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Morning all.


The sly has gone grey here but it is still a reasonable temperature, although the forecast promises cold later in the day.


The weekend was fairly quiet - we spent too long trying to find where all the playlists have gone in iTunes. And we had a trip to Leeds Castle yesterday, which was quite pleasant in the sun.


And now it is back to work.


Hope Smiffy's gout goes soon and that Debs and John have some kind of relief from their medical woes.


School pranks = most don't seem so funny years later, but the tale at my school was that one April1st one class managed to get all the desks and chairs including the form master's outside the classroom. It was one of those "temporary" huts that was actually in place for many many years. The teacher didn't blink when he came to take registration. He just sat down and carried on. Mind you that classroom could often be so cold that some mornings we would be required to do 50 star jumps before the history lesson could commence; perhaps he felt outside would do just as well/ It's not recorded what became of the pranksters....

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Mawnin' awl. Bright sunshine outside, though a touch cool, apparently. Shift won't start before a couple minutes to 6 pm due to my attending an info assembly beforehand, so still sufficient time to become fully conscious.


I must have missed the following completely, Dick, so, may I yet follow up with supportive thoughts, belated as they are…






Be safe and sound, whatever you all may be up to today… 


I had also missed that.  I know nested quotes don't quote but you know what I mean.  My thoughts with you Sir.  There are no words which can offer real comfort at such times.


Moan-day has been variously sunny and thundery.  The day has passed in a haze of white paint but the upshot is that the music room has been completed.  Two more days to complete the outstanding decorative jobs now which ought to be enough.  Tomorrow is ANZAC Day when "true blue" Aussies would try to attend the dawn service at the nearest suitable location.  I shall be quietly working away indoors so as not to offend those to whom the day is significant.  Shops being closed until 1pm by law I ventured forth today to obtain the required paint and floor varnish to complete the renovations.

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Wandered off yesterday evening in the coal fired power station thread, and ended up scanning through a 700-odd page report of a total Southern Australian black out last year.  Shook a lot of dust out of my brain about AC current characteristics, reactive power and stuff like that.  I didn't know much about it anyway, but I seemed to have forgotten it all.  Interesting to go through the causation of it all, and learning about some of the odd operating characteristics and requirements of wind farms.  Oh, and the bit where the manufacturers of same hadn't told the operating people about some of the trip-out parameters.  Which caused it.  Or at least caused the final roll-over into disaster after loss of other systems due to a tornado.  Fascinating.  Sad, aren't I!

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Wandered off yesterday .....  Sad, aren't I!


Well-remembered here.


The state-wide grid behaved exactly as it was designed to do.  Catastrophic damage to infrastructure caused by a weather event resulted in extreme overload on what remained which promptly tripped out as it should have done.  Unfortunately for South Australia this resulted in a total power outage due to the extent of damage.  Victoria had something similar some years ago when an explosion at the Longford gas facility meant there was no gas for some time.  For anyone except bottle-supply users.


Sad?  Not at all.  If we don't sometimes idly wander through the internet how would we ever find the occasional fascinating, amazing or simply bizarre material.


By the by the UK's first coal-free power-generation day has not been reported here other than via internet links.  It is being hailed as an example of what should be done elsewhere.  Not an absolute cessation of coal generation but proof that under controlled conditions it is not always required.  We burn filthy brown coal for power generation in Victoria with high levels of pollution.


Australia remains one of the worst polluters per head of population on the planet.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Yesterday I popped down to Tesco's for a newspaper and a loaf of bread. When I returned to my car there was a vacant parking space almost opposite me. As I was about to drive out a guy drove in but as he saw I was about to drive out he went further down the bay so that I could pull out. It was then that henwomble, in a Chelsea Tractor swung in and then proceded to shunt two or three times before fitting said Chelsea Tractor into the space. At the same time she of course prevented me from driving away. Another henwomble also in a Chelsea Tractor was eyeing up the space I'd just vacated but was far from pleased when I didn't give her enough room to grab it before the first driver was able to take it. Still arranging the storage in the shed, at one end there is a couple of coathooks, a quick measure indicates that they are just the right distance apart to hang my stepladder on. Very useful as the space would otherwise be wasted, being less than six inches. Thats it for now, be back later.

