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  • RMweb Gold

My french is very limited and largely forgotten but I can remember this


Je suis ce que je suis, mais je ne suis pas ce que je suis. Si j'étais ce que je suis, je ne serais pas ce que je suis.


Which I suppose is a French Riddle.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It's been another busy day here today, but the weather has been awful, it's rained constantly, although it has occasionally decreased, it has not really stopped all day. After breakfast I decided to go straight down to the cellar to continue work on the towel rail. After sanding down the last coat and applying 2 more, it is now ready for a sealing coat of clear varnish.


It being Friday, it was the usual mayhem, that is tea with he grandkids, but only 3 here tonight as Ava had to be at the local hospital for 12:00 today as she had to have a tooth out. The dentist thought it would be best if she was unconscious for the procedure, so he referred her to hospital. All went well, she went to theatre just after 3:00 and she was home just after 5:00. She is however on soft foods for the next couple of days.


Thank you all for you kind words and support. Our niece has an aggressive form of cancer, which is currently at T3 stage. She will have the pleasure of both chemotherapy and radiotherapy to look forward to in the not too distant future, we all have our fingers crossed.


Andy. I had bursitis a number of years ago, it can be very uncomfortable. If I recall correctly, I was off work for a couple of weeks.


Hic. I notice it is now almost wine o'clock.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think Matthew's Dutch language skills may have been adequate this morning. Something went wrong with his bike this morning so he took it to a local bike repair shop in Zeist. They said it needed a new back wheel and it would be 100 Euro. As he only paid 60 Euro for the bike he is looking for a replacement, but in Utrecht tomorrow. His old bike wasn't at all smart and was quite old but he liked it. His understanding of mechanisms is quite poor so he wouldn't be able to fix it but he does understand uneconomic repairs.


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  • RMweb Premium

E'ning all. Overcast tonight and a band of rain has passed earlier, with more of that plus strong wind on the forecast. Not due to any sort of curry, I should add!


My active French is essentially limited to, "La guerre, yes, Sir." Go figure. :jester:


Enjoy your evening. I'll see to doing the same on Line 12 later!

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My wife just took a phone call from a "computer repair company", telling her that they were getting messages saying there were problems with our computer. She asked "Is this one of those fake phone calls, trying to get access to our computer?", to which the answer was "Yes". End of phone call.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. The alarm that woke me last night turned out to be next doors burglar alarm. Not a break in fortunately but a fault with the alarm. That was why it was not as noisy as you would expect such an alarm to be but neither would it switch off, so it kept on making a noise for most of the day. Someone must have contacted the neighbour as about 5:30 this afternoon he came rushing back to silence the alarm, which still didn't want to stop judging by the noises emanating from it for about half an hour. I debated offering my club hammer as a means of stopping the thing  but he managed to stop it eventually without resorting to violence.

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A reasonable day where most things went according to plan. Just a pity about the last part of the journey home.


Brian - Not great news but hopefully the treatments will be successful.


AndrewC - That sounds very painful. I hope that treatment is swift.


Jamie - The changes in pre-hospital practice over the last 10 years have made significant changes with a far higher rate of survival and recovery giving an excellent quality of life.


My thoughts are with all 3 of you.


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

Fingers crossed, Brian.


Phil, that once happened to a neighbour of ours, turned out they had moved away, and the new buyer turned the power off - the alarm sounded on a battery for hours and hours.  We got environmental health out, who put a notice through the door giving half an hours notice.  Came in and had a cuppa, then got his ladder out after the half hour and smashed it off the wall! Result.

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Je suis ce que je suis, mais je ne suis pas ce que je suis. Si j'étais ce que je suis, je ne serais pas ce que je suis.


I am what I am, but I am not that which I am. If I was what I am, I would not be what I am.


Just trying to grasp the profanity!

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  • RMweb Gold

I am what I am, but I am not that which I am. If I was what I am, I would not be what I am.


Just trying to grasp the profanity!


