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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a very sunny but cool village.  Breakfast being consumed and the S's attended to. Perhaps a well with all the discussion of floaters......


Yesterday went well with a few hours at the club.  sorting out various minor issues.   A friend who I've not been in touch with for a while came down and helped for a few hour while we caught up and put the world to rights.   He was telling stories of maintaining 44's and 20's at Toton and Westhouses when he started work.   He's now  a part time catholic priest, quite a change.  Then a pleasant evening giving a talk in Castleford though the combo of laptop and projector kept re arranging the order of my slides which made for interesting times.


Off shortly to sort out various errands then into Morley with the boss to move some money around.   An evening at the club where we might even play trains, perish the thought.


Best wishes to BR and Ivan and look forward to hearing positive results from you both.  To all others the usual commiserations and congratulations.



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Good morning all,

The sun has made a brief appearance and the forecast is for a dry, cloudy, breezy day with sunny periods.

The lump on my head has reduced slightly and I will endeavour to avoid any cranial collisions today.

Daily orders have been posted and include assistance with domestic stuff, a further shopping trip to get something "we" forgot and possibly some gardening. In view of the latter I'm hoping for heavy rain.

Have a good one,


As forgetting is part of the ageing process (we're already there) we've found the necessity of making lists. I can noW say, no, we didn't forget, it wasn't on the list. I'm offering this creative suggestion as then 'we' may not forget things so often. :)


However there is always the matter of brownie points, and the next lump on the head may not be self-inflicted.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

A day of pottering about beckons.

Aditi is off out this evening to see some ballet in London. Then tomorrow she departs to Enfield until Tuesday to stay with her Mum.


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Morning all from the borough that know no excitement. As Mr Lurker pointed out, no local elections here. Shame really as I've been saving up all the household excrement in a big bucket for the occasion. Woe betide the first Joho or Mormon that comes to the door now. 


Neck and shoulder have regressed and I'm in a load of discomfort. Decided yesterday to say b*gger it and booked my 2 annual stress days. (don't need medical note or anything for them) So this has been a 1 day work week with 1 day of training and now day 2 of a 4 day weekend. Today I shall be mostly rattling from all the codeine and naproxen tablets. 

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Morning all. I was woken by a very orange sunrise, but the sky is blue now.


Best wishes for Black Rat and Horsetan for their respective medical interventions.


Interesting talk of floaters being curable; I've had them for a good 20 years or so and have been told there is nothing doing. Given I lost the sight in the lower half of my left eye a couple of years back I might enquire when I next go to the optician. I think I am due an appointment in a couple of months time for a contact lens check.


Today sees a thrilling day ahead, which involves reviewing Spreadsheet King's work on the VAT return. Sadly he really has not developed beyond being a spreadsheet producer (and not a very accurate one at that). It also involves lots of other work looking at the group's international profile as will be shown in the Country by Country Reporting (as mandated by the OECD). I bet you wish I hadn't told you.


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Gold

As forgetting is part of the ageing process (we're already there) we've found the necessity of making lists. I can no say, no, we didn't forget, it wasn't on the list. I'm offering this creative suggestion as then 'we' may not forget things so often. :)


However there is always the matter of brownie points, and the next lump on the head may not be self-inflicted.


The blame has to fall squarely on The Boss!  The forgotten items were for me but I did ask her to put them on the list which she omitted to do and then had the cheek to say that the reason they were forgotten was because they weren't on the list!  :banghead:


PS Nearly forgot to wish good luck to BR and Ivan.

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all from a very sunny but cool village.  Breakfast being consumed and the S's attended to. Perhaps a well with all the discussion of floaters......




Or as we say "sitting on King Kong's thumb !"


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  A little grumpy as my 5 week physio programme can't start for 2 weeks due to no availability of a physioterrorist despite the threats to said department from the surgeon.  So 5 weeks is 7. #sigh#


Best wishes to those under the knife or the tube this morning too.  I have had occasional eye floaters as long as I can remember, but tiny ones like a speck of dust.  Ophthalmologist doesn't seem to think its an issue as long as it doesn't change. 


A mate is taking me to the old farts bike/shed club this morning, which is nice.  After my 50 yards walk on crutches yesterday my leg/foot feels like I did the Great North Run.  Eeeuuw.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,  


Sunshine is hanging on notwithstanding its forecast demise to be replaced by cloud - clearly here to celebrated another period of our travel around it as herself catches me up in age.


The Imperial in Exeter is very good Ian - and the standard seems to have kept up over the years; I was last there with an OFs group (for which OD would actually qualify as a former Controller - combined WR & SR bunch of ex Controllers and those closely associated with such jobs) for 'Christmas' Lunch in December and family wise we were regular visitors when the Good Doctor was acquiring learning in Exeter.  The Great Western down by the station used to do an excellent breakfast and good evening meals but it's a long time since I last stayed there.


A little bit more shopping to do today - mainly stuff which 'we' forgot to add to yesterday's list.


Have a good day one and all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes to Horsetan and BR and hope all goes well. Not a lot to report today, the plasterer is due tomorrow to do the shed ceiling, shouldn't take long as its less than two square metres. When measuring up for shelves I discovered I have a Workmate sized space beneath one of the shelves, so one item has a home. Thats it for now, be back later.

