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The like for the wedding not for being made redundant

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..... Ivan. Glad to see you've managed to escape RFH.....

It really couldn't come soon enough. RFH are good at what they do, and some patients actually like being there, but it's not exactly a place you'd choose if you needed a couple of days' break. Having said that, being confined to bed with a saline drip connected to the mains does allow you to see and hear other people's dramas played out as if on stage. Best of all, no ticket tout websites were involved.


Not having my glasses on also helped, because I couldn't actually focus on anyone thus it was all a bit of a blur.

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I'm sooooo glad the NHS are paying for me to go private.....my own room with en suite to.


Let's hope I get through the anaesthetic so I can enjoy it!


Last time I was in, I think I was the only one who wasn't either pissed or stoned, or a combo of both, judging by the wretched aspects of humanity present in A&E!


Our marriage was fairly hastily arranged, I proposed 3 weeks after meeting Mr BR, and we were married 5 months later. We had to get married on a 5 day leave pass as I had been looking out for some of Mr Corbyns pals.


Lots of our pals had long engagements, plush weddings with all the trimmings but funnily enough, we are the ONLY ones still married.....33 years later.


Some are on their 3rd wedding, one on his 4th......guess he likes wedding cake!


No chance for a honeymoon.....my bits were wanted elsewhere!


Talking of which.......here's hoping Sgt Al Blackman RM, has a great first night of freedom.

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I seem to remember we had one of the Red Arrows do our wedding photos.

That's got to say something about the expected longevity of a marriage.  :jester:


I'm assuming Debs is debating the venue to make sure all the ER contingent can be accommodated? 

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Evening Awl,

Work went extremely well, I think someone has told this equipment that the next time it fails it's being scrapped, the programming I've been working on is for it's replacement.


Glad to see Ivan amoung us, i pray for further good news...


I've been in hospital 5 times, that's enough..


Being born, St Martin's Bath,


Once when my left ankle for no apparent Reason turned into a balloon, that was to a military hospital at Ely, spotless was an under statement....


Twice due to an internal infection, the old Norfolk and Norwich, and then Ashington on both occasions it was an emergency, and I was out of it after an operation both times, only on the second occasion, did they discover I was allergic to the anaesthetics they were giving me and it's 50 50 death rate for people with my condition......


And finally to Leeds St James hospital, for tests to confirm my condition.

I must admit I never had a problem with staff, patients or food at any of these hospitals.


Going home today I saw a death eater... Yes as in Harry Potter...

I pass a farm on the way home and flying about 100ft up is the death eater, it's been there several days. Well it's either a very stable kite or has a helium balloon hidden inside and lots of black streamers flowing behind in the wind, it does look for all the world like a death eater...


Later on it was off to the MRC, very heavy traffic with holiday makers and those with second homes up here.


The club was better attended this week, I had started some major improvements when Harry's widow arrived I think she approved, and we discussed where I was heading with that section of the layout. They had removed a viaduct to replace it with something more British, I've decided as it's a Highland layout to imitate something by concrete Bob, must get some more plasticard...


Right, time for a glass of port, good night...

Edited by TheQ
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Humph! My ladies cricket umpiring stint on Sunday has been cancelled due to route interference by the tour de Yorkshire.. Don't they know cricket is far more important than cycle racing??


Roof not complete...will be back on Tuesday to finish it off. The lad who runs the business is less than happy but we are OK with it.


Mike, our club are in the throws of building an O gauge model of Friary loco shed. Any help in the matter would be appreciated.


Now it's time for an earlyish night.


Sleep well (have a great day Rick)



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Going home today I saw a death eater... Yes as in Harry Potter...

I pass a farm on the way home and flying about 100ft up is the death eater, it's been there several days. Well it's either a very stable kite or has a helium balloon hidden inside and lots of black streamers flowing behind in the wind, it does look for all the world like a death eater...

Death eater or dementor?


