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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Making a start on clearing out the shed ready for repainting and found a couple of unopened tins of white emulsion that had been forgotten. Does paint have a shelf life? if not it will save me a trip to B&Q. Theres still a lot to clear out, a local charity shop is going to be quite happy, the bin men less so. I'd better get on now with it, be back later.

Unopened emulsion may be OK. I have re-opened old emulsion cans and it has separated and gone mouldy. I suppose it shows that it isn't full of nasty chemicals! Has it possibly frozen? That doesn't help paint to keep. I found a tiny tin of Airfix white enamel in the loft recently. It must have been 30 years old. It had been opened and resealed and was still good enough to use when I repainted the house numbers by the front door.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi has had a few conversations with traffic police officers over the years but she has always commented on how kind and lovely they were.


Aditi has never been represented in your posts as being grumpy or awkward. My limited dealings with on-duty policemen suggest that if you don't try to be 'clever' with them they'll probably be reasonable with you.
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  Santander's machine gave me the choice between English and Espanol and a hard time touching the screen [a fist appeared at one point] before yielding the dosh, all in 20s.




Check your balance.  Santander ATMs have a nasty reputation for being scammed.



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  • RMweb Premium


More recently, cars have been stopped whilst the apparent driver has been using their mobile phone - in a foreign-plated left hand drive car!




I was driving down Modena High St one evening in my LHD Ford Escort. The student I was giving at lift to, sat in the front passenger seat, had his feet propped up on the windowsill, head lolling back and eyes closed.  :sungum:

This caused some consternation with other road users.  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

I was driving down Modena High St one evening in my LHD Ford Escort. The student I was giving at lift to, sat in the front passenger seat, had his feet propped up on the windowsill, head lolling back and eyes closed.  :sungum:

This caused some consternation with other road users.  :jester:

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Milliput cooking may be working! Tiranti reckon it works, and they know their stuff.


When I was about ten I made a(nother) Kitmaster City of Truro. I wanted to motorise it (no real plan) and decided to weight the tender. I waited until my mother had gone out and melted a few ounces of lead in a tin lid on the stove. Poured it into the tender. The plastic tender...


Took ages to chip the metal off the stove top, but my mother never found out, or if she did she never associated the damage with me.


Now you see why my avatar is a chimp. I've been at it for years.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, the sun is trying to make an appearance here,  I am not sure how I did it but I have escaped the supermarket visit this morning. I do have to go to the garden centre ( with a diversion to the local model shop planned) to get a couple of things one being weedkiller.

I must reflect on my drive how I achieved this or is there a motive yet to come to light  behind me being excused!


Enjoy the day folks

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  • RMweb Gold


My WW1 researches have continued.   Not only have I found out some more about my family but I learned how to decipher a grid reference on a WW1 Trench map.   Life is full of such little bits of knowledge.


Regards to all.



Hi Jamie,


I've put some inf on using WW1 trench maps here




Hope it is of some help.





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....Stopped by the law: I once got pulled over late at night in Surrey for no apparent reason (there were 3 cars and seven coppers) and the sergeant said it was because a blue Ford Escort had been seen 'behaving oddly'. Which was strange as I was driving a brown Volvo. They all milled around, didn't really ask any questions or look in the boot, then jiggered off.


A police acquaintance told me that the Surrey police, when bored, play 'car snooker'. That is they stop cars of the appropriate colour to make a break. There aren't that many brown cars, so......

I'm not sure they've got the resources to do that anymore, but they probably found more brown cars during the 1970s. Also, if they stopped your brown Volvo (4 points), presumably the blue Escort (or any blue car for 5 points) would have been next if they were clearing the colours. Not many pink cars.


The last time I was stopped was in Stevenage, because the traffic officer wanted to know why I had an Irish County name (Clare) in Irish Gaelic at the top of my plates.