No that is not how I read it. You can read it how you said but it can be read differently. As I said a French Riddle


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No that is not how I read it. You can read it how you said but it can be read differently. As I said a French Riddle


I suspect that my translation, based on many years of communicating in French, might have been too literal for you.

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  • RMweb Premium

Was thinking of taking Mein Kampf to court on Monday for a little light reading. :nono:

I may have mentioned this before.  Our large bookstore chain (who absorbed WHS) banned carrying that book. About the same time, they rebuilt their stores, eliminating a lot of the friendly seating areas they had. A letter to the paper observed, "Not only has she removed Mein Kampf; she has now removed mein sofa!"


I'm starting to play with insulation as we need to make a 10% improvement to get a government rebate. The inspector noticed some marks around the pipes that were put in for the new water heater. There was another section with a lot of black debris behind the plastic wrap. When I opened this up, it seemed like a mix of papery stuff and grit. I wonder if we had wasps or something. There is a sump pump pipe going through the wall there and enough slack that there is a breeze. Today I bought expanding foam and the smallest roll of pink fiberglass.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl,

Five hours sleep was had, but I'm feeling quite rough at the moment, I'll try for some more shortly.


A reasonable day was had at work, with my manager giving me my pay rise for the year and again apologising for my low pay. But in a big multinational that's all controlled from on high, as a rough guess I'm paid £10,000 a year less than the next lowest person in the department they are all paid enough, not to qualify for overtime pay.


Further road works are expected to cause me problems, the NDR road works have the ballast levelled and rolled right up to the edge of the current road. It's a couple of feet higher than the current road surface, which will lead to some interesting temporary road level changes.


I went to the MRC last night, sadly it was not well attended, one member was away for further hospital treatment and his rail enthusiast wife ( the real member of the MRC)) was with him. Another member was away at a social event where his wife is in a nursing home. Others have been attending the MRC during the daytime. I did some work to the layout i have been restoring but without the owners attendance there wasn't lot i could do.


I must do some more work to make more baseboards for my own layout.


Its Blowing strongly outside but not as badly as last night, the forecast of rain ensures i will be continuing on wiring the shed today and hopefully some manfacture of bits for base boards.


Right time for an attempted snooze see you later...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Less windy up here in the North West Leeds Highlands this morning.

Our scorers course starts at 9:30 in Denby Dale (I will wave to Jamie on the way past.)


A very  professional update has been done to the course material so it should be good.

Hope the day goes as well as it can for everyone.



edited to correct some of the tablet inspired spellung mistakes

Edited by Barry O
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Morning all. Another windy day to contend with.


Sleep came easily last night but I just wish that there could have been more of it.


I'm off out in a while to visit some family but it is only a short visit so I may be back in time to do some modelling for a change.


TheQ's post about attending MRC got me thinking. I haven't been able to attend mine since before Christmas thanks to work and personal commitments. This is something that I need to rectify quickly.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


An item on You and Yours grabbed my attention yesterday.  It seems that some users of a paraffin based emollient cream have suffered severe or fatal burns after a naked flame got too close to the person to which it had been applied or the bedclothes on which they had been lying.  As any fule kno, paraffin is flammable.  That should be sufficient warning without the manufacturers being made to explain it in a Janet and John manner.  It so happens that I was prescribed the version of this cream made by Cetraben, which is the same as E45 only different, to soften the skin on my legs after an outbreak of cellulitis, hence my interest.  It beats me how anyone can be so stupid as to smoke in bed at all, particularly when said bed is a gigantic paraffin-soaked wick.  That said, many things surpass all understanding.


With any luck today will be quiet and the ironing will get done.  Tomorrow will see me taking on the M1 again, this time to get to the Nottingham show.  Sort of on the way home I plan to have a cuppa with one of my 93 year old aunts.  I expect her to berate me for not having photographed the street sign at the entrance to Foren Crescent.  Such an omission must be remedied, and quickly.  A cunning plan begins to form.  Watch this space ...


Warm thoughts to all, particularly those in distress for whatever reason



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