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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


I managed to get away early after our monthly meeting ended early, getting away just after 1:00pm, as our boss had another meeting after ours.


The weather has been zero sunny today, I've had to wear sunglasses for most of the afternoon, but the ground is still very wet due to the amount of rain that has fallen over the last few weeks.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Splendid example of cockwomblery this morning. Today is bin day, there is a short cul-de-sac leading off of my street and for safety reasons the bin lorries reverse into it. This morning the bin lorry stopped prior to reversing but couldn't back up due to said cockwomble pulling up close behind. Despite the reversing lights and audible warning she just sat there for several minutes until she realised that she had to back up, and then she backed up only a few feet to leave the bin lorry just enough room to reverse.

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Evening all. Just a brief check in before bed. I hope you are all well. Today has gone ok, but tomorrow brings the return of the k##bh##d advisor who has ripped my work to shreds on both of his previous visits without even seeing me. Tomorrow he is due to visit lessons. The pressure is on to prove a point. However I am fairly certain that, in the current climate, something will be found to make me look incompetent. I will do my best to focus on the meal out that Sarah and I have booked for tomorrow. We have a babysitter booked and will be heading out for a curry. In fact, the in-laws, have offered to have Amber overnight so we can have a late one if we wish.

The latest on the swimming saga today - there has been a cancellation on the second level course for later next week. This could mean two days worth of training. I have mixed feelings on that score. On one hand it would be two days out of school, whilst on the other hand.....

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Morning all. Yet another day of travelling ahead of me. This time back to the Midlands (again). At least tomorrow I will be an ER again but this time to attend Ally Pally.


A very poor nights sleep but that may have something to do with the eyelid inspection when I got home yesterday.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Another night, another evening and another cricket meeting...


Sleep well most, have a good day Rick




Thank you.


First day back at the Palace.  Swiped in less than 24 hours after stepping off the flight from London and was warmly welcomed back at the daily briefing before commencing duty.  Answered the expected crop of questions one of which was "aren't you feeling a bi jet-lagged" - also expressed as "how do you DO it?"


Ah - no.  And as previously posted there's nothing special.  Just try to be relaxed and go with the flow.


Busy weekend ahead with the Grand Prix in town.  


Felt a little odd having returned to this upside-down place knowing it is only for a few more weeks and that the house here is already in a semi-packed and apparently-chaotic (but actually well-sorted) state.  Many warm smiles and friendly comments from the morning peak crowds as I always greet them likewise.  Completed shift, more handshakes and questions.  Back home to commence the formidable task list; lounge carpet is already partially lifted, clothing divided into "keep" and "charity shop" and mostly-used bottles of substances I never ever touch removed from the drinks cupboard, drained and the glass recycled.  


Dom - I can certainly empathise and I encourage you to talk things through with who ever.  Many workplaces offer access to trained counsellors and / or good listeners among their own workforce.  Never let these things fester - that way permanent damage lies.  I have been on the receiving end of "near misses" a few times while driving buses (and what is the opposite of a "near miss" - perhaps a "far hit") often with inattentive children failing to take note of their surroundings or running in front of a moving bus hoping it will stop for them.  In Melbourne it is a requirement that trams passing each other must sound their gongs as a warning in case anyone has crossed close behind one and might then be in the path of the other.  I'm not convinced it actually does any good but you never know.  


First report received from the Hill of Strawberries - Solo Sharon Subdivision.  I am required back as she misses the quiet organisation and support that I bring to the home.  I can call her as often as is necessary when she dozes after the alarm has gone off but once she's back asleep on her own there's nothing to wake her again.  She is one of those who can subconsciously reset the snooze button while not really waking at all.  If I need to be up I am up first ring of the alarm and on my feet in seconds.  They say opposites attract! 


Enjoy Friday.  Celebrate POETS Day if you can.

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Good to see a large black rib full of black clad personnel on the Thames yesterday.

Top Tip for Terrorists: Do not mess with them. You will not be going to trial.


Actually at the Parliament/Westminster thing it was the small heavily armed group dressed in jeans, sneakers, casual shirts and funny helmets with com mics that were the most dangerous to wrong doers. Often seen dressed in complete black garb, though.


The “Marine Police Force” (sometimes called the Thames River Police) are actually a very interesting unit. Formed in 1798 they eventually became the Metropolitan Police Marine Policing Unit but they pre-date the Metropolitan Police and have always been based in Wapping High Street (with two offshoots). They have a fascinating history, very much a part of London.


Best, Pete.

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Morning All,


It is another reasonably mild morning, but somewhat cloudy.


Friday already - not that I am complaining, but I wonder where the week went!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. Just a quick check in before doomsday! Well hopefully it won't be that, but the visit of the clueless advisor brings a sense of foreboding. The sun is shining here and it is good to see a few buds appearing on some of the various plants that are scattered in an (un)planned way around the flower beds. Cat number one has just pleaded to be let out for an explore.

