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A good day as far as work goes and even managed to get home just after 17:00. The only cockwomble encountered was an elderly female doing 55 in the third lane of a clear 4 lane motorway.


An extended eyelid inspection was carried out on my return which was passed with flying colours.


Brian mentioned the miles driven this week, so I looked mine up. Over 1500 miles since Monday morning. No wonder I feel shattered.


A quick peruse around the RMweb world then some packing. I'm off to the Midlands until Wednesday evening after I finish work tomorrow.


Back later

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This 'ere is what we call a lawnmower.




The hydraulics for the log splitter seem to work. Settle down at the back!





Just need to attach it to some Meccano and we'll be all set.

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A little walk around Skipton, a trip ont canal then a couple of pints with family int Yorkshire Rose. What better way to spend a day in North Yorkshire?


Watching Flying Scotsman over Ribblehead on Friday?

Seriously, as a lad from the Land of the Prince Bishops I have a certain pride, but I must admit to many wonderful days spent in North Yorkshire.



ETA for tea/dinner is 40 minutes ..starting to get peckish after my breakfast of Fraggle Rock kippers and toast.


I'm sure they are delicious but Craster kippers fresh from the smokehouse .... no contest.


Track laying for station throat finished today.

What, who said that?

Not me, Debs.

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There was a terrible wail from the Obergrumpenfuhrer this afternoon.


She was making a beef casserole and the slow cooker was not functioning.


It was taken to the workshop and stripped down, but the combined knowledge of myself and the PH decided that  the circuit board controller had given up the ghost and that it was beyond repair.


They just do not make things to last these days do they?


I only won the slow cooker at a raffle in Antwerp in 1982!


Of course, the mortal remains were immediately stripped of anything useful; especially the conductive steel plate from the base.


This will make a very nice base plate for the OFMG resistance soldering unit.  much better than the bulldog clip.


Naturally there is a down side, as the Obergrumpenfuhrer is now searching Amazon for slow cookers.  she has been enquiring about a sear function that some seem to have.


'Yes dear, it does the same to meat as I do to my hand when I'm clumsy with the big soldering iron!'


In other news, lots of wood cutting has been done.


A pair of cushion stool bases have been made, as well as a new ply back for a large mirror which replaced a rather decrepit sheet of mdf.


The Obergrumpehfuhrer is impressed.  She would have been even more impressed if the work had been done for her and not one of her friend's.


However, since her friend's husband is currently recovering from a heart attack and the subsequent surgery, and I have been instructed to be neighbourly, she can hardly complain.............especially as we were then gifted some red cabbage.


That's living in the country for you!

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BoD, at one time I would have agreed about Craster kippers.....but no, Devereau's are better.  Also straight from the smokehouse. Moore's are OK, their bacon is incredible, but Dev's are the best kippers.  Of course you do know to eat something very sweet afterwards, preferably jam or marmalade?  Stops the repeating 100%.

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Had a super day today.

#1 son was hosting #3 son & family at his place, and I got involved.

Nice lunch (even though it's Saturday he did a Sunday roast) and time spent with children, children-in-law and grandchildren. Excellent Easter egg hunt, so good that Rose insisted that hers be hidden again so that she could look for them over again.


Henry and Daisy (who are coming to France with us in the summer) spent most of the afternoon in a tent in the garden.


"Will you be cooking?"
"No, we'll send out for food. I've got £15 in my savings box..."


They have decided that the tent will be coming to France with us and they will sleep out in it. Well, I believe the first part...


Rose and Laurence both very amusing in their own ways, especially adept at stealing and scoffing the crisps. I suppose it's innate, like snaffling all the Yorkshire puddings.


But gosh, I'm tired now!

Pleasant evening, all.

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Naturally there is a down side, as the Obergrumpenfuhrer is now searching Amazon for slow cookers.  she has been enquiring about a sear function that some seem to have.


If she doesn't already have an electric pressure cooker, she might consider one instead of a slow cooker. The one we have claims to be able to slow cook, brown and saute among other things. I don't know how good it is for those things because we only use it as a pressure cooker. It does that very well.

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Craster is, however, a very pretty little village.


Indeed, I used to live not that far from it, and an ex-colleague lives there.  Peel is OK, but not quite so twee.  Looks a lot nicer since the half-tide flap gate and marina were done.

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BoD, at one time I would have agreed about Craster kippers.....but no, Devereau's are better.  Also straight from the smokehouse. Moore's are OK, their bacon is incredible, but Dev's are the best kippers.  Of course you do know to eat something very sweet afterwards, preferably jam or marmalade?  Stops the repeating 100%.


How would they compare with Loch Fyne kippers? My uncle George used to pick up a box for my mum when he was driving up from Campbeltown. They were excellent. Mind you, that was fifty plus years ago.

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We have splendid mud near here.


We have quite enough of our own thank you. There is still several skip loads of thick claggy clay to dig out sometime to creat some terraces behind the bungalow. Where Marion is digging out flower borders the ground has been so compacted that once dug there is excessive soil so she is digging out the thick clay under the top soil I have a nice pile up the top of the garden which may be used for the raised bit of the planned garden railway.


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A good day at the Cheltenham show. We planned on going via Swindon but with the M4 shut West of Reading we changed route and went via Oxford. Took the same time as originally planned.


Space a little tight at the venue but we have managed fine with a smaller than normal crew and very friendly show.


To the hotel than bus into Gloucester to do the Tank bar in the docks before walking to the Pelican Inn which is a great local pub with Wye Valley brewery ales. A good chat to a regular who is form Kent.


Taxi back to hotel and now hoping for a good nights sleep and a lay in tomorrow.

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Fraggle rock kippers were nice but not as good as Craster or Whitby ones.

Craster still top my list..loch fyne..a tad over priced but heyho each to their own.


Had a great evening and now time for some sleep



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Good evening everyone


Although I've not managed to do what I'd originally planned to do, today has been very productive, even if just by the fact that I've tidied up the workshop. It's always good to have a plan B.


Jeez Duncan, I thought I'd done a lot of miles this week, but it pales into insignificance when compared to what you've done!


Goodnight all

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BoD, at one time I would have agreed about Craster kippers.....but no, Devereau's are better.  Also straight from the smokehouse.

Then you must persuade Track Shack to stock them so that I can have them delivered the next morning.

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Then you must persuade Track Shack to stock them so that I can have them delivered the next morning.

The Rev Awdry wrote about The Flying Kipper. If Trackshack did despatch fish via the mail plane then Henry the Green Engine would be redundant.

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