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  • RMweb Premium

Just back from an excellent day out on the trains and managed to trverse the new Htchin flyover and got pushed south by a class 90 instead of a 91. Plenty of freight about at peterborough which was good to see.


NHN, I;ve only one thing to say, "Caw said the crow,   BalIs said Milligan."


As to the 7.62 debate Dave and I attended the Last Post at the Menin Gate on the 22nd last month and an Australian squad were doing a drill display.  They were using SLR's and when dave asked the warrant officer in charge why not the modern version he replied that they thought that the drill was better with the longer rifle.   However there was the slight problem in Northern ireland where the rounds apparntly used to go straight through the Divis Street flats from one side to the other.



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NHN, I;ve only one thing to say, "Caw said the crow,   BalIs said Milligan."



Tony Capstick used occasionally to recite a string of such remarks; e.g. "Get off my lorry", he said truculently. "Balls", was the testy reply. "Oh, come now", he ejakulated... etc. No doubt inspired by the Arch-Goon.


(deliberate misspelling for usual reason)

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  • RMweb Gold

I was thinking more along the lines of Lynda Snell falling off her bike and under the hooves and wheels of Bartleby and the trap, driven by Joe Grundy, whilst intoxicated by Grange Farm cider.


Does Ena Sharples still get in the Rover's Return?

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  • RMweb Gold

Shouldn't that be Fairbrother Gin?

Toby or not Toby, that is the question?


I want to know where he managed to get his licence from as there are strict health regulations concerning places where things are made commercially for human consumption.


I think they have decided on Scruff's Gin as a nom de guerre.

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I was thinking more along the lines of Lynda Snell falling off her bike and under the hooves and wheels of Bartleby and the trap, driven by Joe Grundy, whilst intoxicated by Grange Farm cider.


Well it has happened.  Bill.  No, not me; nor Ivan's equine; but Peggy Woolley's cat.  What a let down.


So how about a book on the next romance?


Alicia & Toby

Alicia & Rex

Kirstie & Tom (again)

Helen & anyone totally unsuitable

Gem & Bartleby






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  • RMweb Premium

I have just remembered I had a cassette (OK kids, like a square CD only without any dynamic range or discernible sound quality) of Puckoon, read by Milligan himself back way when.  It sounded so much better in his accent than in the Geordie voice in my head.  I think I left it on a ship as it was so popular in the officers bar.  Wish I still had it, I must see if it is available in a more modern format.

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Sounds more like a drink. I'll have a gin & bartleberry please.


I'm told that after her death Ena Sharples only appeared in the ashtray in the Rovers but these days even that role has been denied her.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well it has happened.  Bill.  No, not me; nor Ivan's equine; but Peggy Woolley's cat.  What a let down.


So how about a book on the next romance?


Alicia & Toby

Alicia & Rex

Kirstie & Tom (again)

Helen & anyone totally unsuitable

Gem & Bartleby






Aditi insisted on telling me about the cat. After commenting earlier she now thinks I am interested.
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I have just remembered I had a cassette (OK kids, like a square CD only without any dynamic range or discernible sound quality) of Puckoon, read by Milligan himself back way when.  It sounded so much better in his accent than in the Geordie voice in my head.  I think I left it on a ship as it was so popular in the officers bar.  Wish I still had it, I must see if it is available in a more modern format.


Lots here (happened to be on youtube when I read your post



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  • RMweb Gold

Which is true, honest.  We do.  We try very hard (Royal we - I'm a little useless at the moment!) to give good service.  Having sufficient staff to fulfil orders promptly is the clue - and paying them enough so you get good staff who also care.  Half of whom are also railway enthusiasts and modellers.  Our leader has also been in involved in full size loco preservation as a loco owner since he was a teenager, before coming to FR and narrow gauge!


That is the way to build a decent business, having bought some IOM coaches from the firm and had good service it was natural to turn to you for my next loco.



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Morning from an overcast Surrey.


Ticket office closed for security no day in a row during morning rush hour. It was closed al day yesterday. Good job that I do not need to renew my monthly season ticket at the moment otherwise I would have to buy a weekly one from the machines. Such a busy station to not have the ticket office open but I suspect this is the way it will be in a few years time.


Day 2 of a full week of work this week.


