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  • RMweb Premium

It would probably make their day getting an email of thanks, those in the office aren't to blame, they probably only get the stick!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all  (again)


I have just received an email telling me that the penalty charge for the 'fallen' parking ticket has been cancelled. 

Considering this only happened last Wednesday I am happy, as much with the speed of the resolution, as with the outcome,


Do you think an email back thanking them for the swift response and understanding on this occasion would be appropriate or should I leave well alone?

I would send a thank you. I suspect that department mainly receive abuse.
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  • RMweb Gold

Seems to me that the employers (or rather those responsible for recruitment) don't really know what they're looking for in a manager, so any candidate who can use a bit of smoke and mirrors (because they don't really know what is required either) stands a good chance of getting the gig.

I hope it has changed now but back in the day anyone in education who genuinely knew what they were doing with network management was viewed with suspicion.

Edited by Tony_S
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I hope it has changed now but back in the day anyone who genuinely knew what they were doing with network management was viewed with suspicion.

I wouldn't hold your breath. Now they all view each other with suspicion because they think the other party will stab them in the back or at least undermine them sooner or later.

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Greetings all from a drizzly London Bridge.


A weekend spent getting the house a little more shipshape.


Elder Lurker's first GCSE was this morning. He is doing two subjects  this year and the rest will be next summer. He did put some work in for this, so hopefully he has done himself justice.


Otherwise not too much to add, so have a good day

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I hope it has changed now but back in the day anyone in education who genuinely knew what they were doing with network management was viewed with suspicion.

Judging by  Mrs Lurker's recent experience, I doubt it. She worked as a system tester and the system that deals with pay, pensions etc would not have made it from the developers' desk at her previous employer, much less through testing. the network manager at the school is ex one of the banks and does know his stuff. He is regarded with suspicion by the teaching staff.

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  • RMweb Gold

I hope it has changed now but back in the day anyone in education who genuinely knew what they were doing with network management was viewed with suspicion.

..... and if you used the computer to do the timetable as well........

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Just been watching M. Macron's formal welcome to Germany by Frau Merkel on the TV. The subtitles put up for the national anthems were entertaining; a spirited rendering of the Marseillaise was flagged as the German anthem, then a slightly subdued Deutschlandlied was, cautiously, simply "National Anthem". Love it!

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  • RMweb Gold

CT scan done. A long wait. All others who came out of the scanner room had iodine injections so my blood pressure must have been quite high. Luckily I didn't need the injection so could leave straight after the scan and made it to Cronx in the Box park next to East Croydon station before 5pm so got a proper pint glass. After 5 they now have to use plastic ones. Hopefully a pint or two will ease the chest pains after being stressed awaiting the scan and thought of having injections. I am a whimp when it comes to those.

Saw a first for me today.
On the way through Croydon as I went to use an ATM a bloke got hisphone out and started to crouch down to photo a woman walking past. The woman kicked the phone out of his hands. Phone fell apart. Good for her.

Awaiting arrival of my other half to buy me another beer.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Who are you calling an old lag ...?!



Well since you mention it, I did think the photo in the pub was very 1970's 'The Sweeney' with the bad guys planning another Hatton Garden's style heist over a lunch of bitter, jellied eels and pork scratchings

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Hello all. A quick check in whilst Sarah cooks the tea and Amber relaxes in front of the television. Best wishes to you all.

Today has been busy again. The children are beginning their SATs tests. They seemed to do ok. I admit to being a little nervous. I am sure the boss will be scrutinising the results very closely. Any below par results will surely bring on more criticism. I am hoping that for an above average set of results to prove that I am still capable of doing my job!

Meanwhile my mate has worked wonders with the PDF formatted application. It was emailed this afternoon, and the necessary edits made within the hour. Whether the application is successful or not I owe him a huge thanks. I am sure there will be a few bottles of beer passed on the next time we catch up.

Plans for tonight include finishing the supporting statement and sending the application in. Then it will be school paperwork with some catching up to do from the weekend.

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We have just had a call from Matthew.

He has been applying to Irish universities PhD programmes. He has been accepted onto what is probably his first choice. ....


I don't think Ireland was any surprise. He may find himself reluctant to leave the place once he's been there a while. I know I was.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't think Ireland was any surprise. He may find himself reluctant to leave the place once he's been there a while. I know I was.

Matthew really liked Ireland and working with the Polish community there. It is also fortunate for him being interested in something that is happening in Ireland now. There has been a a change from migration studies in Ireland being that of people leaving to people arriving.

All the UK universities he contacted wanted him to make his research about Britain leaving the EU and he didn't want to spend 4 years or so on that topic.


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Didn't you fancy practice in Ireland, Ivan, or were there not any opportunities?


I am qualified to join the Irish Law Society Roll, but there were insufficient opportunities in terms of job openings when I was most ready to do it.


.....All the UK universities he contacted wanted him to make his research about Britain leaving the EU and he didn't want to spend 4 years or so on that topic.

The negotiations will probably take that long....

Edited by Horsetan
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