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Bright sunny day here in sunny Teignmouth.


Had an enjoyable evening at friends last night. Mexican food accompanied by Mexican music, chatting any laughing lots.


Today is the start of an exhibition of Joy Adamson art locally. I had a sneak preview last night and it looked good. African botany, wildlife and some portraits. Looking forward to seeing it.

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Morning all and it's a chilly one here.

First nasturtium seedling has popped up, as have some of the salad leaves planted last weekend. Sweet peas, clematis and roses tied in. There is talk of a montana being needed....


The jigsaw will be fired up just as soon as it is neighbourly to do so on a Sunday morning. Apart from the measure twice, cut once adage, I've inserted another clause - think thrice, double check with swmbo, then start cutting. 


The washing machine maintenance session yesterday was fun. I had to chemical options; caustic soda and spirit of salts. The latter was apparently capable of dissolving new cement.

I opted for PPE and caustic soda. Two drops landed on my clothing and instantly took the colour out. I looked at a 3rd drop edging towards the top of my marigolds and very carefully cleaned that off! The caustic soda most certainly did something to the waste pipe, although this wasn't apparent until the drain cycle - whereupon a gurgling and rushing of water could be heard as never before. Nice. I also took a look at the internal coin filter. swmbo had indicated that this had been cleaned recently. Emptying this via the small flexible pipe showed just where the smell was coming from, and on removing the filter itself a decaying colour catcher was found sludged up inside. "Erm, when did you inspect this filter?" "Just before the trouble started." :banghead:  


Tomorrow in the office should be a hoot. A colleague showed self-determination and resigned, which went down about as well as.....insert your favourite analogy. 

It seems strange to me that the less we pay people the more loyalty we seem to expect from them. If a high-paid manager moved on we'd all probably say that was to be expected as they were chasing their career, or a higher salary. If someone at a more humble level decides they want to move on then suddenly we feel let down.  


EDIT: I should mention that fixing the washing machine and repairing a number of pieces of china with milliput means my stock of brownie points is riding high. Now, how best to use them...  :)

Edited by AndyB
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. It looks as if I will need a new tyre, the cause of the puncture was a screw thats gone in on the shoulder, added to which the car was in an awkward, possibly dangerous place so I had to drive it a couple of hundred yards to a safe place, I'll be taking it into the tyre place tomorrow.  Not a lot to do today except catch up on a few things that were penciled in for yesterday. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Morning all,


Pity you weren't still on Maristow when I arrived Don as the chap at the controls clearly had a very limited grasp of how to shunt a freight train (as two of us watching, and the layout owner, duly observed); things were far better later on with the owner in charge.  I forgot to mention Hambleden which was a delight to watch - shunting with radio controlled live steam was a delight to watch.  And for HH's information the stub points are still there on Indian Hills although I only saw trailing movements being made through them.


Currently rather sunny but not sure if it will last but I might get the hoe out and attack some weeds in the gravel out the front - hoping I can do so without damaging the geotex under the gravel (and yes, the weeds still come though it although the self-seeded lavenders are very welcome.


Have a good day everybody

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Tomorrow in the office should be a hoot. A colleague showed self-determination and resigned, which went down about as well as.....insert your favourite analogy. 

It seems strange to me that the less we pay people the more loyalty we seem to expect from them. If a high-paid manager moved on we'd all probably say that was to be expected as they were chasing their career, or a higher salary. If someone at a more humble level decides they want to move on then suddenly we feel let down.  

Its then you get to know who does all the work that the manager is paid for, many a time I've seen staff go leaving their manager in a blue funk. On one occasion I know of someone who left leaving behind a couple of 'booby traps' for his unsuspecting boss. That boss got the sack and was replaced by the person who had left. The boss who was sacked should never have been in the post anyway, she was only given the job because the person making the appointment was a chum of hers.

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Well after all the fun of yesterday it is back to the major DIY today.


HH nice work on Indian Hills. I do like Rob's figures I kept meaning to get one of TAG but they were always sold out at shows. I understand he only does a few specials now.


Mike, I had a go on Maristow late on. I particularly enjoy working the proper lever frame. If I had seen you when I was there I would have asked Bob to let you round the back. I have a feeling you might have felt quite at home on the frame. Although you might notice the lack of block instruments!


Mal The book was disappointing to me as I was hoping for more on Dolgelly (original spelling) and found it frustrating that he had repeated the same errors as Green. The Green book is more useful to me and so are the photos passed on by Peter (of Kirtley models). That said it will find a place on my bookshelf.


I might post a picture on two when I have time to shrink them for RMWeb. Coming back I had a choice of the 16.59 Torbay Express via Bristol TM or the 17:33 down the Berks and Hants. I thought there won't be much difference to Taunton. I was right but surprised that where the lines join before Taunton the Torbay Express was held at a red light to let the other through ah well only about 10 mins behind at the platform. Just east of Taunton on the up side there are some tracks alongside the main with trees and bushes growing in the 4ft extreme maintenance cutbacks? :nono:




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A'noon, everyone!


Back from a quick two-day trip to Berlin, highlighted by a rather interesting kind of excursion which I outlined here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1910/entry-19392-the-underground-open-–-a-completely-other-than-ordinary-trip-to-berlin/


We'll be at FiL's later for a birthday BBQ for SiL, and off for three days at my parents' tomorrow after breakfast. I'll see to reading back as to what you folks have been up to, so until then, may I leave it at a couple of generic C&Cs as appropriate.



