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I had that third diagnosis at 19 - in Japan - turned out the shadow WAS my lung, which had collapsed.  I didn't find that out until in hospital in the UK 2 days later when they told me I should have been killed by flying.



According to something I saw recently, incorrect diagnosis is very common.


And collapsed lungs seem rather prone to mis-diagnosis. I know personally of two cases.


Last autumn, our son went to Emergency with serious chest pain. The doctor diagnosed pneumonia, prescribed antibiotics and sent him home. Three days later, at 6 AM (and feeling no better), he got a phone call from the same doctor, apologising profusely, saying that the x-ray taken in Emergency had been reviewed, our son had a collapsed lung and he was to come back to hospital at once. He's fine now, but had to put up with at least 3 days more of severe pain. The doctor said he had seen 3 cases of pneumonia in the previuos week and basically prejudged our son's condition. Incidentally, he lives in a town at an elevation of 1700 feet and couldn't travel for several weeks, as that would have meant either flying or crossing high mountain passes.


And (many, many) years ago, I played on a soccer team for a veterinary hospital. Our goalkeeper was the hospital's radiologist. In a Saturday morning game, he was kicked in the chest. On the Sunday evening, in severe pain, he went to Emergency. They examined him, took x-rays and said it was just bruising and would go away. Rees said he was sure it was more than that, told them what he did for a living and asked to see the x-rays. When he saw them, he immediately pointed and said "I've got a collapsed lung!". "Oh" they said "so you have!"

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Morning all. A terrible nights sleep which doesn't bode well for the day ahead. At least it's too warm to be frosty.


Congratulations to Debs and Passepartout.


Another coffee before heading out.


Have a good day everyone.

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Checking in from Muroran City.


Sorry - haven't had chance to catch up much  and I hope you are all well.


editr - a quick scan back a page or two.


Best wishes to Ivan and congratulations to Debs and partnet




Catch up later.




Edited by newbryford
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Good morning one and all


I forgot to put my bin out yesterday.  Fortunately there is very little in it.  Do colds affect the working of the forgettery?


Ed's funeral is this morning.  Let us think nice thoughts of him at 10.15.


Felicitations to Debs and Passepartout, best wishes to Ivan for a speedy recovery and warm thoughts to all in distress.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Congratulations to Debs and John.

We are waiting for curtains to arrive today though we should get a more precise indication of delivery time slot soon.


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Morning All,


It is a nice bright sunny morning in this part of the world.


Congratulations to Debs and Passepartout.  I will be thinking of Ed and his family this morning.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning to most Evening to Rick fromasunny (but chilly) North West Leeds highlands.


Shopping to be done, weathering to be accomplished.


Congratulations to Debs and John

Hope everything is OK for you Ivan


Wishing Ed's family commiserations today.


Tilers to finish today one side of the roof is done)


Have a great 24 hours on Planet Earth everyone.



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Morning All


Hairy alarm clock went off early this mornng - so I've been online since about 6 and have managed to catch up on the comings and the goings of ERs and I am happy to add my congratulations to Debs and John here - as I have already on Facebook (as have a number of ERs).  I'll raise a glass to Ed later today, as 10.15 is a bit early, but I'll be thinkink supportive thoughs for his family at that time.  And Geoff, keep taking the tablets and you should be fine and able to get away to the Ffestiniog soon.  Ivan - hope for the best in your diagnosis, and that all is benign and curable.  Being on a ward with others of less social persuasion can be quite trying.


Back later after the taxi run as the second alarm has just gone and it's shower and walkies time.


Regards to All


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Morning Awl,

 A terrible nights sleep of about 5 hours just when you finally get comfortable it's time to get up...

 Filled up the washer bottle on the car Wednesday, Still not working.... read up on the internet about how to get at it, it's in front of the front right wheel under the body but above a panel. That requires the car to be jacked up and the  wheel liner  partly undone and the bottom panel removed. Seemingly there is a filter in there that blocks up, hopefully that's all it is, because the bottle is £55 and the motor £29.

 A little bit more traffic around this morning but I sure it's waiting for next week, it was in the Local paper that the road that goes through the NDR road works will be singled and working of traffic lights for a fortnight as there is more mains water pipes to be moved.


Tweet from the local police, Cattle on the A1153, police on the way, they hope the cattle can be mooved....


Today, Hopefully I'm starting work on a unit due next week,  as I have 2 major systems now to do next week , each takes 2.5 days.....(if they go smoothly).

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Congrats to Deb and Mr Wossisname! (my French is atrocious)


An "interesting" afternoon here.


