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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


For a Saturday, I am a true ER as I was down sorting out wees for Lily at 5.45 - still it meant that I got caught up, and have heard Sounds of the 60s with Tony Blackburn, and I've got to say that this show is now too early for me to listen live.  We 60s rememberers are not getting any younger, and really do need our shut eye - I don't enjoy the listen again facilities.


I've been having quite a lot of minor niggles with this laptop recently, and only found the reason yesterday - it appears that at some stage I had turned off the auto update on Firefox, and was now about ten versions behind - and some sites were not responding well to the older version - in the end, I found out because one site actually told me to update - which I did and hey presto, the problems vanished.  Now rectified by resetting the browser settings. 


Trip to town this morning to get the things that we  I forgot yesterday.


Back later

Regards to All


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Morning all.


It was bright and sunny when I got up but now there's a definite lack of it.


Off to NESCOT in a while but not until I've had another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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It was bright and sunny when I got up but now there's a definite lack of it.


Yes, I hate that - bright and sunny when you get up, but within half an hour it's gone gloomy. It makes you wonder what you've done wrong doesn't it?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Awl a surprisingly good night's sleep was had and i still have couple of hours before heading down the garden.

There were only 3 at the MRC last night I'm told that many of the missing are at some sort of do to do with the Bure Valley Railway.


In all the years i was at school (2 primary 3 secondary) I don't recall there ever being a prank against the teachers... We were too frightened of most of them.

We also didn't as such have a end of school for your final year, when you did your last exam anytime in the last month, you wandered out the gate and never went back. Your exam results O grade or Higher level were posted to you ( even if you were coming back).


I believe that the job titles of mechanic, technician, engineer, Doctor (as in holding a doctorate) Should be defined by law as it is in some other countries. I've a degree, and have a further 4 years training in electronics, yet am rated as a technician. Yet you meet people out there with just a couple of weeks training getting the title of engineer.


You have my sympathy but I don't believe the answer would be legislation. I don't believe Degrees and the like are necessary or conclusive. You mentioned before devising some software to monitor one of your test packs. That to me sounds like engineering. You are using your knowledge in a new application.


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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, I hate that - bright and sunny when you get up, but within half an hour it's gone gloomy. It makes you wonder what you've done wrong doesn't it?


Sorry,  :sorry: as I'm the Great Portender of Gloom it's all my fault. I'll try to do better tomorrow.  :rolleyes:  

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  • RMweb Gold


Gout is back, and failed deliveries yesterday mean that I'm housebound, and will miss NESCOT.


Have a good time, those who go.

Sorry Smiffy. Bad things are heaping up on you right now. I hope the gout disappears and the deliveries happen.


We are in Torbay, having arrived before midday yesterday. The trip from Sarthe worked well, the Mont St Michel being comfortable overnight - Sherry having opted for a 4-berth cabin, as neither of us currently fancies climbing the ladder into a top bunk! My back seems a bit better, but discarding the meds seems to have been premature, sadly. I may still consult a chiropractor while I'm here, as I have a slight doubt about it being purely a muscular issue.


In the meantime, pints of bitter, and fish and chips, remind me of my nationality!

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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.


Sunneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey... :sungum:

Great for a day on the t***ns  :locomotive:



Have a good day.  Beware bees and wasps.


Signing off....

"Scenic technician"....or is that "engineeer"?    :jester:


I will let you know...

IF 1:76 scale roof rack Mk 2 works out.  I lost Mk 1 when it sprung out of my hand and disappeared somewhere in the depths of the dining room...

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Write up in Railway Modeller mentions OO scale layout with trams and London Underground which looks interesting. Something different.



Not seen that article but have memories of a very good set up in Cornwall some years back when the venue echoed to 'mind the doors' every few seconds.

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Morning to Goodnight, etc.,


Just been reading up on the “Election” thread - started pretty good but now turning to the usual US bashing - deserved or not. Nothing about Duma politicos like that gangster Selevnev and his “turd on a shoe” son (at least I saw nothing before getting bored). I still think Putin is very smart, in spite of his followers.


I have to cut the back “lawn” today which will make a change from yesterday when I was nearly killed by a middle aged driver who was texting. She “didn’t see me” despite the fact that I was wearing more dayglo green than is good for my health. The thought that she will receive a double fine barely comforts me. Still, it will go to court where there is still some sympathy for people doing their job.

Enough for now, I need tea.


Cheers, Pete.


PS Ian, please consult your Dr. before visiting the Chiropractor!!!!

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey and damp here this morning, not enough to clean the car though. Out soon to go to the Romford Exhibition, I'd forgotten about it until another member mentioned it at the club meeting Wednesday night. Off to the exhibition now, be back later.

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School pranks?

That's my territory but I must bear in mind Andy's bandwidth.


Fishing line tied to hanging lamps to provide a swaying motion, explosive wraps under chair legs, skittering waste paper baskets and board rubbers, synchronised activity (like standing up suddenly in unison as if the headmaster had entered (when he hadn't), artfully placed chairs were good for 10 minutes of Latin:

"What's this chair doing here?"

DD: "Please sir!"

Yes, DD?

DD: "I don't know, sir"

You're a cretin, DD - what are you?

DD: "I'm a cretin, sir"

DD: "Please, sir!"

What now, DD?

DD: "Shall I move it, sir?"

and on, and on ...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl. Commiserations to those down on their luck.


