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  • RMweb Gold

I always thought woodwork didn't go for ply because of the glue between layers but it ain't true.


Woodworm like ply because the wood suits them. We bought an old cottage which needed total refurbishment. The rafters 3x3 in Oak were so worm eaten they felt as light as polystyrene well there wasn't much wood left and all were bent out of shape. However the main beams were hardly touched. Proper Oak Heartwood too tough to screw into so I assume too tough for the worm. I took out all the rafters to replace them and was walking around on the Purlins. 

They also don't like wood that is too dry. I have seen the beetles they emerge from May to August if I remember aright. The use of Tanalised wood has greatly reduced the problem.


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I once broke up an old wardrobe and burnt it because it had woodworm. Not all the larva had pupated and thet were forced out by the heat only to shrivel up from said heat. They looked like small maggots.


Before disposing of an upright piano now its advisable to look for bags of gold.


No chance of finding those in a Yamaha electronic piano.


Do Yamaha make electronic uprights, then?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl,

A good night's sleep was had helped by a St George's whisky and ibuprophen before bed.

My back is still painful, I tweaked it a little reaching up to fit the ceiling cladding.


Today plans,

Trim the boards I bought, to fit as shelves for the inherited railway.

Jack up the car to get at the windscreen washer bottle.

Start the framing the fill the last gap in the circuit.


Time for Breakfast before setting out down the garden..

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Morning all from a bright and sunny village.  The May blossom on the cherry trees opposite is looking very nice.  We've always had three cherry trees opposite the house, they were apparently planted to celebrate the coronation.  However about 4 years ago the trees had to be chopped down due to disease, there was quite an uproar in the village about it with some very nasty comment being made to the Parish Council.   Three new trees were duly planted and they have grown well and this year the display of blossom is lovely to see and a nice view to look at as I type.



I had a good morning yesterday wiring relays and then doing some successful tidying in the muddling room. I even found a new patch of floor.


Church this morning and then perhaps some more work in the muddling room and possibly another couple of episodes of Broadchurch with some red wine. When I went to France last week I found three wine boxes in the shed so they obviously need to be tested for quality.




That house looks like a dead-ringer (no Quasimodo jokes please) for one in my BAKO building set.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, evening Rick.


Game umpired. Pitch had a lot of variable bounce at one end.


Went out for a pint to celebrate SAFC being relegated.




Is an evap/cigarette a cigarette? YCCC think so, our local bar does not. It's a very intrusive item which does give off strange smells and vapour. Your thoughts lease?


Have a great day whatever you have planned.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up early this morning, not as early as I intended though as I was up last night later than I should have been. The problem was Facebook deciding to throw my 60 odd groups into sh1t order again. I thought the problem had passed but apparently not so. Strangly it only seems to occur on Saturday evenings and starts suddenly and stops just as suddenly. Now I have to go, a two hour journey beckons via the M25/M11.

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Morning all from a bright and sunny village.  The May blossom on the cherry trees opposite is looking very nice. 




The cherry trees are a day early!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another bright start to the day and should be warm but will cloud over later and probably rain. 

Watched some very good rugby over the last couple of days with Quins beating Wasps quite convincingly and Exeter doing the same to Northampton.  Looks like there's going to be a great finish to the season.

No gardening for me today as my back has told me it would not be a good idea. Another leisurely day for me then, starting with the hearty breakfast that will be supplied shortly.

Following that I may move some toys around in the railway room.

Later on we're off to Nicki's for a nice Sunday roast and of course time with grandchildren which is always good.

Baz, I do find e-cigs rather strange although I've never really noticed a smell. Only know one person who uses them and he does go outside with his when in other people's homes.   However if they do smell then they should be treated the same way as ordinary cigs.  (and I'm an ex heavy smoker)


Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Seems like a nice day here. After breakfast we head off to the big city to take MIL's stuff back to John Lewis. I don't think we need any other shopping.

We had lots of online chats with Matthew yesterday. He needs to produce a Gantt chart for his PhD proposal. He seemed to have a mental block about it. I wondered if it was perhaps something to do with his dyspraxia, it does cause problems putting things in order. Anyway he found a how to do it guide and was happy. Putting things in order and coloured charts must be nightmare for Matthew (he has very poor colour vision). I think he wasn't ever going to be a cartographer, definitely a human geographer.

Have a good day.


