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This posting comes to you from a bed in a ward on the 8th Floor of the Royal Free Hospital. After yesterday's tests, they kept me in overnight for observation. So far they have found enlarged lymph nodes, plus something in my lungs. More tests today.

Apart from the enlarged lymph nodes, they have spotted a shadow over my right lung. This could be anything:


- Tuberculosis

- Sarcoidosis

- Quite a few types of cancer


Nothing to see here.

Ivan, I hope your diagnosis path is speedy and accurate, and the doctors can quickly identify the appropriate therapy. I noted a recent post regarding your weight. Unexplained weight loss is certainly consistent with the last two of those diagnoses, along with extreme fatigue.


The diagnosis path can be fraught with frustrating delays and scary alternatives. Given what you state doctors have observed, you may be recommended a surgical lymph node biopsy. This was key to my diagnosis of Sarcoidosis, which can be treated with steroids and is a less scary condition than some of the cancers they will want to rule out. Visits to a Pulmonologist are, in general, less scary than the Oncologist.


Good luck and good health to you.

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Well, I didn't manage to keep todays work short. I eventually got home at 19:30. This was all thanks to trying to find a fault that was caused by a security guard had made a change to a system that he wasn't meant to and didn't have the training or knowledge. He gets my cockwomble of the week award.


Ivan - I hope that there is nothing sinister going on.


Yet another load of washing is on and the washer bottle on the van has been replenished. Now, time to catch up with some of RMweb from the last two days.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening to most.


Busy two days and only just catching up.


Hope you have escaped Ivan....other than the occasional out patient visits I haven't needed to stay overnight in a hospital. Long may it continue.


Snow... yesterday... during cricket - yes and we also had hailstones, sleet, sunshine and a very cold wind. Thank god for Crag Hoppers warm trousers for umpires!


Warley show floor plan... planned.. journey down from Leeds fine - coming back Hettie the navigator through a major wobbly as the M42 was up the chute... now there was a surprise..not! 


Her indoors has booked the flights for our Antipodean trip next year - a few nights in Hong Kong have been added to the itineray.


Stay calm and have a great time today



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. :banghead:Tuesday my May copy of Railway Bylines arrived, just as I settled down to read it the phone rang. Once I had dealt with the call I forgot about the magazine until this afternoon. I searched high and low for it but couldn't find it, then it dawned on me, when I went to answer the phone I put the magazine down on to the pile of newspapers and magazines for re-cycling. Last night I bagged up the newspapers/magazines as todays bin day. Needless to say by the time I'd realised that the recycling bags had been collected. I will now have to contact the publishers for a replacement.

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Mike, if you painted your house number on the bins in large letters it may deter the bin men from nicking your bin. Obviously if they did take your bin they take the numbers with it, but it could encourage them to pick a softer target.


If you are eating your tea look away now.


Still short of breathe here and the sputum I am coughing up is green, so I have started a course of clarithromycin, my "rescue medicine". Should clear things up in under a week going by past experience.


Stay safe all.


Sounds similar to that for which I find myself prescribed amoxicillan


Evening to most.


Snow... yesterday... during cricket - yes and we also had hailstones, sleet, sunshine and a very cold wind. Thank god for Crag Hoppers warm trousers for umpires!





IIRC in the later 70s during June a match was recorded 'Snow Stopped Play'

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According to the BBC website United Airlines will now pay up to $10,000 to give up your seat on an overbooked plane.

I would leap off the plane onto a bed of nails given that offer and beat myself up on the way.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well, today's monthly meeting was a marathon one, as we had the first of the years 6 monthly technical updates, luckily I won't be there for the year's second one! I can say with all honesty that I'm not going to miss them.


Once the meeting had finished we all had a late lunch. After that, I was able to escape, but only because I had to visit 3 sites (2 in Hindley, the other in Cadishead) on my way home to exchange the site drawings with the latest version. Not a difficult task in itself, just a pain in the proverbial ar$e. Which meant that I didn't get home until well after 4:00pm.


After that it was a quiet night in catching up on some recorded TV.


