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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all.

I didn't get any suggestion that I should cease buying green bananas. The aorta was normal which is nice to know. As my intestines are somewhat inflamed and active at the moment the "firm pressure" was a little uncomfortable but not exactly painful. The operative did ask me to relax and I said I thought I was. There was no wait and the procedure including the questions was efficiently performed. Aditi even got a parking place at the clinic car park.


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all


Not yet caught up but noted BlackRat is a year older. Well done and I hope the therapy is enjoyable. I suspect you will get the glad eye from any ladies at your classes. Enjoy!


We went to Le Mans for some of the early scrutineering today. The pitlane on such a day is rather fine, and being there slightly surreal, and Sherry enjoyed that. We spent some time talking to Stephen and June, who own a 1976 Corvette, and really only go to Le Mans to see Corvettes! The promised gentle temperatures followed by storms from midday did not appear, and it just got hotter and hotter. Pleasant enough but neither of us flourishes in that sort of sun. Meanwhile Alison's place suffered a Mediterranean violent downpour and full electrical works. Chez moi remains dry, sadly - it's forgotten how to rain here.


On returning home a parcel had been cunningly concealed by postie, an ebay bargain of the best sort. Five kitbuilt brass Bulleids in malachite, built by Derek Lawrence and painted by Larry Goddard, aka Coachmann on RMweb. As I noted in the ebay bargains thread, at £80 each this is great value.

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  • RMweb Gold

I had one a couple of years ago. They said I was normal.


Sandy demanded a recount!

Often nowadays any good results seem to include "... for a man of your age" .

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Afternoon all


......We went to Le Mans for some of the early scrutineering today. The pitlane on such a day is rather fine, and being there slightly surreal, and Sherry enjoyed that. We spent some time talking to Stephen and June, who own a 1976 Corvette, and really only go to Le Mans to see Corvettes! The promised gentle temperatures followed by storms from midday did not appear, and it just got hotter and hotter. Pleasant enough but neither of us flourishes in that sort of sun.






Edited by Ashcombe
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Evening all.


I went to an election hustings last night and asked a question about nationalisation.  The uniqueness of South East London politics - the Conservative candidate seemed most in favour of renationalising the railways.


Tomorrow is Deanery Synod, when I stand down as lay chair.


Today was pottering, listening to Test Match Special.  In an interval, I went out for the Guardian and looked into the garage next door.  The guy rebuilds micro cars and has a KV in his collection.  This is a French car with a 125cc 2 stroke engine, driving a rubber band, driving friction wheels pushing on the rear road wheels.  Simples.  Any thoughts from our petrol heads?


I've been stood up tomorrow because HJ will watch a programme about The Beatles.  Fair enough.


Keep well all.....Bill

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Our annual property assessment arrived yesterday. It's gone up.


By another remarkable coinkydink I also received a letter from my local heart clinic advising that "Medicare is now offering a once-in-a-lifetime screening to evaluate for abdominal aortic aneurysm" (slightly paraphrased). Do they know something I don't know?


To participate you have to be:


Male (check)

Age 65-75 (check)

Have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your lifetime (check) (Obviously a lawyer reviewed this one)

Never had one before (check)


I'm not sure if I'll do it or not.


Somewhat related I was supposed to go for a follow-up visit to my heart doc on Monday. This all started because our GP thought my pulse was a bit slow. I feel perfectly well and my BP is normal, so I cancelled the appointment.


A day of merrie shunting. I needed to move the trailer (caravan) so that I could get the boat out of the front garden weeds, but before I could do that I had to move two tons of concrete blocks stacked at the side of the driveway. I loaded up my improvised trailer with some blocks and towed it up to the shop with the tractor. I got a bit greedy with the second load and put the remainder of the blocks on the trailer. Pulled it forward about two feet and there was a "crick-phtang" when a wooden 2x4 on the trailer let-go and the steel tongue bent. Slightly under-engineered I would say.




Sorry to hear my old school chum "Brillo" Neil is letting you down. I'd admonish him on your behalf but he never seems to answer my emails these days. (Incidentally, he was quite interested in model railways, but that was a long time ago.)

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An early start and definitely no POETS for me today. To be honest though, I don't mind in the slightest.


After my decision to change jobs, I applied for one job last night and my phone didn't stop ringing all day. The tally is 4 telephone interviews, one telephone interview and a face to face interview on Monday, a face to face interview Tuesday, 2 more on Thursday and five on Friday.


All of these jobs are for far less hours, more holiday and a much better remuneration package


Life is getting interesting but I feel so relaxed about it.


