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  • RMweb Gold

Turtles (the chocolate ones) are alive and well in North America.


As is often the case with confectionery and corporate mergers and acquisitions the product and the company that makes them is subject to change. 


In Canada, the "Turtles' brand is apparently made under a Nestlé label.  I'm sure our Canadian friends can confirm whether these are readily available.



Not the packaging I remember but the 'plain' ones certainly look like the critters I was talking about.

Further research and I can purchase same for about £10 - with about £30 p&p.

It might be worth that p&p just to see my 90 year old mam's face when she sees them again.

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  • RMweb Gold


Not the packaging I remember but the 'plain' ones certainly look like the critters I was talking about.

Further research and I can purchase same for about £10 - with about £30 p&p.

It might be worth that p&p just to see my 90 year old mam's face when she sees them again.



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In Canada, the "Turtles' brand is apparently made under a Nestlé label.  I'm sure our Canadian friends can confirm whether these are readily available.

Yes, they're easy to find. Just to tie this back to another recent discussion on here, we use a Turtles box to collect tax receipts, tax statements etc, through the year for use at tax time. (Shoeboxes are so passe!)

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An excellent day until my journey home from Northampton. Hold ups on the M25 until junction 10 followed by an accident in the outside lane near junction 9.


Once I'd seen the arrows advising that the outer two lanes were closed I moved into lane 2 only to be nearly taken out by a Romanian truck whose driver thought that his phone was more important than the road and traffic in front of him.

TheQ - Maybe you could make a fortune selling 'Rat on a stick'. :jester:  Seriously though, a problem that is not needed.


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

This morning I visited the dentists to have a tooth removed. No need for sympathy as it was a/ swift and painless and b/ has contributed in its own small way to the ongoing weight loss program; I'll take any advantage I can get. Mrs R has been remarkably sympathetic insisting that I should be on light duties for the day, another win I think.


Was amused to see that the toad faced dork continues to make a complete @r$e of himself. Can't help but think that if the EU were really like the Mafia they'd have rubbed him out some time ago.

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Good news for walkers in Scotland - it's ok to go for a walk in the country and have a pee if you're caught short. A retired female social worker was out walking along the dunes near 45's new course in Aberdeenshire when she was caught short. She found a convenient dune, hunkered down and peed. However, people from the course filmed her and tried to prosecte. Their bid failed, but neither did the woman succeed in obtaining damages. The filmers were told that filming anyone urinating in similar circumstances may lead to prosecution as voyeurs.


The irony is that the male employees and golfers are getting away with whizzing all over the place.

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Interesting day.


Suffering from an attack of gout (top of both feet) and feeling rough (think that's the medication). Hopeful that it will be gone tomorrow (see below). Arthritis is not good at the moment.

Started slow release Metformin. So far so good. No 'splosions.


Bought a Revitive circulation booster for Julie, who has been having leg pains and mobility problems. Essentially it's a programmed electric shock provider through the feet or via a small pad.


  • Reduce pain in legs and feet
  • Reduce swollen feet and ankles
  • Alleviate tired aching heavy feeling feet and legs
  • Actively improve circulation
  • Suitable for those with poorer circulation or limited mobility

Recommended for diabetics, and you can reclaim the VAT if you are.

She's used it twice and reckons she's already feeling an improvement. I've used it and I think my feet are more sensitive. It's an odd thing to use, you sit for 30 minutes with your bare feet on a couple of pads whilst it sends programmed electrical pulses up your legs. It's a bit tingly, not unpleasant, and feels like having a tic. I think it may actually work.


Julie also found the loco I've been working on and lost. It was on a shelf about two feet from my head...


Off tomorrow to see Oldest Pal for lunch. He's the one who had bladder cancer at the back end of last year and had his bladder removed. He's been pretty unwell and responded by refusing to see anyone, so this is a big, welcome step. It will be emotional. Looking forward to it massively.


And Barry Manilow has come out as gay - who knew?

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This morning's chat did have a mention of how we pronounce words. Matthew commented that I pronounce "all the letters" whereas he still has a slight tendency to pronounce "th" as "f". He noted that I pronounce both "g"s in words like singing. Matthew was amused that we had given him a name that a lot of people in South Essex can't pronounce. I said his Mum had considered Alexander but her Dad had said it was too long and the child might have difficulty spelling the name if he were stupid!

Younger Lurker had speech and language therapy as part of the interventions in his autism; in fact it is getting an SLT for him that led to us coming to some kind of understanding of why he was so unsettled; we were very concerned that at the time he was non verbal. Roll forward a few tears and the last session he had with Bexley SLT led to us being told that they didn't consider the substitution of f for th here as an SLT issue because it was local dialect. same as dropping aitches in cockney
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OK, so I may have been slightly economical with the truth, but no more so than any self-respecting politician. The 91 pages of tax return of which I spoke also included some bumf from the accountant which, strictly speaking, isn't part of the actual return, but it's not much.


