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Morning All,

.....These were not caused by Swedish Grannies or even German Lutherans yet security expenditure and focus are diluted by having to expend time and effort on everyone when we all know that a very small faction of domestic or international religious extremists are totally responsible. Concentrate on and take apart the cells led by extremist leaders - imprison or deport them. Incitement is still a crime (inchoate offense). The tools are there and if not - put them there.

Very true words, Pete. What happened to the idea of the law being impartial and justice being blind? There does seem to be a very nasty imbalance in the way Policing and Judicial action are carried out in the UK (I recently had a most interesting conversation with Jamie92208, where he bemoaned the replacement of Peel's eminently sensible and pragmatic "9 principles of policing" [see: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/16/nyregion/sir-robert-peels-nine-principles-of-policing.html?_r=0]with a multipage "mission and vision statement" - I reckon that's when the rot set in)


What angers me is how certain minorities (and, regretfully, it always seems to be certain minorities) are not afforded the same punitive scrutiny as others. I suppose a good analogy would be that of allowing EM, P4 or S4 modellers to say what they will, how they will (e.g. "OO is the modelling gauge of Satan") without fear of censure, whereas should a modeller of the modelling majority (OO) dare say something as bland as "I think P4 is a bit fiddly" - then the modelling majority individual would be accused of - amongst other things - hate speech!


My rule of thumb about such matters is if that a statement such as "All X are to be swept away and annihilated" is considered as "hate speech" - then it IS hate speech no matter to which group "X" refers to.


Regretfully, I must agree with Pete's later post (number 151951 trisonic)  that the usual meaningless and trite statements will be wheeled out by the usual political and community figures. Individuals who, in more enlightened times, would be considered - at best - ineffectively mediocre.


......My award for the best way to ruin a business goes to Little Chef.  On Saturday I learned that my beloved Marston Moretaine establishment is to close in September and become a coffee shop.  What use is that to man or beast?  I like a decent breakfast if I am on the road for it is usually a day when I know not whence will come the next meal.  For all the good it will do, I shall protest.....


Hmmmm. Perhaps a coffee shop (unless one of those ghastly chains) may actually provide an improvement in the quality of the food??? I am a fan of a good, old fashioned "fry up" as much as anyone with a soupçon of Anglo-Saxon blood in their veins (although I vehemently am opposed to baked beans and fried tomatoes on a fry up - an abomination!), but the food purveyed by the establishment in question is - dare I say it - grimly industrial. I can think of at least two reasons why the management is closing your favourite one down: it is loosing money/not profitable enough for the new owner (Euro Garages) or the site the building sits on is more valuable than the revenue generated by the restaurant. And as much as I disagree with you ChrisF about food (and we have had some enjoyable disagreements about food when we have met up in the past), I do greatly sympathise with you: we are both too old to learn how to be enthusiastic about quinoa yoghurt, kale smoothies, deconstructed bacon and brown sauce sandwiches or whatever is the hipster's/millennial's breakfast du jour. (mind you a bacon and brown sauce sarni - deconstructed or not - is always appealing)


Well off to defrost some black pudding (food of the gods) for lunch (bacon, scrambled egg, soss & black pud)


Have a great Monday




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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny first thing this morning but now clouding over as predicted. Must have been a cool night as the central heating was on this morning when I woke up, at least the towels on the heated towel rail were nice and warm. Not a lot done over the weekend, not that there was nothing to do I was just feeling lazy. Chris, if you want somewhere to go for breakfast I would suggest some of the 24 hour supermarkets, the only problem might be opening times. So long for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,

Very true words, Pete. What happened to the idea of the law being impartial and justice being blind? There does seem to be a very nasty imbalance in the way Policing and Judicial action are carried out in the UK (I recently had a most interesting conversation with Jamie92208, where he bemoaned the replacement of Peel's eminently sensible and pragmatic "9 principles of policing" [see: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/16/nyregion/sir-robert-peels-nine-principles-of-policing.html?_r=0]with a multipage "mission and vision statement" - I reckon that's when the rot set in)


What angers me is how certain minorities (and, regretfully, it always seems to be certain minorities) are not afforded the same punitive scrutiny as others. I suppose a good analogy would be that of allowing EM, P4 or S4 modellers to say what they will, how they will (e.g. "OO is the modelling gauge of Satan") without fear of censure, whereas should a modeller of the modelling majority (OO) dare say something as bland as "I think P4 is a bit fiddly" - then the modelling majority individual would be accused of - amongst other things - hate speech!