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I hope thats the way it goes Horsetan, a Marine government might signal more trouble throughout Europe.


Andyram enjoy being back at school. The kids here were back last Tuesday.


Sunny and bright again today here in sunny Teignmouth.

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I hope that's the way it goes Horsetan, a Marine government might signal more trouble throughout Europe.....


Thing is, and as far as I understand it, Marine has made Front National much more electable than it was in the bad old days when her estranged father ran the show, and the core of her support has increased appreciably, as has FN's presence in running municipal administration. However, whether she likes it or not, she is her father's daughter, and it is apparent that the urban electorate can't stomach voting for the daughter - now matter how plausible - of someone who notoriously remarked that the Nazi gas chambers were "....just a detail in the history of World War II".


A vote for Macron, regardless of whether the electorate actually have faith in his aims or not, is another way of saying "Anyone but le Pen".


As an aside, I have said that some people tend to get more right-wing as they get older, and my parents are no exception. First-generation immigrants to the UK in the late 1950s, they have been absolutely fascinated by the goings-on in France to the point that they have become supporters of Marine, and I have noticed that, as they aged, they have become a lot more xenophobic. Given that ethnic Chinese are pretty xenophobic at the best of times, this is hardly surprising to me. I will probably go the same way eventually, if I haven't started already.

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' Morning all from red dragon land.


Morning all. I believe we are expected to return to winter later today. We could do without that.


Enjoy your day




Waiting for the rain to stop...

Looks like it will be lunch time before we get out.


Bluebottle - lovely photo down on the farm.


Good morning everyone

It's another dull start to the day, which will find me traveling to Chorley and Leyland collecting customer contact information.

Other news, I can now dispense with the need to wear my hand splint in bed, it has unceremoniously been put in the bin, its 6 months since my op, where did that go. Also I now have less than 100 days to go before I retire, not that I'm counting of course!

Back later.


Careful of that one, Brian.  Counting the days?...Get into that habit and you will soon be counting the years since you retired!  :scared:

Good news your hand is rid of the night-time splint.  The bin sounds just the right place for it!  Was that the recycle bin?  :jester: :senile:



Well, it is now lunch time and it is still raining...

Back later...

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Thing is, and as far as I understand it, Marine has made Front National much more electable than it was in the bad old days when her estranged father ran the show, and the core of her support has increased appreciably, as has FN's presence in running municipal administration. However, whether she likes it or not, she is her father's daughter, and it is apparent that the urban electorate can't stomach voting for the daughter - now matter how plausible - of someone who notoriously remarked that the Nazi gas chambers were "....just a detail in the history of World War II".


A vote for Macron, regardless of whether the electorate actually have faith in his aims or not, is another way of saying "Anyone but le Pen".


As an aside, I have said that some people tend to get more right-wing as they get older, and my parents are no exception. First-generation immigrants to the UK in the late 1950s, they have been absolutely fascinated by the goings-on in France to the point that they have become supporters of Marine, and I have noticed that, as they aged, they have become a lot more xenophobic. Given that ethnic Chinese are pretty xenophobic at the best of times, this is hardly surprising to me. I will probably go the same way eventually, if I haven't started already.

Now cover the Equines ears...



Does  this mean you will be rejecting Arabians?... :jester:

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Afternoon all, and early sunshine has given way to thick cloud. 


The return to school prompted much hiding under the duvet by the youngest. I'm sure many teachers felt the same. The promise that there are only about 24 days of actual work until the next holiday did elicit the required response, however. 


Not much else to report. Another rejection on the job front - but at least someone flew halfway round the planet to do so. 


The flower bed was hoed at lunchtime - good exercise. Unfortunately my hoe-ing skills are such that I managed to decapitate a sunflower. No doubt this will be spotted by the head gardener upon her return.  

