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Morning All,


Glad the various heating problems are fixed. My heating is working fine, but I have just been hit with a massive gas bill :angry:. Still, that's my fault for underestimating - I spent a couple of hours last night going through the paperwork and trying to find out where I made my mistake!


Around here, we have a few centimeters of snow - but nothing dramatic. The traffic is all moving.


Yesterday afternoon was rather interesting. There was what I could only describe as a "blizzard", it produced an almost complete white out while I was on the Autobahn. Predictably, everyone seemed to forget how to drive :blink:.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,


Glad the various heating problems are fixed. My heating is working fine, but I have just been hit with a massive gas bill :angry:. Still, that's my fault for underestimating - I spent a couple of hours last night going through the paperwork and trying to find out where I made my mistake!


Around here, we have a few centimeters of snow - but nothing dramatic. The traffic is all moving.


Yesterday afternoon was rather interesting. There was what I could only describe as a "blizzard", it produced an almost complete white out while I was on the Autobahn. Predictably, everyone seemed to forget how to drive :blink:.


Have a good day everyone...




Our gas/electricity estimate was in our favour so I got a credit for the most recent bill.


In past trips to Germany while I thought most driving on the autobahns was good I did notice a tendency not to slow down when it was pouring with rain. Is it the same with other inclement weather?

Yesterday was the first time I've driven the car I purchased in May in freezing conditions. I got a new "chiming" sound and a new symbol on the instrument panel informing me that it was frosty. I suppose this is for people who haven't walked to the car.





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Robert, it depends on what the local definition of a "blizzard" really is. In the 'States I believe it is constant 45 mph winds for at least a two hour period during a snow storm. That's pretty nasty because it would mean wind gusts up to 60mph. Most photos I've seen of the snow in England is what they would call a "dusting" over here - but of course they have all the right gear here and realize that it does come every year....


Another weird definition I've heard here is "Snow Snakes" - when it is very cold and dry and the snow doesn't stick (in the wind) it looks like snakes crossing the road.


I can't remember a year when we never had snow, kind of strange considering I'm on the same latitude as Rome.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

In past trips to Germany while I thought most driving on the autobahns was good I did notice a tendency not to slow down when it was pouring with rain. Is it the same with other inclement weather?


Just one word: Yes.

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  • RMweb Premium

It always surprised me as German drivers seemed so sensible otherwise.


I could imagine your judgment would be different if you were living over here for a longer period of time, I'm afraid :( . Just consider motorists overtaking each other in a 30 kph zone within city limits. However, I once witnessed one car being caught by a speed camera after this kind of manoeuvre, which was very amusing :D .

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  • RMweb Gold

I could imagine your judgment would be different if you were living over here for a longer period of time, I'm afraid :( . ...


Perhaps I should have said sensible in comparison to East London / South Essex!!




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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Finally managed to get the new TV and DVD/VHS recorder installed and working - took longer to disentangle the old equipment - stand alone DVD player, and VHS which had managed to tie themselves up in the other cables for the Broadband router, and the BT Vision box, and I wanted to get everything working without unplugging them as I don't like having to reboot these unless I have to. I've no idea how all the SCART leads, coax leads, mains cables, and data cables managed to tie themselves together but they were a right cat's cradle. Setting all the new kit up was simple - it's amazing how little actual work was needed, as everythingset itself up tuned and found all the channels, then when I set up the HDMI cables, the TV adjusted itself to the correct settings for the various boxes - amazing. I had expected about three hours with the remotes in one hand, and the user guide in the other. But then, just as I was getting the laptop out to say g'day to you, Mrs 45156 produced a request to get the car out to shuttle her to a Christmas Fair - I took a paper, and a CD and sat in the car park and just got home!


Very cold and frosty this morning, and a tiny tiny covering of the white stuff, but nothing that could be described as disruptive - but when I went to the paper shop, I was disgusted to see that one of the red tops was taking the worst of all the weather reports that are out there, and adding them together, to give a typical tabloid scare story which will ensure panic amoung the populace.


Gordon - pleased to hear that your boiler is back working again - there's nothing worse than a hope of 25O and nothing coming from the radiators. Here, the woodburner is just fired up, but is playing up as the wind is out of the East - the direction that our chimney likes least (there's virtually no draw - a westerly wind results in a lovely roaring burn - must get the cowl seen to next year when the sweep comes).


Happy weekend to those who can get out to enjoy it, and happy exhibition days to those showing or attending.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Just back from an early evening stroll There is something quite exhilarating about a walk in the snow when it is deep and crisp and even.


Returning home late in the afternoon, I was driving along a road through a section of forest. It was a marvellous sight, seeing the powdered trees under the dusky and cloudy sky :) .

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  • RMweb Gold

Returning home late in the afternoon, I was driving along a road through a section of forest. It was a marvellous sight, seeing the powdered trees under the dusky and cloudy sky :) .


There must have been something about the weather today. Robbie ran around the park in total "daft spaniel" mode. I had to make a choice of route today for his walk either park (he would probably go for a paddle) or nearby fields (strong possibility of rolling in fox poo). As we are having the neighbours round this evening I decided on the park. Robbie didn't even jump in a stream today. I think he knows that we will be having guests as he has been thoroughly brushed tonight!






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Evening All,


I have just come back from a Thanksgiving dinner with some friends of mine. There is a high probability that I might burst at any moment - I can't remember the last time that I ate so much :wacko:


On the subject of blizzards - well, what we had yesterday probably wasn't a blizzard in the true sense of the word. However, it was high winds, and enough snowfall to make visibility extremely limited.


As Dominik said, German drivers can be just as bad as British ones! You get those who drive much too fast in the snow, and those who drive much too slowly. Now, I admit that you should only drive at the speed that you feel safe with - but when that's 40kph on the Autobahn (as I saw yesterday afternoon) then you have to ask just how safe that is. The roads weren't icy, and the right hand lane was almost completely clear of snow. I was doing around 90kph (as was most of the other traffic) which with a good pair of Winter tyres was no problem at all.


On the subject of Winter tyres - the law requiring Winter tyres was passed yesterday. That means that Winter tyres will be a requirement in Germany from next week when the roads are icy, snowy, and mud/ slush covered. All weather tyres are also allowed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Just below zero outside and just slowly getting light. GF has a Sunday shift today, so I'll need to take her to the station later on. I will probably spend the day with some of my work and a bit of reading for one of my courses.


Have a good Sunday everyone! :)

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Morning All,


The temperature is hovering around 0°C here this morning. There is still a bit of snow around, but not a lot.


It looks to be a rather grey day - but the forecast for today seems to suggest that the sun might come out a bit later on. There's more snow forecast for tomorrow.


Have a good day everyone...

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We have about a foot of the white stuff now, when I first looked out of the window I thought that the car had been nicked due to the amount of snow on it



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, No snow (thankfully) but the car thermometer says -4 degrees C and I am inclined to believe it. Better go and turn the heating on in the shed then retreat back to the house for another cup of coffee until it warms up down there.


Have a good one all.




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