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The blame has to fall squarely on The Boss!  The forgotten items were for me but I did ask her to put them on the list which she omitted to do and then had the cheek to say that the reason they were forgotten was because they weren't on the list!  :banghead:



Lists are a good idea as long as they are meaningful.

SWMBO is quite capable of spending £100 on a list which states 'Bread and Milk".

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning one and all




Now to listen to the autopsy of the local election results.  





Morning guys.


Just a thought - the correct English term is 'post-mortem' - I just do not like the Americanisms that are creeping into our language.


Cheers, Peter

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  • RMweb Gold

Lists are a good idea as long as they are meaningful.

SWMBO is quite capable of spending £100 on a list which states 'Bread and Milk".

We were going to have some lovely seedy wholemeal bread toast for breakfast this morning. However someone (not I, this time! ) forgot to include yeast. The final product is probably similar to the Dwarf weapons grade bread described in Terry Pratchett's Discworld books.
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and it's a sunny one at last. 


Was dispatched to the local pet shop this morning to purchase a crow-proof bird feeder. 

Whilst killing time waiting for the shop to open I perused the local diy shop's stock of sheet material and purchased the backscene board for the layout. 


More conference calls await, so ta-ta-for now. 

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Morning guys.


Just a thought - the correct English term is 'post-mortem' - I just do not like the Americanisms that are creeping into our language.


Cheers, Peter


Peter, thank you.  I would not disagree with you as to the correctness of the English term.  It is reassuring that someone else is trying to defend the language against the erosive forces that batter it with unremitting constancy.  However, it seemed to me that the American term was more expressive in the context.  Had I been a little more conscious when posting I might well have used 'inquest' instead.  Serves me right for having the radio on all night ...



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....Best wishes to Ivan and BR....

They're somewhat behind schedule here in the RFH Endoscopy Department. The canula has been inserted, but I'm still waiting to go under the chemical cosh.


On the bright side, I may have picked up one of the nurses as a potential client...

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Lists are a good idea as long as they are meaningful.

SWMBO is quite capable of spending £100 on a list which states 'Bread and Milk".

Tell me about it. I can pop in and get bread and milk. My wife can pop in and get bread, milk, chocolate, sweets, muffins, nuts, cereal, meat, grapes, toilet rolls, laundry powder ad infinitum. It is almost as if she is scared of being ridiculed for offering her debit card for £2.50 of purchases. Edited by lightengine
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Morning guys.


Just a thought - the correct English term is 'post-mortem' - I just do not like the Americanisms that are creeping into our language.


Cheers, Peter

Americanisms are an "issue" you need to take up with someone. What was wrong with having a "problem"? Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Gold

To be fair to The Boss any goods bought in addition to "the list" are normally down to me as it is a favourite pastime of mine to see what extras I can slip in the trolley before we make to the till.  :yes:

The ensuing  argument usually causes a great deal of amusement to the cashiers as they all know us well because Chris works there.

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  • RMweb Premium

Back home after various tasks were attended to.  SWMBO came with me to Morrisons as she had a bit of time spare and I discovered I had a voucher for 3500 of their points if we spent £30.   At the till the total only came to just over £27 so I nipped and got a cheap bottle of Shiraz from the nearest aisle to take me over the limit.  The shopping list had consisted of two words, veg and apples  but various other items had somehow appeared on the basket.  I did manage to find  some Eccles cakes though which slipped through unnoticed. Beth was most supportive of my decision about the Shiraz so perhaps the brownie points balance has increased as well.



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 The final product is probably similar to the Dwarf weapons grade bread described in Terry Pratchett's Discworld books.

I love how Terry Pratchett used to subvert things found in other fantasy novels and make them hilarious, in this case "cram" from the Hobbit. My favourite was probably the first one; Cohen the Barbarian.

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  • RMweb Premium



Pleasant trip out to the OF's bike/shed club, a zillion calorie FEB was consumed.  A couple of new biker members, and one is a retired bobby I used to work with so that was pleasant.  As he lives south of Douglas in Glen Vine, he had to come all the way down north to join us.  Quite a trip for a Manxman.  Luckily it is 18c and gloriously sunny, the island looks fantastic this spring, very verdant and the air is very clear so the views of the mountain are quite spectacular. 


Foot bearing up well to its second day upright out of the wheelchair, but finding shoes it will fit into has been difficult.  It is now a completely different shape to previously, being much more arched.  I'm going to have to buy odd sized pairs or even styles of shoes to get comfortable I think!  The surgeon said when the screws come out next year my foot will slowly flatten out to a shape more like its original appearance, but that is some time away yet.  As the previous (ironically) Administration Manager of a large Podiatry Department I only wear 'good' shoes, generally Ecco, (Hotter and Skechers are also 'approved')   so this may well be an expensive time for footwear.  There are no cheap, good shoes.

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  • RMweb Gold

When the lack of bread was realised this morning I was informed that I could have brioche instead. This is what I believe Marie Antoinette is alleged to have said. Ended well here though.


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