Best wishes to Dom this morning - that must have been a very scary experience. Some people never learn do they? I hope your Friday goes well and I certainly will be hoping to exercise the POETS part of the day if I can. Unless of course there is a long, arduous and unpleasant visit feedback to sit through.


Catch you all later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is shining here too, that makes 2 days in a row! Today my travels take me to Mellor, Riley Green and Darwen. All are very easy jobs and with a bit of luck I will be home in time to enjoy lunch with Sheila, making it a real POETS day!


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull here and will be cloudy and breezy to start with, becoming brighter and sunnier later. Hopefully.

Holiday packing didn't start yesterday so neither did a fight. Yet.  Round 1 is scheduled for later according to Daily Orders just posted.   As we're not flying we're not travelling very light and probably taking far more than needed. Just in case. (I am actually the worst culprit) :whistle:

Next bulletin may be from A & E. :blackeye:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

5 hours sleep in bed and another hour on the sofa, in the cooling house...


Cooling house...   Yes the wireless thermostat has decided not to talk to the receiver / relay unit on the wall that switches on the boiler. Having checked out the unit at ER time this morning, I know the Thermostat has died, the paperwork  says call your registered boiler technician who in my case only does the boiler, not the thermostat, me not being gas registered, although I used to work on 1000PSI gas...

I can work on electrics / electronics though, Unit ordered, Click and collect, unfortunately not till tomorrow morning.


SWMBO reports watching the deer in our garden, the deer wandered down the garden to the overgrown corner behind the landrover,  then comes back out with little one following behind. So we assume she's made a nest in there, I'll leave it another month at least before clearing the growing jungle....


I made sure the stove was loaded up before I left,   to see...


 Another beautiful morning to drive in, in Norfolk, though I missed dawn itself as it happened before I left the house.


One set of traffic light went a bit odd this morning, normally at this time of day they just turn green as you approach, this time they turned red, and it happened to others approaching from other directions, then letting someone through who had stopped on another junction, just enough time for one car.......


Later in the day it goes into a mode that controls traffic through the city, hopefully it will be all sortted by the time I go home or it will be a long wait.


As it was on the way home at the Norwich Distributer Road  last night 4 stops and move forwards, before I got to go through the single lane road works where they are building the New roundabout access...


Tonight It's time for the MRC their heating will be working :no: :, hopefully more members will be able to turn up this week


Time to finish measuring lots of 10G ohm resistors

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you.


First day back at the Palace.  Swiped in less than 24 hours after stepping off the flight from London and was warmly welcomed back at the daily briefing before commencing duty.  Answered the expected crop of questions one of which was "aren't you feeling a bi jet-lagged" - also expressed as "how do you DO it?"


Ah - no.  And as previously posted there's nothing special.  Just try to be relaxed and go with the flow.


Busy weekend ahead with the Grand Prix in town.  


Felt a little odd having returned to this upside-down place knowing it is only for a few more weeks and that the house here is already in a semi-packed and apparently-chaotic (but actually well-sorted) state.  Many warm smiles and friendly comments from the morning peak crowds as I always greet them likewise.  Completed shift, more handshakes and questions.  Back home to commence the formidable task list; lounge carpet is already partially lifted, clothing divided into "keep" and "charity shop" and mostly-used bottles of substances I never ever touch removed from the drinks cupboard, drained and the glass recycled.  


Dom - I can certainly empathise and I encourage you to talk things through with who ever.  Many workplaces offer access to trained counsellors and / or good listeners among their own workforce.  Never let these things fester - that way permanent damage lies.  I have been on the receiving end of "near misses" a few times while driving buses (and what is the opposite of a "near miss" - perhaps a "far hit") often with inattentive children failing to take note of their surroundings or running in front of a moving bus hoping it will stop for them.  In Melbourne it is a requirement that trams passing each other must sound their gongs as a warning in case anyone has crossed close behind one and might then be in the path of the other.  I'm not convinced it actually does any good but you never know.  


First report received from the Hill of Strawberries - Solo Sharon Subdivision.  I am required back as she misses the quiet organisation and support that I bring to the home.  I can call her as often as is necessary when she dozes after the alarm has gone off but once she's back asleep on her own there's nothing to wake her again.  She is one of those who can subconsciously reset the snooze button while not really waking at all.  If I need to be up I am up first ring of the alarm and on my feet in seconds.  They say opposites attract! 


Enjoy Friday.  Celebrate POETS Day if you can.


When my father got a teasmade he would enjoy his tea in bed and then pour a cup for me and my sister on rising. I could drink the tea without waking properly and be wondering where it was when I did wake.


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