My rule of thumb about such matters is if that a statement such as "All X are to be swept away and annihilated" is considered as "hate speech" - then it IS hate speech no matter to which group "X" refers to.


Regretfully, I must agree with Pete's later post (number 151951 trisonic)  that the usual meaningless and trite statements will be wheeled out by the usual political and community figures. Individuals who, in more enlightened times, would be considered - at best - ineffectively mediocre.



Hmmmm. Perhaps a coffee shop (unless one of those ghastly chains) may actually provide an improvement in the quality of the food??? I am a fan of a good, old fashioned "fry up" as much as anyone with a soupçon of Anglo-Saxon blood in their veins (although I vehemently am opposed to baked beans and fried tomatoes on a fry up - an abomination!), but the food purveyed by the establishment in question is - dare I say it - grimly industrial. I can think of at least two reasons why the management is closing your favourite one down: it is loosing money/not profitable enough for the new owner (Euro Garages) or the site the building sits on is more valuable than the revenue generated by the restaurant. And as much as I disagree with you ChrisF about food (and we have had some enjoyable disagreements about food when we have met up in the past), I do greatly sympathise with you: we are both too old to learn how to be enthusiastic about quinoa yoghurt, kale smoothies, deconstructed bacon and brown sauce sandwiches or whatever is the hipster's/millennial's breakfast du jour. (mind you a bacon and brown sauce sarni - deconstructed or not - is always appealing)


Well off to defrost some black pudding (food of the gods) for lunch (bacon, scrambled egg, soss & black pud)


Have a great Monday




Some good words there ID.   As a matter of interest the policing objectives that I had to learn by rote 44 years ago were as follows:


A Constable is a citizen locally appointed.

He takes his authority from the Crown

His principal duties are:-

1.   The Protection of Life and Property

2.   The Maintenance of Order.

3.   The Prevention and Detection of Crime

4.   The prosecution of offenders against the peace.


Allegedly set out by an early Home Secretary called Maynard IIRC.   Now replaced by a meaningless A4 sheet of politically correct gobbledegook that no one reads or remembers.

Knowing that definition always served me well as it could be remembered in stressful situations when prioritising actions.


Now the ironing and unpacking the shopping awaits.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Overcast and breezy here. Looks as if it could rain at any moment.

I am waiting in for a package that is "out for delivery" . Aditi ordered a guidebook for Switzerland. She likes to read them before we go on holiday. All our Swiss books are out of date.

Aditi went up to Enfield yesterday. She is going to a memory clinic meeting for carers this morning. Her sister thought she should go. Aditi thinks her sister should go as she seems to be over-reacting to MiL's occasional forgetfulness or minor mistakes.


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  • RMweb Gold

Swmbo requested BBQed bacon sandwiches today for lunch AL FRESCO, unless she pops outside and scowls at the inbound dark clouds I will be getting wet later in the day.




Yours Downtrodden  :umbrage:

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Agree with everything you say Flavio  (apart from the bit about black pudding! ugg!)

Morning awl

If you are talking about the Scottish version (all cereal and very dry) I'd agree 100% - but the English version, made with lumps of pork fat = YUMMY!   There is some in my freezer, but SWMBO won't let me eat it - complaining that the pong lingers all day - which is why she rarely eats Kippers/mackerel, which I find completely disgusting!

