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A frustrating day on the work front. A trip all the way to Birmingham to change a faulty part ended up not happening. The part was identical to the original but when replaced didn't work properly. After much head scratching and fault finding to make sure that I hadn't made a mistake a call to the manufacturer took place. It transpires that there are 2 versions of the part but that information is not published anywhere with only one minor change to the part not easily identifiable to the naked eye. Original part re-fitted and the correct part ordered for me to fit on Friday. It also means no POETS for me this week prior to Ally Pally on Saturday.


Like Stewart, I was more than happy when the Ginger Whinger didn't have the breakfast slot today. Even better news that he won't be there tomorrow morning either.


Rick - I hope that everything went as well as possible today.


Time to wander the world of RM.


Back later

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Common words could be identified across all areas of the north east but I am not certain if this is continuing.. examples


klarty... muddy

dunsh.. to bump into

poke ... a sack .. as in "a pig in a poke"



Those words (or close relatives) are (or were) known in Scotland as well.


Clarty ... clatty - more generally dirty than just muddy, though one of the farms that Sir Walter Scott bought on which to build his mansion of Abbotsford was called "Clarty Hole" after a muddy pool on the Tweed.


Dunsh ... dunt.


Poke ... same use.

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Evening all


Yep, was just about to mention that clarty is well kent in Scotland.


Brian, was very sorry to hear about your niece, am hopeful that the NHS will get on top of this really quickly.


Rick, I hope that the funeral service went well at Worthing today; never an easy thing.


Mr & Mrs NB happy belated anniversary!


We do use a blowtorch here but it is a cookery one for caramelising sugar on crème brûlée - not left on in the kitchen!


Am quite convinced that Wales won the match against France; if North was bitten that would have been a penalty and the ball would have been kicked into touch. As it was I couldn't believe it was a 20 minute scrumfest. And all that after France brought someone on who we thought was off. Ireland-England was a tough match but Ireland played really well. We have an Irish neighbour who was well pleased!  England are worthy 6Nations Champions, though. Here's to the Lions tour and also the 6Nations 2018.


Pete (Trisonic) - am looking for a jingly-jangly guitar like the 12-string Rickenbacker 360/12 - is that still the best one for the sound or are there newer better models available now?


Neil NHN - glad to see you're getting out and about a bit.


Snow expected here tmrw, cannae believe it!



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Ladies and gentlemen


Today went calmy, smoothly and with as much ease as I guess these things do. Dad was given a memorable, if quite simple, send off to meet the entity he always referred to as his "Friend Upstairs."


Despite being a cold, somewhat wet and windy day the senior members of the family, most in their own ninth decades, were on parade with us young 'uns, and the younger-still.


South West Trains threatened to spoil the party before we even left home. Over-running engineering works had wrecked the early morning and peak hour service. On this occasion the disruption actually helped as we caught a late-running train which was more or less in the path of the one we intended though that was cancelled. Southern were playing nice and we reached a drenched Worthing on time.


All the formal arrangements were flawless. I was allowed five minutes to speak and did so to a surprising burst of applause. I raised laughter, brought forth memories and celebrated the life of the man who guided and supported me for almost 60 years. And with not a moist eye nor a waver of the voice. Not while I was speaking, anyway.


We have done him proud. Mum was delighted and as resolute as might be expected after a partnership lasting 70 years and a marriage for three weeks short of 62.


Ladies and gentlemen of ERs. You have generously offered and posted your messages of sympathy and support for today and the past couple of weeks. I certainly felt supported by the kindness and generosity while addressing the chapel in one of the most challenging of all pieces of public speaking.


I thank you, and the family thanks you, all most sincerely.

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, then in the afternoon went to see "La La Land" (Second time, promised we'd go with some friends for mutual enjoyment).

I'm sure plenty of folks will consider/find it trite, but I really do enjoy the dance and music (very catchy but probably too simple for many), energy and it's overall pretty uplifting even though bittersweet.

BIG PLUSES are that no-one is mutilated/killed/murdered in it with all the associated blood/guts and gore, there are no ridiculous 100mph car chases, and no totally improbable extreme physical endeavors - makes it a refreshing change IMHO! :jester:


On with the day and week, let's go...



Any Yorkshiremen?


Best, Pete.

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Is this of interest to any scholastic type people? Posted on FB today.


After our hugely successful Schools Steaming Day last week, we are planning more! If you are a parent, teacher or school administrator and think your children could benefit from an educational visit to our heritage railway and a steam train ride, please get in touch for more information! Choose from Weds 26th April, 14th June or 12th July. Email: marketing@bucksrailcentre.org

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well I must have opened my mouth to soon this morning. It seems that the company updated all the iPad systems last Friday. Of course I was on holiday last week so my iPad didn't get done, did it. So as when I opened up the app that has the list of all my incomplete work on it, there was nothing there, zilch, nada! So I then contacted the dispatch team to ask where all the work was and was informed that I needed to update my iPad so that the work could be access. I finally managed to get the update down loaded, but not until after I'd contacted the IT department, luckily this team are based in Birmingham, but it still took about 2 hours to do in total. I've got to do the same thing with my iPhone, but that can wait.


Upon my return home, Sheila informed me that our bedroom door handle was sticking and she had struggled to get into the bedroom earlier. So I removed the handle and a good look and found that the plate that fits between the door knob and the door is worn. The solution will be to make a thick washer from brass, or maybe even phosphor bronze at the weekend.


Later I was informed that we need to go out to the TC to get a birthday present for our daughter. Why it had to be tonight I don't know, as her birthday is not until next month.