If you suddenly felt cold and joyless, then it was a dementor. ;)

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Good evening everyone


Sheila and I planned 90% of our marriage ourselves, not telling anyone until most of it had been organised. We organised the marriage and a house (rented) in just over 2 weeks. We told both our parents after we'd got everything sorted out. I didn't tell my mother I was getting married until it was all sorted. She was surprised as hell when I told her, as she didn't even know I was seeing Sheila, she would have preferred the girl she thought I was still going out with. Once our parents started chipping in things started to get a bit messy, in hindsight, we both feel it would have been better if we'd just gone off and got married and told everyone afterwards.


Hospital stays, apart from spending a week in our local hospital as a child, going in with suspected polio, (which thankfully I didn't have) I've only ever been a day patient. However, when I count the number of times, over half a dozen, it's quite frightening.


A glass of red was duly raised earlier in honour of Ed.


Goodnight all

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Evening all.


I left ER land on Wednesday evening, when we were diagnosing Ivan.  Thursday at Lord's: they are still building the Warner stand and there is a major match in nine day's time!  Got a bit boring watching the rain fall because Duckworth-Lewis wouldn't permit the umpires to call off the game until 6:20pm and we had to wait for a truck to take our second patient to, probably, the RFH.  Home, and literally straight to bed.  Realised the bedroom radiator needed bleeding and later answered the front door to an apparent knock.


Rolled out of bed this morning to chat with HJ on the phone, ran a bath and discovered the knock was the boiler cutting out due to a lack of water in the system, so bled the boiler and had a luke warm bath.


Ordered a Spur Null locomotive, a Prussian BR 93.5, it is just so ugly.  TonyA will disapprove, because it is totally unsuitable for Franconia, being mainly used for trip freights in Northern Germany.  I've pretty well finished my response to the South-eastern franchise proposal, then went out on the bike to pay my car tax and do my weekly shop.


Now I find that we succeeded in mis-diagnosing Ivan so he is still amongst the living.  And surprisingly, still corresponding with us!  Now we have moved onto marriages: I'll keep stumm, a description of my marriage would cause ER to be locked; suffice to say the best bit was the divorce absolute.


Keep well all, including Ivan.   Bill

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There are some things I don't take lying down. That was one of them.


I thought you would have been in hospital.... :jester:  Good news Ivan it cannot be that immediately serious as they have let you go. There are some places that take you to a different side of life hospital can be one of them.



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We practiced conjunctions in our German class on Wednesday. There are seven of us and I was the only one to regularly move the verb to the end of the sentence.


So a question to Dom and Robert.


If (say) you are speaking a sentence in the perfect tense with a conjunctive and a modal verb, how the heck do you remember the order of the verbs at the end of the sentence?



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Good morning one and all.  I thought I was late on parade this morning but it seems that others are even later.


There has been civil engineering in the street this week.  Some tree stumps have been ripped out and nice tidy paving laid in their place.  This requires JCBs or other diggers and lorries to deliver materials and remove spoil.   To make pace for all this plant the contractors have been sprinkling cones, presumably hoping that cars will go away and make space.   Yesterday cones appeared in front of and behind my car.  There is no tree nearby.  Neither has there been a letter from the council asking residents to bear with the diligent labourers in their task.  I will have to move the cones so that I can get my car out and on the long road to Staplegrove tomorrow morning.  There will not be time to put them back.  When I return mid evening the car will have to be put somewhere other than across Mrs Electric-Chair's gateway because Monday is to be devoted to watching morris dancing and quality control of real ale on Ampthill with some friends, involving another early start.  Gentle reader, do not expect my presence in these hallowed portals until Tuesday.


I did some hotel booking on line yesterday.  That of a room handy for St Pancras International in December, to ease my passage to Switzerland, was straightforward.  The one for a b&B in Wakefield next April led to a query from the establishment in question.  My response was a paraphrase of "Yes of course l'm sure.  I would have stayed there this year if it had not already been full when I booked and had to settle for a dump instead".


