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  • RMweb Premium

Or the old military version  if it doesn't move paint it,

if it does move salute it.


Yes Don, the layout will eventually appear on here, I've mentioned it in some odd threads here and there IIRC on "what constitutes a big layout"

It has taken me over ten years to get to this stage, which doesn't worry me, as it always was meant to be my layout of a lifetime retirement project. Retirement isn't for another 6 years, so It may start early :no:.

The layout will be called "Ludgershall change for Tidworth". An uncompressed model of that station, which those of you familiar with gallivanting around Salisbury plain on exercise  early 1960's or before may have used.

I have had two previous attempts at the civilian side of the station both heavily compressed, neither layout was successful as they didn't express the wild windswept and open space of a station extended to get mounted troops from trains.


The Shed got planning permission from SWMBO by granting one end of the shed,  inside the loop to get the track back down the other end, as a Art studio, with book space above and below the one foot widetrack round the curve. Then also space for canvases / paintings etc under the main layout. This in itself is not a problem as I had long decided all electrics etc. will be at the back or front of the layout with each section removable to be worked on, I've spent too long lying on my back under layouts.


Of course, one end has expanded to 30ft  of the 64ft shed as stuff for sewing, stained glass windows etc has turned up, I'm busy defending the 20ft section of shed I'm currently working on. I do need somewhere to store the N gauge (Tiree) layout I've inherited, unfortunately SWMBO this weekend, realised that a lot of stock can be kept on the fiddle yard, so she's currently eyeing up some shelving where the stock is currently boxed and stacked. I had hoped to put my railway books there. :scratchhead:

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold



We had a greet relaxing beery weekend. Today it's back to work.


Tomorrow morning doctors then Thursday nigthvload the layout for the drive to Liverpool on Friday. The downside is it's a long drive back Sunday night but we should have a good weekend at the show and apres show activities.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sunshine and blue sky and a fine day is promised.

Very hectic weekend here which is why I didn't get around to posting yesterday. Suffice to say that an extremely good time was had by all. Judging by the number of empties some drinking was involved. :whistle:

Nothing much planned today except a visit to the bank and later a visit from my friendly boiler man as our newish system has developed a hiccup.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Survived tea and wads, I bet our cottage has never had as many people in it at any one time.

Not much cake left...


We took part in a quiz last night. An enjoyable if interesting experience.


Her indoors has decided that we shall be walking to Whitby today. Sensibly we are hoping to get a bus back!


Have a great day everyone.


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Morning all. An excellent nights sleep and I woke to a bright start to the day.


As mentioned before, a bit of model railway shopping before heading home a bit later.


Unfortunately I'll be back at work tomorrow which will probably end up with me being a proper ER and a long day.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all.  Apologies for lateness on parade but I have been up and about for two hours, partly spent posting on another forum and hanging out the laundry.


Another brief spell of uprooting in the garden went a bit too far.  As a change from losing strawberry plants along with the nettles, this time the supreme sacrifice was made by some of the snowdrop bulbs that have flourished under a regime of systematic neglect for many a moon.  When do snowdrop and crocus bulbs go on sale and when should they be planted?  The green bin is almost full, mostly but not exclusively with nettles.  I cannot bring myself to do any more in the jungle for a few days and there are other priorities.  A quick fodder run this morning will be followed by a flying visit to the surgery to drop in the prescription request because I will be too busy to do it on Wednesday.  The quiz should be interesting tonight. Whether it is or not I have to write a report of it.


Warm thoughts to those in distress


Chris [edited to add unaccountably missing full stop]

Edited by chrisf
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  • RMweb Gold

The 'holes for screwdrivers' project is something I've been getting around to for many years!

I drilled some holes out to store drill bits but they kept falling through.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning. Tywyn was busy over the weekend with the usual influx of holidaymakers taking advantage of the longer weekend that Easter offers. Yesterday the main street was gummed up with market stalls and shoppers, traffic was diverted and parking spaces at a premium. Two things struck me about the whole affair, first the number of glum faces and secondly why would you travel all the way from the conurbations of the Midlands to the beautiful Welsh coast then spend a significant proportion of your precious time browsing a market that will be a pale shadow of the one held in your own home town. Perhaps there is some connection.


By early evening the crowds had gone, the roads reopened, the came out and we had a quiet stroll along the prom watching the sun set.

Edited by Neil
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a lovely bright and sunny village. A good day was had yesterday and most of the stuff we needed to watch on TV was caught up on and we managed to watch the last episode of Broadchurch which I thought was done very well. The Prosecco went down well.


Beth is still asleep and a fairy full day stretches ahead. Off to Wakefield in just over and hour to help Chris unload Overlord after York. He's won the Mike Cook Trophy which is good. Then various bits of shopping and preparation for the trip to France tomorrow.


Regards to all



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

I awoke at about 03:15 with the rain hammering on the northern windows of the bedroom, so I retreated downstairs to the sofa, very shortly after I fell asleep for another hour giving me about 6 3/4 hour sleep in all.


The drive in was interesting, with the sun glowing horizontally under the rain clouds, so driving towards a double rainbow, between the trees covered in blossom of lime green, white and various shades of Pink was nice until the clouds let go and it rained heavily for the rest of the way in.