It's now time for bed, goodnight all.

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Good evening all. I hope the first official day of Spring finds you well. You may, or may not have noticed I have kept away from ER recently so I have rather lost track of what has been going on. Best wishes to you all.

For those who are interested here is an update on my working situation. The union membership is now in hand but, other than noting down the ongoing events, I still do not intend to take action until after I leave. The record certainly grew last week. The shortlisting for our new post occurred last week with head, chair of governors and two staff members present. My fellow deputy was joined by a staff member with just two years experience whilst I was omitted with no explanation. This was repeated for the subsequent interviews. I was also prevented from booking my choice of educational trip, instead forced to join two less experience staff members on their choice of trip. This does not really fit my planned needs.

I have also been asked to attend a teaching of swimming course despite the fact I cannot swim and expressed my concern at being asked to take charge of teaching something I cannot do.

As regards the job hunting - I have a visit arranged to one school for later in the week and have spied another possible post this evening. I am now prepared to look for plain teaching jobs as well as leadership posts - anything to get away. The post I saw tonight is at another local school. There is a bit of bad blood between the two head teachers so I am not sure how I would stand there. I get on OK with the other person so that should not be a problem, but an application there could result in the brown stuff hitting the fan in my current location!

At home Sarah is ill again with another flare up of her sinus issues. She managed little in the way of sleep last night. Not that many of us did. Amber joined us after waking up just before midnight. She was restless too. Part of that was the impending demise of her pet hamster. The little mite was clearly not well last night and was on the way out. I sat and held her for a while before bed. When Amber got up she came down to see where I was, and was upset to hear the news. Fortunately her pet breathed long enough for Amber to hold and stroke and say goodbye. She insisted on me taking a photograph too whilst the animal was still alive. The smile belies the tears that went before.




This evening we completed the burial, complete with a plant I bought from the local garden centre on the way home from work.



Sleep well all.

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  • RMweb Gold


We too have a corner of the garden where our small rodents are buried. Amber's hamster looks just like our last hamster, Coco. When we got Robbie, Coco made it quite clear she was senior pet. He never bothered her.

Work sounds unpleasant. Heads often have tiffs with other heads. Don't worry about that. It may even help.


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  • RMweb Gold

Andy glad to hear the union membership is in hand. It sounds like you really need it. I wouldn't worry about enquiring for other jobs it is something perfectly permissable. I think if they were to take any action because you had done so it could rebound on them. It cannot do any harm to your prospects where you are they seem to be going downhill anyway.


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Morning all. It looks like being a dry day even if it is a bit chilly.


Even though I slept well, I feel totally carp this morning. It probably doesn't help that I have quite a few things on my mind at the moment.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


I took a less than direct route to Kettering last night so as to take some photographs.  At this time of the morning and state of wakefulness I do not trust myself with resizing and/or cropping images to post them here but they should get done today, all being well.  The film show which was the reason for my trip to Kettering was suitably entertaining, thank goodness.  After the fodder run today should be quiet but said expedition will not take place until I have had a nice soak in the bath, hopefully to remove aches and pains.


Warm thoughts to all, particularly those in distress for whatever reason



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About a week ago on here, we were discussing people's names and what their parents could have been thinking when they named them. At the weekend, I had a NASCAR broadcast on in the background, and a mention of this new driver caught my attention. How's this for a name?  Young driver

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Morning All,


Glad to hear the funeral went well, Rick and nice to hear from Andy.


It is a rather grey morning here today - with rather a lot to do, so I had better get on!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all from the borough that knows no excitement.


Day 2 of sitting in a hot windowless, airless room full of people with varying degrees of personal hygiene. I expect it will be another wasted day. Meh.


To everyone else. Enjoy the daylight.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

It's dry and fresh, the sky is blue and the sun has made an appearance. It may not last as there is the possibility of showers turning heavy with a chance of hail and thunder. I knew it was too good to be true!.

Yesterday's shopping trip never happened as when we went out it took half an hour to travel a couple of miles due to an accident closing the A3 at Tolworth causing problems all around so we gave up. This means we're going today.

Tuesday = 2 x grandchildren due after school which is always a very good thing.

Have a great day,

Bob .

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

6 hours sleep last night which isn't too bad, although it took be me ages to actually get to sleep, even when aided by some Ibuprofen for all Sundays sailing aches and pains, followed by a glass of red.

For the third time in Just over a week my home PC went mad last night with Microsoft downloads, This morning I find that having been through our IT headquarters, all our PC's are now showing they also wish to be updated. In my lab there are 5 PC and in the lab which my lab is in there are another 25. This could be  a long day.....


A beautiful dawn this morning, starting just as I left the house, the sun is streaming in across the tops of partition land at the moment. There are still flooded fields though from yesterdays torrential rain.


Maybe that's why the radio came out to play....  the radio in the Landrover is mounted in a roof console, and halfway to work launched itself out of it's holder to hang on it's wire's. I had to find a place to stop and stuff it back in it's hole. Further investigations as to why it came out while have to wait for another day. Although I suspect the little bent bits of steel used in radio mounts decided to unbend themselves..


if the wind stays down a trip to a DIY shed is in store on the way home to get some 8X4 sheets of foam for the next stage of  layout building .





 Right time to go into battle now where has that DMM I need gone this time.

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Upon my return home, Sheila informed me that our bedroom door handle was sticking and she had struggled to get into the bedroom earlier. So I removed the handle and ...................


..........now she can't get out!

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