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Morning all, from Long Island (yes, back out here!!)...


Weekend got away from me again <sigh> so congratulations and commiserations to any and all as necessary.


Only major event of the weekend was a planned/scheduled trip to the cabin to start the spring opening and mostly install the water pump, get the water system running and build a new water pump housing.

Water pump -  installed, no problem.

Water system - major leaks from various joins in the system - a common occurrence eventually given the temperature extremes it's all subjected to - nevertheless, unable to effect complete repair and will have to replace main line from the pump to the three shutoffs controlling the kitchen, bathroom and water heater lines!!!! ARRGHHHH. There goes Friday this week :(

Pump housing - non-starter due to item above - <begin wailing-gnashing-of-teeth>


Moderately uneventful trip to JFK as far as the plane ride goes, slight delay waiting for flight crew running a little late on an inbound to MSP.


Then, the "Air-Train" (google it, it's worth it, maybe) at JFK was under repair. This is another of the JFK "great nightmare" events.

If it EVER is not running, doesn't matter what time of day/night, JFK becomes once again the WORST PLACE to be.

Sadly, unless you're taking a taxi somewhere OR being picked up, there's no option for any other type of connection you're making but to take this thing.


They replace this train, that services all the terminal connections and loops out to the rental car lot/hotel shuttle pickup, with buses. For as many times as I've even seen this happen it is apparent they (whomever the "they" are!!) have absolutely NO CLUE as to how to effect such a service and it's total chaos.


The signs in the terminals explaining the train isn't working are almost invisible, and they don't even put them at the BOTTOM of the stairs/escalators to the train, they're at the TOP so you don't know NOT to head up there until you're already there - idiotic to say the least!

Then the signage to where the bus is stopping is pretty non-existent, however the saving-grace is that it's such a disaster that there are CROWDS of folks spilling onto the street where the bus is supposed to be, so you find it THAT WAY :O

The buses are poorly marked as to which one goes were, the person directing the buses is clueless and argumentative with ANYONE asking questions/for help, in a truly "New York service personnel" fashion.

They wait until the buses are overfull before releasing them, usually with cries that everyone MUST move further inside the bus, behind a white line, before the bus can move - um, if the bus wasn't at TWICE its capacity maybe we could??


What a complete flustercuck - I felt sorry for all the tourists/first time in NY visitors who seemed worse than intimidated by this, and weren't ever sure if they were on the right bus. I did attempt to reassure the few close to me.


There you have it - the joy of travelling into the most people-hostile airport I've ever been to - New York's JFK :jester:


10 and cloudy, expecting 14 and partly sunny later.


Hope your week starts well.

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G'day all,


Well Mrs Stationmaster duly set off on her community gardening effort only to have an unfortunate forehead and rake handle collision due to some twit leaving a rake in a daft manner so i had to collect her.  Fortunately not much damage but a  very colourful bruise above one eye and an excellent reminder about garden rake safety.


And since then the laddomobile has been duly deposited for its MoT test (plus any rectification - hopefully no more than the odd blown bulb but possibly a trouble with the boot lid to sort; meanwhile he is no doubt swanning round Belgrade prior to taking train to Vienna in a day or two as the first stage of his journey home.


Enjoy the rest of your day folks.

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My one and only encounter some 15 years ago with JFK (technically I also used it to return to the UK as well as arrive in the US) was not positive. 

My only advice would be - book a limo, don't queue for a taxi. The price difference was negligible. 


The taxi queuing system could have been much easier if they'd only used the space more wisely. Some 2 dozen taxis queuing one behind the other separated by a barrier from the potential customers. The point being that only 1 taxi could pick up at a time. Result - a queue that took best part of an hour to get through and on into the city.

Simple maths would have shown them that allowing 2 taxis would halve the waiting time, 3 would have been great and maybe 4....5.....

