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You might remember that, about three weeks ago, I posted a picture of my local King George V pillar box showing the effect of its latest collision with a badly driven vehicle. The bad news is that it has now gone to pillar box heaven; the good news is that it has been replaced with a brand new box bearing the monogram of George's granddaughter, HM Queen Elizabeth the First of Scotland and the Second of England! Our local councillors have been praised and thanked by locals under the misapprehension that they had anything to do with the relatively prompt replacement, and this will do no harm at all to our party's chances in the  forthcoming council by-election!


Unlike the old cast iron models that thing looks like its fabricated from heavy duty steel parts welded together. It should be able to take a serious beating. Post boxes in the US appear to be made from recycled bread bins.


Speaking of which, it is now six months since I posted a check to the US Soc. Sec. Admin. and it still has not cleared through the bank. I was under the impression that the bank would not honor a check after six months, but apparently that is not the case. My bank told me they don't ever expire (although I'm inclined to get a second opinion on that.)

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It seems to be IT week here. I added a range extender to our wifi network so that I can get to it from my fort. It works, but the signal strength isn't wonderful. Hardly surprising as the building is completely clad in steel. I might want to run some CAT5 cable when I bury the power feed.


Enough said about the entire bruvver fiasco (don't want Ian to have another turn.)


Today was tax chat with my tax accountant which was made even more stressful because our internet connection was incredibly slow. I called the ISP support line to complain and, of course, the support guy tried to tell me it was probably a problem with my network. I did consider giving him the old "Now look here sonny! I didn't get where I am today by not knowing when I've got a network problem", but I decided it was probably better to humor him instead.


So we went through all the usual faffing around and eventually got to the point of bypassing my router and plugging Lorna's laptop into the Ethernet port in back of the ISP's modem. The speed test ran blindingly fast! I thanked the support engineer profusely and terminated the call as quickly as possible.


Eventually after a lot more faffing around I discovered it wasn't a network problem at all. It was the wireless in my stinking Dell desktop that's seriously compromised. Now I come to think of it, it's probably been slowly going TU for months now. Oh well.......

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Morning all. Yet another Friday that won't see POETS. It doesn't really matter that much as I'm working through the weekend anyway.


Time for another coffee before heading to the midlands.


Have a good day everyone

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Not asking for any sympathy but just commenting that we seem to be going through one of those unsettled phases.

It seemed to start when SWMBO agreed to feed a neighbour's cats while they were away.

One cat disappeared immediately (has since returned).

SWMBO had dentistry work with attendant gopher appearance.

MiL has severe dementia problems and is going into a respite care home for three weeks at a cost of £3k.

Local friends have troubles - one blues and twos to hospital yesterday with heart problems.

Another died yesterday of a heart attack at the inaugural session of table tennis in the village hall he had organised.

... and a raft of lesser matters, including the holiday company changing the flights so that we are returning on a different day!

There is more (lots) but I know others have their own problems so I'll shut up now. 

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Good morning one and all


Poorly Pal and I went to his local 'Spoons for our dinner yesterday.  Most unusually, we had to wait almost 50 minutes for our food.  There was no hint of a delay when it was ordered.  I may draw the matter to the attention of head office later today.  Apart from that it was a good day, with some useful progress in the m*d*ll*ng shed and an interesting presentation by Paul Chancellor of Colour-Rail which somehow contrived to include under the banner of 'modern traction' a shot of City of Truro and the Westward TV exhibition train of 1961!


Today I need to do the fodder run, pack my overnight bag for Wakefield, draw some cash and catch up on last night's Archers, which I would have heard last night were it not for the sluggish service in 'Spoons.  I had better not mention that in my complaint though.


Tomorrow I head north at relatively stupid o'clock so may not have time to enter these hallowed portals.  Warm thoughts to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Chin up, DD.

When it's in your nature help others, as you do so often, things are bound to catch up with you at times.

Have an enjoyable, restful holiday when the time comes.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. :bye:


Remained mostly off the air yesterday due to yet another dental treatment which, somehow, still do leave me completely wrung out. Thankfully, this but was the last such treatment for a while as all drilling jobs, if you want to call them that, have now been taken care of. Phew!