A visit to the DIY suppliers on the way home is required for more cladding for inside the shed and more timber for framing up the layout.


Todays work, Finshing a major system due last week, then  start a customer unit due tomorrow, but takes 2 days to do, then two systems that take a day together ( they share the same test equipment) that they wanted the begining of last week...


Oh and Microsoft /  the company IT section have struck, all the computers are downloading updates so it's all runnning very sloooooooowly.

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is shining brightly which is always nice, but today I will be traveling north to the orifice, which is not always good, here's hoping I get some work to do so that I can escape early.


I've checked the work scheduling app and I have 1 job to do, I have until mid-May to complete it, but as it's only a 30 minute RCD function test, I'll wait until there is some more work in the area before I do that.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just put them in there now, then tell the Mrs they freed up storage elsewhere in the house and that she can have that. :P

I'm taking a lot of mine to France tomorrow along with some unbuilt kits, SWMBO isn't coming on this trip so they might well end up where I want them.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Bright and breezy here this morning, (the weather not me!).

I did plan to spend the morning phoning the manufacturers of our new central heating stuff but noticed that I could register online so I did that last night. The water softener requires a phone call so I will do that.

I believe we may have some "click and collect" items to collect from Leigh on Sea so any shopping can be done there.

I think it is "back to school" day here today.


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Never fear, As I do most of the posts in that thread, it's unlikely to get locked unless I fall out with myself, though stranger things have happened.


Here north of the terrible place, an evening of Prosecco catch up TV and Beth's company is in progress. Not a bad way to spend a bank holiday.



How about a load of ERs turning up on LGA and having a mock squabble?

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Morning all. Generic greetings, good wishes and commiserations as appropriate. Chrisf, as I survey the weed infested flower bed at the back of my garden I sympathise with your gardening exploits. Some serious attention will be needed there at some point. Today's sunny weather may provide the opportunity, hopefully there will be the time to go with it.

Yesterday seemed to slip by uncontrollably and, despite my hopes, there was no time to visit the Gresley event. I am pleased to hear it went well and those that went had an enjoyable time. I was very disappointed not to make it. Instead it was decreed that we needed to visit the local supermarket to get food for the inlaws who were coming over later in the day. Sarah also decided that she needed me to get her some cash to pay for Amber's swimming lessons. Usually she pays with a cheque and I transfer the money into her account but this week she decided it had to be cash. If I knew where my chequebook was (it has vanished amongst various loads of paperwork in the house) I would have written a cheque out myself!

Sarah then took herself off to bed, feeling ill, so I then cooked dinner before collecting more of her Avon books. Then it was time to head out to the Derby County game. Quite a forgettable match, played by a team who seemed to look like their season was over, but at least we didn't lose.

Today has dawned sunny and bright. I have already been up to make breakfast and put out the bins. The church coffee morning beckons once the Tesco van has delivered the shopping. Hopefully I can catch up on some school work too. Apparently the washing needs pegging out too. I am beginning to wonder if Sarah applied for a servent rather than a husband ;-)

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  • RMweb Gold

I am beginning to wonder if Sarah applied for a servent rather than a husband ;-)

The long list of duties deputed to you, over and above your role as breadwinner, does suggest that. Have you thought to ask the question directly? I think some of us might have done so by now!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and it's a sunny one here.

Work emails have been dealt with and now that the weekend visitors have departed it's time to think about heading into the office. 

....ok, I've thought about it....have a nice day and catch up with you all later.  :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Andy, I wouldn't put the issue forward as bluntly as Ian suggests, but a good talk between the pair of you (that is, you and Sarah, not with Ian :P ) is definitely in order, even with the mental strain Sarah has herself. She needs to understand you've been trying your upmost to be her perfect husband, but you're not perfect! (nobody is, mind!) She needs to take responsibility for her own tasks/jobs, in particular the Avon books.

I'm staying out of this one



I'm really staying out of this one.

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I've managed to over tighten the chuck on my Bosch drill. 

Tempting to start a thread and see if it locks quicker than the bloomin' drill! 

Meanwhile I've tried a rubber band round it, brute force and ignorance (swmbo had a go) and I've now put it in the freezer to see if contracting any parts helps.

Pouring hot water over it didn't seem a good idea. :jester:  

You need something like an oil-filter wrench in a small size  - we have something that looks like a plastic handle with a rubber strap that fits into a slot in it that you place around the offending item and then tighten against the strap - works very well

EDIT - it is called a BOA CONSTRICTOR strap wrench (seriously!)   Lots on ebay in different sizes

Edited by shortliner
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Morning.  Dull and breezy here, just dull indoors.  Two more weeks of sitting on my ar$e then we can begin to work towards some kind of recovery assessment, with the beginning of partial weight bearing.  Then we'll know.....

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You need something like an oil-filter wrench in a small size  - we have something that looks like a plastic handle with a rubber strap that fits into a slot in it that you place around the offending item and then tighten against the strap - works very well

EDIT - it is called a BOA CONSTRICTOR strap wrench (seriously!)   Lots on ebay in different sizes

AndyB - post edited as above - hope it helps

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