Ivan. I hope that your stay in hospital soon comes to an end and that you get some good results.


Goodnight all.

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According to the BBC website United Airlines will now pay up to $10,000 to give up your seat on an overbooked plane.

I would leap off the plane onto a bed of nails given that offer and beat myself up on the way.


Sell tickets for that and you could make even more!

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  • RMweb Gold

`tis not a secret.......Joyously, John (my dear "Passepartout") and I, are imminently to be married! :tender:

Our individual health concerns, have shown us that our time together may now be shorter than we`d hoped........so, we`re not wasting a moment. 

We`d originally planned on a quiet relaxed {future} wedding; with just our closest family (incl. my wonderful, nonagenarian parents!) and friends, our joy, simply shared, outdoors in the sunshine........but, events in these recent weeks mean a Registry Office (perhaps even via a Registrar General`s licence) is as good a nuptial as we may hope, either way, we will certainly be happy, as long as we are together. :friends:

Wonderful news that you're going to make an honest man out of him.   Not such good news about why and how your wedding plans have had to change but I wish you all the very best and hope that you will enjoy married life for as long as events allow, and hopefully for a long time of course.  

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land.


The plan was to post a photo of Tuesday's snow on the mountains but by the time I was ready to download it, the phone's battery was flat.


Instead, let me take you back a few weekends and give you a few photos from our Sheffield weekend with CQ.


Friday afternoon...



turns into evening, as we hit countryside at Glossop and follow the moon.



















Early evening Sunday on the way home via Glossop (centre of last photo).










Another busy few weeks finishing off the diorama followed.  The Austin Seven van took a couple of weeks to transform into a Morris 8cwt van deluxe 1924, half the time spent creating images on the computer to be printed out for the sides of the van.  The roof rack Mk 2 turned out better than Mk I which I still have not found!  Just don't let on that it is a bit off centre.  :scratchhead: The grocery basket was OK(ish) until I stuffed up on the handle - just don't zoom in with the camera!   Blutack over a stick man worked better than my first attempt with blutack alone - the legs simply collapsed!  He is barely a centimetre tall!


The diorama is now in the display case waiting for the display to be unveiled (after which I will post some pics on here).  Been on a bit of high since Wednesday seeing it finished and good enough for the job - apart from the basket handle, that is.  :mosking:


This may all backfire, of course.  Ray is now of a mind to palm off vehicles awaiting attention for CQ  onto me.   :nono:



Well, it was evening when I started.  It is now early morning so will bid you goodnight and nos da.


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Hearty congratulations to Debs and Passepartout.


Best wishes to Ivan for a clean bill of health and an early return to the alcohack saddle.

Good night to the rest as I enter Friday morning wearing a few muscular aches account the volume of renovation work I have got through this week.  Taking things a bit easier today.

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Congrats to Deb and Mr Wossisname! (my French is atrocious)


An "interesting" afternoon here.


I was working with our water association contractor trying to find out where a water main runs and we asked one of the neighbors if he happened to have any idea where it went. He didn't know and then a few minutes into the conversation he informed me, in no uncertain terms, the he didn't appreciate me "tantalizing" his dog (I think he really meant "aggravating"). We walk past his house every day with our dogs, and frequently say hi if he happens to be outside, so this accusation came as something of a shock. Apparently I did this "about a year ago" and "you know what you did".


At this point I was starting to get defensive/pissed so I drove home before things got out of hand. I was really upset and I was even beginning to wonder if I actually had done something to justify his accusation. I asked Lorna to call give his wife a call to try to get her take on it.


Lorna asked his wife if he (Dick) was alright, at which point his wife started sobbing and told Lorna that Dick seems to have Alzheimer's or some sort of dementia, but she can't get him to do anything about it.


Oh dear.

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Lorna asked his wife if he (Dick) was alright, at which point his wife started sobbing and told Lorna that Dick seems to have Alzheimer's or some sort of dementia, but she can't get him to do anything about it.

Well that's awkward, and sad. Where on earth do you go from there? (A rhetorical question.)

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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