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  • RMweb Premium

On the 'Driving standards' thread I seem to have got the cyclists and car drivers agreeing with each other, over cycle lanes. 


As I'm a car driver and cyclist, I have no problem agreeing with myself.......


There is a plan for POOTWEG . [*]





[*] PO on time Wednesday evening golf

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all, and it's a sunny one here.

'fraid it has to be generic congrats and commiserations as I've been unable to join in a for a day or so....


More interviews and some online aptitude testing. Deep joy. 

One interesting thing about the verbal and numerical reasoning tests is that they are clearly intended to put the candidates under pressure to see which fold like a deck of cards.

In essence they can either be a "talking point" or a way of filtering out the bottom % of candidates. 


So, if they are looking for a talking point, then I'm ya man. 


Well, Mr B how did you find the tests? 

Well, if it was me presenting data to people online I'd use a font and colour scheme that didn't make folk reach for a magnifying glass and paracetamol. I now have a squint but hopefully this makes me look inscrutable in your eyes. 

Next, if a person working for me presented tabulated data in that format I'd send them on a report writing course. I assume you were trying to measure my irritation or tolerance levels...from a safe distance.  


And breath. 


Time to do some webby-page content drafting and consider the benefits of a lager as a lead up to the long Easter weekend. :drink_mini:  

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HUMP morning.


Another boring day yesterday, punctuated by the cable TV guy showing up to fix/activate the new remote I needed for the TV I'd move from the living room to the bedroom.


Long story short - FYI, I've paired MANY of these remotes with the cable box/TV over the years for us, MiL, both kids...the list goes on, so I AM familiar with the process <sigh>;

i) first remote I collected, refused to work, control light stayed ON after any button was pushed and would only reset after the batteries were removed/replaced. Off to store to exchange remote.

ii) exchanged remote didn't "work" but didn't suffer from same issue as above.

   Spent 45 minutes with incompetent brain dead technical support, their FIRST conclusion - bad remote, my answer BOLLOCKS, second conclusion - we need a technician on site, technician dispatched.

iii) Technician arrives, points remote at TV/cable box, pushes a couple of sequences of buttons, pairs remote with TV, about 3 minutes, JOB DONE!

   When asked how come after 45 minutes, phone support couldn't make it work -> "they don't know anything, they're just idiots" :O  :jester:


Tonight we're off to see "West Side Story" at the St. Paul Ordway Center. The ladies, Mrs and Jemma, love this show and its music and leapt at the chance to get tickets when it was announced here. It's had amazing reviews from both the press and friends, so we're looking forward to it - I'm more taxi driver than actual excited audience member, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it anyway :)

The only "problem" is figuring out how to prevent the two of them from singing along to EVERY SONG!!!! :jester:  :rtfm: Wish me luck!


5 and cloudy on the drive in, supposed to be 14 for a high, rain starting mid-afternoon and continuing overnight.


Enjoy the day.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Morning all,


Talking about misdirected members of the constabulary I think our local bunch can claim the prize. 


A few years ago now, whilst I was sitting in court, the police arrived at my home's front door with an arrest warrant for some-one other than me.

My wife asked for the address on the warrant and was told -- Alexandra Street. She pointed out to them that "this" address was -- Alexandra Road.

They then had the cheek to ask where Alexandra Street was and my wife declined to answer, telling them to buy a A to Z guide.

The following week I was in court again and I passed on the story to the chief clerk and he promised to cause "the maximum embarrassment" to the guilty parties.

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  • RMweb Premium

That was a response to Tony!


Thanks to Ian A I now have an earworm.  Our head of music at the Grammar Skool I attended was a West Side Story fanatic, ever opportunity to expose us to it was used. Tonight, tonight....

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh I see that garden railways are up for discussion again, I'll never get one, but have frequently ridden on this one.  If only...

And sorry, I don't know if he's doing any open days this year, but he's had a few years off, and I haven't seen him around for a while to ask.


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  • RMweb Premium

Oh H**L, I've just discovered a building I worked in, for it's orginal purpose, is one of these.


"This monument is scheduled under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979"


Am I that old? :beee:

The place were I spent most of my working life, the Dagenham Civic Centre is a Grade II* listed building. It was built c. 1935 in the Art Deco style. On one occassion it was used as a set for Poirot, the TV people taking over for about four days, to get about five minutes of broadcast time. What was amazing was how, in the days before CGI they disguised or hid more modern structures such as the 1960's tower block flats right in front of the building.

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A cracking day work wise. An early start followed by even more work coming in off the back of last night and I've even managed to get home early.


The only down side is the standard of driving that I witnessed. I'm considering having a sticker made up with 'A cockwomble driver detection device is fitted to this vehicle'.


A late afternoon/evening of catching up on RMweb world, washing and packing. As soon as I finish tomorrow I'm heading off to Deven for a couple of days before going to Swadlincote to help at the Gresley and Wychnor Easter Open Weekend.


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all, and it's a sunny one here.

'fraid it has to be generic congrats and commiserations as I've been unable to join in a for a day or so....


More interviews and some online aptitude testing. Deep joy. 

One interesting thing about the verbal and numerical reasoning tests is that they are clearly intended to put the candidates under pressure to see which fold like a deck of cards.

