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Afternoon All


Yet again late on parade, as I had to visit the bank to pay in the fortune that we got yesterday at the car boot.  As usual, it was suggested that online facilites are available, so I showed the person the cash to go in, and asked how I could pay in online - feed it into the CD drive on my laptop, perhaps.


Generic greetings, and I'm off now until tomorrow at some stage.


Regards to All


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Evenin', mornin' all wherever you are. Local time is after midnight.


Congrats. commiserations and best wishes to those that need them.

Debs, Dick, Rick and Andy for starters.


The upgrade bid for the flight was well worth it, just for the flat seat/bed for the 11 hour flight. Mrs NB was very happy.


We have safely negotiated 3 days of Tokyo [*], with various boxes ticked, Shinkansen, Hokane and Lake Ashi, although Mt Fuji was in cloud, we traveled on the ropeways and cable cars in the area.

There was an issue with our Mt Fuji trip that turned out we hadn't actually booked, but a quick re-group and we had ourselves a full Hakone area pass and a Shinkansen trip to Odawara and onward to Hakone. Much more adventurous than a package tour and it turned out to a brilliant day. The Hakone-Tozan railway is quite an experience, being one of the steepest adhesion only lines in the world.


Today was a Buddhist fire ceremony which was a stunning experience, followed by a trip to Asakusa temple and Shibuya - which is known as the "Scramble crossing". There are many videos online.


Our local main station is Shinjuku, which is reputed to be the world's busiest travel interchange in the world - having experienced it a few times now, I can believe it.


We are now that confident at negotiating Tokyo and surrounding public transport system that we are going to make our own way to Yokohama for the next leg.


If we get chance tomorrow morning, there will be quick trip to the 200m high observatory on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building that is literally across the street from our hotel. It towers above our 28 floor hotel. 


Very likely intermittent communication for the next 2-3 days then it's a blackout for two weeks. Catch up later eventually.






[*] Tokyo and Japan so far - fabulous culture and people. If you can get there - do so.

Edited by newbryford
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I have fond memories of Japan from visiting regularly in my MN days.  We had shipping agents to take us around a bit as a rule so it was a bit easier to negotiate places, I wouldn't like to do so on my own now.  We intend to visit when Debs retires in conjunction with few weeks in Kiwi - but NOT visiting the out-laws there!


Keith on here will probably chip in, he worked in Japan for years.  I loved the place.

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My gast is flabbered. Lorna ordered something from Amazon on Friday. It arrived today, Sunday, delivered by, wait for it,                         the USPS  (US Postal Service)

They're taking on more and more internet sales deliveries. If it maintains their operational effectiveness and keeps them afloat in a world of email and electronic bill pay, it's a good thing. Of course Sunday delivery is a surprise for them - clearly not the usual route.

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Just back from a blood letting session at the Doctor's surgery Sister Dracula was very careful and it was painless unlike last weeks visit for holiday jabs sister Cruella De'Ville

 launched herself at me with the needles from the other side of the room I found out how whale's feel when they have been harpooned.  :umbrage:  

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A vote for Macron, regardless of whether the electorate actually have faith in his aims or not, is another way of saying "Anyone but le Pen".


As an aside, I have said that some people tend to get more right-wing as they get older, and my parents are no exception.

There was little meaningful "anyone but Trump" vote here last November. Most people seem to have voted largely on party lines.


I wonder how true it is that people become more 'right-wing' with age.


Perhaps as we age we are less comfortable with change and our nostalgia for the 'way things were' increases; leading to more politically conservative thinking.  I can see that people who have grown a substantial retirement fund might prefer economic policy directed at less taxation and more wealth preservation.


I see enough exceptions however that I don't know that it works even generally speaking.

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Afternoon awl, a fairly pressured amount of work today, which following on from the grief last week is probably the cause of my nose springing a leak while driving on the way home. I had to rapidly find somewhere to stop as the red was going everywhere.