I was working with our water association contractor trying to find out where a water main runs and we asked one of the neighbors if he happened to have any idea where it went. He didn't know and then a few minutes into the conversation he informed me, in no uncertain terms, the he didn't appreciate me "tantalizing" his dog (I think he really meant "aggravating"). We walk past his house every day with our dogs, and frequently say hi if he happens to be outside, so this accusation came as something of a shock. Apparently I did this "about a year ago" and "you know what you did".


At this point I was starting to get defensive/pissed so I drove home before things got out of hand. I was really upset and I was even beginning to wonder if I actually had done something to justify his accusation. I asked Lorna to call give his wife a call to try to get her take on it.


Lorna asked his wife if he (Dick) was alright, at which point his wife started sobbing and told Lorna that Dick seems to have Alzheimer's or some sort of dementia, but she can't get him to do anything about it.


Oh dear.

A similar thing happened a few times with me when my father started getting awkward by. Ign a lot more argumentative than normal. I would get wound up until Mum eventually told us that he had Alzheimer's. After knowing that I learned to accept his changing behaviour but it's not easy even then.


Morning all from a hazy Surrey. Hopefully it will be POETs later. No weekend away but at least we will have a day trip somewhere tomorrow and working on the house the rest of the long weekend.

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Congratulations Debs and John . I do hope other matters improve for you both.


It will be interesting to see if we can diagnose Ivan's problem before the Doctors. The collapsed lung seems to be the running favourite. Meanwhile poor Ivan is suck in Hospital. I hope you get a speedy resolution Ivan.


We had problems with getting MiLs dementia recognised. The problem was difficult as neither she or FiL would recognise the problem. We managed to get to see the doctor with them as Dad was having problems walking. If I had just said it straight out they would have denied it so I kept dropping big hints to the Doctor who just ignored them. Despite the pledges on the news that dealing with dementia was a priority and early diagnosis was essential. it wasn't until they had had to go into a home that I convinced the Matron to get her checked by a specialist. I think the fact they found her wandering aimlessly round the home in the middle of the night helped.  The specialist diagnosed moderately severe dementia.



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I reckon Ivans problems are breathing in too deeply when shoveling for his equine friends :jester:

Edited by TheQ
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Good morning everyone


Congratulations Debs and John on your up and coming nuptials.


It's a dull but slightly warmer start to the day. My travels take me to Burnley and then on to Rossendale after that it's home to complete the paperwork then it's the start of another week off.


Tonight we have a house full, No 1 son, his daughter and our daughters 3 youngest, will all be round for tea, so that will be a bit hectic. No doubt we'll need that bottle of red later!


I hope Ed's funeral goes as well as these things can, I'll raise a glass in his honour later on this evening.


Back later.

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Morning all from the bright and sunny but slightly chilly southern uplands of Leeds. Yesterday I excavated quite a large part of the modelling room and sorted a lot of the books that are marked for disposal. 4 boxes went to the clubrooms for sale, 4 more go to the container this morning and 2 boxes will go to the charity shop. The excavations also turned up several pairs of Slater's wheels and quite a few coach fittings. Then another evening of wiring relays at the clubrooms until I ran out of crimp terminals.


I'm going to take the lighting rig to the container today to make room in the shed as my neighbour is going to have some building work done and I need to get some layout crates out of his garage. Then this evening some more relay wiring and other work on the layout.


Ivan I hope that they get things bottomed shortly

Debs and John congratulations.


Our next door neighbour (mother of the present one) had vascular dementia. The first signs that it was getting bad was complaints about everyday things. One the diagnosis was made things dropped into place and made sense.


Regards to all.



Edited by jamie92208
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Good morning all,


An especially good one to Debs and John and I wish you every happiness for the future.


Rather late up today as I stayed up late watching some recorded TV items. 

Some sunshine and cloud here and will stay dry hopefully but cloud will increase as the day progresses.

I didn't get any muddling done yesterday as one or two other things including visitors got in the way. 

Also spent a bit of time looking for somewhere to stay for a couple of days in June for our 47th anniversary. We've decided to go back again to one of our favourite hotels near Winchester. I'm hoping a portion of Watercress may be added to the menu on one of the days!  :yes: This may have to go upstairs for approval.  :whistle:

Er now downstairs as the "approver" has just descended.

Have a good one,


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IIRC in the later 70s during June a match was recorded 'Snow Stopped Play'



Not often I can answer a question on RMweb . . . . . . .


Monday 2nd June 1975. Derbyshire playing Lancashire in the County Championship at Buxton.