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

.... What angers me is how certain minorities (and, regretfully, it always seems to be certain minorities) are not afforded the same punitive scrutiny as others. ....


There is an equally valid argument that certain minorities experience punitive scrutiny on a daily basis which leads to alienation, which leaves them open to radicalisation, which in turn leads to the violent outrages we've seen in the last month. Now we all know that the vast majority don't follow this path, many actively oppose extremism (where do you think the security services get a lot of their information from). The Muslim community at large deserves our thanks for their efforts not opprobrium for the few that slip through the net.

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If you see no-one else make it Chris Wood.  His songs are forthright yet reflective.  I don't know Ewan Maclennan very well but both he and CW are on my four line whip list for Sidmouth.  IIRC James Dumbelton works with Jim Causley from time to time.  I haven't seen the City of Plymouth Pipe Band since they supported the Battlefield Band a frighteningly long time ago.



I used to play in the City of Plymouth pipe band..........then played for Arbroath........now a world class band....after I was drafted to 45 Cdo.


Happy (if slightly noisy) days.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather cloudy and breezy here and rain is promised.

A lazy day spent at home yesterday with some muddling which turned into a mess so a rethink is required on that bit. Perhaps later today.

After that I managed to BBQ various meat products without burning anything, in fact The Boss praised my efforts. I thought it was rather good too and later on finished up the left overs for supper.

Just back from an "essential" shopping trip with you know who and just for once we didn't go to Sainsbury's.

Also just spent half an hour on the phone to our Oh so efficient local council. I've mentioned the new recycling saga here before. When they changed the system in April I ordered an extra wheelie bin online on 3rd April and got an emailed acknowledgement. They lost that. I then ordered again on the phone on 24th April and was given a reference no. Phoned today to chase it but because they are no longer going to supply the smaller type wheelie bin I ordered I'm not getting that either.  :banghead:  Have now been told I can have an extra big wheelie bin and have been given another reference no.

I will not be holding my breath. Meanwhile I have 6 different boxes and containers filled with mixed recycling.


Have a good one,



PS  Drat, just realised the BBQ needs cleaning but as it's now raining it will have to wait.

Edited by grandadbob
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All this talk of fry ups makes me think of my upcoming migration to "north of the border". 

Last year at the B&B I had the option of a traditional full Scottish breakfast or scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. 

Looking at what the full Scottish consisted of I was not convinced there was that much difference to its southern counterpart.

And driving a couple of hundred miles with a belly full of calories (I bring enough with me to not need to add any more - I'll say it before you lot do), I opted for the scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.

The smoked salmon was also cooked, possibly by exposure to the steaming pile of egg. No, just no. 

This year I'll be opting for a bowl of salt with some porridge garnish.   

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There is an equally valid argument that certain minorities experience punitive scrutiny on a daily basis which leads to alienation, which leaves them open to radicalisation, which in turn leads to the violent outrages we've seen in the last month. Now we all know that the vast majority don't follow this path, many actively oppose extremism (where do you think the security services get a lot of their information from). The Muslim community at large deserves our thanks for their efforts not opprobrium for the few that slip through the net.


I'm definitely with Neil on this.  I know the local Imam personally and he is assiduous on community work and supporting the inter faith activities. I know he would inform the local police of any concerns.



Edited by bbishop
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My concern with andyram's resignation, is that it provides the headmaster the opportunity to select another candidate for personal dissection throughout the next academic year.



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....I opted for the scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.

The smoked salmon was also cooked, possibly by exposure to the steaming pile of egg. No, just no. 