It's not like there was a shortage of taxis or punters, so embarking people onto a number of taxis all at once wouldn't hurt anyone. 

Apart from that it was a great city to visit.  


Anyone wanting to find out more about air-rail links.....http://iaro.com/airport-railways-of-the-world

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Aditi seems to be planning some jaunt around North Kent. I may be driving.

Guests still eating breakfast.


Now on version 2.23 of day planning. Just having a gentle stroll along the creekside at Benfleet is the current plan. Dog may get damp. Though even my dog seems to have enough intelligence not to leap onto mudflats, unlike some humans whose abandoned welly-boots are visible at low tide. Edited by Tony_S
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As an aside, I have said that some people tend to get more right-wing as they get older, and my parents are no exception. First-generation immigrants to the UK in the late 1950s, they have been absolutely fascinated by the goings-on in France to the point that they have become supporters of Marine, and I have noticed that, as they aged, they have become a lot more xenophobic. Given that ethnic Chinese are pretty xenophobic at the best of times, this is hardly surprising to me. I will probably go the same way eventually, if I haven't started already.

Don't you just love that generation though.  Went round to Mum's yesterday and a "######" was playing snooker.  I cringed!


edited to include the relevant word "d4rkie"

Edited by lightengine
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Afternoon all, and early sunshine has given way to thick cloud. 


The return to school prompted much hiding under the duvet by the youngest. I'm sure many teachers felt the same. The promise that there are only about 24 days of actual work until the next holiday did elicit the required response, however. 


Not much else to report. Another rejection on the job front - but at least someone flew halfway round the planet to do so. 


The flower bed was hoed at lunchtime - good exercise. Unfortunately my hoe-ing skills are such that I managed to decapitate a sunflower. No doubt this will be spotted by the head gardener upon her return.  

Don't say too much about those Ho's in the flower beds.  It will draw an EA from Mick!

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Afternoon, now cloudy with a strong breeze and much cooler.
Sad to pick up on the news from Debs over the weekend, sometimes there seems to be no justice in these matters.
A busy weekend was had, spent mainly in the garden then picking our youngest up yesterday as he is house sitting for a week while we spend some time in the sunshine.


The downside to a week in the sun and hopefully a politics free week will be the airport tomorrow morning! Flying is not as much fun as it used to be but never mind.


Enjoy the rest of the day folks

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My one and only encounter some 15 years ago with JFK (technically I also used it to return to the UK as well as arrive in the US) was not positive. 

My only advice would be - book a limo, don't queue for a taxi. The price difference was negligible. 


The taxi queuing system could have been much easier if they'd only used the space more wisely. Some 2 dozen taxis queuing one behind the other separated by a barrier from the potential customers. The point being that only 1 taxi could pick up at a time. Result - a queue that took best part of an hour to get through and on into the city.

Simple maths would have shown them that allowing 2 taxis would halve the waiting time, 3 would have been great and maybe 4....5.....

It's not like there was a shortage of taxis or punters, so embarking people onto a number of taxis all at once wouldn't hurt anyone. 

Apart from that it was a great city to visit.  


Anyone wanting to find out more about air-rail links.....http://iaro.com/airport-railways-of-the-world


  Therein lies the problem, you quoted "simple maths", but could also have added "engage brain". :banghead:

They don't DO that sort of thing in NYC especially at their airports, I think they pride themselves on providing a flustercuck/incompetence as their face to the world - see we can make your life a mess just trying to GET HERE!


By comparison, most EVERY other airport I visit, including my own home-town MSP, has the taxi area arranged sensibly.

At MSP they have something like two dozen positions, arranged in staggered/angled lanes - allowing each cab to depart once they have a fare aboard, and you are assigned a lane as you walk up to the dispatcher. I don't often take a taxi at MSP, but when I do, the average "wait time" is the time it takes you to walk to the assigned lane, even at busy Thanksgiving/Christmas periods. There is a continual feed of cabs from a large holding area to the terminals dispatch areas.

Take that NYC :O  :jester:

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