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Alas Waitrose round here don't stock Yorkshire Gold leaf tea and Tesco have seemingly ceased to stock it.  So shortly there will be an expedition to the Savacentre at Calcot  (and if they've stopped stocking it an urgent message will be on its way to Starbeck)


I can't remember what she was looking for but on one occasion a sales assistant told Lorna, "There's no call for it madam." She let him know she was calling for it.

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Here we are then, as pictures of garden railways abound, it's fast approaching 9PM, temperature hovering around zero and in true Minnesota style, it's now SNOWING!

Heavy wet snow falling, maybe only 1/2 inch accumulation, but supposed to be heavy for the next 2 hours. Likely will disappear fast soon after sunrise, but, it's SNOW! :O  :jester:


Time for a nightcap I think :drink_mini:

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  • RMweb Premium

Snow end of last week, thunderstorms today.

Had second energy audit today. Had to provide a couple of bills to prove I'd actually bought the sealing stuff. We should get some sort of rebate in 90 days.


Local railway station "vandalized" on the weekend. Someone broke in and damaged the place, cut out a length of cable. Cable abandoned when they saw it was fibre optic, not copper.


I've given up on the sticky tags for backscenes; they're now being pinned to the wall.

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We've avoided flying with United Airlines since a very unsatisfactory "travel experience" in 2014, sometimes paying a bit more and/or taking a bit longer to go with other airlines. Finally, we booked to fly with them again next week - their schedule was significantly better than the alternatives. Then they go and do this!



Look like a bunch of wusses to me:




The left hander on the right has a nice big holster in the right position - but the gun looks like plastic and not in a good way like a Glock.


I’m certain you can take them on pH.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all. Still too dark to know what the weather is doing.


A day in the office awaits but at least I won't have to travel far before finding my bed tonight.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


I was pleased with the fodder run yesterday.  Despite having to ask an assistant where to find the spring onions I was in and out of Tesco in 15 minutes with £20 plus worth of groceries.  This shows the wisdom of going early.  The till generated a coupon for Yorkshire tea in bag form.  Does it not know that I use leaf tea?  Tut, tut.  The food is prepped for today's visit to Poorly Pal save for coating the salmon with flour.  This, I learned the first time I made the dish, is best not done too early.


The planned removal of weeds from the garden and the intended purchase of strawberry plants were both deferred.  The former fell victim to interruptions and sloth, the latter to the desire to rest after a convivial lunch with my friend.  One of the interruptions annoyed me more than the rest.  It was another recorded phone call from a firm named CMF who cannot take a hint and still wish to clean my oven.  I have tried pressing 5 to be removed from their list and I have tried pressing 1 to get them to call me back so that I might explain my feelings on the matter, in the process wasting their time as they have wasted mine.  Now I have dialled 1572 and blocked the number.  I hope.


Warm thoughts to those in distress



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Morning All,


It is rather dull this morning, with a slight nip in the air.


This afternoon, I have an appointment at the dentist - Oh joy!


Time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning Awl, 4.5 hours sleep in bed another hour on the sofa, woke up feeling very cold, went and checked the boiler , pushed the thermostat temp up a bit, boiler came on, answer me cold, not house....


Last night, sitting in the computer room (5ft by 3ft box room with window above the stairs). I looked out on the field. For some reason the farmer ploughed and seeded the central area a couple of weeks ago and now that is coming up green, the outer thirty feet he only finished at the weekend,  there were pigeons, pheasants, partridges, blackbirds, and numerous other small birds ensuring he won't get a full crop. 


The Coltishall road works signs were nearly all removed this morning, and in a big heap by the side of the road, I think someone got fed up with the company not coming back to retrieve them..


Yesterday I was running 5 equipments at once in the morning and this reduced to 3 by the time I finished. My boss says I'm only supposed to run one........

I'll have 4 to start with at first but that will rapidly reduce to 2.


I'm only in for a half day, after which I'll go home unload Harry's railway from the Landrover (I forgot over the weekend) and then go to Harry's Funeral...

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This morning is already shaping up to be better than yesterday as I'm not faced by catastrophically blocked drains. As it's early I'll not go into the full gory detail but I can inform that there were three separate blockages requiring attention along with extensive cleaning where some of the 'waste' had found an alternative route to the surface.


