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  • RMweb Gold

The station's parking lot also was compacted ice with snow on top for as far as I could see when I was on my way home. I'm quite amazed that there are some cyclists who actually dare ride on that kind of surface! :blink:


I don't think I saw any cyclists today. I don't think they would have been able to ride along the cycle paths alongside the route I took on my trip to the supermarket this morning. I had a bit of a problem with the shopping trolley (but not as much as the chap who got his 4*4 stuck!)




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  • RMweb Gold

If the forecaster's have it right, we'll cop for it overnight / tomorrow.


Deep joy....:(


My wife has been working from home and has worked for 11 hours (she may do some more tonight)on both days processing university applications. Some bright spark wants her to go in tomorrow for a meeting to discuss something that may happen next year instead of getting on with something urgent! We were forecast not to have any more snow but local forecasts are now predicting south Essex to get another load of snow tonight with -3 C temperature. It is very rare for us to have this much snow, even if Chelmsford or north Kent get loads we usually don't.






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Evening All,


Brrrr - It's chilly this evening. -6°C and falling. I've just come back from a very pleasant evening with a friend of mine in Wiesbaden, and we both remarked that it is time to get the Winter woolies out! Now where did I put my gloves?!?


The road outside my back gate is a sheet of ice at the moment (Frozen, compacted snow) so if we get a snowfall on top of that (as predicted) it is going to make for an interesting run to work in the morning! I came out of work this evening and found that my handbrake was frozen on - now all I have got to do is to remember to leave the handbrake off...

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  • RMweb Gold
came out of work this evening and found that my handbrake was frozen on - now all I have got to do is to remember to leave the handbrake off...


I think I'd far rather have something frozen on than frozen off (says he in a brass monkeyish sort of way).

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Evening all.


Very little snow fall here for a couple of days. Most of it has melted on the coast, but there is still a bit on the fields etc a few miles inland. Blasted cold though, especially with the wind coming right off the sea. Car read -2 on the way to uni and back today.


Snow is forecast for tonight, so will check the state of play tomorrow and decide whether it's worth trying to get to uni tomorrow. It's not my driving ability I doubt, but the apparent blithering idiocy of others on the road!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Almost -8° outside - can't tell whether there may have been any additional snow yet, though. Forecast says Sunday will be warmer by several degrees, but could see us getting freezing rain, which would be nasty :blink: .


Have a good day everyone! ;)

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Morning All,


I was awoken at 04:30 this morning when the council bloke arrived to clear the pavement opposite. I live opposite a school, so the council clear the pavements there. I am responsible for clearing my own bit of pavement, so I was outside just after 06:00 in temperatures of -8°C shoveling snow - there must have been another couple of centimeters overnight. Now, where did I put my scarf and gloves?!?


The drive into work was uneventful, despite a liberal coating of snow on the Autobahn. Uncommonly, there seems to have been more snow at home than at work.


The car is parked outside in gear with the handbrake off - yesterday the handbrake froze on!


Have a good day everyone...

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Third day stuck at home in Chatham, we must have had a good 8" last night. Still better then where I'd be working in Bansted though, client, though desperate for me to come in, said they have drifting snow up to 4' deep. Got to sort out the car insurance, then maybe some modelling, or perhaps Halo: Reach on the X-Box. Or may just go back to bed! :)

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  • RMweb Gold

More snow here overnight, 4 - 5 inches. My wife is setting off to work but will be going by train. I've cleared a route to the car and will drive down to the station. I saw a gritting lorry go past the end of the road so the route to the station should be OK. Buses aren't running round here though. Anyway my wife is off to work so she can spend less time on urgent tasks that could be done at home!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, The snow has arrived in these Southern parts at last. We seem to have had something over 4" which is a tiny amount compared to other areas but for this area is almost unheard of. I wasn't aiming to go further than the shed today anyway!


Have a safe one all.




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Snow on frozen base to about 4/5" with more to come.

However, there is some very slight thaw just to make it particularly dangerous as it re-freezes later and the snow starts again.

Water Butts frozen solid.


My butt is too - that's why I've come inside.

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Is it "Snowmageddon", yet? We had that earlier this year.............


How is the "Thin Veneer of Civilzation" holding up in the UK?


We've had all of that, amongst much waffling. Can't even send over food parcels 'cos the mail is bu@@ered up in England.


Still the "Kate" lookalikes are still headlinesover here.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all...

. Forecast says Sunday will be warmer by several degrees, but could see us getting freezing rain, which would be nasty :blink: .




"Freezing Rain" - is the one wintry condition that seems to strike fear into North Americans because it can destroy power delivery systems. Google Montreal/Ice Storm.

Good luck.





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  • RMweb Gold

My wife got into work with a 2 and a half hour journey this morning. Various unexpected train changes, delays due to OHLE problems. At least she arrived in time to be told about meetings being cancelled later today! I think tonight's dinner should be something that can cope with being in the oven for a while waiting to be served.

I haven't made a snowman but some children had made one in the field. As they rolled the giant snowball around it left a good track so it was easier to walk today. A cockerpoo pup tried to get Robbie to play chase but he was in serious scent trail following mood today . I'm not sure what he was following but when he found it he dug away the snow and marked its position!



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  • RMweb Premium

Far as I can deduce from the news, the current weather's causing all sorts of trouble on both roads and rails throughout the country. Perhaps this explains the following sighting:






These are two of those fifteen class 218 diesels - 218 837 and 838 - which have been set aside for breakdown assistance service. However, I do not know whether they were just warming up in case they might be needed when I spotted them, or whether they were indeed setting out for duty.


And this was what I could see from the 31st floor of the "Tower" today before my course:




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  • RMweb Gold


These are two of those fifteen class 218 diesels - 218 837 and 838 - which have been set aside for breakdown assistance service. However, I do not know whether they were just warming up in case they might be needed when I spotted them, or whether they were indeed setting out for duty.




I was watching the news last night and there was a report about the problems they were having with the third rail electrification in Kent. Apparently the problem was that repair crews couldn't drive to the places where the problems were. It would appear that there are no emergency diesels there!




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