Only real prank I recall from school was when a few of us sneaked in before the start of school and removed all the square section bars that linked the door handles on all the classrooms. When the bell went every member of the school filed dutifully into their classrooms followed by the master who of course closed the door behind him ready to take registration. On hearing the 2nd bell of the day every class attempted to proceed to assembly but for some inexplicable reason none of the door handles worked. Took the caretaker quite a while to open all those doors. Just as well there wasn't a fire!


I remember the "mind the gap" module down at the Camborne do. Drove some other mad!




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  • RMweb Gold

We had one master who would come into the classroom and use the ends of his cloak to flick the chalk dust off the desk. One day we collected as much chalk dust as we could and spread it over the desk. In he came and must have seen the chalk but carried on whacking the desk top sending up clouds of dust. Those in the front row of desks were covered in it. We never repeated the prank.



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  • RMweb Gold

I have got the shopping, walked the dog. MiL rang to ask what time we were leaving Enfield this evening. I said we hadn't even left home yet after rearranging everything to fit in with her short notice rearrangements.

Outside the pet shop car park in Pitsea someone nearly rammed into me at the car park entrance. They then followed me into the car

Park and the chap started walking towards me. He seemed to change his mind. I am not scary but perhaps I glared a bit.

Anyway off soon.


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon from a very sunny Salop.


The planets aligned and I happened to be up here to coincide with the Church Stretton show. 

So, off I popped with the youngest. 

Something of a revelation as he's rarely shown that much interest. But this time he was lingering next to many of the layouts looking at the detail.

But he did suggest that the Snailbeach Lead Mine layout was probably mining lead to make into pencils to help the Bumpf Mine layout fill out all the forms they'd mined. 

A certain HH was also on hand to get him operating a steamer - I think I could have left the pair of them to it for quite a while! :) 

Another great layout was "Child's Play"; a double track layout which 2 children can operate a pair of DMUs.

Catering - an area of special interest for my youngest, especially the large iced-sponge cake zone, was very good.    

All in all a very nice show which deserves more publicity.   

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Now properly vcaught up after ham, egg, & chips at Root One then driving all the way back here to buy a couple of small rosemary plants 9'because they're better value and better plant' so i was instructed informed ).  sorry to hear about Dick's gout - not a pleasant illness from what i've heard about it so definitely something you're best rid of PDQ and hopefully Ian (OD) will find a good chiropractor and 'clicking' things back into place ought to help.


Meanwhile the sun still occasionally shines, Root One was quite busy but we beat the worst of the rush in the cafe, and the town here is full of grockles so it must. be quite warm.  Only down side is that 'our ship' - which we would have been on as a late booking this week had the Good Doctor not been away - is currently working off Coquet Island so we would have got to see a bit of coast we're really keen to see sometime and being put ashore in Blyth on Wednesday would hardly have been the end of the world - ah well we'll see what happens next year.



Now to see what's happening elsewhere around here - trusting those at NESCOT, and other shows, are having a good day. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon everyone


Late on parade today as I made full use of the sunshine this morning and went straight outside, the grass was cut, the edges strimmed and then a bit more tidying and weeding was carried out.


School pranks, there are far too many to write down here. However, a particular favourite is the one we played on a maths teacher who was a little deaf. As the lesson progressed the whole class would start to talk quietly, he would then turn up his hearing aid a little. We then waited about 10 minutes and started the process again. He physically jumped at the end of the lesson when the bell rang.


Another prank was to lean on one of the fire alarm buttons. We'd discovered that the one near the art room could be pushed just enough to sound the bell, without breaking the glass. So on a Friday afternoon about 10 minutes before home time someone would press it and we'd all be on our way out of the gate before the real bell sounded.


We are off to No 2 sons soon for a curry, back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl,

Just in from 6 hours in the shed, fan heater required to start with, but surprisingly the sun put in an appearance meaning the shed warmed up nicely.

first I had to do more ceiling cladding first as i realised the framing would get in the way, id just finished that when SWMBO turned up with a coffee and more questions about the wheel cover.

Much framing fitted, particularly for the inherited layout, the same to be done tomorrow, for which i spent the last half hour planning while consuming a cider..

Large amounts of ply required for shelving will have to be purchased this week....


I never got to coquet island, but did sail into Blyth , from Ullapool having sailed round cape Wrath and John o groats. Having lived that way 1983 to 1988 it is a very interesting area. Just the weather could be a little unfortunate!!

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  • RMweb Gold

A'noon all.

Spent a great 5 hours at Nescot with Bob 81C and had a couple of pleasant chats with Duncan. Started the day well with a very nice cheap* bacon baguette and saw some excellent layouts and a good selection of traders.


*actually extremely cheap in that it didn't cost me a thing as Bob bought it! Thanks mate.


One layout in particular stood out for me, a 2mm finescale offering called Lighterman's Yard. Absolutely packed with detail and beautifully modelled.

 Managed to pick up a bargain, a brand new Bachman Pullman coach with lighting for £27.95. I nearly bought all 5 he had for sale but thought that might be construed as greedy. Apparently the dealer had had these in stock for a couple of years reserved for someone who never returned for them and was doing them at the original price. Not sure many people would have done that so my hat goes off to him. 

Usual knee ache now after spending a long time walking around so I'm looking forward to a couple of pints of liquid painkiller this evening.

Edited by grandadbob
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