In essence they can either be a "talking point" or a way of filtering out the bottom % of candidates. 


So, if they are looking for a talking point, then I'm ya man. 


Well, Mr B how did you find the tests? 

Well, if it was me presenting data to people online I'd use a font and colour scheme that didn't make folk reach for a magnifying glass and paracetamol. I now have a squint but hopefully this makes me look inscrutable in your eyes. 

Next, if a person working for me presented tabulated data in that format I'd send them on a report writing course. I assume you were trying to measure my irritation or tolerance levels...from a safe distance.  


And breath. 


Time to do some webby-page content drafting and consider the benefits of a lager as a lead up to the long Easter weekend. :drink_mini:  


Seems like a sensible test to me. Will this person  put up with all the cr*p coming his way if he gets the job? :jester:  :nono:


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While the observers watch some concerning developments worldwide, here in la France profonde I yesterday saw a political poster. Some chap's mugshot - and his party Frexit! What the UK does today....

Frexit sounds like a brand of cheap Cava.


Hope the back sorts itself out before too long.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Not able to get on yesterday due to other tasks and pressures.  We did, however, manage to finish the decoration in the dining room, and get everything back in place. Huge job this morning, while 30747 went out to visit, and I was left with the steam cleaner to do the kitchen floor, which did need some attention, I must say that these machines are well worth the money, and make the job a lot quicker and less tiresome.


Geoff PMd me to say that Ed Cayton had passed away, something which I missed while I was absent.  I can only now express my cyber condolences to his friends and family.  And Ian - hope the back improves soon. 


Hopefully back at some stage tomorrow.

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Frexit sounds like a brand of cheap Cava.


I know the brand - used to be served in half bottles in the British Midland frequent flier's lounge at Heathrow.  Once cut with orange juice (or grapefruit juice) it actually made quite a nice early morning pick me up after a very early rise, and a fight with the M25 and the car parking arrangements.

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  • RMweb Gold

Our boiler is now installed as is the hot cylinder. The boiler is connected to the gas but not to its controller or even electricity. The header tank needs to go in too. We have hot water as the new cylinder has an immersion heater. It should be finished tomorrow. They are clearly about to start wiring things up.

Aditi is off out to her French group tonight. I aim to do nothing considering that I failed at computer stuff earlier and I am supposed to know what I am doing with that. I think I will watch something undemanding on the television.


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I know the brand - used to be served in half bottles in the British Midland frequent flier's lounge at Heathrow.  Once cut with orange juice (or grapefruit juice) it actually made quite a nice early morning pick me up after a very early rise, and a fight with the M25 and the car parking arrangements.

Yes, this one. For some reason the home page seems to consist mostly of smiling young ladies in backless dresses, conveniently outnumbering the token male model by three to one.


Mimosas made with Prosecco or Cava are nice with brunch.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, this one. For some reason the home page seems to consist mostly of smiling young ladies in backless dresses, conveniently outnumbering the token male model by three to one.


Mimosas made with Prosecco or Cava are nice with brunch.

Cava, or certainly Freixenet, is a bit of a step up from the sparkling Saumur Deb and I used to drink daily. The other relatively affordable sparkling wine that comes to mind is Kiwi - Lindauer. Others will nominate their favourites, I am sure!
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Cava, or certainly Freixenet, is a bit of a step up from the sparkling Saumur Deb and I used to drink daily. The other relatively affordable sparkling wine that comes to mind is Kiwi - Lindauer. Others will nominate their favourites, I am sure!

I was thinking "Frexit" sounded like a marketing play on the Freixenet brand to dress up an inferior alternative.

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Cava, or certainly Freixenet, is a bit of a step up from the sparkling Saumur Deb and I used to drink daily. ....


My alcohack partner is a big fan of Cava and Freixenet, having lived in Spain for about 20 years (she was married to a Catalan banker and dumped him when one of his ambitious financial gambles went very sour indeed). Her Will, "what I wrote", isn't necessarily notable for what she's leaving behind, but rather contains loads of in-jokes and hints at all sorts of goings-on which only become clear if you know the recent history of a certain public school...... and, yes, she was a senior cabin crew member with, er, BMi....



I was thinking "Frexit" sounded like a marketing play on the Freixenet brand to dress up an inferior alternative.


Freixenet is generally more palatable than some of the rubbish masquerading as "champagne".

Edited by Horsetan
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All the talk of bubbly wine reminded me of an ad that used to run in the UK, at least I think it did, but it's also possible I'm making it up. I've tried googling it, but that comes up blank. Anyway, the ad's catchline was,


"I'd love a pony."

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  • RMweb Gold

A couple of years ago we were awoken by police knocking rather heavily on the door at about 2am. The house was, until that point, in darkness and they were already heading back to their car when we eventually went down and opened the door.


"You haven't reported a crime have you?" they asked.


"This is 'they quoted my house number and street' isn't it?".


"Oh! It looks like we've got the wrong 'they quoted my house number and street again'. Sorry for disturbing you"


Being only half awake we just nodded and closed the door.


The only other 'my house number and street' in the force's area is some 35 miles away.

We never heard any more of it but perhaps should have made enquiries or complained.

Edited by BoD
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