Must try and finish off the Spam can now sitting on the dining table.. All it needs a the crew adding and a final spin on th rolling road to make sure the weathering hasn't got onto wheel tread or pick ups. No do I go home and do that or go for a few beers tonight!


All Southern's ticket machines (including the offices) were down this morning! Must belong to RMT!


Spam can or beer? B becomes before S in the alphabet!

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  • RMweb Gold

All Southern's ticket machines (including the offices) were down this morning! Must belong to RMT!


Spam can or beer? B becomes before S in the alphabet!

There were queues at the ticket machines but didnt notice if people were actually getting tickets out of them. A large queue at the only Southern ticket window at London Bridge which is the excess fare ticket window.


Maybe they are trying to convince passengers that the card sytem is more reliable by making the other options look even worse!!

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There were queues at the ticket machines but didnt notice if people were actually getting tickets out of them. A large queue at the only Southern ticket window at London Bridge which is the excess fare ticket window.


Maybe they are trying to convince passengers that the card sytem is more reliable by making the other options look even worse!!


Even the machines and the CIS were down!


Joke here was that they'd forgotten to put the 50p in the meter!

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  • RMweb Premium

At 37mph a 62T Challenger 2 generally goes anywhere it wants to... we had one on trial on Salisbury Plain and one route took us down the A303 to the Jubilee roundabout in the middle of August.


No one got in the way!


and I do pine for a trip on a CR2 or a CR1.


7.62mm rounds are interesting but not as good as a Madeuce (M2 .5 inch) or a CHARM (L30) 120mm round.



Lots done to day, lots more to do tomorrow.. umpiring again and some weathering of track on the new Club layout to be undertaken.

Thursday sees more umpiring (GSAL v MCC) so Friday will be more crust earning day.


Enjoy the rest of the day



Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all fro Estuary-Land. As HH pointed out the correct term was Universal Carrier, used for all sorts of tasks only a few of which it was specifically designed for. My dad was a gunner and during the early part of the war c.1940 he was stationed in Yorkshire. An exercise took place and dad was tasked with driving the 'spotter' the officer who goes in advance of the guns marking where the shells fall and relaying the information back to the guns. It was then that he and the officer found out the hard way that the UC tracks are not suited to metalled roads. The UC discarded one of its tracks at speed going through a dry stone wall into a field. Luckily as it was an armoured vehicle no serious injuries resulted.

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I am also going to put the shelf a little higher above head height instead of at forehead height. I am sure most of you will realise why.


Shades of GDB seem to be affecting many areas of this forum.


Does garlic help?

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  • RMweb Gold

I am also going to put the shelf a little higher above head height instead of at forehead height. I am sure most of you will realise why.


I'm sorry, I haven't a clue.  :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Well I managed to get home in time for a late lunch, my timing was off a bit today as I got home just as Sheila was finishing hers, but in plenty of time for a cup of tea!


Cockwomble of the day award must go to the clown driving the HGV in the fourth lane of the M60 between the M61 and M62! Where's a copper when you want one eh?


Goodnight all.

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Greetings ! Yes, it’s me ! No, I have no idea where but the darkness has fallen and I’m still here trying to pick it up.  My indecision is gone as I am no longer sure of it.


Tomorrow’s mission – should I choose to accept it – is to continue renovating the garden furniture, mainly the table, with that stuff that does what it says on the tin. Actually by the time I was able to start the filling process, I saw - sorry bad choice of words – I could see that should I ever finish, the table will have to be reclassified from ‘made of wood’ to ‘mainly filler’.


Enjoy the two/three days of sunshine......

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Evening all. I hope today finds you well. My best wishes to you all, especially those who are also suffering with lack of sleep. Although early to bed it was 4.30am when the cat opted to disturb us today. Yet again I had to struggle through the exhaustion. A long staff meeting at the end of the day added to it all. It appears that the eldest children did not perform well in the SAT spelling test today which, of course, appears to be my fault as the person who launched a new spelling scheme a couple of years ago. The fact that the junior teachers refuse to follow the scheme as it is intended has been conveniently ignored. Much easier to point the finger of blame my way.

The late finish to the staff meeting meant I was unable to contact the other school about the deputy job. I have sent an email but I am unsure if I can organise a visit in time. Perhaps it is a sign that it is not meant to be.

The tiredness meant I only completed the bare minimum amount of work this evening. Things prepared for tomorrow, but lots of stuff still to do.

Sleep well all.

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