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Good evening all!




You mean you admit to drinking Fosters?




Engineers design the cables and their routes.; they do NOT dig holes, bury cables or come to your house to fix the gas cooker or the fridge.


Neither do they drive locomotives!


Such people are mechanics, technicians or operators.

Now I'm really confused. I'm an engineer and I have a backhoe.

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A pupil at my school put an ad in the local paper selling the school itself.

That's a fine senior prank - mostly harmless.


I know of a senior prank where the out-going seniors super-glued all the locks shut on the final day of school. (They also put some furniture on the roof.) While it was funny to lock everyone out on the last day of school, the cumulative cost to the school district to replace the locks almost led to prosecution.


It was certainly less traumatic than things like duct-tape 'crucifixion' (usually to a light pole) of younger students and other foolish things.


Each senior class in that school is now warned that any such pranks will be followed by prosecution.

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But do you drink, or have you ever drunk, Fosters?

Guilty m'lud.


And VB (aka Victoria Bitter, aka Vomit Beer) from the same stables as Fosters too. They are indistinguishable. (Fosters is the export label.)


And Moosehead, Molson, Labatt and Kokanee too. Though that's not an accomplishment to be proud of either. At least you can look for the Sasquatch on the Kokanee label.

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  • RMweb Gold

Instead of a quiet evening wd have had to get the house ready for visitors. After telling us yesterday they were not coming until Monday, MiL rang us this evening to tell us they had changed their minds again and were coming tomorrow after the family lunch and tea in Enfield. I had said to Aditi earlier that I must remove the dog box to make space for her family's luggage in case they change their mind tomorrow. She said they wouldn't do that after already changing every arrangement. So at least getting an evenings notice was helpful. Of course we would have been ready but knowing we had a couple of days extra we got on with other jobs today.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good evening all!



Engineers design the cables and their routes.; they do NOT dig holes, bury cables or come to your house to fix the gas cooker or the fridge.


Neither do they drive locomotives!


Such people are mechanics, technicians or operators.


True there grades would have been Technicians. However in common parlance the GPO would say  our engineers are working on .....  or we will send an engineer round. I started as a Technician Apprentice and became an Engineer so I am aware of the difference but in practice many Technicians are in a small way Engineers able to make decisions when designs need modifying and many engineers are part technician just following what other engineers have done.



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True there their grades would have been Technicians. However in common parlance the GPO would say  our engineers are working on .....  or we will send an engineer round.




True, Common parlance has been the reason why gradations such as Dip Ing have become necessary to distinguish Chartered and degreed Engineers from appliance fixers and engine drivers.


If engineers just fix things, what's the point of reading an Engineering Degree?

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  • RMweb Gold

True, Common parlance has been the reason why gradations such as Dip Ing have become necessary to distinguish Chartered and degreed Engineers from appliance fixers and engine drivers.


If engineers just fix things, what's the point of reading an Engineering Degree?


There is a world of difference between the sort of fixing which involves replacing duff circuit boards for example and the sort which involves fixing things so they work better. Reading a Engineering Degree only gives knowledge that you can use as an engineer. When you have gained the understanding of material and forces to develop your own solutions you are an engineer.



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School pranks: how about going round the (20s built) school, turning on the radiators and then removing the control handles, just a single screw in the middle? In the height of summer... I got the blame for that one, but it wasn't me. Honest. Boy called Fox.


Or, over the course of a week, moving the books on the teacher's bookshelf - behind his head when he sat at his desk - forward by a few mm. When there was room, filling the space behind with half-full ⅓ pint milk bottles. Left in the heat. Mmm, that caseine smell! That one was me. He never let on that he found the bottles, but my friend Adrian found that a cheese sandwich had been mysteriously left in his locker over the summer holidays.


Best though was when we enrolled a dog (Rosie Baker) onto the school roll, records and all, so that she (a red setter, of course) appeared on class lists, progressed through the school. Then, as Heads of House, we would tell teachers that they had missed her from the reports. Most told us she didn't exist but a few told us that she was a model pupil, well behaved and hard working...


I also used to write letters to the school from a fictitious Malcolm Armsteen Trust. MA had won the lottery and was seeking places for his niece Myfanwy, who had 'issues'. He was offering £5000 for the extra fire insurance. Or letters from the legal form of Wimsloe, Spatchcock and Dibbs, in one case complaining that I had received injuries due to the quality of wine served at the staff barbecue, or in another case that a pupil had failed to achieve her coveted career as European Commissioner because she was inadequately taught the history of the Impressionists in Art.


Or the Ofsted letters...


It was, at one time, fun.


Fosters - my uncle in Australia sent a case over c1965, when it was utterly unknown here. My father gave it to me. I still had the can opener - one of those that made a triangular hole - until recently.


Feeling that sleep will be difficult tonight. Hope you have better luck.

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Good morning one and all


My prescription was not ready yesterday.  Checkpoint Charlene on reception got it into her head that I had not allowed the requisite two full days between handing in the request and coming back to collect it.  So if I handed it in on Tuesday and came back on Friday, what comes in between?  Wednesday and Thursday – two full days, I believe.  Then she said that Monday was a bank holiday.  Yes, and?  At this point further discussion became futile.  I shall return to the surgery on Monday.  Wish me luck …


I’m off to Nescot today.  The journey involves that most turbulent of TOCs, Southern.  Wish me luck …


News just in: a friend of mine is in the London Marathon.  He will be dressed as a morris dancer because he is one and aims to dance the whole course.  If you want to root for him, his name is Ben Moss.


Warm thoughts to those in distress.  Today let there be special thoughts for Dick.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl a surprisingly good night's sleep was had and i still have couple of hours before heading down the garden.

There were only 3 at the MRC last night I'm told that many of the missing are at some sort of do to do with the Bure Valley Railway.


In all the years i was at school (2 primary 3 secondary) I don't recall there ever being a prank against the teachers... We were too frightened of most of them.

We also didn't as such have a end of school for your final year, when you did your last exam anytime in the last month, you wandered out the gate and never went back. Your exam results O grade or Higher level were posted to you ( even if you were coming back).


I believe that the job titles of mechanic, technician, engineer, Doctor (as in holding a doctorate) Should be defined by law as it is in some other countries. I've a degree, and have a further 4 years training in electronics, yet am rated as a technician. Yet you meet people out there with just a couple of weeks training getting the title of engineer.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Lovely bright sunny start to the day but some cloud may interfere with this later.

I will be off to Nescot today as well, looking forward to it and hope to see one or two of you there.

Nothing much else to report although after looking at the layout yesterday I have decided not to rip it apart completely at the moment. I may try some tweaks first. If my small tweaker doesn't work I may then use the 14lb version.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning


A lovely sunny one here in Waterloo. No, not the one in London but the area near Crosby, Liverpool.


Apart from a serious crash on the M25 which luckily we divert d via Weybridge, we had a very good run up the M40 M42 and M6.


Layout set up last night then a few rather nice places for beer.


Bus to the ahow this morning after breakfast then power up the layout as the power supply want ready for us when we left last night. All should be OK though.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Cloudy and a bit breezy, and I'll have to set off for work a bit after ten. Also managed to get our tax return sent off this week and posted a bundle of related receipts (copies thereof, to be precise) yesterday, so we shall see what they'll make of all of it.


FiL needed to have surgery for a intestinal tumour this week (which thankfully had been found to have been of a nonaggressive variety, if you will) which went well, though he's still ropey from the aftereffects of his anaesthesia.


Best wishes, not only, but especially, to anyone ailing or otherwise under the weather…

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