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  • RMweb Gold

I think there is. Last tested in the Magistrates in about 1970, by a riding instructor from one of the stables then operating near Hyde Park. Not only was he also drunk, but his horse reportedly wasn't sober either. Penalty fine back then was £10.


If you are really drunk the Horse would be in charge of you. I am sure most horses would recognise an incapable owner. A slightly intoxicated owner might be worse I could imagine a Horse being uncertain whether to obey a stupid order. Horses can be partial to a pint of beer just don't give them too many.



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  • RMweb Gold

Apologies for recent absence, and I am not au fait with goings-on, but undertake to chase myself through in the next day or so.


Staying with Sherry's daughter in a nice close of modern private houses. And by 5 p.m. we had 5, yes 5, police cars on blues and twos in the close. Cool eh? A neighbourhood dispute about speeding while kids are outside playing, and the accused perpetrator claimed to the fuzz she was being attacked. What a waste of resources, and the woman concerned is believed to have a screw loose.


Meanwhile back at the ranch, France has done the sensible thing and not appointed the Front National candidate for the Presidency. Feelings have been running high - and Alison is in meltdown after an unknown woman spat on her yesterday.


Civilisation at its best on both sides of la Manche, eh?

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If you are really drunk the Horse would be in charge of you. I am sure most horses would recognise an incapable owner.


Which is exactly the scenario I was told about regarding the horse that knew where it lived, even if the owner was all but unconscious. What happened when they got home one can only guess regarding uncoupling the cart and putting the horse away in its stable... Shades of Orwell and Animal Farm here!

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  • RMweb Premium

Goodnight all

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Evening all. Various circumstances have kept me away from these pages for the last few days do generic greetings, congratulations and commiserations as appropriate. Apologies if I have missed anything important.

Work has been as busy as always. So far the term has passed off without any major incident (however there is a plenty of time - another 15 days until half term for that to change). Last week did bring news of one of the three jobs. An email thanked me for my application and stated that the panel was impressed with my letter. However they felt my application was more suited to a leadership role. Personally I think the email may have been a polite way of saying either a) I am over qualified for a simple teaching post and / or b) I am too expensive for such a role. I fear now that the same opinion will, almost certainly, be held by the other two schools. As interviews for one of these other schools takes place this week I believe that one is off the radar as well. I also feel that too much time has elapsed on the third post so all possibilities have been exhausted.

Last week a colleague passed on details of some teaching agencies that were recommended by a former colleague. However I am not sure that these will be the answer because they will provide a consistent enough level of work. Supply money will also not cover the holiday period. Back to the drawing board then.

This weekend saw a busy Saturday. An early start for the men's breakfast at the local church centre. A decent fry up feed and good company was followed by an enjoyable day at the Derby Model Railway Exhibition with my Dad. It was nice to also bump into a few familiar and friendly faces including an ex pupil from school. Sarah was at her parent's again last night ahead of Nottingham Forest's final home game of the season. This gave me a quiet night at home. I was due to catch up with a mate, but a headache put paid to that. Instead I sorted out the modelling cupboards (I know how to rock on a Saturday night!!!)

This morning I caught up on a few jobs around the house. I also went out to the local pet superstore to purchase a pair of gerbils that are destined for the classroom as part of our animal topic. They will more than likely end up as additions to our menagerie when the term ends. A later trip to the garden centre saw purchase of some decorative stone which I then laid onto the weed proof material that i had put around the base of the shed during the Easter holiday. Part of this area will need to carry the G scale railway, but I see the back of the shed as a sheltered spot for a OO gauge running line. Another future project perhaps.

This afternoon I had dinner at the inlaws whilst collecting Sarah and Amber. It has been strange to have not seen them much this weekend. Sarah was in good spirits after Forest avoided relegation with a 3-0 win.

Back to work tomorrow. I wonder what challenges and stresses await.


Sleep well all.

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Any theory as to why the horse wasn't sober, and how they came to said conclusion...I mean , how do you breathylise a horse - blood test maybe.

In practical terms, it would have been done via a blood test, and only administered by a vet. The news back then reported that the horse was partial to beer, but didn't say whether he shared the same brand favoured by the instructor, or preferred a different brew. What was commonly on offer in London pubs back then? Watneys? Courage? Guinness, certainly.


I'm guessing that the horse must have consumed a considerable volume of beer (by human standards) that evening. Both horse and rider were stopped in Hyde Park by an officer on New Year's Eve 1970.

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In practical terms, it would have been done via a blood test, and only administered by a vet. The news back then reported that the horse was partial to beer, but didn't say whether he shared the same brand favoured by the instructor, or preferred a different brew. What was commonly on offer in London pubs back then? Watneys? Courage? Guinness, certainly.


I'm guessing that the horse must have consumed a considerable volume of beer (by human standards) that evening. Both horse and rider were stopped in Hyde Park by an officer on New Year's Eve 1970.

If left to gorge, on especially apples horses can become drunk when the resultant mush ferments in their stomachs producing quite a lot of alchol. This can be very dangerous and can lead to a fatal bout of colic. So inconsequence I limit my ponies consumption to a half pint of Guinness a week, he's not to happy about it but I'm not taking him to those bloody  AA meetings again!



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  • RMweb Gold

A friend once claimed to have been detained overnight in York on a charge of being drunk in charge of a column of marching men. He and his Sealed Knother colleagues were sent on their way in the morning, when sober, without being charged.

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Morning all. Too early and too dark outside to contemplate the weather.


Another three days of the nomadic life ahead, but only after another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Thinking about turning the TV into a photo frame.

