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  • RMweb Gold

Nobody listens to experts any more. They don't tell the listener what they want to hear so must be wrong.


Nuff said



A lot of truth in that Baz but there is also the definition of an expert as someone who knows enough about a subject to argue with any other expert on the subject. Sadly experts arguing over pedantic points haven't helped.


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  • RMweb Gold

First outdoor cricket match of the season umpired. A friendly match but a reminder to my body of long hours in the field. No troubles in the game so this malarky with redand yellow cards looks more OTT.


Seems to be a misguided attempt to keep up with those other people who play with round balls.

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  • RMweb Gold

Can probably be summed up as "Ah sure ye'll be grand."

After 3 months in Cork that seemed to be Matthew's attitude to most things. What 3 years in whatever place in Ireland he ends up in hopefully could change him for ever. He has rejected one offer to apply to Trinity in Dublin as they wanted him to do a pre PhD conversion year. Not for anything religious, just to upgrade him from human geographer to sociologist.


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  • RMweb Gold

We had a nice dinner. Not quite leftovers, but all that wouldn't fit into freezer containers. We didn't have any naan so had rice. Robbie seemed reluctant to eat his dinner until we sprinkled some rice on it. It then disappeared rapidly.


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As a qualified cricket scorer, the last match I also umpired was an inter-departmental game where I knew the humour levels of the players; I, at square leg  and running the scorebook, gave the guy 'out' (it was a questionable run out) on the basis that he'd scored more than his quota of runs and let someone else have a go! There was no argument!

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Shame your client's will didn't just say that.

For all the (lack of) clues he left behind, I'm beginning to think he effectively said that.


After 3 months in Cork that seemed to be Matthew's attitude to most things.

It's a Cork thing. You wouldn't understand.


What 3 years in whatever place in Ireland he ends up in hopefully could change him for ever....

Not only that, but I think it's a fair bet he'll come back with an accent which might stay with him for years after. Ireland can do that to you

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Premium

Another quiet evening with good company and a bottle of red.


LE. Congratulations to you both and many more of them. Spookily, I read your post at 22:53! What's that all about.


Goodnight all

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Tree stump update.

I suspect it will now become a feature! 


A magazine article I read recently, on encouraging wildlife in one's garden, suggested leaving a tree stump in situ as it would rot and provide a breeding ground for stag beetles. Do take photos if you're successful in rearing these fascinating creatures.

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Good morning one and all


After the third 4 am uprising in as many weeks I went to Trainwest at Corsham yesterday.  The outward run was via Burford where there is one of my favourite Little Chefs.  On a long day a good breakfast is essential.  The rolling mist in the Cotswolds did not seem to deter the idiot drivers whose ability to see over hills and round corners never ceases to amaze me.  Some even appear scornful of those who observe the speed limit.  May they flourish.  The return run was via the M4 and the same A420 where a collision between a deer and my car back in January did neither much good.  I think and hope that that particular demon is now driven out.  My day was enhanced by good company and a massive cube of bread pudding.  All model railway exhibitions should serve bread pudding, if only to remind some of the virtues of craftsmanship.


While I ponder the conundrum of whether to buy potatoes today or have something different for lunch, warm thoughts to all in distress.  Top of the list today must be Ed's family.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. No1 son's birthday today, another year into the teenage black hole. He was up before 6 looking for birthday presents!


I was originally going with Black Country Blues to Trainwest this weekend but the reason why the date seemed familiar finally became apparent. Going away for the weekend to do trains wouldn't have won me dad of the year... What we do for our children ;-p

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

A sunny start to today. The porch door to fit today (assuming my brickwork is accurate) followed by the wall plates which should keep me busy. Dogs to walk first, breakfast being consumed as I type.


Enjoy your day



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up at sparrow-fart this morning as I have to deliver one of our elderly members (89 years old) and his train simulator to the exhibition at the Canvey transport museum. Then I will have to go and collect a very important parcel, my supply of tea for the next couple of months. Apart from the parcel collection I should be at the exhibition for most of the day. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. LE on your anniversary and any other C & C's were required, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny morning here. No pains from my umpiring yesterday,


A bit of gardening before a trip to Rochdale.


Congratulations to Mr & Mrs LE.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a bright and sunny village. Congratulations to Mr & Mrs LE.

Yesterday I managed to achieve a major milestone. I completely emptied and then dismantled one set of shelves in my modelling room. I even got the racking supports off the wall. 7 more boxes of books are in the car en route to the container and today I may start excavating the pile that was under the bottom shelf. If I'm lucky I may find the entrance to the black hole that has all the little pieces from kits that have fallen into it over the years.   I will try my best not to fall down the said hole if I discover the entrance.  After that went out for a meal with the outlaws.   Step mum in law seems to have recovered remarkably well from her heart attack and we enjoyed a very nice meal.


Today the Boss is setting off for a week's whilst holiday in St Annes, with a friend.  All sorts of things have been planned for the coming week as a result, some of them might even be related to model railways.   It's just a pity that she didn't won the 2nd prize that would have been a fortnight.


Regards to all.



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Morning all. Late on parade due to not setting the alarm but I feel that I needed the sleep.


A bright sunny morning but lots to do. But first, another coffee.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

A nice bright start to the day, I was up at 0700 and the Obergrumpenfuhrer is still carrying out her Egyptian PT routine.


I have offered to take her out today, but I'm not sure whether she'd prefer a day around the house and in the garden.


Yesterday was mainly spent outside, with a little bit of hot train action on the garden line both before and after lunch.


A loco that was not up to it's usual running quality was given a good thrashing with various implements from my toolbox, after which it decided that behaving itself was the far easier option.


It will be back in the workshop later in the week as the pressure gauge needs to have a red line painted on at the working pressure.


Should I remain at home then I do have a list of woodworking tasks outstanding.  None of which are railway related........ They are tomorrow's task for the OFMG.  (Just two of us tomorrow evening, so the work output will high).

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