The stop previous to that was on the M1 Southbound, when I was clocked doing 101mph. That went well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Shopping to come but I think probably avoiding supermarkets other than dropping into Tesco for the 'paper (and possibly some veg?) so all near the doors!  Meat will involve a trip to Pangbourne and Greens excellent establishment.


Many years ago I was stopped in Ipswich by a copper on a motorcycle - 'You were going a bit fast back there sir' 'Yes, sorry officer but speed did build up a bit'  "And there was that other chap in front of you going pretty hard as well, spot of tempting isn't it?' 'Yes I suppose it could be, I'll try to be more careful in future' ' Very sensible sir, you do that'  'Yes officer, I'll try to'  'On you way then sir, and take care'  What was never mentioned was that I had been travelling at 50mph in a 30 zone - but it was a wide road with very little traffic; nice chap that copper.


However one I used to know locally had a rather different experience.  One evening he and a colleague saw an Austin 1100 come over the bridge and into town and it slowed to well below normal speed when the driver saw them plus it was rather down at the back end.  So they duly decided to pull the car over, their suspicions aroused.  The driver was of Sub-Continent origin and seemed a  little worried about being stopped which of course increased their interest even more - usual licence etc checks were ok so they asked him to open the boot - inside were several packages wrapped in layers of plastic sheet which were thick enough to hide the contents so they asked the Driver what was in them.  He was quite open in his answer - 'my wife' (technically  by then of course an ex-wife).  They duly arrested him - hardly surprising in the circumstances - and left the unwrapping of the packages to the forensic experts.  I reckon he was drinking out and being bought pints on that story for years afterwards.


Off to shop - have a good day one and all

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  • RMweb Gold

And I do like that on this forum someone can write "I was making a neolithic necklace" and no-one bats an eyelid.

I thought you were a master forger and were working on some earlier stuff, then, this afternoon,  graduating to the likes of a Matisse knock off!


But don't try a Constable, as they have a habit of knocking on your front door.

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  • RMweb Gold

Rick, that's brilliant!


So much so that I feel that the term 'Cockwomble' ought to be replaced by 'Skunkhumper'.


Perhaps reserve the term for those annoying tailgaters.



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  • RMweb Gold

I got stopped and was going to be booked for carrying passengers as a learner driver on my motorbike and sidecar. I explained to the policeman that it was quite legal. He didn't want to believe me only the fact I was pretty sure had him worried.




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Greetings all. Cold and grey here.


I hadn't picked up Ed Cayton had passed away until I read a post on ERs this lunchtime. Condolences to his family and friends


Our shower was successfully fixed yesterday, much to the relief of my work colleagues ;) and the double glazing work starts in second week of May. It's all go at Lurker towers...


The Easter weekend promises various family visitations and Easter egg hunts for the Lurker boys.


I can't recall ever being pulled over by the police.


Have a good weekend

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Afternoon all.


Late on parade because I've been posting on the "1 to 45" forum. This included converting files from pdf into, word, into tiff, resizing and loading. Only took two hours! Does this mean I'm only semi computer illiterate?


Haven't been stopped in years. Driving a muddy blue Yeti does help.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone


Very late on parade today, despite getting up early(ish). After breakfast I went to the butchers to pick up our weekly meat ration. Then once Sheila had gone out to meet her Zumba friends I got to work in the kitchen, I made another 5 jars of rhubarb, which should now keep us going for a few months and strawberry jam and I also made a rhubarb cake, which won't!


The last time I was stopped by the police, I was driving home from work and when the road went to 2 lanes, I put my foot down to pass a very slow driver. I was driving an Audi A3 sportback, which was quite nippy, but where that copper came from I've no idea, because I hadn't seen him until he put his lights on and flagged me down. I got our and we chatted, I apologised for speeding, saying I didn't realise how fast I'd been doing, (over 70 in a 50 zone). He gave the car a quick once over and said I was lucky that he hadn't got a camera in his car to record the speed and let me go.


Back later

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