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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all,


Today's good deed has been done - laddo had to be at work at 04.45 at the Waitrose distribution centre in Bracknell 'assessing' various of his minions but he is (don't read this Rick) also attending a footie match in Norwich this afternoon so after finishing at Bracknell he duly deposited his car at Twyford station leaving it for me to recover, which i have duly done (so I got a train ride plus a chance to get some pics of various bits of infrastructure).  And no need to venture out again as i bought the 'paper at the little shop near the station so Tesco avoidance has been achieved.  However lacking the staff of those living abroad I shall be doing the hoovering later, I'm told.


The Celtic Woman group do sound rather nice but Dom had already planted today's earworm very firmly in my head having mentioned a cuckoo in his status update - and ever since I've been taken back something over 60 years to the days of music & movement for schools on the wireless and the 'Cuckoo is a merry bird which singeth as it flies ...' etc - but it seems that old form of the words doesn't lurk on the 'net nowadays and it's all a sort of 'new English songbook' (or even worse some colonial derivative) version.


And fame at last for Mrs Stationmaster - albeit anonymously this time - as the latest effort of the 'Gardening Buddies' has appeared in the local online 'newspaper'.  She's second from left (in the dark glasses) in the first/left hand pic in the link below.  At least they didn't get her name wrong like the local printed 'paper has managed a couple of times in its pics of the group.  N.B. They didn't get it wrong because they haven't given the ladies' names.




On a more interesting note I see the USofA has dropped a MOAB in Afghanistan - the interesting bit is that this bomb is only 600lbs heavier than the Grand slam bombs used by the RAF in WWII although it has a much larger explosive content and the RAF dropped theirs using a bomber aircraft (Lancaster) whereas the 'mericans have to shove it over the tailboard of a modified Hercules - 'progress' isn't always quite what some folk like to think.


Enjoy the rest of your day - even if you're spending it decorating.

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Quite right, Mike!


Oh, I found a photo of Ivan on a point - to - point (not as a tiger, alas):






Plus, new fangled flying gear for passengers:





Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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A good journey to Devon yesterday after an early finish but unfortunately arrived 10 minutes after I could get internet access organised.


I've managed to catch up on the five pages of ER posts since I last looked in


Decent weather but overcast which doesn't dampen my mood. What does though is finding out that I've managed to leave some vital modelling equipment at home and my favourite shop in this part of the country isn't open until tomorrow.


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

A good journey to Devon yesterday after an early finish but unfortunately arrived 10 minutes after I could get internet access organised.


I've managed to catch up on the five pages of ER posts since I last looked in


Decent weather but overcast which doesn't dampen my mood. What does though is finding out that I've managed to leave some vital modelling equipment at home and my favourite shop in this part of the country isn't open until tomorrow.


Back later


Look on the bright side Duncan - an unexpected day of total rest.

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Bit dull and overcast but a nice run out to Princetown, Tavy and then back through the Muff and round the Barbican and Hoe.


Everywhere fairly busy, Tavvy with the Passion Play, and the Muff with all the locals trying to get a tan or eating an Ivor Dewdneys on a well earned bank holiday.


I look forward to travelling with United again, never had a prob with them.


But at 6'2" and a bit, 15 stone solid and wearing a retired marine hat whenever I travel....... perhaps they prefer to pick on someone smaller!?

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone


Today started out wet and rainy and it's continued to be the same ever since. Not a lot has been done today bar topping up Sheila laundry bottles, we usually buy large sized containers of the stuff and I decant them into smaller manageable sized bottles which she keeps in the kitchen.


The grandkids will be round for tea later this afternoon so I think it's time for a cup of tea before they arrive.


Back later

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Oh dear, or, as they say in France, quelle bummer.


On the face of it, cloud storage seems like a it might be a pretty good idea, but if they can't even manage an automatic allocation increase, it's never going to fly.

As the "cloud" commentary devolves, bear in mind that this isn't just cloud storage, we're talking about a full cloud deployment of the ERP system. Much more agonizing than simply having some storage out there for documents or your favourite pictures and videos! If some part of it goes t!ts up, the entire organization is twiddling it's thumbs until it gets corrected, with nobody down the corridor to go kick in the arse and have fix it...

In theory "the cloud" has some merit, in practice, ESPECIALLY if you ever need support and said support are bumbling idiots, it's a very dangerous undertaking :O

NOTE: They're still "working on the issue" as I type :jester:  You HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!!



Friday/POETS, not "Good", not bad, mostly average, as previously reported, just another Friday.


Yesterday, mini-van picked up by charity organization, we're now officially a one car family (shudder), then concluded with a very good Holy Thursday effort by the choir, followed by ANOTHER rehearsal - our choir director is VERY committed to making Easter services the flagship event of our choir season - didn't get in until 10pm as a result <yawn>


Will probably POE today, can't be fussed any more to bother with whatever the cloud twits can sort out, if it's not sorted in the next couple of hours they can shove it until Monday.


11 here and overcast, expecting 18 for a high and some rain.


