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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Ian (RH) if you look at the right hand edge of the lower photo of the garden you can just see the garage and hidden away in there are certain 45mm gauge items which i acquired for a very reasonable price - future to be decided.


Talking of 'cruises' we haven't yet had the receipt for this year's adventure on the briny and I definitely wouldn't describe our vessel as a floating tin can with thousands on board as it can only accommodate a maximum of 12 passengers (fortunately) and there definitely won't be more than 11 of us this year.


As far as being in the same school as a teaching parent my mother returned to supply teaching at the junior school where I was a pupil and it made no difference although she was teaching the other class in my year group for about 60% of one academic year.   The only noticeable thing was that several in her class asked me if I was related to her as we had the same surname  (she had specialised in remedial teaching so had got the 'less bright' section of my fellows).  She subsequently moved into

 a full time post at the infants' school although her original training and early experience had all been junior level - by the time she retired in the 1970s she had taught the grandchildren of a number of her original pupils.


Somewhat damp outside but not precipitating and we are promised sunshine later - a prediction I will believe when it happens (if it happens).   


Have a good day one & all

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh, dear..... Sorry,  I’m on a roll.







Best, Pete.



PS I’m not posting it on here but I saw today a very sad photo of Eric Clapton leaving hospital in a wheelchair. P

According to this link these photos were taken at LAX - and the poor fellah does not look well



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According to this link these photos were taken at LAX - and the poor fellah does not look well




Yes. just shows you how captions can be misleading - actually they are by a different photographer. The one I saw he looks like he’s saying goodbye to some kind of Nurse and a Doctor - BUT it was tightly taken with nary a hint of surroundings...


He did give up smoking about ten years ago. Which is longer than me...


Best, Pete.

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One of my best friends at grammar school was the son of the senior science master. He missed several weeks of the first year first term, and when he did join our class the maths teacher told him to sit next to me and asked me to help him catch up - I was a somewhat erratic scholar and tended to learn more from the books than from the teachers, but once I'd grasped something I quite enjoyed passing it on. I've only met him once after leaving school, on which occasion we shared a laugh when he asked: "D'you remember teaching me algebra at school?"

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  OH.


Actually was a bit ER as Mrs H was off today so we have been out and about.  Wheelchaired into the bike club to cheers, which was nice to have been missed.  I'd had enough after an hour though.  Then went all the way to Laxey for an early lunch.  Its miles, you know.


Now safely ensconced on the sofa once more foot raised as it is pounding. 


I enjoyed the drive about though, I noticed the daffs are just about going over now, but the gorse is a blaze of yellow and the hawthorns are beginning to flower.  Spring is sproinged. 


I ordered a new cordless mower (not one of those ones on the telly - the reviews are poor so got a Bosch) which was promised for delivery today.  Waitinggggg.  Mrs H can't cope with the petrol mower, she never feels in control of it.  Bit odd for a girl who can ride a large powerful bike without blinking an eyelid, but there you go.

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  • RMweb Premium

POETS day has been achieved, home in time for a mid afternoon cup of tea, I also managed to get my mileage claim and my overtime claim in too.


It's time for a quick browse on rmweb before the 3 of the grandkids arrive here for tea, a 4th and No 1 son will arrive about an hour later, as they don't live as close as the others. Steak pie and chips has been requested for tonight's tea, nice choice I must say.


Time to finish my cup of tea before the mayhem starts, back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hellllppp! I have been rumbled by her indoors.

Our room overlooks Skipton station which will see the Flying Scotsman (locomotive not train) pass by later this afternoon..... This will be costing lots of brownie points.


Honest I didn't know didn't book this room for that reason..... I can feel a clothes shop coming on....gulp!



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  • RMweb Premium

Hellllppp! I have been rumbled by her indoors.

Our room overlooks Skipton station which will see the Flying Scotsman (locomotive not train) pass by later this afternoon..... This will be costing lots of brownie points.


Honest I didn't know didn't book this room for that reason..... I can feel a clothes shop coming on....gulp!




I got rumbled on honeymoon as every motel just happened to overlook a railway line. My pleas of  'the railway was built before the roads dear', seemed to fall on deaf ears.   It's been downhill ever since.