BR - A very late Happy Birthday


Jamie - Happy Anniversary to you and Beth.


AndyB - I hope that your job applications turn up something soon.


Back later

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Afternoon all,


Happy Birthday BR, Happy Anniversary Jamie & Beth.


Late arrival here today as I was off first this morning to se the Good Count's daughter Natasha (just the right name for one of his daughter's I think), then home and called to collect Mrs Stationmaster from town to Tesco so she avoided the slog back up the hill, duly Tesco'd then home for me to cook (!!!) my lunch of mushrooms.  What a wild life we lead.


Seemingly the aortic pressure job is now standard for males on reaching 65 but it you were pre-standard you don't get swept up by some sort of backcheck.  I read about it on here some long time back and duly booked myself in - I could have had an appointment within a week but was already booked elsewhere so had to wait another month or so until they came round again.  Plenty of 'firm pressure' applied during the process but all was ok and when I next saw the GP some time after he was most impressed that I had booked myself in for the test - and had got a 'good' result, especially as I was technically in a 'higher risk' category having been a professional smoker.


Enjoy the rest of the day and hoping all of you are having things a bit cooler than the heatwave struck mid Thames Valley

I never understand why it waits until you hit 65 to present itself and does not present at 64 and three quarters.

My Dad was diagnosed with it at 82. He had the operation and died 2 days later in hospital from a heart attack.

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  • RMweb Gold

I never understand why it waits until you hit 65 to present itself and does not present at 64 and three quarters.

My Dad was diagnosed with it at 82. He had the operation and died 2 days later in hospital from a heart attack.

I am 64 3/4. The early signs of aortic aneurysm begin to show in mid sixties so that is when the scans start. There will always be outliers on the statistical pattern of these occurrences. Mine was normal so I won't be scanned again unless I show some other symptom. Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

I have had a CT scan a couple of weeks ago and no results back yet but hopefully all OK. However the specialist di say that the pains are likey to be stress related which can lead to heart problems hence why I am considering my work situation.


However currently relaxing in the Brunswick In Derby. Great place to do so aswell.



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I have had a CT scan a couple of weeks ago and no results back yet but hopefully all OK. However the specialist di say that the pains are likey to be stress related which can lead to heart problems hence why I am considering my work situation.


However currently relaxing in the Brunswick In Derby. Great place to do so aswell.



Gravity in Derby is clearly an unknown phenomenon! (to be non specific!)

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Premium

Evenin all, and a lovely day at Exbury. Photos to follow once I've worked out how to transfer them from my new phone. 

I note they are hosting a model railway exhibition on Father's Day weekend.

Cor, they don;t miss trick those cunning marketing folk. 


Opened up the email upon my return and got a rather predictable result. 

As swmbo points out this is statistically insignificant Another few dozen or 100 or so rejections might be, but not yet.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Very late on parade again today as it's been a bit hectic here, but ironically the day seems to have dragged. It's been raining for most of it, but luckily on both the occasions (the butchers and the bank) when I had to go out I didn't get wet, despite walking on both trips. On my way back from the bank I bumped into an old drinking buddy, whom I'd not seen for several years. We spent a fair bit of time catching up.


Tonight's meal with the grandkids went well, as did the cakes I made, needless to say there are none left, but then I'm not surprised by that.


BR. Happy birthday.


Jamie and Beth. Happy anniversary.


Goodnight all

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday was quite productive.   I had had my injection and done the fodder run by 9.15 am, then watered the strawberry patch and harvested sufficient of the succulent red fruits to have for breakfast tomorrow.  An impulse purchase in Tesco was 6 oz of lamb’s liver.  Jim the butcher hates cutting it up but he was not there and his colleague had no such qualms.  It was very nice with a rasher of bacon, some mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables.


Today I am off to Didcot for the AGM of the Great Western Study Group.  I would have liked also to attend the AGM of the Welsh Railways Research Circle at Rhiwderin but it would have taken the best part of two hours to get from one to the other and that is daft even by my standards.  Perhaps next year the two organisations will talk to one another and not have their AGMs on the same day.  Oink, flap.  By not going to Rhiwderin I am making a considerable sacrifice, for one of the chief attractions is the chance to buy and eat Mrs Warrington’s Welsh cakes.  Take my word for it, they are a delicacy and very more-ish – not to be confused with Moorish, which some say is the origin of Morris dancing.  Somehow I suspect that haute cuisine and Didcot are total strangers.


Felicitations for birthdays and anniversaries.  Warm thoughts and best wishes to all in distress



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