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Morning all. Back in the boring borough after a whirlwind day of shopping & beer sampling. All of the "stuff" we need for next month's trip obtained from various establishments across greater London. Day finished in Tap East (Westfield Stratford) with Mr & Mrs Roundhouse. 


Ian, sorry about the drunk rocker at the table, he wouldn't stop talking. We can catch up properly on Wednesday. 


SWMBO got her letter from the Home Office yesterday. She is now well Inglish, innit. She just has to pop down to Catford, swear at the queen, have a sandwich & tea, and get her certificate. 


Andrew's rule of marriage: length is inversely proportional to cost of the wedding. We've had that proved again and again. My first was reasonable, lasted 7 1/2 years. My second was held in a pub and cost less than £500 in total. We drank so much the landlord supplied the food for free. Older brother, first marriage. Big church thing with roller, etc. Lasted about 7 years as well. Second was in a bar somewhere in the states. (basically they eloped) Still together after 36 years. Younger brother, first time was a massive affair. Affair being the operative word. It lasted exactly 364 days. Cost including half of Saskatchewan's travel must have been close to £50k. Second was cheaper and lasted longer. The jury is still out on the over priced third. Hmmm, maybe the secret is to get married in a pub. 


Today I will be mostly doing b*gger all as my shoulder is killing me. 


carpet diem. 

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Morning all. Just trying to build myself up towards tackling the school planning which needs completing for next week. We are off to the inlaws for a late Sunday dinner later so all needs to be done before that.

Yesterday had a hectic start with lots of small shopping jobs in need of completion. Food was purchased from M&S, then we trawled around Smyths Toy Superstore to find a birthday present for a friend of Amber. After that it was back to the local supermarket for other provisions and to the Post Office to post parcels. This was all completed in the morning before I went to the Derby County match in the afternoon. A 3-1 win in a meaningless end of season encounter was supported with a couple of pre match pints with my uncle and cousin.

Sarah was not in a great mood when I arrived home after Nottingham Forest's defeat left them in serious relegation trouble. If that happens next week she could be unbearable for a while! Our usual meal together, with a glass of wine, was a nice end to the evening.

On the subject of marriages - our wedding was a fairly modest affair compared to some. We married in a hotel using their special offer Sunday wedding package. In the summer we will reach the seven year anniversary and, in September, we celebrate a decade of being together. We have had our ups and downs over the year but must be doing something right.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning. Breezy, and cool.  The cherry blossom is almost finished here, but the gorse is fantastic.


Baz, I don't wish to breathe any other persons exhaust, however produced.  Vapes do smell, a little like a weak pipe tobacco smell here seems popular - but massive clouds of vapour also seems to be produced.  I don't want to be taking any of it myself.  I don't think vaping is allowed in indoor public places here, but of course we have our own law.


T minus 3 days beginning to learn to walk again. Provided pictures (internal) are OK.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


We'll I'm not at Taunton and probably just as well in one respect now that Mr Black Rat has ironed his shirt as I'd forgotten my dark glasses :O  (those who have seen his shirts will know what I mean) and at east the G word hasn't been mentioned in connection with my name so I can hop off for the 'paprrs ere long and settle down to the sudoku or whatever.


As for 'vaping' I have some fairly strong views having had to spend quite a bit of time near to a vape'r (or whatever they're called - quite understandable that the vaping stuff now sold at Tesco pharmacy locally carries a health warning as the fumes certainly made me choke at times.  I have long held, rightly or wrongly, that part of the problem with smoking comes from the ingesting of hot gases and is about more than the chemicals those gases contain - hence I still can't quite understand how vaping is that much 'safer' than puffing at cigarettes, it's just a different mix of chemicals.


I write as a reformed 'professional' smoker and a convert is of course always far more zealous against their former habit than those who never indulged so my views tend to be more forthright but to me it's simple - doesn't matter what it is but if it is sold to humans for the purpose of getting smoke into them as some sort of social habit then it should be treated in the same way as the other methods of doing that; simples. 


Have a good day one and all

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We have a legal exec in the Firm who is a vaper. She used to smoke ordinary fags, but converted to vaping as a means of reducing her dependency.


Vaping appears to be even smokier than ordinary smoking, and I commonly see vapers wreathed in the kind of cloud that you might see when the cylinder drain cocks of a steam locomotive are fully opened.

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