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Good morning everyone


It's another sunny and warm start to the day. Like Wednesday I'm not travelling far today, Golborne, Lowton and Birchwood are my destinations for a bit more information gathering. If all goes to plan, I should be able to call at the butchers on the way home, if that can be achieved we will be having pasties for lunch.


Back later.

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Good moaning all from the tropical paradise of the boring borough. This is likely to be my last update for a while depending on wifi availability and whether I can be arsed. 18 hour travel day tomorrow for what should have been an hour train to the airport and an 8 hour direct flight. Now its a case of planes, no trains, and automobiles. No train service tomorrow means a taxi to Gatwick. Changes in the airline's schedule means 2 flights and a long stop over. Long enough to be annoying but not quite long enough to escape the airport to be worth wandering about. 


Last day of work for 3 weeks. (thank feck) What was supposed to be a quick and easy bit of work has as usual with my employer turned into the stage musical of Chicken Little. 


Behave yourselves and have a great bank holiday weekend. 

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  • RMweb Gold

 Trevor (racehorse owner - Hedgehunter etc) Hemmings' helicopter is just flying away making sure I'm awake.  He lives in a mansion on the edge of the village and commutes by chopper.  A friend who moves in race-horsey circle knows him and reports he is a very nice bloke, as he 'came up the hard way' he has no airs and graces that some uber-rich folk have.

My impression after seeing a number of interviews would support that. Did he once own Blackpool Tower? And create CenterParcs in the UK?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It would seem to be quite pleasant weather this morning. I don't think it will be quite as warm as yesterday.

Not too much planned until thus evening when we go to Southend to see the alleged comedy film and then have a meal.

Have a good day.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a decidedly sunny one.


School run finished and after a few hours of CV crafting (sadly not the decoder sort) it'll be the start of the long weekend.


Yesterday evaporated working - again - with a potential client. The phrase "opportunity cost" sprung to mind when the client asked why I needed the larger than expected number of days for my input; oh how one person's dream becomes someone else's overdraft! 


The NGS mag dropped onto my doormat yesterday. i believe under Grahame's stewardship it is most definitely prospering; and this edition had many interesting (imho) articles. 


Anyway enjoy the day one and all. 

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My impression after seeing a number of interviews would support that. Did he once own Blackpool Tower? And create CenterParcs in the UK?


Certainly Centre Parcs, not sure about the tower.  Having just googled an image of him, I see him in the village shop!  I had no idea it was him.  Had a laugh a few years ago with Debs aunt and uncle who are horse racing crazy. They asked us to stop at a field on the village boundary to look at some horses, and Billy was saying 'That horse looks just like Ballabriggs'.  We told him it was, and he wouldn't believe us, until Debs (who is also horsey) pointed out Hedgehunter too - both in retirement here).  Gobsmacked. They had no idea Hemmings lived here.

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  • RMweb Gold

Coming home you could tell the weather's sunny, lots of pedestrianwombles, who think that just because they are on holiday in a tourist area it's fine to wander across an "A" road in front of the traffic.


The correct term for such is the Effin Clown.


Once an endangered species, the Effin Clown faced extinction because of their the mortality rate in road traffic collisions.  This was due to their inability to apply powers of observation, logic and plain old common sense.


The Government was forced to act and insisted that roads within towns were policed with extra road furniture, special light controlled crossings and special speed restrictions below what was considered the normal maximum permitted sped of 30 mph. 


This had the desired effect and the Effin Clown population  made a recovery on an exponential scale which massively exceeded the Government's target.


Although the legislation is still in place, the Effin Clown population has expanded so much that they are now spilling out of their former habitats and invading places where they were not formally seen.


On a geographical note, Effin is somewhere is Scotland, and also happens to be the home of the infamous Effin Bee, an insect immortalised by Billy Connolly.

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  • RMweb Premium

The English  variety of the Effiin clown will become much in existance in early June, when their Hatchlings are allowed to escape their creshes.

