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It's not "heavy" snow over here until one snow fall = 12". The biggest we had in a single fall was 30" - I had ten foot drifts around the house. They actually called a "State of Emergency" (unheard of) for one day - in 24 hours all the roads had been plowed.

Even our little road gets plowed by the Council at least three times during a Snow Storm (they don't start plowing until it reaches 5"). I have a wonderful snow blower in the Garage, believe me you need one over here and i've got 120' of driveway.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

It's not "heavy" snow over here until one snow fall = 12". I have a wonderful snow blower in the Garage, believe me you need one over here and i've got 120' of driveway.

My brother was in New England for a while on an assignment, and he enjoyed the States so much that he stayed three years, even though he could have returned to Scotland after nine months. He also made the same points that the USA is far better equipped to deal with snow and bad weather than we are in the UK, where there have only really been about four really bad winters in the last 70 years or so. He sent some photos of his long driveway with about six feet of snow, which he cleared off in a day, and as the roads had been cleared and he had winter tyres on his 4x4, he didn't even miss a day's work. The problem here, of course, is that as we do only get the sort of snow that the USA gets as standard on a few rare days, we do not have the resources to cope when a snowfall does occur.

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  • RMweb Premium

Given that you have demonstrated so many skills already I will say you can replace the valve motor easily. All you need is a glamorous assistant and a small screwdriver undo the two screws holding the valve motor in place after moving the lever on the back to make sure the valve moves freely. Then ask the GA to turn the heating on and see if the motor moves and repeat again for the hot water. If the motor doesn't move trace the lead back to the junction box and using a multimeter check that power is coming to the motor. Then disconnect the motor take it to the nearest Plumb centre or equivalent and get a replacement and refitting is the reverse of the removal process. Literaly can be swopped out in the time it has taken me to write this and check for mistakes.

If power isn't being fed to the motor then it is linked to the control/timer arrangement which is also a DIY job but takes longer to talk about. I would point out I have replaced these items not because I am a plumbing expert just because I couldn't afford to employ somebody to do it. The vavle motor should be no more than £25 and a control unit set me back £50 about 4 years ago. If you want to know any more PM me.


Good point Mick. I better get me whataname in gear and take a proper look. Of course I may be gone sometime looking for a GA.




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The problem here, of course, is that as we do only get the sort of snow that the USA gets as standard on a few rare days, we do not have the resources to cope when a snowfall does occur.


That is a problem but the winters back home seem to be getting worse.

What they do in NYC is equip the trash collection trucks with removable plows and (grit/salt) hoppers on the back. Places like Time Square get front loaders and big truck snowmelters (these things are cool) - the front loaders dump the snow in the melters which then deliver water to the storm drains.


Biggest problem in the North East is "potholes" caused by the temperature extremes.


Best, Pete.




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Just got back in from a very sunny drive to Selsey to drop of BiL and SiL for the weekend. Boiler has gone off again and thanks to all your inputs, I suspect it is one of the control valves as there is no switched live connection to the boiler. I've changed the valve before so that's not a problem, but in any case, my friendly service man will be here in the next 30 minutes.


I want to leave it all shut down in case it's something else. Certainly the fan was quite noisy this morning, so it could be that also. They're a doddle to change but it could be £100+ for the fan assembly. They have refurbished ones on eBay for half that, but you never know what you will get and they're quoting 6-7 working days delivery so that's no good.


No doubt all will become clear in the next half an hour.....:)

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  • RMweb Gold

Just got back in from a very sunny drive to Selsey to drop of BiL and SiL for the weekend. Boiler has gone off again and thanks to all your inputs, I suspect it is one of the control valves as there is no switched live connection to the boiler. I've changed the valve before so that's not a problem, but in any case, my friendly service man will be here in the next 30 minutes.


I want to leave it all shut down in case it's something else. Certainly the fan was quite noisy this morning, so it could be that also. They're a doddle to change but it could be £100+ for the fan assembly. They have refurbished ones on eBay for half that, but you never know what you will get and they're quoting 6-7 working days delivery so that's no good.


No doubt all will become clear in the next half an hour.....:)


Hope it is all OK. Our boiler is modern enough to have electronic ignition but is otherwise very traditional, not combination or condensing.

It is cold outside though now and the weather forecast for the area has changed. Snow (30% probability) is now forecast for Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.




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Conditions not so bad here.

Quite warm for the time of year.

No breeze.

Of course, that's inside.


Outside it's mayhem.

Only about 4-5" but many rural roads don't get salted and there will be many from which to choose when voting for 'Idiot of the Year'.

Some roads and schools closed.


Good effort by the Dustmen.

They eventually turned up behind a snow plough.

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Motorised valve head removed and the gears were knackered. This was allowing the actuating arm to slide back and remove pressure from the microswitch. I always enjoy watching a pro at work. It's a great way of leaning about these things. Hopefully all will fire up now.....


Mrs S has a big smile on her face....:)

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  • RMweb Gold

Motorised valve head removed and the gears were knackered. This was allowing the actuating arm to slide back and remove pressure from the microswitch. I always enjoy watching a pro at work. It's a great way of leaning about these things. Hopefully all will fire up now.....


Mrs S has a big smile on her face....:)


Well if you hadn't got the boiler fixed I suspect she knew about a good source of plywood for the wood burner!

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  • RMweb Gold

Conditions not so bad here.

Quite warm for the time of year.

No breeze.

Of course, that's inside.


Outside it's mayhem.

Only about 4-5" but many rural roads don't get salted and there will be many from which to choose when voting for 'Idiot of the Year'.

Some roads and schools closed.


Good effort by the Dustmen.

They eventually turned up behind a snow plough.


My neighbours are planning to stay in Denbighshire for Christmas / New Year. Their daughter's house is up a hill, off an unmade road. She went shopping yesterday to stock up in case they can't get out for a while. A fox ruined part of their Christmas meal planning earlier this week.

Here in Essex, our paper didn't get delivered as it was too cold for the paperboy!




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Evening all.


Had some snow overnight in coastal Suffolk, but nothing to cause any problems. Damn cold though. School allowed some pupils to be picked up early today. Not too sure why, as it was bright and sunny. Most of the snow/ice had melted too. Was left with 8 pupils (out of 27 present at the start of the day!).


How's the rest of the UK?

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  • RMweb Gold

I looked out of the window and thought perhaps it had snowed but it is only frost on the roof of my car. The weather forecast is no longer predicting snow here, just very cold. I think I had better move some of the delicate plants in tubs nearer the house tomorrow.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Above freezing this morning but I'm told that it just a minor blip. Roads are still bad though. Was overtaken by a White van using the untreated part of the road only for him pirouette shortly after. Oh how we laughed.

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