I had this happen at the local greasy joint because the two were not kept separate. Cooked smoked salmon is, um, a bit of an acquired taste but since I'd paid for it I had to eat it!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning (just) all,


Bit of a mixed day  - 1.  the Good Doctor is safely installed in her 'rather nice') hotel in Montenegro having left a little before the crack of dawn and been satisfactorily processed by BA's computer system complete with 'speed boarding' (the mind boggles)e.  Secondly before she left - well yesterday evening actually - she tried to turn on the light in the utility and it didn't work so she tried to turn on the kitchen lights using the switch in the utility and they only worked briefly; situation now is that anything worked off any pole of the 4 pole switch in the utility doesn't work nor does it work if it is also operated by the 3 pole switch in the kitchen but things on the other poles on the kitchen switch do work and the circuit breaker remains resolutely unbreaking - electrician attending tomorrow but it would seem to me the fault lies somewhere in the 4 pole switch.


On a completely different tack a manufacturer has today asked two of us on RMweb exactly what we would like to fill a particular hole in one of their ranges (basically a livery and detail variation job) - so we've told him plus I've supplied some details and we will now await developments.


Apart from that the rain descendeth in what in Ireland would be described as 'a soft day' - very good for the weeds no doubt but will it serve to keep the bloomin' muntjac away from the strawberries to which it seems to have developed a fancy?


Oh, and as for proper job breakfasts they are not complete without a grilled or otherwise cooked tomato but are ruined by baked beans and black pudding is of course absolutely essential (I'm not allowed to cook kippers 'because of the smell' - when they're in a plastic bag :O .


Have a good day one & all

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I never got round to breakfast unless one counts cups of tea. So I had what I believe is brunch. I quite like hotel breakfasts or those served on cruise ships. The last P&O ship we went on only had black pudding on alternate days. Cunard had it every day! When we stayed near Killarney the hotel breakfast had very nice black pudding.


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Morning Awl,

A good 9 hours sleep just broken by pain from my back, which is somewhat annoying considering I've not placed any strain on it this weekend so far.


I've today off, as had we been kept busy all Saturday night, Sunday morning I would not have been able to work.


So as we have bright sunshine this morning, once I have applied some external pain relief to my back, some gentle preparation for building the walls of the next section of raised patio is intended. If my back permits some foundation blocks may be placed, but they weight 16kg each.


Is it worth the risk, dear Q?

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......I quite like hotel breakfasts or those served on cruise ships. The last P&O ship we went on only had black pudding on alternate days. Cunard had it every day! ....


Cunard generally has a 24-hour restaurant in operation. Even if you want to eat at, say, 2.30 in the morning, the duty chef and his team will be ready and waiting for you. It seems quite ridiculously decadent to be able to eat ice-cream at that hour, but I did!

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Morning all


Domestic Engineering complete. Wind is troubling the birds more than me (nothing to do with last night's lamb roast) and the extreme wetness seems imminent. Friend in Cornwall suggested she might need to don the wetsuit for the afternoon school run. Mike's comments from not-far-away duly noted.


A "full breakfast" requires, to my mind, toast and fried bread, fried eggs (plural), bacon (definitely plural), sausage (probably plural), cooked tomato, chat or hash-brown potatoes and hog's or white pudding. I'm open-minded on baked beans. Happy if they are present so long as they aren't the major component used to fill the plate cheaply. No mushrooms thanks. And most definitely nothing green - I endured 17 years of Australian "full English" breakfasts which always seemed to include a large serve of steamed spinach.


Herself has Gumtreed a wardrobe which is due tonight so sitting home awaiting van man in foul weather is not an unreasonable impost.


Must mail off my pension forms though. Shoes on - key in pocket - envelope in hand. Best wishes to all. I'll see you later unless I get drowned or blown away.

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Hi Neil

There is an equally valid argument that certain minorities experience punitive scrutiny on a daily basis which leads to alienation, which leaves them open to radicalisation, which in turn leads to the violent outrages we've seen in the last month. Now we all know that the vast majority don't follow this path, many actively oppose extremism (where do you think the security services get a lot of their information from). The Muslim community at large deserves our thanks for their efforts not opprobrium for the few that slip through the net.