I have little interest in other folk's houses, cooking, advertisements seemingly produced by 9 year olds, talent(less) shows, Antiques programmes presented by a chap who died four years ago, constant repeats, the same programme on several channels, smutty innuendo at every opportunity, humourless comedy, poor production standards and on and on.

Even the News seems doomed to meaningless jabber between the presenters.

There are a few diamond chips among the plastic bling but they are so rare that it's hardly worth the effort of organising a life around them.

Just my opinion.

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Good morning one and all


In addition to cooking and enjoying the steak yesterday I managed to get a heap of magazines sorted and put away.  In the afternoon I was overcome by sloth once again and watched ‘Diamonds Are Forever’.  The week ahead will be quite busy.  I need to do the fodder run this morning before an appointment with Sister Diabetes at 13.10 and a blood test for Professor Oncologist after that.  On Tuesday there is lunch with Poorly Pal and an RCTS meeting in the evening.  Wednesday sees me at Kings Place for a concert by Calan which will mean another addition to the CD collection.  As far as I know Thursday has only a rescheduled fodder run to distract me before Friday’s conclave of Flavio’s brains trust in London.  On Saturday and Sunday I will be at ExpoEM, so expect some rude comments next week about Bracknell town centre or what is left of it.


Warm thoughts to all in distress



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Morning All,


It is a rather grey and blustery day in this part of the world.  We had a quiet weekend, I had planned to go cycling yesterday, but unfortunately the weather put paid to that.  Still, there will be plenty more opportunities and we certainly needed the rain that we have had over the past week.



We practiced conjunctions in our German class on Wednesday. There are seven of us and I was the only one to regularly move the verb to the end of the sentence.

So a question to Dom and Robert.

If (say) you are speaking a sentence in the perfect tense with a conjunctive and a modal verb, how the heck do you remember the order of the verbs at the end of the sentence?



I missed Bill's question last week - sorry about that.


I presume that the sort of construction you are thinking about is:


Er muss der Kuchen gegessen haben - He must have eaten the cake.


Er muss schneller geworden sein - He must have become faster.


In which case, past participle comes first, followed by the auxillary verb.


If that isn't what you mean, or you've got further questions then feel free to ask me via PM.  I can't promise that I'm a master of German grammar, but I usually manage to get by!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from our little village.  Quite a few clouds around and shortly Lisa will brighten my day with the local forecast.   I am also pleased by the news from France but will continue to watch developments with interest.


Yesterday went well with a good morning at church then in the afternoon evening we had a great time with eldest plus girlfriend and her 5 yr old up for a few hours then we were joined by Beth's dad and stepmum and we had a very good family meal.   I amused young Ryan by setting up a little O gauge test track on a card table and had him driving my compound up and down.  He grasped the concept of the controller very quickly and wants more.  He was fascinated by why we had t have wires connecting the controller to the tracks.  All in all a good result.


Today I have a committee meeting where I will hand over to my successor as Secretary.  Another bit of de-cluttering achieved.   Then some tidying and sorting before an evening at the club.  


SWMBO will no doubt be up shortly.


Regards to all



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,


Another night of just 5 hours sleep, is this going to be a permanent feature?


I woke to howling winds as we get hit by the full force of a north / north easterly wind which is just short of gale force, that doesn't stop the waves pounding on the shore and us getting a little light sea spray.


My back is stiff but not that painfull this morning we'll see how it gets on.


The radio reports than on the Norwich Distributer Route one of the star of roads coming out of the city will be closed today, for roundabout construction. This is one round from one of my possible routes home  So there will be a traffic increase for the duration on my route home.


This weeks main task a one major 2 to 3 day calibration, but they haven't got it ready for me yet so I have about an hour to wait, so I've just set off an automatic cal on a reference standard that I use for the major cal, it will be done by the time I need it.


The garden report

Bluebells have self seeded into the grass, delaying the mowing of that area for the duration.

The Cherry trees (baby ones they've only been planted a couple of years) are now in flower.

We've had rain several times over the last few weeks everything is growing like mad especially the brambles and nettles.

The rest of the grass needs mowing before the forecast rain at the end of the week.

This spellchecker keeps changing mowing  to moving...


Time for work...

Edited by TheQ
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Morning all from a dull and overcast boring borough. Very disappointed the Monster Raving Loony Party isn't standing a candidate in our constituency. The remaining selection of clowns just don't cut it. I may have to write in a vote for the road cone next to the bus stop. It's been more visible and does more for the area than the incumbent.


Word of the week Smonday. The point in time when the weekend isn't quite over but the anxiety of Monday starts to kick in.  


In other non news. b*gger all happening here. Quiet weekend. 



Enjoy your day. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and it's an overcast one here. 


Just opened up my work email to find my "contract" isn't being extended. Quelle surprise! 

Could I remain available if a particular project lands and needs a manager? I'm not sure I'm able to commit to that.

I believe the number of people leaving this SME now exceeds those remaining, making it a SE. If there was a "mu" symbol I'd use it 


Sweet peas are looking healthy, roses and clematis are in fine fettle.


Spent some time working on the open topped baseboards yesterday, having done all the domestic repair jobs and spent some time with mum.

TBH I'm not sure open topped baseboards are my forte. The layout is at the "complete mess" stage prior to it looking like a slice of English countryside!  


Have a nice day everyone. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Overcast here and looks like it will stay that way.

More gardening done yesterday but didn't get to play with my trains so will try again today but first a visit to Sainsbury's is needed.

Have a good one,


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