The Scottish Variety will arrive in their numbers in late June / early July when the warmer weather allows their blue legs to arrive for a little sunshine.


 We do get Effin Clowns all year but they tend to be those, who are already off their perch and on their way down. Hence their availability all year round. 


The local variety of clowns will be in much on show today, having escaped their nests a day early, identifyable by their white legs, but by the end of this weekend they will have turned into Effin Lobsters.  Much in sight around the Cromer Crab area.


All the above are related to the Hullabloos, who start arriving in their swarms on the water, Unable to exist without creating a large amount of noise, and normally are pickled in alcohol. They are related to the Cockwomble, unable to control their vehicle, often at speeds much higher than their brain can accomodate.


The Local park rangers have much to do keeping this wildlife under control, they resort to waving bats at them, that have a red circle round a white back ground and the number 4 Painted on it. Personnally I think the Hullabaloos think that means Party 4. Sadly swatting the Hullabloos with bat is no longer permitted as most of the area is a nature reserve, though I have been much tempted to use the boat hook...

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I'd never heard of slug tape. Found this



Maybe Scottish slugs don't like it, but I used to throw out a couple on a regular basis, every morning from my kitchen, sliming around on my back door mat - I put a strip of copper tape across the well in my back door, and have only had one since and that was six months ago. I also put a strip on the floor under my kitchen cupboard as I found one in there - no more slugs. So maybe I have bust the mythbuster.

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium





All the above are related to the Hullabloos, who start arriving in their swarms on the water, Unable to exist without creating a large amount of noise, and normally are pickled in alcohol. They are related to the Cockwomble, unable to control their vehicle, often at speeds much higher than their brain can accomodate.


The Local park rangers have much to do keeping this wildlife under control, they resort to waving bats at them, that have a red circle round a white back ground and the number 4 Painted on it. Personnally I think the Hullabaloos think that means Party 4. Sadly swatting the Hullabloos with bat is no longer permitted as most of the area is a nature reserve, though I have been much tempted to use the boat hook...

Someone was obviously brought up reading Coot Club and The Big Six by Arthur Ransome.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Overslept again this morning but I have managed to catch up a bit, Ill have to get to bed a little earlier than 2 in the morning. Don't think I'll be doing too much today, the thermometer on the thermostat is showing 24:5 C. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Warm at work.

It will get warmer, as my desk/workbench is upstairs in an industrial unit in a relatively compact and unventilated space (At work, I'm sometimes compared to a troll in a cellar, but the first floor version)


I did however dress suitably today with lightweight walking trousers that can have the lower leg unzipped to turn them into shorts.


Probably safe to keep me upstairs rather than expose my knees to the greater public.


Just found out we're closed Monday.


Have a good Friday folks




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Someone was obviously brought up reading Coot Club and The Big Six by Arthur Ransome.



Not only was I a great reader of all of Arthur Ransomes Swallows and Amazon series of books I've read several of his other books too.

 The S&A books were read while I was at School in Wiltshire probably as far as you can get from sailing water in The UK, it took a long time to get to learn to sail and I've loved it ever since...


I was taught to sail at Horning Sailing Club within Sight of the Horning Staithe,  mentioned in the books. I will be down there this weekend PAT Testing the Sailing clubs Equipment, Prior to the following weekends Big Event, The 3 Rivers Race. Especially the catering equipment as they will serve 200+ full English breakfasts to all the competitors and staff as they finish the race.

 I will spend the 3 Rivers Race weekend on Hickling Broad counting all the competitors in the race, which is listed as one of the 10 toughest mass participation events in the country.  I know many of the areas mentioned in the books directly or indirectly and have sailed through / past most of them.

This link has a couple of pictures and videos relevant to my comments...http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/107713-castle-aching/page-149


Oh it's getting cold at work, as the temperature is rising outside it's getting colder in here....the AC is over compensating...

