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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here. Forecast to be warm too. We both have to walk to the opticians for eye tests later this morning. We can't drive afterwards.

The OCT test requires dilated pupils.

After that, not a lot happening.

Congrats to Dom and Elise.

Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Sunny here. Forecast to be warm too. We both have to walk to the opticians for eye tests later this morning. We can't drive afterwards.

The OCT test requires dilated pupils.

After that, not a lot happening.

Congrats to Dom and Elise.

Have a good day.

A pair of sunglasses to be worn on the way home after the test, makes the eyes a lot more comfortable!!! :sungum:

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold

A pair of sunglasses to be worn on the way home after the test, makes the eyes a lot more comfortable!!! :sungum:

I agree. It is probably going to be the sunniest day so far this year too. The High Road in Benfleet isn't exactly a tree lined boulevard either to provide shade.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thought I'd overslept this morning, woke up, checked my watch, thought it said 8:10 then rushed about getting washed and dressed. Switched telly on to catch the weather forecast and my ears pricked up when he said he'd be back in half an hour. Checked my watch again and realised I'd misread my watch and it was an hour earlier than I thought. Spent last evening sorting out the club library, still only half done. Many of the books have never been read and/or rubbish such as those 'coffee table' books labelled St. Michael, I expect the majority will end up in the charity shop. Off now to examine my eyelids, be back later.

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A pair of sunglasses to be worn on the way home after the test, makes the eyes a lot more comfortable!!! :sungum:


I agree. It is probably going to be the sunniest day so far this year too. The High Road in Benfleet isn't exactly a tree lined boulevard either to provide shade.



and a hat with a peak.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Sore froat fading after a spluttery night.


We bought our first house in 84 for £24k and rode the ridiculous mortgage rates of the era, until after the crash also taking on a 0.5% over base deal, which we worried about at the time.  Worked out perfectly!  we sold the house in 2002 to come here just before paying the mortgage off, for 4x plus a bit what we paid, however that only bought half a house, half the size, over here!  Got a reasonable deal here as they were giving mortgages out for free for many times one's income.  We paid it off after 14 years thankfully, and this is our last house!  It is worth about £50k more than we paid now so are quite happy with that, but it is of no importance.


Debs didn't get the job as expected, we will eventually find out who did (all internal Govt jobs) and no doubt our predictions will be bourne out.  Quite used to it, small community life.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Congratulations to Dom & Elise - hope all goes well.


We bought our first house in 1978 having lived in rented rooms for the first year of married life - usual trauma of dumbo Reading estate agents sending you to property they'd already sold but we found quite a nice semi in a pleasant cul-de-sac- and having duly and enthusiastically 'liked it' discussed the price with the seller.  Amazingly he talked the price down - from £18,250 to £16,250 , no doubt partly because we weren't in a chain and would have no trouble getting a mortgage from herself's then employers (a well known bank based in Threadneedle St).  We duly extended it in the late '90s virtually doubling the floor area and by staying there avoided the first price crash and we sold it just before the most recent price crash moving into our current home in 2007 - must finish sorting the garden!


Today being faux Friday I expect we will head for the train spotting branch of Waitrose as I also need to refuel the car and the temptation of being able to save at least 5p per litre by popping up the hill to Tilehurst village in order to buy diesel is hard to resist.


Have a good day one and all.

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Interesting I assume your system has fairly high pump pressures and low flow rates hence the bypass valve to allow the flow to be maintained. It is a microbore system? I know the systems with two motorised valves for hot water and heating do need a bypass as both closing could be a problem as the boiler needs to overrun.


No it isn't Don. The piping is over 30 years old, 22 mm for the flow/return and 15 mm down to the radiators. It has a standard pump and is vented into the header tank in the attic.


It does have two motorised valves so when they both close e.g.when the timer goes off the bypass is needed for the pump overrun


Until the recent problem I knew b*gger all about bypasses and the engineer who eventually found the issue had to check the manual to see if the boiler required a bypass.