Luckily this was after having gone round tesco, where on leaving one cockwomble was going the wrong way round a very one way system if he'd met the small bus that goes round there, he'd of had a lot of backing up to do.


The other cockwomble parked in? The bay in front of me so badly that I was able to drive forwards and through his / the bay next door. While having a van and car either side of my bay.


Dinner has arrived, sausage casserole, after which i definately need a whisky and snooze.

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My gast is flabbered. Lorna ordered something from Amazon on Friday. It arrived today, Sunday, delivered by, wait for it,                         the USPS  (US Postal Service)

Andy, that's been the standard for quite a while now.

The USPS are seen routinely in our neighborhood on Sundays. Many items I've ordered from Amazon (Prime member) show up on Sunday since I get either one or two day delivery free, depending on the article. If the delivery day falls on Sunday, USPS show up with it as if it's a normal day...

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An easy day, the roads weren't too bad and the weather didn't behave as forecast staying warm for the whole day. However, the plans for the week have changed. The next two days I'm working in the Midlands again.


Some trawling of RMweb before food and packing.


Back later.

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Afternoon all, and early sunshine has given way to thick cloud. 


The return to school prompted much hiding under the duvet by the youngest. I'm sure many teachers felt the same. The promise that there are only about 24 days of actual work until the next holiday did elicit the required response, however. 


Not much else to report. Another rejection on the job front - but at least someone flew halfway round the planet to do so. 


The flower bed was hoed at lunchtime - good exercise. Unfortunately my hoe-ing skills are such that I managed to decapitate a sunflower. No doubt this will be spotted by the head gardener upon her return.  




My one time flowering peony lost its only flower donkey's years ago in a similar manner.  It has since lived in a small pot waiting to be transplanted - never flowered in it mind - just watch this space...one day....! 


Weather just telling us what we experienced in town this afternoon - cold northerlies.    BRRRR!  More to come.   BRRRR! 


Off to get the winter woolies out.....



Edit - grammatical slip up

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  • RMweb Premium

Evenin', mornin' all wherever you are. Local time is after midnight.


Congrats. commiserations and best wishes to those that need them.

Debs, Dick, Rick and Andy for starters.


The upgrade bid for the flight was well worth it, just for the flat seat/bed for the 11 hour flight. Mrs NB was very happy.


We have safely negotiated 3 days of Tokyo [*], with various boxes ticked, Shinkansen, Hokane and Lake Ashi, although Mt Fuji was in cloud, we traveled on the ropeways and cable cars in the area.

There was an issue with our Mt Fuji trip that turned out we hadn't actually booked, but a quick re-group and we had ourselves a full Hakone area pass and a Shinkansen trip to Odawara and onward to Hakone. Much more adventurous than a package tour and it turned out to a brilliant day. The Hakone-Tozan railway is quite an experience, being one of the steepest adhesion only lines in the world.


Today was a Buddhist fire ceremony which was a stunning experience, followed by a trip to Asakusa temple and Shibuya - which is known as the "Scramble crossing". There are many videos online.


Our local main station is Shinjuku, which is reputed to be the world's busiest travel interchange in the world - having experienced it a few times now, I can believe it.


We are now that confident at negotiating Tokyo and surrounding public transport system that we are going to make our own way to Yokohama for the next leg.


If we get chance tomorrow morning, there will be quick trip to the 200m high observatory on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building that is literally across the street from our hotel. It towers above our 28 floor hotel. 


Very likely intermittent communication for the next 2-3 days then it's a blackout for two weeks. Catch up later eventually.






[*] Tokyo and Japan so far - fabulous culture and people. If you can get there - do so.