Edited by NGT6 1315
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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon, everyone!


Back from a quick two-day trip to Berlin, highlighted by a rather interesting kind of excursion which I outlined here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1910/entry-19392-the-underground-open-–-a-completely-other-than-ordinary-trip-to-berlin/


We'll be at FiL's later for a birthday BBQ for SiL, and off for three days at my parents' tomorrow after breakfast. I'll see to reading back as to what you folks have been up to, so until then, may I leave it at a couple of generic C&Cs as appropriate.




I wish London Underground would do tours like that with access via the various connecting tunnels.



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I have been ruthless in my selection of stuff to be kept and disposed of while tidying up. One of the advantages of not having a great deal of stamina is that exhaustion seems to overcome "that could be useful" when it comes to bits of timber. I sent a photo of the partially tidied summerhouse to Aditi and she was very impressed. She and her Mum didn't make it to a garden centre but they did go to a department store in Enfield for lunch. It is quite odd that it had taken until Aditi is in her 60s for her mother to really appreciate what a good person she is. Aditi was always considered to be the dim or disorganised one of MiL's offspring.

On return from the park I have decided I have done enough for the day and I am "at home" now. The bottle of Belgian Trappist beer I had with my late lunch probably puts me over the limit for driving for a while anyway.


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Back from a quick two-day trip to Berlin, highlighted by a rather interesting kind of excursion which I outlined here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1910/entry-19392-the-underground-open-–-a-completely-other-than-ordinary-trip-to-berlin/




That Dom has to be the absolute epitome of a Busman's Holiday! :yes:

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Good afternoon everyone


As is the norm for us on a Sunday, we had our usual lie-in with breakfast in bed. Once that was eaten it was up and back down to the workshop to finish of that lock and key. My first task was to paint the lock, first a coat of primer, whilst that was drying I stared making the handle for the key. Just before lunch I gave the lick a top coat.


After lunch I finished polishing the key and re-assembled the lock after I'd applied a bit of graphite to the inside to help everything work smoothly. Then I re-fitted the lock to the door and tested it all. All that I had to do was remove a little paint from inside the keep-plate on the door frame and that was it.


Below is a photo of the re-assembled lock and new key.



Back later

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Afternoon awl,

Just off the phone confirming our presence at a nephew's wedding, for which the reception will be in....... Linlithgow rugby club, anyone got a spare translator?


I remember​ the fishing out rough collies from the canal, after they chased each other around and fell in. They didn't appreciate being hosed down after, big furry coats need to be kept clean.


This morning I spent the first hour pottering around the shed, while my back eased. Then I went out into the cold northerly and lit the bonfire. Two hours later I had sweat pouring off of me as I moved branches on the fire and tried to push the fire where I wanted it, not where it wanted to go. Front of me exceedingly hot, my back to the north wind freezing.


After that I took a trip into town for things "we" forgot, major cockwomble time, the Sunday drivers were out and the tourists were out too. Unable to cope with the narrow local roads on the 4 mile trip in, one car cut a 90 degree corner on a JUST two way road, two others approached me on a road just wide enough for white lines but they had the cars with the white line under the driver!!!!


On return I installed the 6 shelves for the inherited model railway, a final coat of paint was done and next week the railway can move to its new safe home. Then tornado corner was installed, next week I hope to put the ply base for the shed railway in place in that area.

A little light measuring up for further shelves followed.


Time for a little light eyelid inspection now.

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Afternoon... yep, late on parade.


Yesterday was a great afternoon with Trevor, not had that opportunity for a while, just the two of us. Only downside was the Twins (again, they're doing REALLY well this year) managed to get hammered 11-1. We persevered and enjoyed ourselves anyway :)


Spent the evening alone with the menagerie, Whitney and Bob, we all relaxed (mostly passed out!), watched some meaningless TV and I had a couple of enjoyable ciders <hic>


Today will see some flight simming and some <sshhh> modeling, but I fear the modeling will turn into a rather long running session :senile:


Yesterday was a gorgeous day reaching 21.

Today only 14 for now and may reach 18 but under mostly cloudy skies I have my doubts.


Hope your Sunday went as planned.

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Another busy day modelling. Seven wagon kits made up and undercoated. Other little bits have been done as well.


Just had roast beef with all the trimmings and now I feel stuffed.


Back later

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Is there such a thing as being drunk in charge of a horse?


Just wondering. Many years ago I heard a story of a chap who like more than a few glassfuls who relied on his horse to get him, and his cart back home safely while completely inebriated...

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Is there such a thing as being drunk in charge of a horse?...

I think there is. Last tested in the Magistrates in about 1970, by a riding instructor from one of the stables then operating near Hyde Park. Not only was he also drunk, but his horse reportedly wasn't sober either. Penalty fine back then was £10.

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I think there is. Last tested in the Magistrates in about 1970, by a riding instructor from one of the stables then operating near Hyde Park. Not only was he also drunk, but his horse reportedly wasn't sober either. Penalty fine back then was £10.


Any theory as to why the horse wasn't sober, and how they came to said conclusion...I mean , how do you breathylise a horse - blood test maybe.

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Neigh. Nay. Nah,  I reckon they used the old fashioned pre-breathalyser method and got the horse to walk along a white line and then recite the alphabet backwards  :jester:

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