See here for full story and photo http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/cricket-day-snow-stopped-play-buxton/story-21172809-detail/story.html


and also here http://www.buxtonadvertiser.co.uk/lifestyle/dickie-bird-recalls-when-snow-stopped-play-in-buxton-1-3493083



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Morning all from a grey London Bridge. Thoughts are with Ivan and Geoff, wishing them swift recovery and Ed's family for the funeral. Congratulations to Debs and Passepartout. Sadly I generally think of various tortilla type snacks rather than Jules Verne's novel when I read the name Passepartout.


What does Friday bring? Another day of work. Younger Lurker's visit to Lullingstone. A bank holiday weekend. Things are looking up. And if Younger Lurker interpreted the BBC weather forecast correctly, a rise in temperatures so that it is 20 on Sunday. That would make umpiring more pleasant....


Hopefully my Dad will get out of hospital today so that he can continue recuperation at home; it depends on how well the physio has progressed.


Have a good day all!

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Not often I can answer a question on RMweb . . . . . . .


Monday 2nd June 1975. Derbyshire playing Lancashire in the County Championship at Buxton.


See here for full story and photo http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/cricket-day-snow-stopped-play-buxton/story-21172809-detail/story.html


and also here http://www.buxtonadvertiser.co.uk/lifestyle/dickie-bird-recalls-when-snow-stopped-play-in-buxton-1-3493083



You've saved me going to look for the date and photo! Mind you I would have struggled slightly as in my mind the picture was of the touring West Indians (warm up for the inaugural world cup).

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Morning al


Apologies for half-baked attendance, and a sadly superficial catch-up this morning.


Much saddened to note Debs's awful situation. A partner who is your rock in adversity suddenly suffers badly too. I hope present concerns can be turned around and their union will be long and lovely.


Also horrified by Ivan's problems. As one of our youngest members you are supposed to raise the average health measure, not seek to join in with the crocks! May an early comfortable and reassuring diagnosis be provided.


Yesterday I had a day out, to Sherborne,with a number of other old railway lags. We were 6 in all - should have been 11 but issues arose for some - and a couple of pints over lunch went well. A poignant chat with Bob, who is a former flatmate. He moved out when I stole his girlfriend and married her! He never married. The layout in the pub meant one chap and I didn't really converse until the walk back to the station - when he outed me as an RMwebber! He is not an ER. Tantalising given his layout history - think Bude.


As I was fed up with slow recovery from my backstrain I saw a chiropractor on Weds. I expected a superficial exam but got the works! A part-timer who formerly practised in Reading, from where patients still visit for treatment, apparently. After two hours, walking home felt weird, to say the least, as re-arrangement was substantial. Jaw, neck, spine, feet had all been adjusted. I slept so much better, so that tells its own tale. Sherry thinks I walk better already, my head is more straight (outside only, be it noted,) and I feel better. A second visit last night - at 2200! - saw further work. A final visit on Monday will be the sign-off. Oh, and it really hasn't cost very much either. I could do without some of the explanations about what the body needs and self-healing powers, but the results are only positive so far.


I hope your week winds down well.

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Not often I can answer a question on RMweb . . . . . . .


Monday 2nd June 1975. Derbyshire playing Lancashire in the County Championship at Buxton.


See here for full story and photo http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/cricket-day-snow-stopped-play-buxton/story-21172809-detail/story.html


and also here http://www.buxtonadvertiser.co.uk/lifestyle/dickie-bird-recalls-when-snow-stopped-play-in-buxton-1-3493083




And 1975 was the first of two long hot summers as well.  At least where I was on the Costa Geriatrica.  Those genteel has-been resorts either side of Brighton suddenly became Costa Nudica after dark :O  Brighton was then and still is responsible for its own nocturnally-induced population explosion ;)

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Moaning all from the boring borough. 


Little to report. 



All the best to Debs and John. Congratulations. 

Ivan, still hoping you get sorted soonest and it turns out to be trivial. 


A glass to Ed will be raised at the close of the day. 


Enjoy the long weekend. 

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You may recall a few weeks back i reported a minor crime where two windows had been broken in the Obergrumpenfuhrer's greenhouse.


This was reported to the police, as i suspected that it was done with either an air rifle or a catapult (due to the size and shape of the witness marks)


This morning, what dropped through the letter box?


A letter, but not from Plod but but from victim support!


 I  immediately took the letter into the conservatory and read it out to the tomato plants who are now demanding they want compensation.


I told them to shrug their leaves and grow some big ones!

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