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Morning All,


It is another somewhat grey morning in this part of the world.  However, the painter is nearly finished.  Yesterday, the scaffolding was taken down and we arrived home to find him working, despite the fact that it was tipping it down with rain.  Plastering, I hasten to add, not painting!


I must admit to being somewhat astounded about Andy being required to teach a swimming course.  What utter idiocy!  Sometimes I despair when I read things like that - surely there must be somebody better equipped to do the job?  As a parent, I would be extremely unhappy to learn that my child's swimming teacher couldn't swim.


You should not be ashamed of your inability to swim Andy - lots of people cannot swim.  However, the school SHOULD be ashamed.  What you are being asked to do is not only stupid, it is also dangerous and potentially life threatening. 


If the unthinkable were to happen, then I very much doubt the school will be the ones to accept liability.  Food for thought.


Have a good day everyone...

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I raised my inability to swim with the boss again as soon as it appeared that I was having to take on the role next year despite my initial concerns. The response was:


A) I should go off in my own time and learn.

B) A qualified teacher had to accompany the children due to the size of the group.


When I pointed out the sentence in the handbook about the boss' responsibility to send a teacher who COULD swim, he agreed to check with the authorities.

The response was that I only need to be capable of getting myself out of a shallow pool independently. Therefore I seemingly had no position to argue. I will discuss the situation with the course leaders next week as they are the people who allegedly gave the information. In the meantime the situation has been added to the log and I am due to be off to visit another establishment later today.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

6 hours of broken sleep last night I don't feel great.


It was cheered by surprising a little deer hanging around my Land-Rover this morning, I don't think it wanted a lift, it ran off in to the bushes.


To float on the Norfolk Broads in Anything, you are require to pay broads tax, it is a running sore that the Broads Authority are gradually hiving off the Broads tax which is only supposed to be only used to maintain the navigation, and using the tax to pay for other indfineable things... like councils it seems to think it's THEIR money to do with as they wish.. SOme people have had a 27% increase this year!!!


As a type two Diabetic I have no restrictions on driving, Smiffy2 I guess you are type one?. I did have a friend  (type 1 Diabetic) from school days who when he got old enough to drive had to get the doctors permission to drive, he was told, no chance you are too unstable!!!

 I also work with a Recently discovered type 1 Diabetic and so far they have given him no restrictions on driving (but he is stable)


My family too has a road named after it, that's when they built a row of houses on our old Coal yard, Rawlings Court, Ludgershall, Wilts. That side of the family were very big in the village (now a town) but now I think there is just one cousin left there.


SWMBO can't swim well at all, she's so thin she just sinks... I can stay afloat for ever.... must lose more buoyancy..


A beautiful morning again today, time to go into my lab where I can't see it..

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a damp Leeds.


Her indoors has gone to pre work swimming. Andy I used to swim well then had a slight mishap while swimming so now I do great impressions of a submarine.


Cricket last night was mad (again) but I did well not to get hit as a couple of the lads realised hitting it at the umpire was the best way to get quick runs.



I have some crust earning today followed by a trip to the Leeds MRS tonight so I had better crack on.





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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, 

Rather dull and fresh here and rain forecast. Could get brighter this afternoon with scattered heavy showers and possibly hail and thunder. Yippee, no gardening for me.

Apart from collecting Chris from work in a couple of hours I have no plans for today so might go and play with some trains.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Belated condolences to Rick for his loss, and congrats on holding it together during the eulogy. I know how tough that can be.


Sherry has just boarded her ferry at Portsmouth, should be here about 17.00-ish, I hope. Sadly the tyre pressure indicator is apparently showing a deflation, despite no sign of a problem. I can check pressures when she gets here. The car has done about 3k miles, maybe less. Irritating.


Sherry cannot swim, but has taught a number of children to do so. I haven't swum in more than 20 years.


Alison had a mammogram yesterday, and something needs further examination. Fingers crossed.


There is a very nasty breeze here, and will be showers later. Varian has a coat on and will be keeping it on!


I hope midweek suits you.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Diabetes and testing/driving.


It is not the type of diabetes which governs the rules, but the method of treatment.  Some type 2 diabetics still need injected insulin, some need tablets, some need a combination of insulin and tablets, and some are on diet only.  Type 2 is the one which is normally age related and comes on gradually.  Type 1 is where the pancreas has packed up completely, and is always treated by injectible insulin.


As far as driving is concerned, as soon as you go onto insulin, you must inform DVLA and are then subject to 3 yearly medical scrutiny, and a restricted licence which is renewed after each, provided you pass the scrutiny, which is a health questionnaire, and a report from your GP.  Also you must report any incidents involving a disabling hypo, and that is three strikes and you're out.  DVLA and Diabetes UK have got a lot of info online.  All insulin users should test before driving, and every two hours while driving.  The main issue here is that it uses up test strips at a rate of knots, and most Clinical Commissioning Groups only allow a small quantity of strips each month - often only 50.


Hope this clarifies.


Taxi duty - back a bit later for a more general post.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Rather damp in the village this morning. Those Celts to the south west of us seem to have sent us a gift of liquid sunshine. yesterday was spent taking parts of the layout up to the chapel for loading on Friday. Today will be a make and mend day doing various minor repairs that have become apparent as boards emerged from storage yesterday.


SWMBO set off early for fat club as usual so the house became quiet once I'd fed the cats. Some minor domestic tasks need to be completed then it's off up to the chapel to start the jobs. This evening it's off to the club for the last pair of boards. Not a bad day.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

I raised my inability to swim with the boss again as soon as it appeared that I was having to take on the role next year despite my initial concerns. The response was:

A) I should go off in my own time and learn.