Edited by jamie92208
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According to this link these photos were taken at LAX - and the poor fellah does not look well



Whilst I hate to see him/anyone looking the worse for wear, having had severe bronchitis myself about 10 years ago, enough to put me in hospital for several days also, I can confirm that you are completely drained - lack of sufficient oxygen for a long period of time does that it seems!! - and appear to be about 10+ years older than you really are for weeks afterwards <sigh>

Here's hoping he recovers quickly...


DD sorry to hear your tales of woe, thoughts are with you.





POETS it is. Repeat after me "I WILL POE today...."


Quiet yesterday, choir rehearsal was hectic as we begin the fast forward charge towards five performances in 7 days, Palm Sunday (2) , Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday(2).


Tonight we entertain friends/relatives. Julies cousin and his wife. She spent formative years with several of her cousins all growing up in the area, and we are good friends with this couple, mostly them over any others as they are the only ones still in the local area. Wine will flow freely ;)


Jemma will be home this evening, and having checked her schedule I noted she has one of the most bizarre days I think I've seen so far.

6:25AM departure from San Antonio to Minneapolis, she's actually already here (at the airport) at 9:45 and has been for 30 minutes!

Next leg is Minneapolis to Dulles/Washington, but that doesn't leave UNTIL 1:15PM!!! Means she gets to sit at the airport here for about 4 hours :O

Then, the most bizarre part - she (and the entire crew) DEADHEAD BACK to Minneapolis on the plane/flight they just flew in there!!!

Who managed to schedule such a waste of resources?!?!?!?  :jester:

Obviously the main reason they have to deadhead back is that they would exceed their duty time, due to the four hour layover in MSP, but seems to me, the uneducated observer, that it could have been scheduled somehow better/differently??

There's a guarantee that after that long a day, amounting to about 15+ hours time she gets home here, she'll NOT be the most happy camper. :rtfm:


2 and cloudy but dry, supposed to reach 12 later and partly sunny.


That's all folks - POE the lot of you, if you can.

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I have absolutely NO idea if this would be of any use to anyone on here, but on the off-chance that it might be, present it for consideration. it may be useful for turning small plastic items, for example  



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  • RMweb Premium

Got feedback on Wednesday's interview. Not quite the result I was hoping for today.

And in truth not quite result I was expecting, either. 

An hour later I was sat in the next interview. 

Onwards and upwards. 

Or onwards and onwards. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. If you think your having a bad day, not as bad as this little fellah >>


By the way I've reported the car parking near the station to both the local council and the fire brigade. The fire brigade are aware of the situation and 'will be taking action'. I might get an acknowledgement from the council if I am lucky.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes. just shows you how captions can be misleading - actually they are by a different photographer. The one I saw he looks like he’s saying goodbye to some kind of Nurse and a Doctor - BUT it was tightly taken with nary a hint of surroundings...


He did give up smoking about ten years ago. Which is longer than me...


Best, Pete.


He did (allegedly!) indulge in other chemicals that would not have been good for his health.  Great musician though.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well, that's it, they've all gone home and left us to clean up after them. It wasn't too bad really, it's always enjoyable when we see them, it's just that they can all be a little boisterous. However. they do always seem to drop more peas on the floor than they actually eat!


Amelia won 2 Easter egg painting competitions at school, we were shown both her entries, one was a circus, complete with trapeze and the other was a carnival. Unfortunately I was unable to take photo's but they were very good.


Ava is really enjoying new school, she's settled in nicely and the improvement in her reading is very noticeable, she even scored 10/12 in a recent spelling test, which is not one of her strong points.


Sheila is feeling a little better today and feels that she can manage a glass of red tonight, so without further ado, it's wine o'clock.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well the lawnmower arrived at the end of the day - quick assembly and charge and Mrs H charged outside with it to test - cut both lawns which were horridly wet, really easily and well.  The petrol mower would have sunk in and ploughed, and smeared rather than cut the grass.  Impressed.  Bosch 1 NHN 0 ..... or at least NHN's bank account nil.

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POETS happened but a reasonable journey home didn't. I left Sparkhill at 14:30 and eventually got home at 19:00. Seriously not impressed as I'm working the weekend.


DD - very sorry to hear about all of your misfortunes. I hope that things improve soon.


A quick catch up on parts of RMweb and an early night may be in order.


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

  Then went all the way to Laxey for an early lunch.  Its miles, you know.




The Isle of Man must be rather like the Isle of Wight you can only drive for about an hour or so before you have to be coming back. Local still consider going all the way from East to West (or vice versa) as being rather a long way to go.


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