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Our neighbour doesn't live in a muddy wallow and she brought cake round for us to sample this afternoon. Parsnip and ginger cake. It was actually rather nice.

Aditi is having a cake phase too. She baked a couple of cakes recently following recipes in Evelyn Rose's "Complete International Jewish Cookbook" but couldn't find the recipe for a different cake she wanted today. She knew it had been in a National Trust leaflet but then found she could download the book it came from on Kindle. However she was much happier when I found a "real" copy on Amazon. Sybil Kapoor's National Trust cookbook should be here next week. Aditi used to be a Kapur. Her Dad made a rare joke that his family used the "ur" spelling as they didn't want to be poor Kapurs. He didn't make too many humorous remarks!

Perhaps Aditi would like to try her hand at this recipe >>


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..... Sybil Kapoor's National Trust cookbook should be here next week. Aditi used to be a Kapur. Her Dad made a rare joke that his family used the "ur" spelling as they didn't want to be poor Kapurs...

That's Kapur, pronounced "Cooper".


It is days like today that I really regret the passing of the years ...

I'd agree with that for entirely different reasons. Today, I got one of my racing saddles out, as opposed to the race exercise one I usually use. This is not much bigger than a postage stamp, and weighs in at about 250grams. It's the same one that Bill carried when coming third in a charity Flat race (6f) at Northaw over eight years ago. Obviously he's a bit old (22) for this sort of thing, so this saddle went on a spare horse belonging to my alcohack partner (she has four horses).


I thought, just for the craic, I'd ride out on this, with the irons and leathers set high in racing position. What could possibly go wrong? Over eight years ago, my joints were more flexible. Not now. Remember the professional jockeys ride in similar position, day in day out during the season. They're trained to ride that way. After about three hours out, I have managed to banjax the muscles going down the back of my lower right leg to my ankle, the muscle groups in my lower back are also sore, as is my right shoulder. It's not looking too clever as I write all this in bed.


I really regret the passing of the years *wince*

Edited by Horsetan
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Regret to report another death, Allan Holdsworth at 70. Born Bradford, Yorkshire.


Quite possibly the finest most technically equipped guitarist that England has ever produced. He did not play easy music.



Intensely critical of his own output he often could not listen to his older recordings.


Best, Pete.

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Good morning one and all


I had a good trip to York yesterday.  It included a convivial cuppa with my cousin and cousin-in-law.  Is that expression in common use?  Petrol at the Tesco near York Racecourse was 3p a litre cheaper than Bedford as is so often the case.  The return journey was frustrating because Little Chefs seem to have stopped staying open long enough to serve afternoon tea or more substantial fare such as fish and chips.  I do not regard burgers as an acceptable substitute because I prefer food.  I made do with beans on toast when I got home and may take advantage of the fare offered in the Knavesmire restaurant next year.


If the weather allows I may venture into the garden today.  Despite my labours two day ago much remains to be done.  This will be quite a busy week.  Tomorrow evening there is  the now annual quiz between RCTS Northampton and LCGB Bedford, often frustrating but usually fun.  On Wednesday we have the quarterly Area Group lunch and on Friday I have my annual diabetic eye screening.  Somewhere in this house is my appointment letter which I had better find and take with me.  Amid this hurly-burly of activity there will be more laundry and fodder runs.   An additional task for tomorrow is to fetch the local paper.  Remarkably, it has been delivered on Sundays for the past four weeks as should be the case but I suppose that the delivery brat has been taken on a break by its parents.


Warm thoughts to all in distress



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Somewhat overcast here this morning.

A day of pottering about seems to be likely. We won't be joining the crowds heading to the beaches at Southend.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

a bit of that rain you seem to be having up north would be useful it has been very dry here. On the other hand at least we have been able to get on with jobs.


Enjoy your day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a village that is still North of a store that I won't be visiting today. Beth has just departed for Asda for breakfast and chat with a friend. The ironing awaits now that breakfast is finished. Not sure what the day will bring but no doubt various tasks will be allocated at some point. As I'm off to France on Wednesday there will be some preparations for the journey to make.


Chrisf, the restaurant at the Knavesmire is excellent.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Grey with some sun here, and not as warm as of late. Anyone would think it was an English Bonk Holiday, not a French working day!


AFAIK this weekend has been, in Christian countries, an important celebration. Meanwhile, on RMweb, an unholy war has broken out about converting 16v AC to 12v DC. 35 posts and counting. Crumbs.


Not much going on here. We did a short walk yesterday, but my back, and some of Sherry's muscles, are by no means comfy today.

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Morning all.


Catching up as I didn't even turn on the pc yesterday.


Off to Kew Gardens with HJ.


It's a Southwark Bridge running session on Saturday, so Epsom on Sunday.


Keep well all



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

... Meanwhile, on RMweb, an unholy war has broken out about converting 16v AC to 12v DC. 35 posts and counting. Crumbs.


One of those situations where you can predict that sooner rather than later some is going to say "I got a certifficut" and even though it isn't relevant is going to deliver a lecture.


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