Thanks for all your good wishes, folks! With these, I'm even more confident that everything will indeed go well. I'll keep you apprised, of course.


Forecast predicts the 20°C threshold may be broken today. Should do the garden well, too.



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Morning All,


We have a nice bright sunny morning in this part of the world.  I am slightly later on parade having had a meeting with a colleague first thing.


Apart from that, there isn't a lot else to report.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's Friday so that hopefully means it's POETS day, we'll have see how that pans out as I have to go into the orifice to put in my monthly mileage claim and do one or two month end jobs. Hopefully I can escape early afternoon as my manager is on holiday today, butit all depends on who is there steering the ship!


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

A random thought must have woken me this morning at 02:30. swmbo noticed I was still awake at 05:00. 


It's going to take a lot of coffee to get me ready for an interview at midday. 


At least today's interview is incompetency based. I think everyone who works to a set of questions!

Q. "What would you do if....."

A. "Wibble."     :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

Another poor night's sleep, I feel really rough, and strangely hot, which is odd, as I'm sat in the lab awaiting some equipment to finish a programmed run, and the temperature meter with it's five sensors in the room is registering 22.644C, 0.356C lower than target.


I've pulled forward a major  equipment due Calibration next week, as there is another also due next week, as well and both need to use some of the same test equipment.


After more phone calls at home the basics of this years holiday using commitments are now set, Now the boss is back from another cruise, I'll book the neccessary leave dates later. There's no real problem with that, as I set my work schedules, but if he's not here it goes to a Higher level and then they often would just put the applications on hold till he comes back anyway.


 Never liked the thought of a cruise, trapped in a tin can with thousands of other people, I can go for days without hardly speaking to anyone, you get more words on here than I speak in a week...


The plans works this weekend include:

Attending the MRC to night, hopefully the widow of our recently deceased member will feel up to attending, as she is the railway enthusiast.

 More wiring in the shed,

Putting full protective gear on, to spray a big pile of cladding with anti woodworm treatment, the cladding is required to finish the last section of the sheds...

Clearing more garden jungle,

Starting preparations for the next section of the raised patio to be built, this will require more digging, time to find the Ibuprofen...


The Boss should be in now, time to go and see him about some technical difficulties and put the leave in...

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Chris.......if you normally get good service, then why not cut them some slack?


We all have off days don't we?


Indeed we do.  The service, which PP and I experience twice a month, is normally exemplary with the grub in front of us within 15 minutes and inside us within another 15.  This time there was no warning of a problem and we did not know that there was one until we asked, 30 minutes in.  I have suggested to Wetherspoon Central that it is always a good idea for staff to level with customers in such a case.



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Today I need to do the fodder run, pack my overnight bag for Wakefield, draw some cash and catch up on last night's Archers, which I would have heard last night were it not for the sluggish service in 'Spoons.  I had better not mention that in my complaint though.






Chris,  should we open a book on which character will be killed off by the inevitable speeding car?


My money is on Kathy Perks - a neat piece of bookending.



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  • RMweb Gold


Cloudy and not as warm as yesterday.

I don't think too much is planned for today.

Aditi wants to to combine a shopping trip to Leigh's branch of Waitrose with a trip to Chalkwell Park with Robbie. Robbie has been strutting triumphantly round the garden after successfully evicting a cat that was sneaking up near the bird feeders. No cats (or birds) were harmed. This is another "new" cat. It will learn.

We are going this morning as DHL/UKMail are delivering a parcel this afternoon. Not new toys, just beer. I had some vouchers that were about to expire so it seemed silly not to use them. Doing my bit for the Dutch and Belgian economy!


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  • RMweb Premium

A belated good morning from Estuary-Land, overslept again. Very sorry to hear of your travails DD, I hope that things improve soon. Teaching in the same school that your daughter attends shouldn't be a problem Andy as she will be going up to junior school within the next couple of years. On that subject in my class at school were twin brothers, the sons of a teacher at another nearby school. The school were their father taught was co-ed whereas our school was boys only. What is more surprising perhaps is that they both failed the 11+ and 13+ despite them both being accademically bright. I cannot recall what occupations they took up after leaving school but like the majority of us already had a job lined up when we left school.

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