Hope you lucky sods enjoy the first of FOUR days off... (boo hoo), make the most of whatever you plan to do. :sungum:

Edited by Ian Abel
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Greyish day here in sunny Teignmouth today. Family left at 11 a.m. for Dover after 3 days of sunny weather. We managed to get out and about doing things grandkids wanted to do and having fun. House now tidied but much quieter.

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On a more interesting note I see the USofA has dropped a MOAB in Afghanistan - the interesting bit is that this bomb is only 600lbs heavier than the Grand slam bombs used by the RAF in WWII although it has a much larger explosive content and the RAF dropped theirs using a bomber aircraft (Lancaster) whereas the 'mericans have to shove it over the tailboard of a modified Hercules - 'progress' isn't always quite what some folk like to think.


Yes, the scale of the ordnance has increased mightily, but the delivery concept has reverted to WWI simplicity.




Who needs a Norden bombsight!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl,

A very bad night's sleep, just 1.5 hours then a night of sleeping for a few minutes then waking again i was knackered before....


I went out to the shed to continue anti rat duties, the initial digging for and placing of the breeze blocks was not a Problem. But getting the wood and damp proof course in above that was. The whole floor had collapsed by about 3 inches.


After 2 hours working, SWMBO turned up, we set about clearing the work bench above the collapsed floor. A then long I found the reason, SWMBO had loaded the shelves with all her spare glass and tiles. It weighed a lot. The glass and tiles were evicted to outside under the benches on the patio.


That workbench is very heavily built, 3ft by 4ft 6inches. It was built for the precision assembly of mechanical sections of a radar. It's Formica top is underlayed by very heavy layers of ply, then there are three shelves, the entire assembly is supported by 6 4x4 legs.

When i get round to it, leg room will be cut under the top, through the full depth shelves to make the table suitable for seated model assembly and construction.


We moved the table to its always intended final position that's​ got the legs over support beams. Going back outside the floor had bounced back almost it's correct position. With a little jacking up the floor was repaired and the anti rat wall completed giving more support to floor. After laying a row of paving slabs alongside the anti rat wall i returned inside.

Further repairs were carried out, then the wall lined with insulation.


At that point i retired to a bench with a can of cider, after tidying up i returned to the house after 7 hours out there.


I really fancy a whisky or two but it being Friday it's MRC day, so that will have to wait till i come back.


I feel it's time for a snooze...

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As the "cloud" commentary devolves, bear in mind that this isn't just cloud storage, we're talking about a full cloud deployment of the ERP system. Much more agonizing than simply having some storage out there for documents or your favourite pictures and videos! If some part of it goes t!ts up, the entire organization is twiddling it's thumbs until it gets corrected, with nobody down the corridor to go kick in the arse and have fix it...

In theory "the cloud" has some merit, in practice, ESPECIALLY if you ever need support and said support are bumbling idiots, it's a very dangerous undertaking :O


Good grief! Sounds like someone was sold a bill of goods. Of course it's more than likely the "someone" rode off into the sunset long ago :)

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Morning all. 


Knackered after yesterday...


We got Daisy's story written and printed, she drew the illustrations and I printed and bound it.

We made the necklace (she made the 'bones' out of white Milliput and I drilled them, then she put them together. Julie found a presentation box to put it in and we marked it as an archaeological find.

Daisy used the sewing machine to make a present for her mother - just a simple lavender bag, but very pretty.


By the end of the day she had a pile of achievements.


Her mother came to pick her up, and whilst Daisy was explaining to her what she had done she put them in her bag, said she would look at them later and played with the baby.


I despair.


Daisy and the necklace before the comedown.



I hope you all have a good day in whichever means you spend it.


Very impressive! Are you going to take a shot at Piltdown Man now?

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Shed cleared and the walls brushed down/cleaned read for painting, which won't start now until the multitude of holes have been filled, and there's a lot of them. I lifted the chipboard floor before I started, just as well the amount of muck created, enough to fill a rubble sack. I have painted a test patch to see if the emulsion is o.k., it seems to be after a good stir. As well as the filling I have a few more holes to drill to attach some more shelving/storage units.

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After returning from my unsuccessful foray for modelling items, and catching up on over a days worth of post on RMweb, I've had a restful day of planning, research and eyelid inspection.


Time for some food before a relaxing evening.

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Power has been off YET AGAIN.

The first message I received when it came back on:

"Time to send your meter readings!"

Cheeky blighters.


It's a bit like the situation we have when our cable service goes down and we lose TV, Internet and phone service (it's VOIP). I have to drive about four miles to a spot where I can get a mobile signal so I can call the cable company.


"Are you calling from your home phone sir?"


"No, if I was able to call from my home phone I wouldn't be calling you."

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They're a lot braver than I am - heading for a Channel Port on a Good Friday - I don't envy them , at all!

They arrived at Dover tonight 20 mins before sailing time after a 1 hour delay on the M4 for the tanker fire

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, the scale of the ordnance has increased mightily, but the delivery concept has reverted to WWI simplicity.


attachicon.gifww1 bombing technique.jpg


Who needs a Norden bombsight!


My English teacher used to do that out of Wapiti's somewhere on the North West Frontier onto what he described as "Revolting Tribesmen" My other English Teacher was Russell Harty.   The two facts probably explain a lot.



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