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  • RMweb Premium

Still jet-lagged then?


I don't suffer from jetlag.........


Sh!t - it's 2.30am and I'm up for work at 7.30........





I blame the jetlag




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  • RMweb Premium

If you were to strip out the managers, think how much money might be saved across the board.

Didn't Jim Hacker try that?

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Daughter Liz is enroute to England for her sojourn in Lewes. Watch out!!!


I’m worried that she may find it cold (although she is stocked up with “Columbia” foul weather gear).


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Apologies for my absence yesterday. If she was still with us I'd get a note from my Mum. 

Dry and warmer today at 15oC. A fine day is forecast although there may be some rain later.

The Boss is at work and Gemma & Joe are expected later so all in all things are pretty good here except I still haven't got back to the railway room - enthusiasm for muddling seems to have been lost. Somehow I will have to try and find it.

However I'm in a good mood so I may even consider* washing the car which is quite filthy at the moment.

Have a good one,



* Then again I may not. :scratchhead:





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Morning all. Although I slept well I didn't feel like getting out of bed when the alarm went off.


A quick trip over to Twickenham is planned for today but I wonder how soon I'll be able to return home.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday:  Laundry, emergency fodder run, unpacked shopping from ExpoEM, cogitated projects, must have forgotten something.


Today: Scheduled fodder run, bit of e-paperwork, threat of m*d*ll*ng.  That'll be the day.


Now: turn off Crabtree filter and correct typos before hitting Post.  Warm thoughts to all in distress and fingers crossed for Andyram.



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Morning All,


It is a bit of dry morning so far, but there is some quite heavy cloud so we may see some rain later if the cloud doesn't clear.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Thought for the day:

How do I get 60Kgs of luggage into a 40Kg allowance?

Will airport security wonder why I'm wearing twenty shirts?


Off to Crete on Thursday for a couple of weeks. Must get some sun.

After tomorrow will not be on the computer until I get back.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning to most, sleep well to others.


A bit damp here but it's good for the garden.


Didn't get back on here yesterday due to various factors including some crust earning.

Today involves a parcel to post, a trip to the Club to weather some track and a bit more crust earning.


Special thoughts to all in pain or with loved ones who are not well.


Pete, hope she gets to Lewes OK.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thought for the day:

How do I get 60Kgs of luggage into a 40Kg allowance?

Will airport security wonder why I'm wearing twenty shirts?


Off to Crete on Thursday for a couple of weeks. Must get some sun.

After tomorrow will not be on the computer until I get back.

Pay for an extra suitcase?

Have a good time and hope it is sunny enough.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

 Another 5 hours sleep, I'm feeling quite rough, sort of disconnected with my body, and weak...


I went out the Satellite dish after yesterdays note and spotted mummy deer 20ft from me, so I stood still. She looked up and studied me took a step forward and studied me. Took another rmouth full  of what ever she was eating and studied me. Then ran off...

Later I was looking through the bathroom window considering future positions for the dish and I spied, Mummy deer and Baby deer. Mummy deer was stuffing herself, while baby deer was bounding round the garden like a lunatic. Oh for young bones and Muscles...


Future Dish position,  now roughly Identified, Measurements will take place over the next few days for additional cable lengths and exact position. Planning permission will be sought from SWMBO, which will be granted as she's the one missing the TV...


 it's still dry and sunny Here, I'm assuming it's saving all it's rain for the weekend,  when I want to lay about a ton of concrete..


Time to.... Go to the  lab and see if it's freezing , boiling or 23C+-0.5C as  it should be.

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  • RMweb Premium

It's 22.873C in here, I'm in business for the day, is that a :no:  or a :beee: .


Time to ...wait for them to give me the equipment back

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold

Daughter Liz is enroute to England for her sojourn in Lewes. Watch out!!!


I’m worried that she may find it cold (although she is stocked up with “Columbia” foul weather gear).


Best, Pete.


We have been promised some foul weather for the next couple of days. Probably not as extreme as  you might get. Not much of a welcome though.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Another day of rain, but at least it's refilled my water butt. Today's work takes me to Kendal and Milnthorpe, where I have a mixture of proper electrical work and some more data gathering to do. But at least I'll be able to put the kettle on today when I'm on site, (yeah, I know, I doesn't suit me).


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

Heres something I forgot to tell you last week ,


If you are in anyway interested in sailing or even if you would like to try it just once, sailing clubs  are holding  open days / try sailing days around the country with over 400 clubs taking part.  http://onthewater.co.uk/Events/2017/May/RYA-Push-the-Boat-Out


Here is my clubs Notice,


Horning Sailing Club https://horning-sailing.club/index.php

Have an Open Day / Try Sailing day on 20th May 2017 10am to 4pm.

Find out about the club and Sailing..

This is part of the National "Push the Boat Out" event created by the RYA to enourage all types of sailing


There is, I believe a small charge to go out in the boats, to cover insurance etc, Life jackets supplied,


Please wear soft soled shoes.


Tea, coffee etc will be available (and very cheap compared to elsewhere).


There will be several boats available from dinghies to keelboats such as Yeoman or Rebels or White boats, with experienced helms to accompany you.

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Very draughty out with showers, looks quite horrid.  This is because I have to go out today, to the first physioterrorism session.  My foot may put in for leave later!


A bit like Q's satellite, our mobile phone signal, which is dodgy at the best of times, disappears completely in spring when the mature sycamore trees at the bottom of our garden leaf up.  Trying to get people to use a land line number is really difficult, folk always use the mobile first.  They mustn't bother about the cost.  Yelling 'use the landline' (down the phone...) repeatedly sometimes works, more often they try the mobile about three hundred times.....#sigh# 


Light breakfast to be consumed, prior to pain giving.

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