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Panic? You want panic? Alison and Gerry have just left, having been the last word in Good Samaritans. My stress levels at about 18.30 local time were stratospheric, but they galloped to my rescue. Poor Sherry could only offer calm words by txt.


So, what befell me? A frantic knock at the door, which when opened revealed a local lady who walks her dog, a very fine spitz/husky creature who wanted to lick me to death, I think. Her message was short and sweet "Your donkey's escaped!" Arrgghh! "Mais merci, Madame!" FSF! Fortunately he'd got bored already, and cheerfully walked back through the gap in the fence. After feeding them and securing them in another paddock, I inspected the problem, and found the fence post, 12 years in the ground almost to the day, had been snapped at ground level, dragging the two attached rails with it. Martin has an itchy skin condition, so tends to rub against things - yes a cure is being sought - and no doubt he had been the post's last straw.


So the two friends (they aren't really lovers these days) came and did what I could not do alone. Gerry, who is enormously strong, dug the requisite 30" deep hole, using my pair of post-hole borers, and a new post was inserted, tamped down with the requisite post bashing device, and attached to the rails. I am sitting on the terrasse in the dying sun and chilling. I live to grumble another day!


Bl00dy dangerous things donkeys.

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Actually the UK entry for Eurovision wasn't half bad, even Graham Norton said so !!


We shall see. After an exhausting day with the Grandkids at a superb party, we have all retired to bed.


Miss RhBBob wants to go shopping tomorrow.


Whoopee, I just love retail therapy  ;) or do I just like spending money ?  :) Hmmmm


Sorry, night all. Sleep well.

Edited by RhBBob
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Actually the UK entry for Eurovision wasn't half bad, even Graham Norton said so !!


We shall see. ....

I thought the overall standard was very poor this year, likewise the presentation - Ukraine have been working on a much more restrictive budget than last year's hosts. Very little that would actually get you interested, except for the Romanian effort which I thought was novel and very clever.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from Eurovision red dragon land.


West Shore in strong winds again - at least it was back in a westerly direction but I was still wrapped in several warm layers to keep wind chill at bay.


I took a couple of pics of the nearly complete entrance - so a little SPOT THE DIFFERENCE for you.


Morning view.




Then followed the working party while we were waiting for some passengers - any passengers will do! - to turn up.


Sun came out.  Club member walked down to the playground with some leaflets.

Passengers started to arrive in reasonable numbers considering the weather.

I spent an hour or so on the back of the train as guard.

Then another stint on the front as "lady driver" - a "title" frequently used by some of our passengers. 


Afternoon view.





And on the way home...







Chucking it down now, so....


' Night all and nos da.


In the top picture pairs, one is sunny, the other is cloudy.


If you think I'm counting sheep in the second pair to see if there's a difference.............




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  • RMweb Premium

In the top picture pairs, one is sunny, the other is cloudy.


If you think I'm counting sheep in the second pair to see if there's a difference.............






Well....it's there, if you have problems getting to sleep tonight.

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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie was prescribed that to stop him licking a sore paw. Allegedly dogs hate it. Not my dog.


I dont think it was prescribed to stop him just calm the sore down so he didn't feel he would need to.


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  • RMweb Gold

I dont think it was prescribed to stop him just calm the sore down so he didn't feel he would need to.


I was told he wouldn't like the taste and wouldn't lick. He clearly licked more. Edited by Tony_S
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I thought the overall standard was very poor this year, likewise the presentation - Ukraine have been working on a much more restrictive budget than last year's hosts. Very little that would actually get you interested, except for the Romanian effort which I thought was novel and very clever.

I thought the Australian presenter was a puppet from Thunderbirds

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* A whole paragraph and I didn't mention the Mars bar, am I doing this right...? :biggrin_mini2:


Probably not! But the teller of the tale was Peter Cook.........  I never really enjoyed Mars bars before either.

A friend of mine, Mike Vernon (who now lives in Spain - I’ve not seen him in decades) used to sub for Keith Relf when his asthma was too bad.


Remember “Blow Up”



Not many shots of the band with both Jimmy and Jeff in it. Note when he breaks the cheap guitar Jeff picks up his rather nice 1959 Les Paul... Actually it may have been his 1960 one.

Nice Bentley and a member of the audience has a killer Zoot Money T-shirt on!


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Evening all. A quick check in before bed. Another late night after a sleepless one last night. I started watching a film and then fell into a beer induced sleep halfway through, awaking as the final credits were rolling at 1.30am and wondering why the television was still on. That threw my sleep pattern out and I was disturbed again at 5.30am by my dear daughter.

Today we went to the food fair at Kedleston Hall in the morning. Quite enjoyable and a few treats bought before we took Amber to a birthday party. Sadly that proved a bit of a struggle as i have started with a cold and the headache and sinus pain was kicking in. A noisy soft play area was not the ideal place to be.

This evening I have sat on the sofa watching the tripe that is Eurovision whilst seething at the multitude of work related emails I have received today - at least seven! I have also been communicating with my drinking buddy from Friday night. He is kindly helping with my application for the deputy job. Normally school applications are filled in electronically and submitted online but this one is different. The form needs downloading, completing and then sending directly to the school. The trouble is it downloads as a PDF file and I have struggled to get it to convert into an editable format. My mate, who has an IMac, found he could do it easier and so has kindly offered to input the info on the form for me. I owe him a few pints for that, and more if I get the job! I just need to update the supporting statement now. Deadline is Wednesday!

Anyway a few messages. To John CB I am glad to hear the wedding went well. To Ian OD I hope you have recovered from the donkey related stress. To Mick NB it seems like you have had a great holiday. Safe journey home. Finally to Polly - thanks again for posting pics of the West Shore railway. Always good to see what is going on there.


Sleep well.

I thought the Australian presenter was a puppet from Thunderbirds

Be fair...they gave us 12 points with no strings attached.

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Oh, in  case some people do not remember Zoot Money - here’s  probably his most famous song of the time (written by two future members of “Heads, Hands and Feet”.



Better than any Eurovision trash.........


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Out ofcuriosity, how do they recognise:

tronkyin        last snow of the year

You can just imagine the conversation: "Hey, that's tronkyin; no, wait, there's more coming!" :jester:

The last snow of winter is on June 30; the first snow of winter is on July 1.

(This is Canada, you know.)

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