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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

I thought it might be "overkill", but it's a shame to see all that space going to waste.


Directly next door now has an extension, plus a large dog that...deposits...all over the garden as it never gets walked.  Wasted, yes, plus they are not good neighbours, or good pet owners for that matter.  Next one keeps an old boy busy in his retirement!  Neither have much value as pleasant places to be in, the old boy spends as much time in our garden admiring it! He's the guy that has been visiting me while I have been poorly. He used to be a tanker driver, he's got a lot of good tales.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


Back from a very unsuccessful Christian Aid collection.  Hope to do better Thursday.


Now to sort out the Deanery.


Keep well all     Bill



You can come and collect ours if you like - a bit of a long walk from London, mind you.


Oops! Too late!  Ours was collected today.  Hope you are not on your way!

Anyway, thought I ought to warn you there is no need to come, tomorrow.  :D

Edited by southern42
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Only just back from my long day. Three jobs completed and 350 miles covered.


There have been two downsides for the day. The weather and the standard of driving.


Generic C & C's as required and I'll catch up on todays posts when I get in tomorrow.


Another ER again in the morning, so, night all

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Evening all,


Starting to chill after the news of a customer's passing, the passing of a friend and not being able to talk to a customer because he was not back from a funeral! Then another customer orders 10 of Preiser 29004!


You Tube and a combination of Exmoor's and Morland's finest have certainly helped! Just need to moderate ahead of visit to Sister Drac tomorrow lunchtime.


Birthday greetings, commiserations, etc. as required.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sainsbury's Grand Prix was completed today. Tonight I've witnessed a similar sort of driving standard with shopping trolleys has I've seen on the motorways recently, but thankfully at much slower speeds. Where do they all come from, have IQs dropped sharply for some reason?


All the shopping has now been stored and we also have something for tomorrow evenings tea.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land.


Happy birthday Rick,  Hope you have had a good day and all your wishes come true.



And now for some photos of the diorama made for the uni archives exhibition.


The "College on the hill"



The tank



The van (Austin Seven disguised as a Morris 1924)



The finished diorama.



In the display cabinet.



Display leaflet

attachicon.gifBangor Postcard 1937 LEAFLET draft 4.pdf

Lummy.. a rusty Mother! Nice work Polly.

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Lovely bit by the ITV News at Ten presenter Tom Bradbury. In reply to Drumps claim that "no politician in history has been treated so unfairly" he said "you would have to be reading the Ladybird version of that and then only the 1st chapter".


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  • RMweb Gold

:drink_mini: A mental picture of drunken gastropods, staggering round the neighbourhood, throwing-up in telephone kiosks, and picking "what are you looking at?" fights with judgemental, sneering snails; they, whose pulmonate good-temperance has meant they haven`t {yet} lost their 'homes'. :mosking:


I remember being told to beware of drunken badgers by someone who found some indulging in a old orchard.



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A belated Happy Birthday to Rick. Best wishes to everyone else. Good to see a post from Debs. Having seen her recent posts on Facebook I send particularly supportive wishes.

Today was deadline day, tomorrow is shortlisting day and Friday is a lesson observation by the head. It is set to be a crucial end to the week.

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  • RMweb Premium

My eyes are a touch more comfortable, but I managed to get an appointment with a specialist for tomorrow -- first thing.  But my throat is now so sore that I can't talk or cough.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Well the rain has stopped for now and it should be dry, bright and warm for a while today but according to the radio a little while ago there is a lot more wet stuff to come over the next three weeks.

Thursday = the main weekly shopping trip and as it's the last day of "our" extra staff discount I foresee extra supplies being purchased. 

I think the garden is too wet do anything so as far as I know when I get back the day is mine own. Just need to work out a plan of action instead of the inaction of late.   :scratchhead:

Have a good one,

L.E. Thargic of Sutton.

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I am theraped.  Yes it hurt, so it must be doing good!


Pete, I expected a band with a title like that to be fairly heavy rock for some reason - it's pretty grey porridge TBH.


They’ve always been wishy washy since 1968........not really my cup of tea..... when I met the guitarist from Jefferson Airplane he said that they astounded to hear Cream back in the day - the idea that there could be muscular music seemed to have avoided them - at the time. Most of the hippy-dippy San Franciscan bands were like that.


I’m not going to claim my UK Pension - it’ll probably be too low (I knew it would be low) compared to the complexity of trying to claim it. They STILL want detailed travel movements from   1994. Ridiculous. I’m afraid that I’m at the F@#k Them stage....(not helped by them saying they may only pay me on a six monthly basis to save bank costs). 


Best, Pete.

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Mawnin' awl. Near summerly weather on the forecast for today, which reminded me that I do need to shop for some new clothing as we cleared out our drawers a while ago. Oh, did I mention I loathe shopping for clothes?  :help:


So, the Germans do have a sense of humour!



It's humour, John, but not as you know it! :jester:



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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning - but already rather warm.  We had 30°C yesterday afternoon, but it is set to get cooler and more changeable as the day goes on.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

Another poor nights sleep of only 5 hours,

I'm getting off to sleep better, but still waking early, the stuff recommended by " The Truth about Sleep" has arrived, Inulin, no not Insulin,  Inulin. a very fine white powder, about a teaspoon full per day to be taken it says on the packet.  Totally tasteless, so I mixed a spoonful in with the milk, that I take all my tablets with last night.

Reports will be forthcoming as to whether it works.


Another deluge last night which has removed all the pretty fruit tree flowers by the road sides. the only things left now are, Chestnut, Hawthorn, Gorse and just the odd escaped Buddelia .


According to the local paper there is a new list of all the road works on the Northern Distributer Road (Norwich). Basically one junction at a time, will have it's roundabout or bridge connected to the current road system between now and September. My most used road will be done in July( the Norwich-Coltishall road) they claim the actual work will be done over night with road closures, but during the day it will be traffic lights and a one way system.

This system will make a difference on the journey  to work, as I will get on at one junction, round to the next, off at that, so saving one drive through a housing estate and past a school.

The biggest difference though, is if I wish to drive to the west on the A47, it will save me the 16 miles extra driving out to Acle and onto the A47 there, which is quicker than trying to go through Norwich.


Time to.. see if I can get the Major system now. I should finish this one today...

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