Edited by TheQ
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On a geographical note, Effin is somewhere is Scotland, and also happens to be the home of the infamous Effin Bee, an insect immortalised by Billy Connolly.



Thinking of place names, fictional or otherwise, a particular highlight of my annual migration to the Highlands is passing Findo Gask, just off the A9.

It always suggest to me a supposed Terry Pratchett-esque character.  


i wonder if for generations people have called it Findo Gask but actually it was a signpost to a Tourist Information office which should have read....Find or Ask.




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Evening All


Never got back on Tuesday for various reasons, and as 30747 has the rest of the week off, took a trip to Penrith yesterday, but it was so hot and traffic problems in the town meant that it was not the enjoyable visit that we'd hoped for.


So all I can offer is generic greetings, and a sincere hope that none of us here has been directly affected by the events of Monday night.


And for the guitarists among us, and lovers of mellow music - here's a rendition of the first number I ever played in public.  My dad taught me this in Eb and then once I had it, he "let" me join his hand, and he played organ and sand as I chorded it.  This version just blew me away - the guitar work is stunning, and that lad's vocals, well...



Regards to All



I had two rites of passage on guitar. The earliest was “Drink to me only with thine eyes..” The second for my Father was “Autumn Leaves” (“Les Feuilles Mortes”). I find it rather difficult to listen to even so long after his death...

EC is working through these beautiful standards as he gets older too (see also “The Folks Who Live on the Hill) - which I frankly prefer):



Must be an age thing both of my folks would sing all these (incl. “Vermont”). 


Is it any wonder we grew up loving all kinds of music?


I’m afraid this is one of my personal prejudices against Islam. If they allowed music they would at least appear more human,,,,


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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On a geographical note, Effin is somewhere is Scotland, and also happens to be the home of the infamous Effin Bee, an insect immortalised by Billy Connolly.



Thinking of place names, fictional or otherwise, a particular highlight of my annual migration to the Highlands is passing Findo Gask, just off the A9.

It always suggest to me a supposed Terry Pratchett-esque character.  


i wonder if for generations people have called it Findo Gask but actually it was a signpost to a Tourist Information office which should have read....Find or Ask.






Scotland does have a few oddities. My maternal family can be traced back to Fin Fan (a Fin Fan Family). They also owned “Birnam Woods”....



Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Someone was obviously brought up reading Coot Club and The Big Six by Arthur Ransome.



Staple stuff for small boat sailors


First thing when you sail into a harbour after along passage is to look for a couple of oars................


So you can get your ship's tender ashore.


Then you can look for a couple of........

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Morning all.


It is easy to spot that I am not a petrol head or particularly car proud.


This morning I have spent cleaning the inside of the car. I am now better off, to the tune of 2 euro 50 and 3 salt and vinegar hula-hoops. At least I think they were salt and vinegar. These great riches can only be there from our Irish holiday at this time last year. Like I said, not particularly car proud.

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  • RMweb Gold

Staple stuff for small boat sailors


First thing when you sail into a harbour after along passage is to look for a couple of oars................


So you can get your ship's tender ashore.


Then you can look for a couple of........


Rollocks!  Err the the spelling might not be right  :nono:



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On a geographical note, Effin is somewhere is Scotland, and also happens to be the home of the infamous Effin Bee, an insect immortalised by Billy Connolly.



The Effin Bee sprang from the fertile mind of Matt McGinn, one of the greats of Scottish folk music and poetry!


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POETS day has been achieved, getting home just before lunch! All I've got to do is send off an email with todays information and that's it for 2 weeks. I also managed to call at the butchers, but the downside is that they had sold out of pasties, boo hoo :-(

Anyway, whilst there I also picked up the weeks meat ration, so at least we won't starve.


Time for a cold drink, back later!

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  • RMweb Premium

Rollocks!  Err the the spelling might not be right  :nono:



Rowlocks to you too...


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