Yes, it is a valid point, but my point is that no minority, or majority - however defined - should be exempt from scrutiny, criticism and challenge. If we make exceptions for "X", then those who are subject to such things will be aggrieved. Actually, I wasn't specifically referring to the Muslim community, indeed there are quite a few minority identity groups in the UK (and elsewhere) who believe that because they are "X" they are exempt from such examination and criticism. Look at the demands at Universities for "no platforming" of those individuals whose views don't agree with those of the self selected "representatives". All belief systems and philosophies should be scrutinised, challenged and debated. No one and no credo should be immune from scrutiny.


I can see the point that should a group be singled out in particular for special scrutiny, it could lead to alienation and possibly radicalisation, yet on the other hand if we know that - for the sake of argument - that theft at a model railway exhibition is committed nearly in its entirety by men in their 50s with rucksacks, what is the point of widening the security scrutiny to include women with handbags or young men with briefcases? When the famous American criminal Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he (supposedly) replied "because that's where the money is" Surely it is logical to concentrate limited investigative resources in those areas "where the money is"?  When the authorities hunted down Timothy McVie for his terrorist act (Oklahoma city bombing), there were no calls that the Caucasian community was being unfairly targeted, why should any other group be treated differently?


Woah! Serious philosophy going on here!



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Hmmm, where to start/go next...


Having limited availability to post/read since Thursday AM results in much to review, I'll attempt that later.

My thoughts go out to all in the UK following another mindless attack on humanity :( I don't know what more to say, much said/covered already in spades...

I also feel compelled to apologize once again for the current commander bumstain-in chief over here, who has obviously no compassion or interest in worldwide humanity and intends only ever to want to voice his "me, me, me" agenda - what a worthless carcass he is.


Driving to Chicago on Friday was uneventful, just sit there and stare into the distance, for 400 miles <yawn>

The funeral weekend went as expected overall, excepting that the actual day itself (Friday) was longer than any I've yet attended, seemingly I've been blessed to not have been at many such comprehensive events.

This one started with an open casket reviewal at 10AM (something I've never been comfortable with, a personal thing only), then a full church service from 11-12:15 (deceased and her son very into high Catholic church) followed by a 20 minute motorcade to the cemetery and the final "laid-to-rest".

From there, on to a large meal/gathering for 60+ people at a restaurant that continued until almost 4PM - I was more than "done" at that point, although the Mrs did enjoy the gathering, bringing together many cousins that she grew up with but seldom sees now.

MiL re-united with several "kids" from her childhood, including one guy who was 102 and who lived across the street from her and her sister, still living there with his daughter - I swear the total age of the attendees must've been in the several thousands!!!!

Saturday spent driving back from Chicago managing to get in exhausted from the weekend around 7PM.


Was around 30-32 Saturday and Sunday in Minneapolis, so spent Sunday relaxing and little else before getting on the plane for.....Long Island - arriving around midnight. I've got to convince these folks to get a replacement for me on this gig!!!


So here I am, different weather here at 18 and cloudy with some occasional drizzle, expected to be 23 and rain later.


Hope springs eternal for a peaceful week for everyone in the world, "please", I have been questioning why it's so difficult for us as an intelligent life-form to NOT manage to co-exist reasonably well <sigh>

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AndyB  belated birthday wishes. If they can't pay you and are getting a bit OTT then time to move on.


Andyram .. a brave step but sounds like you have a Plan B in place so JFDI


As for me... well after 4 years of rest all of my pension forms are in the post ..I lose a bit on one of them but two are as per expected.


Is "I will do the best I can " the new Yes, maybe..well really no??


Blackpudding - a must in any full mashings breakfast along with skinless mice!


A lot of the "vision and mission" carp is down to people being involved in American style "management"...an"Who moved my cheese" one else other than myself every endured a Dale Carnegie course?  or been force fed "Who moved my cheese" and statement which prove that everything was invented on the USA or in the Japanese car industry?? 


Simple statements can suffice - just like the ones Jamie can still remember.. lets get back to easy to understand "Queens English" statements......


sorry, just having a bad day with some of the carp going on in the world



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