Here are the forms that go into the actual return:




Mind you, it could be worse. When I lived in New Jersey I worked in Manhattan for a while and I had to file four income tax returns.



New Jersey State

New York State

New York City


We made a loss when we sold the house in NJ so I subsequently reported a capital loss to the IRS. Fortunately I discovered YOU CAN'T DO THAT and filed an amended return before the IRS came after me.


Then there was the time the IRS actually did come after me for, IIRC, $45,000. I had rolled over a tax deferred account but the IRS got the impression I had cashed it in. It took several letters from our tax accountant to convince the IRS they were FOS. The last one did the trick when he told them we would be more than happy to see them in tax court and make them look like a bunch of idiots.


These are just some of the reasons I think the accountant earns every penny :)


I climbed a mountain yesterday. Several times actually, but then I was on a chairlift. Skis are parked now till next season.

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Checking in and not time for a full catch up but best wishes to smiffy hoping the gout attack passed swiftly.


Today was day 1 of the boiler/central heating work. Apparently they have achieved what they wanted to zany there don't appear to have been too many disasters although we did have water through the kitchen ceiling again.


They removed the boiler some tanks 4 radiators and a lot of superfluous pipe work. It didn't take long for the scrap vultures to find us although they did at least ask!


The central heating guys have also fitted a new water softener and a new switch to allow us to shut off the water without having to go into the street. Tomorrow's progress will allow me to make a diecision as to whether Mrs Lurker comes back on Friday as planned or delays the return. Currently I have no hot water or heating and no gas to the cooker.


Have a good evening all and a good day Rick

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Turtles (the chocolate ones) are alive and well in North America.


As is often the case with confectionery and corporate mergers and acquisitions the product and the company that makes them is subject to change. 


In Canada, the "Turtles' brand is apparently made under a Nestlé label.  I'm sure our Canadian friends can confirm whether these are readily available.

Love Turtles. MiL sent a box in our last care package. (Along with a litre bottle of an amazing cherry porter). The late lamented Canada shop in Covent Garden used to stock them.
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well I managed to find all 3 customers today, however I was unable to get the information for the last site, so I'm going to try again tomorrow.


When I got home, I booked my car in for a service. I also booked a couple of test drives for when I'm off work next week, as I will need to buy a car when I finish work in July, as I currently drive a company car.


Time for bed now, goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Younger Lurker had speech and language therapy as part of the interventions in his autism; in fact it is getting an SLT for him that led to us coming to some kind of understanding of why he was so unsettled; we were very concerned that at the time he was non verbal. Roll forward a few tears and the last session he had with Bexley SLT led to us being told that they didn't consider the substitution of f for th here as an SLT issue because it was local dialect. same as dropping aitches in cockney

Matthew was offered speech therapy at one stage but he was having so many other sessions to help with his dyspraxia we didn't want to burden him with more. And as you say who is going to notice f for th substitution round here.
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Evening all. I hope today finds you well. Quite a late check in so apologies if I have missed anything of importance. Generic congrats and commiserations as appropriate.

The tiredness I referred to in previous posts caused another case of sleeping through the alarm this morning. An hour over this time meant a rush in the morning. I never really caught up during the morning and spent much of my afternoon non-contact time catching up on marking and preparing for this evening's parents evening. That went quite well although two of the last three appointments ran well over so I was later than expected home.

More marking this evening and now almost ready for bed. Just two more days to negotiate.


Night all.

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  • RMweb Gold

I was very surprised to read about Barry Manilow. Somehow I thought he had died some years ago. I don't know why I thought that, perhaps I got him muddled up with someone else.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land - to those who are still up that is.


Had a quick run through recent posts.  As it takes rather long to add ratings, here are a few below (as appropriate) instead:

:mosking: :cry: :yes:   :good:  :tender:  :laugh: 



Another  busy day in the office modelling room.  Bangor diorama progressing dramatically, if a little slow at times.


Trees made and planted.  I was surprised to find out how much more flexible sea moss is than I thought.  Select approximate shape and size required, a snip here, a bit glued on there, a  touch of hairspray and it all worked a treat. Amazing stuff.


Then comes more time-consuming stuff - the green on which the WWI  tank stands.  The previous (warped) plasticard base with path was removed from the original baseboard and ditched.  After pondering redoing it all over again, drawing all the paving slabs in perspective,painting and weathering,  I dug out the plasticard from the left over bits pile, cut off the path, flattened it out, and stuck it down on the new baseboard.  Good as new!  That was worth doing!


The green has a couple of paths running across it - strips of card cut to size, sanded to give a matt texture, and given a sepia wash.


The cement bases for the tank needed to be raised with another layer of card - got those to finish off tomorrow.  Once they are weathered and stuck down, I can start putting down the grass. 


But for now, it is goodnight and nos da.

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