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  • RMweb Premium

Andy, I guess it depends on the weight of the loco, etc. and the size of the drone - the Airbus one has two 300 W motors.  ;) 

If the end result of your endeavours is anything like the gear you milled recently then I'm sure it'll work fine!  

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Morning all. Grey and miserable outside but it doesn't bother me today as I don't have to go outside at all.


A nice easy day of catching up on some admin and a guaranteed early finish.


Time for another coffee before I start.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, 5.5 hours of sleep was had alright for one, night but the missing sleep is begining to acumulate.

Dull grey and chilly this morning, we are forecast North easterlies all week and at no time in the countryside above 9C, I thought this was meant to be summer. as long as the North easterly continues to Saturday then I can have another bonfire..


On the Radio this morning they were talking about that a high percentage of  men feel lonely at times (estimate 8 million) especially as you get older. I know I do...

Yesterday they were talking about the spread of "Mens Shed Clubs" to as a social event to combat this.


Of course many Engineering  and woodwork clubs were closed down by councils  in the 70's and 80's by banning them from using School premises on the grounds of;(excuse of ?): Cost / Health and Safety / Not enough women / Not enough minorities .


One wonders how long it will be for someone tries to shut down the Mens Shed clubs for the same reasons...


I know many clubs, in a variety of fields,  have have been discriminated against getting grants because of the same reasons.


All the possible routes into work, now have traffic lights on them at the Norwich Distributer route junctions, two as they near roundabout completion, one as they near bridge completion and this will be closed for up to a week shortly. It's going to be a long slow trip in and out of town for some time, there was a 20 car queue this morning at 06:15. Not much to you "dahn Sath" but that's major round here...


Time to continue measuring....

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Whilest Being on Helps, It would be definition of friends that would be somewhat loose.

For instance I know people at work,  the sailing club and at the MRC. but there is not one that I meet for anything that is not related to those functions.

 I have always found it difficult to make friends, probably something to do with moving around for most of my life, you just know you'll be moving on again some time soon. Though saying that living here, for the last 15 years is the longest I've lived anywhere by a long way..

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornng All


Yet again, I have missed a day's check-in for various reasons, not least that my router seems to be up and down a lot (in fact just about like the proverbial tart's drawers).  I have a new one, but as there's a lot connected up here, and also the TV needs a different cable for the new one, which I haven't got, I am reluctant to change it out unless it becomes totaly necessary.


Generic greetings are, of course, on offer as usual.


Interesting to see a few posts about loneliness, and I too feel that from time to time - I think that it is after you retire that you find that many of your friends and acquaintances were work related, and that those who aren't are not always around.  I do find that the virtual friendships here are quite valuable to me, and I'm sure that this is so of many here who are also retired.  Also as 30747 is still at work, this is more so.  We all have one thing in common on here, and that's our enjoyment of railways, both real and model.  Facebook does not do it for me in the same way, as I'm not that keen on folk wittering on about how well little Johnnie did in the last arithmetic test at school.


And on the retirement front, I can now officially say that I am retired, as today marks my 65th trip round the sun, and the Government has marked that event by the start of my State pension.  Wow, a huge amount it isn't, bit it will provide a supply of modelling/beer tokens that I didn't have before.


There was a lot more that I was going to add, but these advancing years mean that the memory seems to be a bit slower than it was, and it's all gone for now.  Of course, as soon as I hit post it will all come back.


Oh some just did - isn't it surprising how many of your birthday cards seem to have an A4 or 60103 on them?


Back later

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Bought a drone motor on Ebay. It's not to motorize bagpipes (I don't have any). I'm interested to see if it can produce enough torque to propel a locomotive sans gears but I'm not holding my breath.

Sounds like you want a Triang Battlespace turbo loco!

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  • RMweb Gold

Mornng All


Yet again, I have missed a day's check-in for various reasons, not least that my router seems to be up and down a lot (in fact just about like the proverbial tart's drawers). 


I had a router that did that.


Eventually I stripped it down and modified the locking handle that controls the depth of cut.  I too got a second one, but that is now permanently mounted in the routing table.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday, Stewart. Enjoy those modelling tokens! 


Anyway, morning all and it's a dull, overcast one here. Rain threatens.