Incidentally BG fitted a magnetic filter in the airing cupboard when they fitted the new boiler. https://www.britishgas.co.uk/home-services/boilers-and-heating/heating-upgrade.html





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  • RMweb Gold

Shopping expedition duly concluded.  Diesel purchase saved 8.2p/litre  compared with the local rip-off price so well worth the slight diversion to buy 45 litres of it.  However Waitrose were unable to supply the right cut of lamb (or cut a leg piece - weird) so menu alterations took place on the hoof which added to the need for a Tesco visit on the way home as their lasagne pasta is much better than the Waitrose equivalent and we also got a pizza there for today's lunch as their 'Finest' offering is considerably better than the Waitrose equivalent.  Very strange to find that Tesco stuff - or rather some of it - out does Waitrose but to our palate it does.


Several trains were seen but no real ones pulled by separate locos (unless you count an HST in that manner) and only two motoring cockwombles were encountered in the whole 20+ miles out & back.


And talking of out(and)back this afternoon we shall be collecting herself's sewing machine from the Australian chap who is repairing - fortunately he happens to live only a couple of roads away.

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from the opticians. Between us I think we had a go on every super high tech device there.

My eyes are about the same as last year. Without the family history of Glaucoma the optician would put me on checkups every two years. Aditi has a few things he wants to watch the progress of but absolutely no diabetes related problems. No new spectacles required.

It was quite bright walking home but I think my eyes can cope with daylight again now. Aditi's vision returns to normal (for her) quite quickly. She is just off to cut the back lawn. I hope she doesn't attempt to make the mower cordless again.

I will take Robbie out for a walk soon. He is being very patient.


Edited by Tony_S
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Shopping expedition duly concluded.  Diesel purchase saved 8.2p/litre  compared with the local rip-off price so well worth the slight diversion to buy 45 litres of it.  ....


Oddly enough, BP fuel is now noticeably cheaper than Sainsbury's in my local area (and they give Nectar points), whilst Texaco Kings Langley is cheaper than Sainsbury's Apsley or North Watford.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Afternoon all from red dragon land.

Raining most of the day.


Decided to cut baseboard (one of my old sturdy Christmas Cake boards saved for a "rainy day") for the diorama.  New blade in scalpel, doing well, get to the last edge...and...whoops - you guessed it - I broke the blade!  Ah, well.  At least, no personal injuries to report but it was definitely time for a (RMweb) break!   


Might go and make a cuppa, now.  Maybe put telly on...?   :scratchhead:   

Read a mag?  :read:

Chop down overgrown shrubs before they are in full leaf?  :butcher: 

ER...forget that one! :no:  It is raining, is it not? 


Cuppa it is...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon everyone


I managed to get home and have lunch with Sheila, who, as she was feeling a little better, decided to mop the kitchen floor, she now knows she is not yet back to fighting fitness and has had to go and have a sit down.


We were in rented accommodation when we first married, but bought our house in 1980 for just over £15k, we also had an endowment mortgage (with profits). We'd been told a few times that we had got a good endowment, so we decided to cash it in 2001 and become mortgage free. We did very nicely out of it, as the amount we got back could have paid off the mortgage 3 times!

Edited by BSW01
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Back to work then told boss that I have a hospital appointment Friday afternoon. Dont think he was too pleased with all the various visits to doctors / hospital that I am currently having. Yet to tell him about next weeks doctors appointment. Wasnt a very productive day today either.


Your boss should be pleased that we have a health service that will treat you and get you back to work asap. Look after yourself, Ian.


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Well, there's a few hours down the ethereal plughole that I won't be seeing again. We bought Lorna a Brother wifi laser printer the other day. Nice, well engineered, little machine and really good price at an establishment with a big W at the front. Unfortunately I think the installation software was written by one of Joe Brown's bruvvers.


What a stinking pile of festering dog poop! Not one of the many "lets make it easy to connect to your network" options worked. Eventually I found a way to make it find our network through the three button "user interface" and even that was a complete fluke because the documentation bore no resemblance to the actual menu structure.



You just HAD to mention Brother printers...

Wish you'd have asked before buying the POS!


For our St. Paul office, some bright spark at the corporate NJ office decided to get us a Brother Laser printer/scanner/copier/fax/shirt ironer/car washer/DO EVERYTHING wifi-capable "business" machine.


Given I'm the only person with one iota of "technical" expertise in this office, it came down to me to "install" it.

First problem - apparently this boat-anchor ships with out-of-date installer software, so you MUST download the latest to even begin the disasters that will follow.

