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  • RMweb Premium

Phil, is there still a steel flyover where the A12 splits off at Harold Wood? I cannot remember the name of the roundabout.....


Best, Pete.

Yes there is, at Gallows corner, a temporary structure when it was erected over 40 years ago. There's been several photos on the Essex history groups on Facebook that I manage. The road junction I'm talking about is where the A13 meets the A130 about 15 miles from there.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all, been busy this afternoon getting car insurance premium quotations and was somewhat surprised to get a quote from Lloyds Bank (which was one of the better quotes) which covered to a car that I had purchased in 2005 and part-exchanged five years later.


All I did, as with all the other quotes, was to enter to enter the car registration number in the online form and the system did the rest. Did not spot what had been done at first as the make of car has not changed - just the model number. It only came to light when I phoned Lloyds with a query and the operator confirmed the details of the car to be insured. After sorting the details of the current car the premium rose by about £25. 


The reason for this odd happening goes back to 2006 when I was caring for my late Mum who was suffering from dementia. It had been a bad day and as I was closing down my email an advert from DVLA appeared offering personal number plates based on current number plates. Typed in my initials and up came a GB05 plate for £800 which I thought was a silly price maybe because GB could be taken to be Great Britain.


Did a further search and came up with an MB05 plate at half the price which surprised me as MB obviously relates to Mercedes Benz so would have thought the price would be closer or more than the GB05 plate.


Anyway decided not to proceed at that point and closed down the PC....... but did not stop thinking about it. Went back on the DVLA website a few days later and the MB05 plate was still there so thought I would treat myself - at that time looking after Mum by myself I wasn't getting any treats so what the hell, I thought its about time a got myself a treat. Looking at it from another perspective, its something special which will last as long as I have a car and will remind me of the difficult times I had looking after Mum. It also reminds me that 2005 was the first time I purchased a decent car albeit only an A-Class - having had a Suzuki Wagon R+ for 6 years after I returned from Japan.


Anyway, enough rambling. Still can't understand what database Lloyds Bank used to arrive at my car details. All the other quotes gave the correct car details for the registration plate quoted. The operator at Lloyds could not understand it either...... Weird.



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Yes there is, at Gallows corner, a temporary structure when it was erected over 40 years ago. There's been several photos on the Essex history groups on Facebook that I manage. The road junction I'm talking about is where the A13 meets the A130 about 15 miles from there.

How could I forget Gallows Corner!!!!!! I used to go to a school in Brentwood which was on Hanging Hill Lane - St. Martin's.....


Thanks, mate, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Phil, is there still a steel flyover where the A12 splits off at Harold Wood? I cannot remember the name of the roundabout.....

Best, Pete.




Not fun I recall on a motor bike.

Army and Navy in Chelmsford still has its flyover.

Duplicate info. Phil can type faster than I can!

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

trip to Littleborough for the Rochdale show... nice little show but, once off the M62 the roads were very busy with a very high cockwomble count. Going home was going well until a junior racer in a Merc tried to cut across the traffic at the Armley gyratory. He was doing well until he came across the UPS van who made sure that he had to have another trip around the gyratory. Good!


Some parcels to pack tomorrow then preparations for our stay in Robin Hoods Bay need to be started.


Sleep well everyone



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  • RMweb Gold

No holes in brackets have been drilled today. I did drill some in wood, and even a PCB or 2 :)  Being blessed with a (fair?) bit more technical insight then some regulars no body parts were harmed and thus no red fluids was spilled :yahoo:  The PCB's drilled have also been cut (it once was one) then equipped with a pair of blank wires to act as distributors for the DC power that will be used by the electronics controlling the loops. These are primarily for the Hall-sensors, detecting a passing magnet, i.e. train, over it. Both PCB's also have leads attached, so they can reach the soldering support PCB where the power comes from (from the other half of the loop module).


Originally, I considered using discrete electronic parts (IC's) for controlling the entire loop. I already had the schematic worked out for a single-track loop* as interim before expanding the system to include the 2nd track. And I'd build a core section as prototype, which I'm happy to report, now works as envisioned. That is, after I added a forgotten wire :P  Regrettably I had to disconnect a relay, as the theory and practice didn't match. I'll have to rethink the diagram and adjust as required. Having said that, thoughts have now turned to using a microcontroller as brains for the loops. Initially an Arduino Pro Mini was selected, but as these only have 14 I/O pins, I'd be a considerable amount short, so a Due is now on the cards. It not only has considerable amounts of I/O pins more (54 against 14) it also has a much faster processor and lots and lots more memory for the code :) Pity the Due runs on only 3.3V, while the rest of the electronics will be running on 5, 12 and even 18V DC. It means a lot of electronics glue will be required :rolleyes:


*although in principle fairly simple, it needs to be integrated with our communication protocol/hardware, which is partly where theory and practice have a strong difference of opinion :mad:  I may solve the issue by switching to NPN instead of PNP transistors though :dontknow:  Oh, whatever, here's the diagram: attachicon.gifkeerlus_temp.pdf It needs altering, as explained above. Comms on the left, the switches on the right substitute for the Hall sensors, the L293 is point motor control. Aaaaaaand I just noted a massive error: there's only one point motor for this diagram, so both halves of that chip need to be merged in some way :rolleyes:  Dang! :angry: :punish:

Yes, I agree entirely.

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Evening all. I hope that you have all been able to enjoy the sunshine. We have certainly made the most of it. I spent much of the afternoon in the garden. More of the flower beds have been prepared with a few plants added and the garden railway has been extended by a few more track sections. I also dug out the dead grass around the shed and then pegged down the anti weed sheeting. We are going to cover this area with decorative stone so that it is low maintenance. The garden railway may extend around this area, although the current plan is for it to run across the front of the shed.