Clematis and roses are doing well, although we could do with an extended period of sunshine to get the seedlings underway. 


Off to the hospital later with my shoulder, which is still frozen. I don't know why I say "still" as the Dr said it could be a year or so before it recovers. Hey-ho.


The jigsaw awaits later as I'm going to be cutting out some ply for a modelling project.

But before that I've got fun with a costing spreadsheet and a conflab with my French counterpart. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday Stewart.

Just a few months ahead of me too.

Many years ago I became quite ill. Some of those people I thought were friends seemed not to want to be anymore. Other people I thought were only acquaintances became friends.

Just for a change Matthew wanted advice from me rather than his Mum this morning. It was about file uploads. His submission was four separate documents and he was concerned one may override the previous one. I also thought the instructions were not clear so I agreed his proposed solution seemed sensible.

He is going to take a break in a couple of weeks. He has changed his mind and is going to Bosnia rather than Serbia. Flying to Tuzla then airport bus to Sarajevo.

Someone is supposed to be coming this afternoon to replace our shower pump and processor unit. The loft hasn't been this tidy since we moved in! There is still too much stuff up there but at least the plumbed areas are accessible now. The loft insulation is in need of topping up to modern standards so we will make a start on a total clear out "soon".


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Loneliness is something that I'm coming to terms with since moving back here.


Although I work, most of the time I'm on my own for days or weeks at a time. The long hours mean that I haven't been getting to the MRC although it is a common interest rather than friendship. A social life also seems to be alluding me at present.


Stewart - Many happy returns

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Happy birthday young Stewart and hoping all goes well today on Fraggle Rock for Neil and that he can at last put his foot down.


The tales of head on cyclists brings to mind something which happened to me the other day where a cyclist was pedalling towards me on the pavement 'on the wrong side of the road' (is there a right side for cycling on pavements?) anyway he looked distinctly worried to see 1.5 tonnes of best French motor engineering heading straight at him on part of the same pavement as owing to cockwomble car parking arrangements on the public highway I had no choice but to mount the pavement in order to avoid a head-on collision with 5 tons of lorry coming in the opposite direction on the the wrong side of the road.  As Mrs Stationmaster said at the time it would have posed some interesting questions had I and the cyclist come into collision as both of us were off the highway where we should have been - that would have kept Ivan in alcohacks for months (years?).


Have a good day one and all, I'm off to the good Count's daughter preparatory to a diablolicetic review next week

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Happy birthday Stewart, and many more of them. Nice day here but a bit windy, enjoy a birthday walk with Lily. I also found that after retiring nearly all the people that I counted as friends were workmates and that suddenly stopped. Anyone who knows me would find it hard to believe but I am a shy person who does not make friends easily. Thank goodness for RMweb. I can communicate with people I will probably never meet with no difficulty at all. I have had more "friendship" shown on these pages than from many other people I meet face to face.

Stay safe all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Stewart and many more of them. Having lived on my own for nearly half my life I've gotten used to it, I do have periods of feeling lonely but not very often. I suppose this is down to me being a 'glass half full' sort of person. I was surprised yesterday when I received my replacement copy of 'Railway Bylines' as the original arrived at the same time. Upon examination I realised that I hadn't received the May edition and the one I had been reading was the April edition. Another subscription magazine had arrived on that day and I must have got things mixed up, senile or what?

Edited by PhilJ W
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A lovely sunny day in sunny Teignmouth again today. Some weeding and butchering of overgrown plants was done yesterday.


I have just been googling the use of and availability of cannabis oil to help with my wife's fibro. Radio 5 Live had a discussion on it this morning saying how it has helped some cancer patients rid themselves of the cancer. Calls from family members confirmed that even cancer specialists had said it must have helped as they could not explain the change any other way. SATIVEX is made in the UK but presently is available only for M&S and even then it is subject to "post code" gp's.


Happy birthday to Stewart.


No need to be lonely on this forum. Plenty of constructive help and laughs a plenty. Even the black dog can be temporarily chased away.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Birthday Stewart.


Roof retiled, scaffolding gone, a bit of tidying up to do and bob,s your uncle.


Off to cricket soon, 13 ladies on teh pitch plus my colleague who is a lady umpire. Hopefully it will go well!



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