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  • RMweb Premium

Kitchen worktop fitted, sink ready to be put in place.

Youngest gone home - back Thursday to help fit the sink.


Then a strange evening for me.  My little sis sent me a txt last Friday, saying that she had donated Mum's old records to the Beeb, and

Radio Suffolk had just played a couple of songs from the box.  This evening I had a chance to listen to the programme on iPlayer


Starting 18.00 minutes into the programme - mention of "Jeanie's Mum's Collection" and the magic words:  "record player" and "box of records full of 45 records."  Some delightful chit chat, then the first record out of the box which may bring about a bit of nostalgia for those living/returned from Down Under!  Can you guess what it is?

35 minutes in - chit chat leads to Rita MacNeil singing "Working man".

All quite moving when it is your own mum and sis they are talking about! 


To listen to the programme:

22:00 Nick Risby 26/05/17:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/radiosuffolk/programmes/schedules/2017/05/26


Or go direct:   http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p051tk1t



Better get off to bed, now, methinks.


' Night all and nos da.

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Morning all. An excellent nights sleep which means that I feel completely carp.


Today is going to be long and tiring which doesn't help and the extra challenge is that I'm teaching teachers.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning one and all


In anticipation of another sweltering day I hit the supermarket early and was back home before 08.15.  I needed assistance to find one item and asked an assistant where I might find combs.  Her reply: “What, for hair?”  I thanked her politely and somehow managed not to laugh.


There now follows evidence that I spend too much time watching TV yet not enough.  The BBC seems to enjoy redrafting the afternoon schedule on BBC2 without prior notice.  “For those of you expecting XXX, this will now be shown tomorrow”.  I could save a packet by not buying Radio Times.  Wimbledon will be on in a month or so and on past form the listings will be pure fiction for most of the fortnight.  Perhaps I can put the time to good use by scoping future m*d*ll*ng projects.  Perhaps not.


This evening I am due to be walking the streets of Wolverton with the HMRS.  This may not be quite the best opportunity to break in my new trainers


Warm thoughts to all in distress



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Morning All,


It is quite warm this morning, but not as extreme as it has been over the past couple of days.  We had quite a heavy thunderstorm yesterday around lunchtime and that cooled things down considerably.


It looks like it is going to be quite a busy day in the office today.  I have a number of tests to get sorted out before the end of the week.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

Around 6.5 hour sleep last night not too bad,

SWMBO arrives home late on a Tuesday after her weaving group, often when I'm asleep and it's through a member of that group we may be inheriting a Border Collie. Now I've not been left any notes, but when I got in the car this morning the back seat was covered by an old sheet!

Many of you will have been doing several hundred miles an hour on remoulds..... Aircraft tyres are usually remoulded...


Rant Mode on...


The latest from the EDP ( our local paper) says 13 weeks of disruption in the Catton Grove St Faiths road area, ( currently the only way round the northern half of the city until they finish the NDR), the interesting thing is this quote;


"That multi-million pound project includes the construction of the Norwich Northern Distributor Road and changes to other city streets, such as to Westlegate, Newmarket Road and Golden Ball Street."


So now we know why the NDR costs so much, they've add bits all over the place into the cost of the NDR.


Also another quote

"A spokesman for Transport for Norwich said: “The plan is an overarching programme of strategic works to improve accessibility by all modes of transport around the city." I think that means more bike and bus only lanes...


OK Why do this when the roads all round the outside of Norwich are being disrupted by the construction of the NDR itself, or are they trying to cause as much disruption as possible?


Rant Mode Off...


Time to...  continue calibrating this weeks major equipment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull here at the moment but should be warm with some sunny spells with the chance of the odd light shower.

I muddled a bit yesterday, I may muddle more today. Actually muddle is a very good description of my layout - I may re-name it to Muddle Junction or something similar.

No kids here after school this week as they are on holiday so it will be rather quiet and peaceful. I prefer it when they're here disturbing the peace. Mind you it wouldn't surprise me if The Boss tries to disturb me but that is rather different. 

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.

It looks quite bright out and is forecast to be a pleasant day.

There will be some outings to various shops today. I need some M8 locking nuts as some seem to have dropped off the garden chairs, perhaps the originals were faulty, they didn't lock!

Have a good day.


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Morning all


Warm here in London Bridge - or at least in the office where the aircon has not kicked in yet.


The Lurkers are on half term and Mrs Lurker is taking them to see their cousins - I think they are meeting in Cambridge.


Otherwise not too much to report

Edited by The Lurker
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a sunny North West Leeds highlands.


Another game to umpire today but I have lots of little jobs to finish before the lunchtime start.


All this car cket is getting in the way of a lot of modelling to be completed before September.


Enjoy your day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's due to be a sunny one here.


Not much planned today apart from Chapters 13,17,15,18,3,5 and Appendices A & C. 

Taking a look at the practice exam questions it also seems to be the case that you have to be very much aware of the style in which they ask the questions.

I'd have got an additional 10-20% if I'd gone with my instinct rather than try to get the multi-choice answers to fit based on everyday use of English.   


Assuming I get half of that done I may lay and wire up some track later; a solar lap this weekend means a new loco will need some testing. 