Looking out the window tonight I can feel some satisfaction. Although I have not touched the school work yet, I have ticked off some of the long standing jobs around the house. Tomorrow I hope to sort out the spare bedroom and maybe start on the school work. As regards the jobs - I currently have two applications in and I am waiting to see if I get any response from either of them. One does not have an interview date until next month so there is time yet. The other has not listed an interview date yet, so I am unsure how long to leave it until I count it as a fail. I reckon that one may have shortlisted towards the end of last week so letters would arrive early in the coming week. If nothing by Tuesday I will be less optimistic.

My third job option has a closing date of a week on Friday. This is at Amber's school. I have started the application and will complete during the next two weeks.


Sleep well.

Edited by andyram
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  • RMweb Gold

Some very pleasant countryside round there Mike. Just a bit too much traffic these days.



Yes Don - the Hambleden Valley was quite busy, especially at the lower end near the river and in Skirmett and Fingest where there were loads of parked cars which probably belonged to 'eaters out' at the pubs.  Well known filming location as well of course featuring in 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' as well as more recent tv stuff such as the Midsomer Murders series so that probably helps attract visitors as well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Congrats, commiserations and best wishes as required.

LE - Happy Anniversary.


A long but enjoyable day out yesterday to Sheffield to watch four games of ice hockey with NB Junior.


Slightly aching back and knees from spending over 10 hours sat in a plastic chair, but nothing that a couple of paracetamol and a nightcap wouldn't cure.


Two teams to support - the North 1 Blackburn Hawks and North 2 Blackburn Eagles.


The Hawks weren't favourites for this year, but put in a spirited performance against the Billingham Stars in the semi-final. A few weeks ago, they were looking at relegation, never mind finishing 3rd and making the end of season playoffs.

However, the runaway North Division 2 league winners, the Blackburn Eagles - in their last match before being disbanded (and that's a whole new story) - had been promising to go out on a high, but they just didn't seem up for it and lost to a well drilled 4th placed Sheffield Senators.


In some respects, I was quite relieved, as I wasn't able to go to the finals day on Sunday, so would have had no team to cheer on.


That's it for ice hockey until September, but there is the chance of catching some Stanley Cup action on the TV in North America in a few weeks.


Sunday - at work and it's usually a good catch up day as the phone doesn't ring too much for technical help. Lots of little fiddly jobs caught up with. Pity about the Sunday drivers out in force though to make it slow going to and from work.


The evening was spent in the shed, out of the way doing some modelling whilst being distracted by The Masters golf. Although I play quite regularly, I don't make too much effort to watch it on TV, but The Masters is always one tournament I will try to see. Especially more so with two of my favourite players contesting the lead on the final day and that I passed the gates to the course a few months ago.

Well done Sergio - about time that you won one of the big ones.


York show over the Easter weekend coming up and I will be there for all three days, work Saturday and possibly Monday, playing trains Sunday and possibly Monday, depending on the work requirement. Come and say hello if you can make it.


Have a good week folks.




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  • RMweb Gold

Well I've been sat in A+E since 11:00 last night after pulling my back while up at the caravan in Cumbria, made it back to crewe on the train in agony but admitted defeat and went to the hospital, ive got an appointment with the GP tomorrow about something else so was hoping to hold out and see her about this too but the pain was too much to bear


Had a blood sample but the doc could only find the kids bandages, I've been a brave boy!!



Gonna be a few hours before the results come back so I've had to call in sick as I won't be fit for work tomorrow, no rest, gutted, first time off in years and it was due to be 37s to peak forest

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Belated congrats to LE having read the account of The Day you also deserve some sort of Certificate of Merit.


Awaiting the arrival of friends and pies, various, to commence assault on the furniture-shifting.  More hands have volunteered themselves at the last minute which will mean more pies are required and the task will be that much easier to accomplish.


Foul night last night.  High winds, driving rain, cold.  Not a night to be out in the open even for double-time.  But that was my final late turn.  All the rest are mids.  


Uber seem to operate in a grey area where there is no legislation in most places.  A case of the law not having kept up with technology.  They have a reasonable reputation in Melbourne and London it seems though there is little or no come-back in the event of any incident.  You ride at your own risk in someone's private car which is not licensed to carry fare-paying passengers.  That's why you pay through the app - the driver is not permitted to accept payment directly.  They quote for trips in many areas though they don't guarantee to have a driver there.  In some more rural areas it is know that licensed taxi drivers also operate as Uber drivers.  I know of two who have a meter in the car, will also accept private hire jobs at fixed rates and if neither of those is offering work right now they also drive for Uber.  In country areas where work is a little thin on the ground you take what you can get.


Moan-day greetings to all.  

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Yesterday we wen to see my sister participate in the Scugog Choral Society's 40th anniversary show. Had dinner with sister and her #2 son and his latest. After drive 180km back, I skipped ER.

Small railway work - trying to get backscenes presentable. Was trying to cut 1/4" gap in bits of baseboard right at the wall.

Tomorrow we have a return visit from energy audit to see if I've improved the sealing of the house.

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Morning all. Another Monday and yet another ER before the sun makes an appearance.


Cannock today which I'm not looking forward to. But first, another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Back in harness.


Back at the desk.


Back from a weekend operating "Vopak" aka "Windmill Terminal" at a very enjoyable west country show (do your own research, find out what you missed !), with many 'RMwebbers' on hand to distract us.


Thanks to Geoff Endacott, and team.

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