I reported a magazine missing yesterday.  Bylines invariably arrives a day after BRILL.  They are printed at the same place, a mile and a half away in Bedford, and according to the subscriptions agency were both despatched last Thursday.  BRILL arrived on Monday.  Bylines is still out there somewhere.  One can only speculate as to its fate and the picturesque and less than direct route to which it has been consigned.  Should it perchance arrive today [dream on, Chris] I would be tempted to treat it like the prodigal son save that I am fresh out of fatted calves.


Rejoice instead that Ivan is amongst us once more.  Others remain in distress.  Warm thoughts to them.



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Hey up.


It's Saturday so its cricket day! Yippeedddoo!


Today will see Joe Root playing against his younger brother Billy...let's see who wins...


Dr Eldest Herbert suffered a collapsed lung a couple of times. When he was taken into the LGI the nurse looked at home and said collapsed lung (at 6'4" and 9.5stone wringing wet he was an ideal candidate.)


After a second one we took him to a private hospital where they use talc in the chest to help the lungs stick to ribs. Other than a bullet entry type wound in his chest, touch wood, he hasn't had another collapsed lung.


Have a great day everyone, hope everything is going well for you Rick and Ivan.

Hope things are well for Debs and John



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Death eater or dementor?


If you suddenly felt cold and joyless, then it was a dementor. ;)

You are entirely correct, it is dementor style, with the weather this week and my brain getting the wrong name I think it is effecting me.....


Down below is what you see



Morning awl, 5 hours sleep was had I'm knackered.


A busy day today, first the motorscooter needs to go for it's MOT and service, we'll drop that off, then I'll be dragged round North Walsham as that's​ where the MOT place is.


When we get back, a working small freezer will be taken from the mobile home and put in the house back through the window.


Then a cupboard currently in the pub, aka my home brew shed, will go into the mobile home.

A second cupboard will go the the railway shed for incorporation into the layout supports.

And various bits and pieces not that don't belong in the railway shed, will go from the railway shed into the vacated space in the pub.


Time for breakfast, then an hour's pottering about in the railway shed before we set off.:


Edited by TheQ
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Evening all.


I left ER land on Wednesday evening, when we were diagnosing Ivan.  Thursday at Lord's: they are still building the Warner stand and there is a major match in nine day's time!  Got a bit boring watching the rain fall because Duckworth-Lewis wouldn't permit the umpires to call off the game until 6:20pm and we had to wait for a truck to take our second patient to, probably, the RFH.  Home, and literally straight to bed.  Realised the bedroom radiator needed bleeding and later answered the front door to an apparent knock.


Rolled out of bed this morning to chat with HJ on the phone, ran a bath and discovered the knock was the boiler cutting out due to a lack of water in the system, so bled the boiler and had a luke warm bath.


Ordered a Spur Null locomotive, a Prussian BR 93.5, it is just so ugly.  TonyA will disapprove, because it is totally unsuitable for Franconia, being mainly used for trip freights in Northern Germany.  I've pretty well finished my response to the South-eastern franchise proposal, then went out on the bike to pay my car tax and do my weekly shop.


Now I find that we succeeded in mis-diagnosing Ivan so he is still amongst the living.  And surprisingly, still corresponding with us!  Now we have moved onto marriages: I'll keep stumm, a description of my marriage would cause ER to be locked; suffice to say the best bit was the divorce absolute.


Keep well all, including Ivan.   Bill


Sounds like it wasn't the normal radiator bleeding if it drained the boiler, is there a leak somewhere?


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I'm enjoying watching the "Shetland" series here (sub-titles are available).


The best line yet was Brian Cox saying "It's no ma day fur Lerwick". I'm not sure why, but that one really cracked me up. I think it's because he did it so perfectly.

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Morning all. An excellent nights sleep and a sunny start to the weekend.


Off out in a few minutes, after another coffee, to obtain some model railway materials and then hopefully I won't have to venture out for the rest of the weekend.


Have a good day everyone

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