I may also book the car in for new tyres ahead of the MoT. Casting around for providers seems to show that Quickphit were neither the quickest nor necessarily the cheapest. 


Last night's physio session went well and a longer interval until my next appointment was recommended.

A new and tougher Thera-Band was given to me and additional exercises thrown into the mix. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I seem to have a computer problem, it started a couple of days ago when I noticed that the tool bar was blank, that is except for the time/date, battery status, volume control and internet connection but these are 'frozen', the time and date I switched my computer on remains at the time I did so. For a while yesterday the other icons appeared as they did this morning before disappearing again but I still could not access them due to the toolbar being frozen. I am on windows 10 with AVG security. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I seem to have a computer problem, it started a couple of days ago when I noticed that the tool bar was blank, that is except for the time/date, battery status, volume control and internet connection but these are 'frozen', the time and date I switched my computer on remains at the time I did so. For a while yesterday the other icons appeared as they did this morning before disappearing again but I still could not access them due to the toolbar being frozen. I am on windows 10 with AVG security.


Perhaps before following the advice I am going to suggest you may wish to wait for some others to suggest it is unwise. However when I have had problems with laptops that seem to be not explainable by other reasons I have turned it off, removed the battery, waited a while, reinserted the battery and turned it back on.

Just out of interest are the cooling slots clear of fluff etc?

I don't think the problem will be caused by some massive download like the Windows Creators update. That is tediously long but didn't even freeze up Mils modest laptop this weekend.


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Microsoft Outlook has decided to down tools and prevent me sending or receiving e-mails. All it says is "Not Implemented". No idea what that means, and my colleague doesn't know either although she thinks it might means a complete reinstall of Outlook 2010. There is a weird message about having to upgrade Outlook Connector, but clicking that particular button results in absolutely nothing.


Bizarrely I can still receive work e-mails via my mobile phone, but I've managed to leave that at home today....

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....I've never ridden behind on of OVSB's products and it seemed to do well......



34092 is the one fitted with a Giesl ejector / exhaust, repeating the 1960s experiment on long-gone 34064. The Giesl certainly seems to have worked well enough in preservation for them to keep it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. An excellent nights sleep which means that I feel completely carp.


Today is going to be long and tiring which doesn't help and the extra challenge is that I'm teaching teachers.


Time for another coffee.

It sounds like you had a bit of a brewed awakening.

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  • RMweb Premium

Perhaps before following the advice I am going to suggest you may wish to wait for some others to suggest it is unwise. However when I have had problems with laptops that seem to be not explainable by other reasons I have turned it off, removed the battery, waited a while, reinserted the battery and turned it back on.

Just out of interest are the cooling slots clear of fluff etc?

I don't think the problem will be caused by some massive download like the Windows Creators update. That is tediously long but didn't even freeze up Mils modest laptop this weekend.



One of the issues I have on a regular basis with my Toshiba laptop is that the keyboard gets extremely slow to respond to keystrokes. 

The solution to this is, as you say, to turn it off, remove the battery and replace it after a minute or two. 

Seems to work for my keyboard issue. As for Phil's issue, I know not. 


I wonder if BA tried it? 

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  • RMweb Premium

Perhaps before following the advice I am going to suggest you may wish to wait for some others to suggest it is unwise. However when I have had problems with laptops that seem to be not explainable by other reasons I have turned it off, removed the battery, waited a while, reinserted the battery and turned it back on.

Just out of interest are the cooling slots clear of fluff etc?

I don't think the problem will be caused by some massive download like the Windows Creators update. That is tediously long but didn't even freeze up Mils modest laptop this weekend.


It started not long after I had the warning about overcharging the battery. As others have agreed with your advice that is what I will do. Only problem is that I'm not even sure where the battery is.

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  • RMweb Premium

It started not long after I had the warning about overcharging the battery. As others have agreed with your advice that is what I will do. Only problem is that I'm not even sure where the battery is.


Unplug the power lead.

Flip the laptop over.

There are likely two sliders on the base which locate  the battery into place. Push them to one side. 

The battery is likely to be a lozenge shaped item about 8 inches long that will slide forwards. 

Edited by AndyB
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Reasonably cool outside and our visitors have just departed - no home alcohol stocks were depleted although the pub sold him 3 pints of Old Speckled Hen which he consumed in the time it took me to get through a half of cider  (but that's not all that unusual to be honest) - lots of interesting chat had.  Time to get back to gradually untidying the dining room but that has to be done in stages and by stealth.


No major plans - that I've been told of - for today.


Enjoy your days everybody.

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  • RMweb Gold

As for Ivan's Outlook problem...

If the emails are getting to the phone that is a good thing as it means the problem is with the PC. I don't have Outlook, they stopped including it with the home office version some time ago. However you may not have to reinstall. In the programs list there should be a repair option like other Office programs. However if the fault is something to,do with Outlook Connector, that is available from Microsoft as a download.


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Today is going to be long and tiring which doesn't help and the extra challenge is that I'm teaching teachers.



Make sure you run a tight ship - no talking in class, stop leaning back on your chair, put that phone away, put your hand up if you have a question, you should have gone to the toilet at break time etc


However, it is no longer acceptable to throw the board rubber or chalk at someone who is not paying attention

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