Like others I was shocked by the footage of United Airlines customer care in action. I would guess that booking the standby crew onto another airline's flight would have saved both reputation and money as I would also guess that the forcibly ejected doctor will have spoken/be speaking/will speak soon to legal representation. I would think and hope that United will be taken to the cleaners over this one.


The other piece of news which caught my eye was the shocking statistic that 900 carers quit the social care sector each day. I have an interest in this as I worked in the social care sector for almost twenty years prior to moving to Wales ten years ago. Even at that time demoralisation had set in with the way the system was being starved of resources which was reflected in very high levels of absence due to sickness. In many ways I'm amazed that the system has staggered on for so long; I imagine that the professionalism and character of the individual workers has carried it so far but there are limits and I guess that they've now been reached.

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Good morning from a bright village.  It's now nearly 48 hours since I was last told that I'd done something wrong.   Things are going well.   I got a lot of railway related things done yesterday and the LTHS AGM went well and I have got rid of another job as I am no longer Secretary.   The cats have been fed.  A few domestic chores need to be done then hopefully a day will be spent installing new relay bases in a control panel.   Not a bad prospect.  


The United Airlines saga is rumbling on.   The CEO is now blaming the customer.  They obviously haven't learnt from the saga of the damaged guitar that happened a few years ago. 




IIRC the share price went down 10% during that saga.


One other thing from yesterday.   I watched the footage of PC Keith Palmer's funeral and must have got some grit in my eye somehow.



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I've been in Yorkshire many times, but I've never noticed any tea plantations. Are they up on Ilkley Moor?

They are in a no go zone...just like the rhubarb triangle and the Pontefract cake trees...



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Morning to most, evening to Rick.


Lots of little things to do today including having smart meter fitted.

A parcel is hurtling towards me from Rotherham via dpd in the shape of a pull up banner for our show.


Enjoy your day everyone and Pete thanks for the stargazer link



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Morning all. The day has started with bright blue skies over London Bridge.


The leak under the kitchen sink was duly fixed again and a new kitchen tap fitted. And a new leak to the cold tap supply also fixed - it was discovered after they had drunk a cup of tea. or coffee.


I don't drink tea at all but Mrs Lurker will drink some Waitrose decaf stuff. She has full fat tea in for visitors.


Younger Lurker just loves supercars at the moment. Mrs Lurker is taking him into town to see if they can spot some as Sidcup just doesn't seem to proliferate in them in the way Younger Lurker feels it should. We figured around Harrods and then a walk up Park Lane should allow him the chance to spot a few. And there's an Aston Martin showroom on Park Lane to look in too; Mrs Lurker says she will ask if they can go in and look round, but she doesn't hold out too much hope as much to Young Lurker's disappointment we don't have a spare hundred grand to buy one.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Pleasant sunny day here.

Hopefully our central heating people will have the boiler today. They were quietly confident that their wholesaler was telling the truth about a delivery from Germany!

Anyway Aditi didn't complain about the cold shower.

Robbie was exhausted last night after his day of looking cute for the plumbers!

Younger Lurker woukd have enjoyed car spotting on the Waitrose in Leigh on Sea roof car park last Sunday.

Have a good day all.


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Family arrived later than expected yesterday, but safely, from Belgium. Supplies of Belgian beer, Senseo coffee, non brewed white vinegar (essential for many things) and crafting books, magazines and crafting supplies for Mrs LE were received.


Never mind about those, what about the Leonidas chocolates?

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Tea is grown in the UK, in Cornwall and Scotland and although I buy my tea from Scotland it is not Scottish grown tea. Churchill when he became prime minister in 1940 had the possibility of home grown tea investigated but as the bushes take five years before they are ready to produce the idea was dropped. Now off to enjoy my second mug of tea, made properly in a teapot with leaf tea, be back later.

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Good morning everyone


It's a dull start to the day, but then I've not a lot planned. Sheila has gone for her monthly manicure after that the plan is to go to Boundry Mill in Colne for a bit of retail therapy.


I'm just off to the workshop for a few minutes.


Back later.

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Please stop posting garden railway pictures.......


I have no need for a garden railway.


Must resist..... must resist.......


Resistance is futile.....................









Maybe next year.





Garden railway pictures?  Oh, what have I done wrong?, I thought they were just pictures of the garden coming into full bloom :scratchhead: .......



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At BSW01 towers, Sheila drinks coffee, I don't touch the stuff.

Whereas I drink tea and Sheila doesn't touch that.

So we are both happy!

Edited by BSW01
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