outside world is weird. not counting the Government controlled(or influenced) Press  / TV / Radio. which almost always only shows what is good about their country.


What do they see of the world?


The news CBS /BBC/RT/ Aljazeera, all show all that is bad in the world.

Films, Violence, car chases, the leading lady jumping into bed with the leading man. boozing in bars leading to fights. and where do al lot of the films show people? in big mansions with vast amounts of money.


It's no wonder the world as they see it is perverted...


When I went on a course in the UK we had a Saudi with us, he was absolutely amazed when seeing children (particularly female) walking down the streets to primary or secondary school. He didn't believe it was possible without them being attacked and raped...


Thanks for that - I hadn't given that circumstance a lot of thought.

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I have been tasked with getting some Swiss money today. I suspect Tesco will be easiest. They have a Post Office and and their own travel money kiosk. I suspect I may be given a small shopping list too.



For the first time I used one of these facilities whereby I give them huge sums of money over the 'phone in the expectation of getting the appropriate number of Euros through the post.

On this occasion it worked perfectly but it certainly goes against the grain to use the system.

Probably gained about 40€ by doing so but not sure it was worth the fretting!

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Someone living a few miles away from us took this video -


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zz6sMcO024 .


I am amazed. I know eagles can catch fish, but they don't land in the water to do it - they snatch them on the surface. This bird appears to be in the water by choice - having seen this one, I went looking for others on Youtube, and some do show birds deliberately landing in the water. The method of propulsion isn't like anything I've seen water birds use before, either!


Just yesterday on a tv docu here an eagle caught a large trout fully in the water. The presenter told how the fish will automatically try to escape by swimming down. The eagle was in the water for some time before it could manage a take off. They apparently have scales on their talons that kind of, lock onto the fish.
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  • RMweb Gold

For the first time I used one of these facilities whereby I give them huge sums of money over the 'phone in the expectation of getting the appropriate number of Euros through the post.

On this occasion it worked perfectly but it certainly goes against the grain to use the system.

Probably gained about 40€ by doing so but not sure it was worth the fretting!

I won't be taking a large amount of cash, I just don't want to be messing around looking for cash machines at the airport. We are supposed to be looking for someone who will hand over our rail tickets and contact their representatives at the other end to meet us and take our luggage on a cart to the hotel. Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning.

Raining and a bit blustery here.

I have been tasked with getting some Swiss money today. I suspect Tesco will be easiest. They have a Post Office and and their own travel money kiosk. I suspect I may be given a small shopping list too.

Our nephew has just returned from a week in Italy. He went with his girlfriend. She is Romanian but was brought up in Italy where her mother is a chef. Nephew, Josh, met her father for the first time on this trip, he is usually back in Romania running the family farm. We are now the proud owners of a large lump of Parmesan cheese.


I'm afraid to say that you can't mention Tesco's on this forum it would be most upsetting to our dear friend GDB who has been a life time fan of "SAINSBURY'S please remove the offending word thank you.  :nono:



BTW enjoy your holiday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Glug, glug as it is precipitating freely (or should that be fiercely?) although the wind has subsided from its earlier efforts.


Ah, blogs - oh dear is my reaction as although there are some very good ones you really have to be on your toes and spend ages finding them.  On the other hand threads are easier to find but do get a bit confusing as all sorts of nutters RMweb members tend to throw in comments along with advice, jokes, stories from their childhood, unseemly thoughts about various actresses, pictures of various actresses, pictures of trains, sausages, little heard of towns and villages, and occasional helpful advice, plus general chit-chat; in other words threads can be fun (especially if you have strong nerves should you start one off).  I'll be on the lookout BoD ;)


No breakfast today (as is usual) but cold pork and stuffing for lunch plus homemade asparagus soup.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. It looks as if  the rain is here for the day, thats put paid to doing anything outside, flaming June? At least I can do a bit more inside the shed, after I've re-arranged things in the utility room to make space to set up the workmate. Found the remains of a bird yesterday near the front door, species indeterminate but possibly a starling or a young blackbird, victim of the local feline population. Thats it for now, be back later.

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