Mick, no doubt your time is limited, but if when you go to Yokohama and are looking for something relaxing to do, try this place - Wild Blue   :sungum:


I'm wondering if my fingerprints are still embedded on the observation deck of the Tokyo Met building. Sways a bit.   :fie:

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Evening all. A beautiful sunny evening here. The first teaching day has been safely negotiated, 23 teaching days left until half term and 58 teaching days until the summer break (not that I am counting). Today was ok although plenty of challenges. Most are what I would class as normal day to day challenges. The SEN child's teaching assistant is off ill at present and the replacement was late causing a bit of a rushed start to the day. The children worked well during the morning with only a slight post holiday hangover. The student took over for the afternoon and the quality of behaviour and work dipped which is expected so early in their placement.

There were no major hassles from the boss, but a couple more incidents for the log. The new classroom is now being built. A few months ago I was told I would be in there from September. Today the school children were told which class would be going in there and the class identify had strangely changed. Had I been told? Of course not. That, and the constant shifting of my non-contact time, are early signs that nothing has improved.

I have just sat browsing the job pages and a job popped up outlining a headship at a small church school. It is at Sleights near Whitby which is a bit far to commute! I do love that part of the world but I am not sure Sarah would fancy the move!

Towards the end of the holiday I was playing around with moviemaker and YouTube. The result is a short movie showing the church group's fledgling model railway. The link is provided below.



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Only ever been to JFK once and certainly avoided it since so far. This was before the Airtrain had opened but it was supposed to be a courtesy bus to the hotel near the airport. However the the bus had a different hotel chains name on the side when we saw it the next morning and despite phoning the hotel to say the bus hadnt been they said it had but failed to tell us its not got their hotel name on it, so we got a taxi which then got lost trying ot get to the hotel as there was a confusing one way system near the hotel.


One car with flat battery dropped off at the garage this evening for its MOT and if this 22 year old car passes then they will fit a new battery. It runs so nicely (when started with a portable power pack) its a shame to get rid of it unless it needs al ot of expense on it.


Now raining outside and feels like winter again!

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As an aside, I have said that some people tend to get more right-wing as they get older, ...


Being  a coal miner and a member of the same generation as Margaret Thatcher, my dear old dad most definitely was not "some people".

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Ever considered donating yourself to medical research? That is another option if burial or cremation is a bit beyond the pale.

I am considering it, it'll be a warning to others to lead a healthier lifestyle. I was surprised when talking to some organ donation people (they were promoting organ donation cards) that age is no limit to being a donor as long as the organs are healthy and you have no ongoing illnesses such as cancer. Even with cancer such things as corneas can still be used. They told me that someone is still walking around with a (transplanted) kidney over 100 years old, donated by a parent before they died.

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I seem to have donated a few cells and lumps to medical research as I always say yes when medics ask for some extra biopsy samples. However I suppose I should check as at one time my blood and organs were not fit for human consumption in case the cause of my ulcerative colitis was some unknown infective agent.

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My one time flowering peony lost its only flower donkey's years ago in a similar manner.  It has since lived in a small pot waiting to be transplanted - never flowered in it mind - just watch this space...one day....! 


Weather just telling us what we experienced in town this afternoon - cold northerlies.    BRRRR!  More to come.   BRRRR! 


Off to get the winter woolies out.....



Edit - grammatical slip up


Peonies can be awkward about being moved. The roots like to bake in the sun but need their feet in the ground. We had one at one place which had beautiful flowers but nearly every time we would get a heavy rain storm which would spoil the flowers.


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Peonies can be awkward about being moved. The roots like to bake in the sun but need their feet in the ground. We had one at one place which had beautiful flowers but nearly every time we would get a heavy rain storm which would spoil the flowers.


I was helping in Aditi's parents garden. This was on one of the first visits after we got married. They were trying to get used to the idea of her having married someone they didn't approve of. So there I was trying to be helpful. FIL had a sickle attachment on the rotovator, which when fitted with wheels instead of blades could cut long grass prior to the ordinary lawnmower. Unfortunately one of the wheels dropped off and the mower slewed into the peony bed. It was years before I was allowed to drive any garden machinery.
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