That accomplished, I was able to install it under duress (the software truly IS written by incompetent ex-sh!t shovelers), and added the VERY COMPLICATED "ian" as a password that it required for the administrator capabilities (remember this for later!!).

It worked passably via the direct Ethernet connection, AS A PRINTER, and almost NEVER worked in "scan-to-PC" mode (one of the PRIAMRY things we wanted from a device) save the very first time I tested it. After that it'd NEVER send to any PC in the office no matter what. :rtfm:

On wifi it was marginal, sometimes printing, sometimes just sitting there <sigh> and the router AND my PC were about 10 feet away, IN LINE OF SIGHT, from the stupid thing!

It was configured, COMPLETE WITH PHONE LINE, to send "faxes" and that never worked either, we'd hear the dial-tone as the printer picked up the line, then it'd sit there and time out, even though we could hear the other end "tone" begging it to send...

It refused to allow entries into its address book with less than four consecutive attempts. Of course since the entire scan-to-PC refused to work, that wasn't necessary in the end! :O

In a last ditch attempt to "start over" several months after we first got it, it REFUSED to accept the administrator password :butcher:  :triniti: on hundreds of attempts, AND, there was/is no documented or even OBVIOUS way to reset the printer to "factory settings" so we could start over.

If anyone wants a complete piece of crap very nice printer, let me know, when we recently moved offices we consigned it to the broom closet!

Morale of the story - your mileage MAY vary I understand - I'd never buy a Brother printer for my worst enemy!

Whilst some folks don't like various manufacturers, I've had great success with a variety of both Dell and Epson printers, the latest Epson printer/scanner/copier/fax I have (and we NOW also have one in the office) were a breeze to install, worked flawlessly first time and do pretty stellar duty.



On to BIN day... only one to take out today as it's not recycle week.


Yesterday "nothing" until the evening when we had a planned screening of the movie "Iron Jawed Angels" with our friends, accompanied by the required nice bottle(s) of wine <hic>.

An extremely educational/informative piece documenting the womens rights movement in the US leading up to the passing of the 19th Amendment. Stunning history providing details that are hard to find, and generally seem to be avoided in a cursory review of history and the era! A true story, and I am glad to have become more informed.

This all originated from the Mrs great-niece being over here a couple of weekends back and wanting to review her school paper on the subject, and specifically about the primary player, Alice Paul.


Today, work of course, BUT, will be punctuated by a visit to the dentist for the six-monthly cleaning AND a review of how to proceed with the replacement for the extraction I had just before Christmas. Seems they forgot to call in in for that discussion around the 3-month mark, so we're combining it today.


4 and cloudy only going to manage 8 today and perhaps some occasional views of the fire in the sky, but no guarantees on that apparently.


Enjoy the day.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Oh - we got our new recycling bins. It seems to have the potential for a shambles, as the 'plastic and glass' bin is far too small for 2 weeks' worth,

Perhaps the council is trying to get you to stop boozing, Dick?



Afternoon all


And first off, many congratulations to Dom and Elise, and trust that everything will go well. Nightshifts may be a good idea, am sure that Elise won't mind in a year or two :no:


Gabe made a wonderful moussaka last night, the sauce was exquisite.


Our first flat was £17,500 in Morden in 1979. Now worth a shade under £300,000, cripes! We were able to get a mortgage through my employers at the time, but when I left we transferred to Nationwide. Also got an endowment but it turned out to be one of the bad ones which didn't pay out its estimate. Ah c'est la vie - les bénéfices peuvent monter et descendre.


Overcast here today with some rain. Enjoy the warmth in the south-east!



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....Whilst some folks don't like various manufacturers, I've had great success with a variety of both Dell and Epson printers, the latest Epson printer/scanner/copier/fax I have (and we NOW also have one in the office) were a breeze to install, worked flawlessly first time and do pretty stellar duty......


The first printer I ever had was a Canon bubble-jet which was slower than a Swiss mountain glacier. I then went to Epson and haven't looked back - very long-lasting, and rapid printers. The only thing that pulls them down is the cost of ink cartridges. I have long since given up paying high street prices and now swipe genuine cartridges from eBay at rather less cost.

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