B) A qualified teacher had to accompany the children due to the size of the group.

When I pointed out the sentence in the handbook about the boss' responsibility to send a teacher who COULD swim, he agreed to check with the authorities.

The response was that I only need to be capable of getting myself out of a shallow pool independently. Therefore I seemingly had no position to argue. I will discuss the situation with the course leaders next week as they are the people who allegedly gave the information. In the meantime the situation has been added to the log and I am due to be off to visit another establishment later today.


The amount of time time it would take to WALK to the centre of a shallow pool will be far greater than the amount of time it would take to swim the same distance, in that same time a small child could drown! As far as I'm concerned there is no argument!


This is another another case of bullying and further efforts of the head teacher to get you to leave.


Speak to your union rep NOW!

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  • RMweb Gold

Been a wet and Windy night here. It feels more like February than March.


You have my sympathy Andy. The people running the Swimming lesson may be unconcerned and feel they have enough people for safety but as the Teacher in charge it cannot be a comfortable situation if you feel unable to fully protect the children in your care. I you have the opportunity to speak with the course leaders it may allay some of your fears.


Quite aside from that issue I would suggest learning to swim for your own child's sake. It is quite reassuring when visiting the beach or a riverside to know that you could do something if needed.

I cannot remember when and how I learnt to swim living alongside the Thames may have been a factor. I did manage to fall in several times. Later at school and for the cubs I had to show I could tread water while removing clothing. Whenever I fell in I didn't hang about just got out as quick as possible. I certainly wouldn't advise removing shoes there is a lot of glass gets thrown into the river.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's not raining at the moment, but it has rained heavily overnight. The second of our bins has just been emptied so I can bring them both back when I leave in a few minutes.


Today my travels take me to Thornton, Weeton and Kirkham all close to Blackpool but far enough from the centre.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

You'll note the comments I just put up about the Norfolk Broads, This has just been put out by the Broads Authority and has just arrived on a Broads forum (or two).




You'll also note the following statement by HMG.


From Lord de Mauley (DEFRA) to Dr John Packman (Broads Authority).

"In terms of government policy, the Broads is treated as a member of the national parks family 

although its statutory basis is quite separate and IT IS NOT LEGALLY A NATIONAL PARK.

We do not propose to change this position and it is DEFRA's intention that the three purposes of 

the Broads remain of equal standing."



The three purposes of the Broads Area, include Navigation, which a National Partk does not... 

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Morning all, it's grey here but currently dry.


I must say that Andyram's headmaster is taking the old adage of "those that can, do. Those that can't, teach" a little too far.


I would also agree with Don's advice; nothing to do with school, just a general life skill and as Don says, something that might come in useful with Amber, or it might just be fun to swim with her.

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My 3-year type 1 diabetes license ran out one month before I was 70 so they just renewed based on the diabetes date. Also they were not interested in my bypass surgery. More sensible than I expected.


As a bank manager (in IT), I never had to sign a pasport form but I did sign a gun license application. It was for a half-ton cannon used by a member of the Sealed Knot. We do strange things in life.



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Andyram, maybe you should have played the "not confident in water" card. Because of an incident in your childhood you have never been confident in water and have never learnt to swim because of this "incident". Just imagine how the words, panic attack, fear of water, forced to take children swimming, etc would sound in court.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's persisting it down here.


Swimming - not sure if the school teacher actually has to get in the water with the little darlings. Also worth remembering that they are backup to the qualified swim teacher and (assuming it's a public swimming pool) that there are lifeguards poolside, too. Also parents with CRB can be co-opted / half Nelsoned.

Of course this may be different where AndyRam is based from down here.


Interview prep proceeds apace with swmbo throwing questions at me in mock interview style. I'm taking the old adage of "train hard, waffle easy" to new heights!   


Meanwhile not much progress on my own layout as time has been a bit short, but plenty of thinking about a BLT for the garage over the summer months.  

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Meanwhile not much progress on my own layout as time has been a bit short, but plenty of thinking about a BLT for the garage over the summer months.  

Oh yes Please.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull this morning and Arthur Itis keeps telling me that rain is on its way. Andy, insist that he puts the request for you to take charge of swimming lessons in writing, and signed of course. When both myself and other union reps used this ploy more often it resulted in a back down, on the few occasions that they didn't back down they wished they did.

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  • RMweb Premium

Here's and interesting map which indicates I live in a fairly deprived area!!



 Well that didn't work you'll have to go in via, 



My area comes out in the 30% most deprived.. So much for country dwellers being all wealthy...

The Deprivation maps appear to work for England only

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Morning all. Another day of sitting and waiting to be called. Boring.


I'm always surprised by people that can't swim. Growing up it was mandatory in schools to reach at least the Red Cross Survival level. A pass for that meant stripping off street clothes in a 12' deep diving pool, treading water for 10 mins, then retrieving your clothes from the bottom. (Swim suits worn of course)


I can sign Canadian passport applications made by people living in the U.K.

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Driving and diabetes. Agree with what has been said. As a rough guide I have been told that "4's the floor, 5 to drive" for Bm values. Mine rarely gets in to single figures. I'm always being told off by diabetes nurses and doctors because I don't test often enough. No-one has said that the strips are rationed, maybe that varies from one ccg to another.



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Morning all. Another day of sitting and waiting to be called. Boring.


I'm always surprised by people that can't swim. Growing up it was mandatory in schools to reach at least the Red Cross Survival level. A pass for that meant stripping off street clothes in a 12' deep diving pool, treading water for 10 mins, then retrieving your clothes from the bottom. (Swim suits worn of course)


I can sign Canadian passport applications made by people living in the U.K.


And what exactly did they do to those who did not reach that level?



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